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In this paper the authors utilise findings from the Economic and Social Research Council‐funded InterActive Education project to present a characterisation of the sub‐culture of school music with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in England. They consider the opportunities and challenges ICT presents to the teaching of primary (ages 4–11) and secondary (ages 11–18) classroom music through an investigation of the perceptions, personal philosophies and pedagogical styles of seven teachers with whom they worked over a period of three years. Their work is underpinned by Goodson and Mangan’s definition of subject sub‐culture and they draw on Shulman’s notion of ‘knowledge bases’ in order to categorise and discuss the data. Through the identification and elaboration of key themes, the authors provide a snapshot of the emerging sub‐culture of music and ICT in schools.  相似文献   

The rationale behind the project is based on the belief that the study of a work of literature can effectively open a window of opportunity for pupils to study other countries’ cultures and identities as well as contribute to pupils’ own identity construction and to the understanding of the identity of others. Information and communication technologies serve as an educational catalyst for collaborative learning which transcends national boundaries and presents pupils with the opportunity to study cultural and identity similarities and differences, to strengthen their national identities and, at the same time, to appreciate the characteristics of other identities and cultures.

L’étude de la Littérature et de la Culture dans un environnement fondé sur la Toile

L’idée qui sous‐tend ce projet repose sur le fait que l’on croit que l’étude d’une ?uvre littéraire peut effectivement constituer une fenêtre pour les élèves, l’occasion d’étudier les cultures et les identités d’autres pays tout en contribuant à la construction de la propre identité de ces élèves et à la compréhension de l’identité des autres. Les TIC servent de catalyseur éducatif pour faciliter l’apprentissage collaboratif qui transcende les frontières nationales et offre aux élèves l’occasion d’étudier les ressemblances et les différences de cultures et d’identités, de renforcer leurs identités nationales et en même temps d’apprécier les caractéristiques d’autres identités et cultures.

Das Studium von Literatur und Kultur in einer Web‐basierten Umgebung

Die logische Grundlage dieses Projekts ist die Überzeugung, dass ein Studium im Bereich von Literatur wirksam sowohl ein Fenster zum Einblick in andere Kulturen und Identitäten öffnen kann, als auch zum eigenen Identitätsaufbau der Schüler und zum Verständnis der Identität anderer beitragen kann. ICT dient damit als Bildungskatalysator für kooperatives Lernen, damit die nationalen Grenzen überwunden werden können und bietet den Schülern die Gelegenheit, kulturelle‐ und Identitätsähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zu erkennen, um ihre nationalen Identitäten zu stärken und gleichzeitig die Merkmale anderer Identitäten und Kulturen kennen und schätzen zu lernen.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on a project funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council considering how people position themselves in relation to popular representations of mathematics and mathematicians, we explore constructions of mathematicians in popular culture and the ways learners make meanings from these. Drawing on an analysis of popular cultural texts, we argue that popular discourses overwhelmingly construct mathematicians as white, heterosexual, middle‐class men, yet also construct them as ‘other’ through systems of binary oppositions between those doing and those not doing mathematics. Turning to the analysis of a corpus of 27 focus groups with school and university students in England and Wales, we explore how such images are deployed by learners. We argue that while learners’ views of mathematicians parallel in key ways popular discourses, they are not passively absorbing these as they are simultaneously aware of the clichéd nature of popular cultural images.  相似文献   


The financial constraints imposed upon local government over the past decade have forced many authorities to make savings rapidly and in conditions of considerable uncertainty. Education, as the largest spender and with falling pupil numbers, has often provided the bulk of these savings. In many authorities these have been made in an unplanned, piecemeal fashion and have seriously damaged the service. This paper considers the possibility of a ‘cuts culture’ in which continuing contraction is planned for as part of corporate policy. It raises important questions about the nature of schooling, the relationship between schools and the community and control over the financing of education. It suggests that a case might be made for substantial change, but not unbridled, insensitive reform. The importance of defending, as well as reforming the system is stressed, and the organizational implications of this are considered.  相似文献   

One of the ongoing debates in Canadian higher education is the dilemma of the brain drain and the seemingly conflicting goals between the strategies and intentions of various government departments. While Citizenship and Immigration Canada aims to recruit the brightest students from across the globe to study in Canada and to enable their long‐term stay as permanent residents and ultimately as citizens, the Canadian International Development Agency is mandated to strengthen human capacity in developing countries. This paper provides a critical analysis of the brain drain problem by juxtaposing Canadian policies with Cuban policies as manifested in the two countries’ divergent approaches to international students and tertiary education scholarships for students from poorer countries. Following an overview of the existing scholarship programmes in both countries, ethical and philosophical considerations are examined that appear to underlie the two countries’ individual‐rights‐based and collective‐rights‐based justifications for making decisions about the terms on which students from other countries are permitted to study in Canada and Cuba.  相似文献   

This paper reviews literacy learning conducted in two laboratory preschools in Hong Kong and Canada, and examines the link between cultural values and educational practices. Both preschools maintain that a constructivist view of child learning underpins their practice. However, the author's experience in these two settings illustrates how similarities and differences are identified in the scope, focus, implementation strategies and learning outcomes of the activities observed. Reasons for these findings are explored from the perspectives of cultural values and societal beliefs in education of the East and the West, and how the constructivist ideology is espoused in these settings. Implications of this cross‐cultural comparison on the issue of ‘best practice’ in early childhood education are discussed.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the theory of institutional habitus by exploring the differing ways in which the institutional habitus of two schools in Belfast, Northern Ireland mediates the local habitus of working‐class boys. All of the boys in this qualitative case study live in the same disadvantaged working‐class community but attend two different schools, depending on whether they succeeded or failed in an examination at the age of 11 years. It is argued that these schools have different mediating effects on the boys’ common habitus. While most studies of working‐class boys focus on underachievement, and most studies of working‐class success focus on females, this article draws together the strands of success, failure, working‐class boys and locality, and examines the ways in which identity is constructed and reconstructed in response to schooling. Questions are raised about the interpretation and/or misrecognition of working‐class culture in schools and within the wider discourses of society.  相似文献   

This paper conducts a reading of the popular film Spider‐Man by examining the use of shadow archetypes in the portrayal of the Green Goblin. The Gram Goblin character provides a complex representation of villainy in a modem popular narrative. Utilizing cultural definitions of shadow in mythology, this paper discerns that the Goblin incorporates two traditional portals of access to the shadow, the mirror and the mask. These two symbols allow the audience access to the shadow, but at the same time allow the shadow to remain elusive. Ultimately, I argue for the use of polysemic analysis, particularly hermeneutic depth, in mythological criticism. By positioning mythic criticism as a way of understanding polysemy in contemporary narrative, we are able to ascertain patterns of mythic context rather than mythological retellings in narratives.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations Theory, which suggests that adoption of a specific innovation is critically influenced by the way the adopters receive it, this article aims at presenting the implementation process of such an innovation in the form of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in an English as a Foreign Language teaching context. Conceptualised as interview research, the study used an open‐ended protocol and spontaneously generated probes to seek teachers' profiles involved in the CALL uptake. Applying Hagner and Schneebeck's adaptation of Rogers' ‘adopters’ characterisation scheme, it was discovered that risk‐aversive teachers dominated the group of teachers involved in the implementation. This article also defines some of the strategies employed during the implementation process to meet the teachers' needs, and encourage their involvement in the actual CALL uptake.  相似文献   

This paper explores major historiographic “turns” in history of education with a focus, although not exclusively, on English-speaking Canada. It addresses the transformative intellectual impact of the turn toward social history on the history of education, the impact of cultural history and the linguistic turn, the reception of Michel Foucault, and the state of the debate in history at-large today and its implications for the history of education. It also attempts to contextualise the intellectual trends permeating the writing of the history of education in light of developments in education, and signals new directions in historiography influencing history of education. Given the limitations of space, rather than engaging in a historiographical analysis of individual historians of education, the paper traces broad trends, while highlighting the contributions of a significant few.  相似文献   

This paper deals with English teachers who work with deaf and hard‐of‐hearing (D/HH) students. In France deaf students are required to attend foreign language classes – mostly English classes. The purpose is not to teach them British sign language (BSL) or American sign language (ASL), but written and/or spoken English. Indeed, sign languages are distinct from spoken languages and differ from country to country: there is no universal sign language. English teachers of the deaf are mostly hearing people. They work either in mainstream or special schools. Most of them have no specific qualifications. In this context, they are faced with the tremendous challenge of how to adjust their teaching to their students’ impairment and at the same time develop the latter's knowledge and skills in English. In order to analyse teaching practices in English classes, questionnaires, interviews and in‐class observations in several special and mainstream schools were conducted. Findings show that different teaching strategies are used in order to make English lessons accessible to D/HH students: teachers have to adapt their teaching language and also use written and visual supports to accommodate D/HH students. Obviously teacher training needs to be improved.  相似文献   

The main research question that underpinned this study was whether there is a link between staff perceptions of school climate and staff attitudes towards the inclusion of students with recognized learning disabilities. This investigation was conducted with reference to the notion of ‘changing’ or ‘moving’ cultures. The study relied on the perceptions of headteachers, counsellors and teachers in five secondary schools in the Tel‐Aviv area, Israel. The method of enquiry applied was the survey approach via a questionnaire to all staff at these schools and the interpretative approach via a smaller number of in‐depth interviews with a subset of these staff members. The analysis and conclusion indicated that although most schools now demonstrate ‘moving’ cultures and a collaborative climate, attitudes towards students with learning disabilities are ambivalent. The paper ends with suggestions for further research to enhance connectivity between of management culture and special educational needs.  相似文献   

The article explores the need to eat as a biological and social practice among children in a preschool in Norway. The children in this preschool are aged from one to two years of age, and some of them have just started there. Different events from mealtimes relate to Derrida's concept of touch and Grosz's notion of bodies in‐place and out‐of‐place. How food touches the children and the practitioners is further discussed through a consideration of body/place relations, which are both material and reflect pedagogical discourses. Its overall context is not only touching the food in a concrete sense, but also food as touch seen as a philosophical concept. Analyzing touching relations around the table including movements in materiality, bodies and discourses of eating may empower the youngest children in a preschool setting.  相似文献   


The growing field of clinical‐developmental psychology has been influenced by Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral judgement. Too literal a use of structural theory, however, has hindered this field's advancement. This paper argues that a new theory of self is required to apply appropriately developmental theory to clinical practice. The model consists of two related dimensions of self: self‐complexity and biographical themes (schemata and themata). A perspective on normal and atypical development given by the interactions between these components is described and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   


A cost‐effectiveness analysis of training Army National Guard soldiers by audio teletraining technology was conducted. The trainees were n = 225 soldiers nationwide. About half of the trainees received training in a three‐week Unit Clerk Course through traditional residence training, and the remainder received the same instruction through audio teletraining. Objective performance data were collected from written tests on sixteen of the forty‐seven tasks taught. The percentage of trainees in the audio teletraining group that reached criterion (93%) on the first test was significantly higher (by statistical test) than the residence group (85%). In comparing costs, the audio teletraining group had lower training costs per trainee. Projected on an annual basis, the Army National Guard can save $292,404 per year through the use of audio teletraining for the Unit Clerk Course.  相似文献   

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