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To date, limited attention has been paid to the relationship of young female Muslims in Western Europe and sport. However as the present review will reveal, this relationship can be described as problematic and therefore needs specific attention. On the one hand, research has indicated that most of these girls have a positive attitude towards sport. While on the other hand, their actual level of sport participation is very low in comparison to other youngsters. It is often stated that this discrepancy is caused by the fact that sport participation is highly restricted by Islamic living rules especially for females. And yet a number of authors have argued that Islam does not obstruct females' sport participation. The present paper attempts to provide more insight in a number of characteristics of the relationship between Islam and the sport participation of Muslim girls who live in Western Europe. Finally, some recommendations for a sport promotion policy and future research directions are formulated.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that reflecting upon our personal experiences and the origins of our ethical and political beliefs can be useful to see that, as much as society has a strong influence on us, each of us has the capacity to influence society. Also we suggest that there exist intimate links between personhood and pedagogy. As such, through the use of bio-pedagogical passages, we examine the process of coming to the realisation of the need to develop ethical principles that enable us to contribute to society in universally beneficial ways through our teaching. Moreover, we explain that, as they try to help prospective educators understand their future role in society, physical education teacher educators (PETEs) ought to start with clear ethical principles, not just merely technical (or even scientific) ones. These principles, in turn, can serve as a guide for all pedagogical (read political) actions, both inside and outside the classroom. We close this paper offering viable guidelines as to how this can be done.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of ‘transformative pedagogy’ (TP) in physical education and sport pedagogy (PESP) and research in order to provide an alternative perspective on freedom, justice and the limits of transformation. Although some of the limits of TP have already been pointed out in the literature, such limits have been presented as though originating and having to be resolved out there, in socio-cultural–political contexts. In an attempt to redirect the attention from the social to the personal, this paper points out the possibility of TP's limits being also within critical pedagogues and researchers ourselves. After analyzing three barriers to (self-)consciousness/knowledge (SC/K), two viable methods for developing SC/K and transformation are provided.  相似文献   

Pupils with disabilities have been found to experience a narrower physical education curriculum and participate less frequently than pupils without disabilities. A lack of knowledge, skills, relevant experiences and confidence amongst physical education (PE) teachers has been said to contribute to these differential educational experiences. This article adds to the paucity of research that analyses the PE experiences of pupils with disabilities while, at the same time, evaluating embodied pedagogy as a tool for better preparing PE teachers for their role as inclusive educators. Specifically, the article aims to: (1) explore the PE experiences of a university student named Violeta who lives with the condition of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI); (2) analyse the views of a group of prospective teachers who participated in a PE lesson (Experience 1) which included Violeta; and (3) examine the perceptions of a group of prospective teachers who participated in a simulated attempt at embodied pedagogy (Experience 2). Data were gathered using field notes, observations and interviews with Violeta and the prospective teachers who participated in Experience 1 and Experience 2. The findings suggest that in both Experience 1 and 2, the prospective teachers developed a greater aware of OI and a more positive attitude towards inclusive PE. That said, the nature of the student learning experience and their ability to empathetically imagine themselves in, and through, the bodies of others that were different from themselves varied significantly in Experience 1 and 2. Such a contrast, especially in relation to notions of alterity, related to the presence or absence of the other as a corporeal entity involved in the lessons. Neither Experience 1 or 2 was found to be ‘better’ than the other, they simply provided different contexts, resources and opportunities for learning to take place. We discuss some implications of these differences for those wishing to engage in embodied forms of pedagogy as a way of helping prospective teachers to have the knowledge, skills and experience to develop a more inclusive culture in school PE.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to highlight how I use images from teen magazines to engage girls in critical inquiry about the body. This process is about co-constructing bodily knowledge and reflecting critically on this knowledge. The analysis is broken into three main parts: (a) tapping girls' interests; (b) helping girls name how they experience their bodies; and (c) using images to critique dominant stories of the body. Within each of these sections, I will foreground the process by looking at the curricular tasks as well as the verbal engagement through which the girls and I negotiated the tasks together. The data are used to illustrate the pedagogical possibilities of engaging girls in critical inquiry on body. I conclude the paper by discussing the pedagogical possibilities for studying the body with adolescent girls that emerged and reflect critically on the struggles involved in the process of engaging girls in critical inquiry.  相似文献   

As digital tracking technologies such as heart rate monitors are being implemented into physical education classrooms with increased frequency, ‘techno-enthusiasts’ and ‘sceptics’ alike are attempting to understand the implications of these practices. Focusing on heart rate monitors in physical education, I utilize Foucauldian theories and actor-network-theory to extend the scholarship within the sociology of sport and physical education literature that has studied the relationship between technologies and the (in)active body. To better understand how the feedback loop of heart rate monitoring functions in the university-level physical education class that was studied here—or indeed, does not function—I consider the material-semiotic networks that variously form or fail to form alliances through the feedback loop of heart rate monitoring. These include the numerous technologies and bodies that are a part of this assemblage, an interest in heart rate data, and knowledge about heart rate. I conclude by arguing that we need to move beyond the techno-utopian/techno-dystopian dualism that often frames examinations of technology in PE.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to suggest and illustrate a methodological approach for studies of learning in physical education (PE) and sport pedagogy in order to investigate and clarify the relation between how people learn and the settings or context in which they learn. Drawing on the work of John Dewey, the later works of Ludwig Wittgenstein and socio-cultural approaches, a practical epistemology analysis (PEA) with a focus on aesthetic judgements is suggested as a way of developing a valuable approach for investigating situated learning. The approach is illustrated by an analysis of a biographical story written by the English author Jenny Diski. As can be seen from the illustration, the significance of aesthetic experience for learning is visible when an author tells us about skating as a child. By using PEA to examine aesthetic experience—operationalised through the aesthetic judgements the author includes in the story—we can shed light on the relation between the skater and the situation in which skating takes place. The fact that aesthetic judgements are used by the author normatively to decide what is to be included and excluded in skating, and also that aesthetic judgements are used to make relations between the skater and her life as a whole, facilitates an exploration of the relation between the sports learner and the life situation in which learning is situated.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料研究法和问卷调查法等研究方法,对太原市小学体育教师培养学生社会适应能力的现状进行调查,旨在了解小学《体育与健康教学大纲》实施以来,太原市小学体育教师在培养学生社会适应能力、在教学内容、教学方法以及教学评价等方面存在的问题,并提出一些建议,以期为太原市小学体育教育提供相应的帮助。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法等,对新疆生产建设兵团体育教师队伍现状进行调查研究,结果表明:中小学体育教师职称结构、学历水平总体偏低;教师工作任务艰巨、福利待遇偏低、教学环境简陋;培训机会匮乏、教改意识淡薄、科研水平低等影响新课标贯彻落实。结合实际,有针对性提出一系列举措,以期为促进兵团中小学体育师资队伍发展起到抛砖引玉作用。  相似文献   

Ongoing events in the United States show the continual need to address issues of social justice in every social context. Of particular note in this article, the contemporary national focus on race has thrust social justice issues into the forefront of the country's conscious. Although legal segregation has ran its course, schools and many neighborhoods remain, to a large degree, culturally, ethnically, linguistically, economically, and racially segregated and unequal (Orfield & Lee, 2005). Even though an African American president presently occupies the White House, the idea of a postracial America remains an unrealized ideal. Though social justice and racial discussions are firmly entrenched in educational research, investigations that focus on race are scant in physical education literature. Here, we attempt to develop an understanding of social justice in physical education with a focus on racial concerns. We purposely confine the examination to the U.S. context to avoid the dilution of the importance of these issues, while recognizing other international landscapes may differ significantly. To accomplish this goal, we hope to explicate the undergirding theoretical tenants of critical race theory and culturally relevant pedagogy in relation to social justice in physical education. Finally, we make observations of social justice in the physical education and physical education teacher education realms to address and illuminate areas of concern.  相似文献   

为探究新加坡学校体育研究热点问题,以Web of Science核心合集数据库为数据来源,搜索1990-2019年以来,以新加坡学校体育为研究主题的相关文献176篇。利用科学计量学软件CiteSpace V对所获取的文献资料进行基于知识图谱的可视化分析。研究表明:新加坡学校体育领域研究发文量呈波浪式递增趋势,并且分为三个阶段;新加坡学校体育研究领域的科研机构可以分为三类,分别是高等教育院校、社会健康科研机构和公立医院,且高等教育院校是研究的主要力量,其中以南洋理工大学发文量最为突出;作者合作分析中,高产作者初步形成了合作规模,但合作形式单一,不利于跨地域、跨学科的交叉融合。而研究热点主要以青少年儿童为研究对象,体育运动、身体活动等为研究项目;肥胖、视力问题以及影响青少年健康行为的心理学相关概念等为研究内容。其中,青少年儿童的体质健康提升问题一直是新加坡学校体育研究关注的焦点。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等研究方法,对高校体育教师课程思政教学现状进行研究。结果表明:当前,高校体育教师课程思政教学主要存在认识之疑、价值之惑、实践之难,分析其原因主要有宏观、中观与微观三个层面。由此提出通过认识重建、价值重构、实践重理的方式澄清高校体育教师课程思政教学面临的问题,并建议高校体育教师可以通过:夯实理论基础,提升体育课程思政教学的学理性;掌握融通方法,增强体育课程思政教学的实效性;积极实践反思,强化体育课程思政教学的针对性;不断研究创新,拓展体育课程思政教学的指向性四大策略来消解所面临的问题。  相似文献   

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