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1.add to/add…toadd to表示“增加,增添”,其中add是不及物动词,to是介词;add…to表示“把……加到……上去”,其中add是及物动词,to是介词。例如:1)Fireworks added to the attraction of the festivalnight.烟火使节日之夜更加生色。2)Would you please add a few notes tO the article?请您给这篇文章加几条注释好吗?2.apply to/apply…toapply to表示“适用,提出申请或要求等”;apply…to表示“把……应(施)用于……等”,例如:1)The principle of diligence and frugality applies toall undertakings.勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。2)We should apply the theory to practice.我们应该把理论应用到实践中去。  相似文献   

余阳 《初中生必读》2009,(Z2):29-30
add…to,add to,add up和add up to都有"加"的意思,它们有什么区别吗?请看:1.add…to意思是"把……加到……上去"。如:Please add my name to your mailing list.请把我的名字加入你们的邮件名单中。  相似文献   

ADD1、作及物动词,表示:(1)把……加起来,计算……的总和If u add 5 to 10,yot get 15.5加10得15.(2)增加,增添The fire is going out;Will you add some coal?炉火就要灭,你添点煤好吗?She tasted her coffee,and then added more sugar.她尝了口咖啡,接着又往里加了点糖.(3)补充说,接着说,进一步说(或写)“But money is not euerything”,he added.他接着说,“但是钱并不等于一切.”I’d like to add that we are pleased With the result.我想补充说明的是我们对结果感到满意.  相似文献   

add I.vt.1.添,添加;加上:If the tea is too strong,add some more water.若是茶太浓,就加些水。2.把……加起来;Add 3 and/to 3 and you get six.3加3等于6。Ⅱ.vi.1.做加法:The little girl does not know how to add yet.这个小女孩不懂得如何做加法。2.增加:You can look for new stamps to add to your collection.你可以找些新邮票丰富你的邮集。  相似文献   

1.take与bring(1)take是动词,意为"拿走,带去"。take...to...意为"把……带给(拿到)……"。例如:Please take these books to the classroom.请把这些书带到教室去。(2)bring意为"拿来,带来"。bring sth./sb.to+地点意为"把某物带到某地来"。bring+sth.+for+sb.意为"给某人带来某物"。例如:Could you please bring the eraser forme?你可以把橡皮拿给我吗?2.good,well与nice(1)good意为"好的,合适的,擅长的",  相似文献   

1.你能替我把这信息告诉她吗?误:Could you tell her the message for me?正:Could you take the message to her for me?析:"给……捎个口信,传个话",只能用take,convey,passon,carry等,不能用tell。如:give/take a message to..."给……捎个口信";leave a  相似文献   

The Word
A: I say, I say, I say. What five-letter word becomes shorterwhen you add two letters to it? B" I don't know. What five-letter word does become shorterwhen you add two letters to it? A" Short.  相似文献   

add...to, add to, add up和add up to都有“加”的意思,它们有什么区别吗?请看:  相似文献   

问有这样两个句子:1.Please take these things to your sister.2.Can you bring some,things to school?在这两个句子中,同样是把某物"拿"到某处,为什么表达方式却不一样呢?答take和bring这两个词都有"带、拿"的意思。但两者还是有所不同的。take表示"拿走、带走",通常指从说话人这里拿到别处;而bring表示"拿来、带来",通常指从别处拿到说话人这里。例如:  相似文献   

Do you have breakfast everyday?Do you some times forget to have breakfastif you are in a hurry to go toschool?That’sa bad habitbecause itcan do greatharmto your health.Today,I w ill teach you to cook tw otypesoftoasts(吐司)forbreakfast.Y ou can serve ittoyour w hole fam ily on a w eekend m orning.I betallofyou w illlove it!1.Cutthe bread into slices(片).D on’tforgettorem ove the crust(面包皮).如果你特别喜欢吃面包边儿,也可以留着,不过面包边比较硬,会影响口感。2.打两个鸡蛋,搅拌均匀。Then add theraisins(葡萄干)to it.Ifyourbread issalty,youdon’tneed to add any m...  相似文献   

正A.need的用法●表示"需要"时为实意动词,后面可以加名词,也可以加不定式:Ineed a pen.D o you need any beer?N o,Idon’t.Ineed to have a rest.N eed doing=need to be done(表示被动)The flow ers need w atering.=The flow ers need to be w atered.花需要浇水。  相似文献   

If you were asked to describe a com-puter, you would probably say something like, "It's a machine with a screen and a keyboard like a typewriter. You can type in words or numbers, and the computer answers you with words or numbers." If you had used a computer before, you might add, "You can also save on a disk in-  相似文献   

正一、unless的基本含义unless可以用来引导条件从句,其基本含义是"如果不"或"除非",在语义上相当于"if...not"。如:1.a.You won’t pass the test unless you study hard.b.You won’t pass the test if you don’t study hard.解析:这两句的意思是一样的,a句可译成"除非你用功学习,否则你就不会通过考试",b句可译成"如果你不用功学习,你就不会通过考试"。其实,unless一词的英文释义是except on the condition that(除了在……的条件下)或except under the circumstances that(除了在……的情形下),也就是把unless  相似文献   

英语中used to...意为"过去做……"、"以前是……",表示与现在的情况进行比较,这种动作已经成为过去的事实,现在已经不再这样了。例如:There used to be an old house near the river.从前在  相似文献   

一、加(add) 英语中的“加”用add表示,来自拉丁语addo:ad即“to”;do即“put”,合起来即put to,也就是“加上”。请看例句:  相似文献   

黄斌 《今日中学生》2006,(28):27-28
1.please please表示“请”,用在祈使句前时应用升调重读,后常接动词原形。若用在祈使句后,用逗号隔开,一般用降调轻读。例如:Please don"t do that again.或Don"t do that again,please.Please read it slowly.或Read it slowly,please.句型Will(Would)you please...?较上面的句型更客气委婉。例如:Will you please help me to move the desk and the chair?“if you please”常译作“劳驾”,相当于“excuse me”。例如:If you please(Excuse me),how can I go to the station?please作及物动词还可表示“使……高兴”;短语be pleased(…  相似文献   

杨恩莲 《高中生》2008,(12):12-13
1.curious考点点拨curious意为"好奇的",可构成短语becuri-ousabout,表示"对……好奇"。如:Don’t be toocurious aboutwhat has nothingtodowith you.不要对与你无关的事太过于好奇。考例(2006年高考辽宁卷)People have always  相似文献   

"Hello, I'm Shelley. How are you today? Nice to see you." "Fine, thank you. Nice to see you, too." 深冬时节,卢氏县石川镇马耳岩小学五年级的学生和远在万里之外的 Shelley老师如约"上课",师生互动亲切流畅,这是该校引...  相似文献   

Unit 13 1.I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant…我宁愿去Blue Lagoon餐厅,……would rather意为"宁愿……",表示句子主语的愿望、选择,后接省去to的不定式。He’d rather join you in the English Group.他宁愿加入到你的英语小组中来。2.Loud music makes me happy.  相似文献   

易错易混点1 It depends./It’s up to you./It’s hard to say./I hate to say this.It depends."看情况而定",表示目前还不确定,要看情况发展而确定;It’s up to you."你看着办吧",表示说话者无所谓或无权做出决定,由对方做出决定;It’s hard to say."情况很难预料",不好说;I hate to say this."我不想这样说"。  相似文献   

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