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How Far Can You See? If you stood on the shore looking across the sea to the horizon (地平线 the line appearing to separate earth from sky), you might be able to see about two and a half miles. But the higher you stood the farther you would be able to see. As the earth is curved  相似文献   

On Miracle     
Suppose I stood on the, root of a ten-story building.In midair, a whirlwind swept me up. and brought me safely to the ground.  相似文献   

1、China stood still.Heads bowed,helmets in their hands,soldiers balanced on the rubble.A mother whose child had died wept quietly in her van.Thousands gathered under the portrait of Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square.中国静默了.军人垂下头,手托钢盔,站在废墟上.一位失去孩子的母亲在面包车里默默流泪.成千上万人聚集在天安门广场的毛主席像下.  相似文献   

I met Connie the day she was 1)admitted to the 2)hospice 3)ward,where I worked as a volunteer.Her husband,Bill,stood nervously nearby.Although Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer,she was 4)cheerful.We got her 5)settled in.I finished marking her name on all the hospital 6)supplies she would be using,then asked if she needed anything.  相似文献   

From the willow walk projectend a slight wooden pier ending in a sort of pagoda-like summerhoust and in the pagoda a lady stood laening against from sleep That vision of the past was a dream and the reality was what awalted him in the house on the bank overhead  相似文献   

A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to 1 . So he stood up and rang the bell. 2 make sure the driver heard him, he rang it twice,  相似文献   

One yuan The teacher asked Tom:Why did you come to school so late this morning? Someone lost one yuan, answered Tom. Oh,I know.You helped him find the money,the teacher said. No,I stood on the money until the person went away.  相似文献   

A Flower "Last night, I stood below the window of my girlfriend and sang love songs toher. She threw down a flower towards me." "Then, how do you explain the scar on your head? " "Oh, she had forgotten to take the flower out of the flowerpot."  相似文献   

It was love at first sight On the Second of July Met her on the third floor Four times in one night It was a little bit of magic And the time stood still She took me to another side She got the key to my will Tell me how could such a good thing only last...  相似文献   

One day,I received a report from the English teacher. At that time, I happened to have lunch with my. parents as well as my grandma. When the postman rang the bell, I stood up to open the door.But on seeing the visitor, it was too late, I could do nothing but take the letter.  相似文献   

(A)Why doesn't the hungry polar bear eat the penguin?When the students of Class Four were having a lesson, Liu Lei was asleep. Mr. Wang patted(拍) on his back and said, Wake up, please. And answer my questions.Liu Lei woke up suddenly and stood up quickly.  相似文献   

I stood on the 1)edge of the 2)diving boerd end looked down into the deep,dark water.All of the other kids were in the pool,or behind me,waiting for their turn,but I didn't want to jump.The shadows from the nearby fences and trees 3)shaded the water below.I couldn't see the bottom.  相似文献   

I stood on the hill all alone. Staring at the full moon.I was bare-footed and only wearing a thin summer dress that blew in the cold northeastern wind.The cold bit at me but I had no care.As I had been wishing the full moon was growing brighter with every passing moment. The moon was almost as bright  相似文献   

The teacher asked Tom:"Why did you come to school solate this morning?""Someone lost one yuan."Answered Tom."Oh,now I know,you helped him find the money,"the teacher said."No,I stood on the money untilthe person went away,"was Tom's reply.为什么这样晚来学  相似文献   

Why Be Late     
Teacher:Why didyou come to schoolso late this morning?Tom:Someone lost oneyuan.Teacher:Oh,now I know,you helped him to find themoney.Tom:No.I stood on themoney until the personwent away.  相似文献   

The Rock in Life     
One day,a teacher was speaking to a group of students.He told them something that they would never forget.As he stood in front of the group of students,he said,"OK,time for a quiz."He took out a big jar①and put it on the table in front of  相似文献   

A Clever Parrot     
Mum: Charlie, your parrot flew away(飞走) when you were at school. Charlie: I know it will fly away. It had the plan(计划) a long time ago. Last night when I read the geography(地理) book, it stood on my shoulder. It must have studied the route(路线) of e  相似文献   

Coming home from school that dark winter day so long ago, I was filled with excitem ent of having the weekend off.But I was 1 in-to stillness by what I saw. Mother, seated at the far end of the sofa,was 2 ,with the second-hand green typewriter on the table.She told me that she couldn’t 3 fast and then she was out of work. My shock and embar-rassment(尴尬)at finding Mother in tears was a perfect proof(证明)of how 4 I under- stood the pressure on her. Sitting beside her on the sofa,I began very slowly to understa...  相似文献   

The trunk of an elephant has 40,000 muscles.Timothy Murphy (1751-1818), famous hero of the American Revolution, once stood for an entire night under a waterfall near Middleburg, New York, to hide from his enemies-enduring water beating down on him  相似文献   

We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf. It stood outside a furniture[家具] shop. "Buy it," she said at once. "We'll carry it home on the roof-rack[车顶架]. I've  相似文献   

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