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课堂观摩:1.Say a rhyme"I like my bike".2.(出示米饭的图片)T:I like rice.Rice is nice/white/…Do you like rice?S:Yes./No.T:What do you like?S:I like bread/milk/juice/…引导生说:Bread is nice/big/small/brown/…Milk is nice/white/…Juice is nice/orange/……3.出示小诗"I like rice"。Read the rhyme after me.Read together.请单个学生朗读。边做动作边朗读。4.请学生改编小诗。如:I like bread Bread,bread.Bread is brown.Bread,bread.  相似文献   

Do you have some bread?
Do you have some rice?
I want some bread.
It tastes very nice?  相似文献   

Do you have some bread?
Do you have some rice?
I want some bread.
It tastes very nice!  相似文献   

rice是物质名词,属不可数名词,没有复数形式。到目前为止.同学们学过的不可数名词还有:bread、meat、tea、milk、water等。  相似文献   

Unit5 1. "Do you have a ping-pong ball?""Yes, I do."“你有乒乓球吗?”“是的,我有。” "Do you have a ping-pong bat?""No, I don't"“你有乒乓球拍吗?”“不,我没有。”  相似文献   

一、新词秀 1. live (1)vi.住;居住eg: "Where do you live? I live in Wuhan."“你住在哪里?”“我住在武汉。”  相似文献   

<正>面包是英美等西方国家人们的主食,面包的重要性也体现在语言里。人们用bread来统称“食物、营养品”,如beg one’s bread指“乞食、讨饭”;bread还用来指“生计、谋生之道”,如one’s daily bread指“每日的粮食”,earn one’s bread指“自食其力”,out of bread指“失业”,in bad bread指“处境不妙”,eat the bread of idleness指“不劳而食”,live on the bread line指“难以糊口”,take the bread of one’s mouth指“抢某人的饭碗、使某人衣食无着落”。  相似文献   

一、名词1.M um ,I’m thirsty.W ill you please give m esom e ?(北京)A .pencils B.cake C.water D .books2.B ill said they would have holiday.(天津)A .a tw o-m onth B .two m onthsC.two-m onths D .two m onth’s3.Tom regards Tianjin as his secondbecause he has been here for over tenyears.(天津)A .fam ily B.house C.room D .hom e4.I’ve read sports news about the F1race today.(上海)A .two B.piecesC.two pieces D .tw o pieces of5.I’m thirsty.I think I’ll buy som e .(南京)A .water B.bread C.c…  相似文献   

prefer最常用的意思是“宁可”、“宁愿”、“比较喜欢”、“更喜欢”等,它不能与better,more等表示比较意义的词语连用。它常见于以下几种用法。1.prefer sth意为“喜欢某事”。例如:I0d prefer short stories.我更喜欢看短篇小说。Which do you prefer,rice or bread?你更喜欢吃哪一样,米饭还是面包?2.prefer to do sth意为“更喜欢做某事”。例如:They prefer to spend the rest of the morning wandering in the streets.他们比较喜欢把上午的其余时间都用来逛大街。3.prefer doing sth意为“宁愿/更喜欢做某事”。例如:So you prefer…  相似文献   

Eating in China     
While I was in China studying Chinese at a college in Guilin, I lived with a Chinese family for two weeks. Chinese families are very different from American families. Every morning with my Chinese family I would wake up and eat a big breakfast of steamed bread, eggs, porridge, and soy milk. After my morning classes, I would come home to eat a large lunch with my family. We would often eat rice  相似文献   

1. "Have you ever been to an aquarium. Yes, I've been to an aquarium." (P68)“你曾到过水族馆吗?”“是的,我曾经去过。”  相似文献   

letter作“信”讲是很常用的词,私人信件是personal letter。业务信件叫做business letter,祝贺信是letter of congratulation,邀请信是letter of invitation等等。还有一种信是a bread—and—butter letter,你知道是什么信吗?我们知道bread and butter是涂有黄油的面包,那么,a bread—and—butter leuer就是“黄油面包信”吧?非也。  相似文献   

用英语表示“建议”、“请求”或“征求别人的意见”时,为了使其语气委婉、客气,可采用多种句式。常见的句式如下:一、“Shallwe/I...?”用于第一人称,表示“建议”、“征求意见”等,在we或I的后面接动词原形,相当于“Wouldyoulikeus(me)to...?”句式。常译成“要不要我(们)……?;我(们)……好吗?”。【试题精练】1)—Shallwegotothezootomorrow?—A.Itdoesntmatter.B.Thatsnothing.C.Agoodidea。D.Yourewelcome.2)Iopenthewindow?Itsveryhothere.A.MustB.WillC.ShallD.Would【答案】…  相似文献   

名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词能说出其确切数量,有单、复数形式之分。不可数名词不能直接计数,也没有复数形式,像tea,milk,water,food,bread,rice,meat,tofu等词均为不可数名词。使用不可数名  相似文献   

玛丽 《今日中学生》2004,(18):18-27
第I卷(选择题,共1巧分)第一部分:听才(略) 第二部介:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45介)第一节:单项填空(共巧小题,每小题1分,满分巧分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21.Rose has a eup of tea after luneh,? A.has she B.hadh’t slie .Cdoes she D.doesn’t she22一W】lat did you have for breakfast this morning? 一T初0 andaglassofmilk. A.pieee of bread B.Pieeesofbreads C.Pieeesof bread D.Pieee ofbreads23.“I’m going to Beiehuan for a holiday this weekend.”“一you are there,ean you bu…  相似文献   

问候(Greetings) 1 . "How are you?" "_____" A.How do you do? B.How are you? C.I' m fine, thank you D.What do you do?  相似文献   

、、’7一01 .A.You’rea邵od girl.B.Yes,1 can. C .Yes,Please.D.Good一bye2 .A.Ve万well,thank you. B .1’m waiting for the bus. C .1’m’going to sehool. D .Thank you.3 .A.Wllere aml?B.Do you know me? C .Exeuse me.Where 15 the toilet? D .Exeuse me.15 it a toilet?4 .A.15 thereany water? B .Can 1 have some water,Please? C.Where 15 the water,Ann? D.What do you want,Ann?5 .A.Me.B.No.C.Some.D.Yes.6 .A.Are there any earmts?口 B.May 1 have some br七ad? C .15 there any bread? D .Do you wantsome bread?__7 .A.Thank you.B.Excuseme. C...  相似文献   

静之 《初中生必读》2014,(12):37-38
A teacher began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He heht it up for all to see, and asked the students,“How much do you think this glass weighs?” “50 grams! ” “I really don' question is what ”100 grams!“ 125 grams! ” the students answered. “I really don't know unless I weigh it,” said the teacher, “but my question is what wouht happen if I heht it up like this for a few nunules? ”“Nothing! ” the students said.  相似文献   

I.选择填空。 1. "____are you in? I am in Grade 1." A. What class B. What grade C. What C. What's  相似文献   

U nit19Ⅰ.语音(10分)从A,B,C,D中找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。1.A.eat B.bread C.m eat D.tea2.A.food B.noodle C.good D.school3.A.drink B.rice C.m ilk D.fish4.A.hungry B.dum pling C.full D.but5.A.coffee B.cream C.piece D.seeⅡ.词汇(15分)A.根据句子的意思及所给的首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.I蒺m very h.I蒺d like som ething to eat.2.W hataboutsom e p chips forlunch?3.Could Ihave two g ofm ilk,please?4.Please give m e som e cups off juice and ice cream.5.Tom and M ary have pork,…  相似文献   

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