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The popularity of Spanish-language television in the United States has been increasing rapidly, yet little is known about the images viewers are likely to encounter when exposed to this content. As such, the present study investigates the representation of men and women in the 2004 prime-time, Spanish-language television season. Social identity theory provides a framework for understanding the potential influence of exposure to these depictions. Most notably, wealthy women were characterized as the slimmest, most provocatively dressed, and most submissive characters on Spanish-language television, whereas wealthy men were the heaviest, most conservatively dressed, and most dominant figures in prime time.  相似文献   

The scope and nature of reality television has changed since researchers last conducted a content analysis of the antisocial behavior for this type of programming. This study examines the content of seven seasons of Survivor, one of America's longest running reality television programs, to determine the types, frequency, and context of antisocial behavior presented in the series as well as the possible effects of the program on longtime viewers using social learning and cultivation theories. In the 76.4 hours of programming analyzed for this study, 4,207 antisocial acts were documented in the coding database. Indirect aggression and verbal aggression were found to be the most frequently occurring types of antisocial behavior. The number (4,207) and the rate (45.7 acts per hour) of antisocial acts in the seven seasons of Survivor analyzed in this study is higher than the findings of a previous study of antisocial behavior in reality-based television conducted in 1997. This study clearly demonstrates that longtime viewers of Survivor get a higher dose of antisocial behavior than did regular viewers of news programming and other reality-based programs that aired slightly more than 10 years ago.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated the post-auricular (PA) reflex to be a potentially valid measure of emotional response during mediated stimuli. However, the PA reflex has not been examined during television viewing. The goal of this study was to examine whether the PA reflex may serve as a useful indicator of emotional responding to television content. PA reflexes were measured while experimental participants viewed television advertisements varying in emotional valence (pleasant and unpleasant) and arousal (high and low). The PA reflexes were greatest during viewing of pleasant television advertisements that were highest in arousal. The findings replicated recent results and provided further validation that the PA reflex may indicate strength of activation in the human appetitive motivational system. The results provide new evidence demonstrating the measure's potential validity for mass communication researchers.  相似文献   

Using empirical measures, a pilot test of an investment model of commitment to television news quality yielded statistically significant results supporting four hypothesized relationships between types of broadcast station ownership. The findings indicate that the news department operated by a small media group produced more local news, more locally produced video, more use of on-air reporters, and fewer news promotions than the larger chain-based broadcast groups investigated, suggesting a deeper commitment to local news quality. The results support the policy position that stricter ownership limits would enhance the quality of local television news.  相似文献   

Common wisdom holds that graphic media violence leads to antisocial outcomes. This common wisdom is reflected in the Society for Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. However, theory and research regarding moral emotions’ ability to increase moral sensitivity suggests that this type of negative content may be capable of yielding prosocial responses. This article describes this logic and tests its predictions in two experimental studies utilizing news footage of a mass execution conducted by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Results corroborate claims that graphic media violence can serve as a moral motivator. Higher levels of graphic violence led to stronger anger and disgust responses, which in turn predicted higher levels of (a) moral sensitivity, (b) desires for anti-ISIS interventions (including military and humanitarian efforts), and (c) eudaimonic motivations (i.e., seeking meaning in life). Important to note, no increases in negative attitudes toward Arab Muslims were observed. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This research uses content analysis to examine the portrayal of women in 47 randomly selected games from the Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation console gaming systems. We suggest that video games, similar to other media forms, are sources of information that children and young adults may use to determine what behaviors and attitudes are considered appropriately masculine and feminine. This analysis revealed a significant sex bias in the number of male versus female characters found in the games and among the way in which the male and female characters were dressed. Of the 597 characters coded, only 82 (13.74%) were women. The Nintendo 64 games had the fewest number of female characters, and the majority of the female characters wore clothing that exposed more skin than the male characters.  相似文献   

本文结合2009年10月上海文广传媒集团的制播分离,分析了制播分析的产业经济理论及现实来源,通过梳理中国广播电视新闻业的体制及现实,认为中国广播电视行业已经走向了一个更加纵深发展的阶段——电视台内部把节目制作与播出机构相对分立,在成本核算的基础上模拟市场运作。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 数据故事化实现数据、可视化与叙事的关联融合,有利于公众感知及认知复杂数据,提高数据重用率。[方法/过程] 通过提取新华网260个数据新闻故事题目并提炼高频词,确定27个卫生健康类热点数据新闻故事。根据扎根理论并采用质性分析软件NVivo11对热点数据新闻进行三级编码,最终得到数据新闻实践的11个初始范畴,并凝练出6个主范畴。[结果/结论] 得出数据故事化实践路径的理论模型及特征。数据故事可用于知识发现、数据解读、服务增值等方面。  相似文献   

Persistent fear of crime can have serious consequences for one’s social behavior. Previous research has shown that people who fear crime are more likely to engage in self-protective behavior. Although a substantial amount of research has examined the relationship between television exposure and fear of crime, research on the association between television exposure and self-protective behavior is scarce. Based on cultivation theory and the mediated fear model, the current study aimed to examine whether news and crime drama television viewing are indirectly related to self-protective behavior via fear of crime. Structural equation modeling of data from 392 undergraduate students showed that news viewing and crime drama viewing is indirectly associated with self-protective behavior. The current study provided evidence for the importance of accounting for gender when investigating the complex issue of media effects on fear of crime and self-protective behavior.  相似文献   

《四库全书》文渊阁本与文津阁本的医家类无论在成书时间、底本选择还是文字内容上皆有不少差异。这些差异不仅仅是抄写者的"手民之误",其背后也反映了两个版本的不同校勘特色。文渊阁本相对于所据旧本的改动较大,且多以理校改字,而文津阁本则更加忠实于原书,对其中舛误多未加改正。究其原因,二者的不同特色一方面源于抄校时四库馆奖惩制度的制定与执行,另一方面也与覆勘时详校官的不同身份有着密切联系。  相似文献   

新闻文本的意义生产模式制约新闻的传播力,新闻文本的意义生产研究容易仅局限于新闻文本本身,却忽视不同伴随文本之间的关联性,而伴随文本决定着文本意义的生成与解读。本研究以中美女主播"越洋对话"为例,分析其伴随文本对于新闻文本意义生产的影响。研究发现,其显性伴随文本预设新闻文本的表意角度,生成性伴随文本拓展新闻文本的表意深度,解释性伴随文本延伸新闻文本的表意广度,突破单一新闻文本表意不足的缺点,最终形成新闻报道强大的社会影响力。  相似文献   

网络的诞生与普及,打破了原有的广播,报纸,电视三足鼎立,瓜分天下的格局,从传媒市场中又分走了一杯羹。但迄今为止,网络并没有达到在信息发布与传播中独占鳌头的目的,传统媒体的主流优势地位依然牢不可破。这其中自然有受众心理定势等方面的原因,但无疑也与网络新闻本身的不完善有很大关系。笔者认为:这种不完善的突出表现之一就是其传播形式中审美特性的缺席。本文将从量化分析和比较的角度对这一问题进行一些粗浅的探讨,以期起到抛砖引玉之效用。  相似文献   


[目的/意义]探究中国政府网"一带一路"相关新闻的话题内容及热度变化,呈现"一带一路"倡议主题及动态,明确不同时期的倡议重点,为相关研究提供参考。[方法/过程]构建基于LDA模型的新闻话题内容的基本框架,限定2015-2017年"一带一路"相关新闻数据,利用LDA模型进行话题抽取,根据文档与话题的概率分布计算,分析各主题在不同时间段的热度演化。[结果/结论]抽取得出30个细分话题,归纳为政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通、"一带一路"对我国经济的影响和政府工作7大类。其中,政策沟通类在全时间段上热度最高,贸易畅通和"一带一路"对我国经济的影响两类话题紧随其后。"进出口"等细分话题的热度不断上升,"改革与转型"等细分话题的热度则有下降,体现了官方媒体新闻内容及其关注度随时间而变化的特点。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书馆学的发展需要与经典学科的话语系统进行对话,借鉴和引入一些经典学科的学术思想和方法将会对图书馆学范式变革产生积极影响,从而促进图书馆学的科学化进程。[方法/过程]基于科学共同体语境,以物理学为参照学科,通过把物理学的经典思想、基本定律和研究方法与图书馆学的若干研究问题结合起来,构建一个图书馆学与物理学进行交流融合的可操作性图景,重新认识未来图书馆学的范式发展。[结果/结论]物理学中熵增定律、波粒二象性、测不准定律、第一性原理4个物理学思想和基本定律可以为图书馆学学术研究思维和态度所借鉴,物理模拟实验和理想化方法可以为图书馆学研究方法论所汲取。未来图书馆学在与其他经典学科对话融合后,将呈现出图书馆学的学科价值体系扩展、图书馆学领域已有的研究模式转变的趋势。  相似文献   

由于语言文字的限制以及历史原因,留存在少数民族头脑中的智慧多由人们口耳相传得以流传下来。随着现代社会生活方式的改变,传统的少数民族口述资料传承模式受到冲击,解决这一问题迫在眉睫。基于对档案多元论的阐释以及对于乌拉特蒙古族口述档案保护现状的分析,以乌拉特蒙古族为例,利用新兴移动终端开发技术、相变存储技术等,构建基于档案多元论的乌拉特蒙古族口述档案开发与应用平台。  相似文献   

This study examines reactions to ethical and strategic framing in the news coverage of the embryonic stem cell research controversy, depending on the level of issue involvement. In order to test hypotheses regarding the effects of strategic vs. ethical frames and the moderating role played by issue involvement, an online experiment was conducted. Results indicated that these two frames interacted with issue involvement and generated different reactions among participants.  相似文献   

本文以右江民族医学院为例,描述高校科研档案的归档范围以及目前科研档案管理的现状,阐述在管理过程中存在的问题,并且针对本单位地处少数民族地区的具体情况,提出了相应的应时措施。  相似文献   

学生读者的需求满意度调查分析--以厦门大学为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对厦门大学图书馆问卷调查所获数据进行分析,比较不同类型学生读者在文献资源、资源获取便利性、环境与设施、馆员和服务等方面满意度评价的异同,并思考如何更好地满足读者需求。  相似文献   

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