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Many institutions encourage formative computer‐based assessment (CBA), yet competing priorities mean that learners are necessarily selective about what they engage in. So how can we motivate them to engage? Can we facilitate learners to take more control of shaping their learning experience? To explore this, the Learning with Interactive Assessment (LINA) project, a small‐scale study, trialed a selection of online, interactive question features designed to increase motivation, particularly of work‐based learners, and to enhance learners' ability to self‐regulate their own learning experience. We present initial findings on learner perceptions of: (1) a confidence indicator tool—for learners to indicate their confidence that their answer will be correct before answering a question; (2) a learning log—for learners to insert reflections or view system‐recorded information about their learning pathway; and (3) question feedback—for displaying a range of author comments. Themes emerged relating to motivational, behavioural and cognitive factors, including risk taking and skills in self‐assessment. A serendipitous finding highlights learners' frequently not reading onscreen feedback and presents perceptions on when feedback becomes most useful. Motivators and barriers to engagement and self‐regulation are discussed in relation to principles of best feedback practice.  相似文献   

In this paper I propose a contrast between learning as the acquisition of theories and learning as the development of insight. I then suggest that, in a great many cases, the cognitive achievement by which we come to organise behaviour rationally is the development of insight, where this is independent of the acquisition of knowledge regimented in theories. The distinction is between a model in which a subject rationalises behaviour by appeal to knowledge of particulars rather than general theoretical knowledge. By ‘insight’ I mean a capacity for cognitive states with a singular content by which the subject fits, or couples with, the environment. This is achieved by attention. The contrast is between two answers to the question, ‘What is it to act rationally in the light of learning?’. One answer is to see the learning that shapes rational behaviour as grasp of the theories that articulate the conceptual patterns of word use and the patterns of that word use that figure in the giving and taking of reasons for what we do. My preferred answer is that the character of learning is the subject with capacities for attention that shape the patterns of concepts and of the things we trade as reasons. The subject with attentional capacities that couple them to the world is a subject who is a responsible author of the patterns of concept use and thereby what counts as acceptable reasons for acting.  相似文献   

As secondary students’ interest in science is decreasing, schools are faced with the challenging task of providing adequate instruction to engage students—and more particularly the disadvantaged students—to learn science and improve their science inquiry skills. In this respect, the integration of Web-based collaborative inquiry can be seen as a possible answer. However, the differential effects of Web-based inquiry on disadvantaged students have barely been studied. To bridge this gap, this study deals with the implementation of a Web-based inquiry project in 19 secondary classes and focuses specifically on gender, achievement level, and academic track. Multilevel analysis was applied to uncover the effects on knowledge acquisition, inquiry skills, and interest in science. The study provides quantitative evidence not only that a Web-based collaborative inquiry project is an effective approach for science learning, but that this approach can also offer advantages for students who are not typically successful in science or who are not enrolled in a science track. This approach can contribute to narrowing the gap between boys and girls in science and can give low-achieving students and general-track students an opportunity to develop confidence and skills for learning science, bringing them to a performance level that is closer to that of high-achieving students.  相似文献   


This article describes how early childhood preservice teachers can develop sensitivity toward and confidence in working with children who are homeless through a service learning project. The 14 weeks intervention provided an opportunity for undergraduate early childhood teacher candidates to gain real-life experience working with among the most vulnerable of all children—those who are homeless. Results of this project suggest that through implementing art integrated literacy activities with children in a homeless shelter, teacher candidates alter their deficit views of homelessness and at the same time develop confidence in their ability to work with homeless children and their families.  相似文献   

Educational psychology has fallen, but it can get up. It has fallen because of its uncertainty, as a field, as to its own core. I argue that the core of the field ought to be in the multifaceted analysis of the teaching—learning process. A useful construct for analyzing this process is that of expertise—what is it that makes for an expert teacher and an expert learner? Expertise is a prototype, and so in order to understand expertise, we need to understand the prototypes we have formed for expert teachers and students. I discuss the prototype of the expert teacher in terms of knowledge, efficiency, and insight; and the prototype of the expert student in terms of the kinds of abilities that are currently valued in schools and that we might further value. This discussion therefore points out that prototypes are not fixed: We can decide what we value, and thereby, what constitutes expertise in a given domain.  相似文献   

研究性教学是目前国际国内普遍认同和实施的一种新的教学模式,具有超前性、过程性、应用性、体验性、整合性的特点,它是对传统的传递式—被动接受式的教育理念的革新。研究性教学和学习的实践要求是把“答案”变成“问题”,进而在对“问题”的追问中建构教学和学习的方法。把它运用于高职学前教育专业,主要包括思想动员、研读教材、确立课题、搜集资料、指导研究、成果展示与评价等六个阶段,对于激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的研究能力、创新能力、教育实践能力和养成严谨求实的科学态度具有积极作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study, informed by a Lakatosian perspective, is to identify how an alternative conception that originates in present learning but is related directly to subsequent learning contexts can be constructed. Before the study, one of the authors found by accident that a student who had learned about Avogadro's principle and chemical reaction in South Korea constructed an alternative conception related to the volume of gas. Later, we identified seven Korean high school students with the alternative conception through a test and analyzed their underlying understandings qualitatively through interviews. The results show that they had a scientific conception—core conception—and intuitive assumptions about implicit information of external representations—implicit assumptions—in common. The students' implicit assumptions could be divided into three types again: core assumption, auxiliary assumption, and context-inducing assumption. The core assumption, like the core conception, played a significant role in constructing the alternative conception (hard core), while the auxiliary assumptions were incomplete implicit assumptions to protect the alternative conception (protective belt). The context-inducing assumption was an implicit assumption bringing the context of the subsequent curriculum, and the core conception and the core assumption could be interpreted in this induced context. At the end of the study, the implications related to learning progressions were discussed.  相似文献   

For many years I have engaged future mathematics teachers in activities that focus on emotional dimensions of their learning. Even those teachers who were able to reconstruct themselves as learners of mathematics had difficulties with changing their practice. Through a series of autobiographical stories, I examine my own experiences as a teacher and a learner. These stories—one from a computer class, one from a workshop for elementary teachers, one from college, and one from eighth grade—serve as data from which I draw themes that capture the tensions that I experience as I teach. Sharing these tensions with mathematics teachers has had an impact on the way the teachers talk about their teaching and promises to change how they teach. The paper is written to encourage teacher educators to adopt the practice of sharing teaching and learning stories with their students.  相似文献   

Koomen’s study of Wizard—an articulate, inquisitive, energetic seventh grader with a penchant for science—adversely juxtaposed his learning-centered identity with classroom experiences that marginalized him. I claim in my response that critical commentary about Wizard’s race is germane to any analysis of his experiences, as participation in an inclusive science classroom can be conceptualized as a racialized form of experience. My paper contributes a counternarrative to deficit normalizations of African American children—including students identified with exceptionalities—by rendering the inequities of differentiated instruction visible and theorizing about how this approach restricted Wizard’s learning and participation by positioning him as low status and less competent. I discuss four reasons why the strategy of differentiated instruction is ideologically opposed to goals for equitable classrooms and argue that this model invites reproductions of status orderings from the larger society into the classroom. I conclude with recommendations for an equity pedagogy through Complex Instruction developed inside teacher community as a viable alternative for this work.  相似文献   

研究采用情景对话、重复、强化等方法,对一名自闭症儿童进行了为期三个月的代词使用训练,以培养其对代词的理解与运用能力,发展其口语表达能力。研究结果发现:经过针对性的训练,自闭症儿童能够获得代词运用能力;自闭症儿童对“我”、“你”等需要转换成“你”、“我”等来回答的代词及对“怎么样”、“谁”等需要判断才能回答的代词掌握起来相对缓慢,对“他”、“这”、“那”等不需转换可直接使用的代词则掌握较快;自闭症儿童对人称代词、疑问代词及指示代词的掌握是同步的。  相似文献   

This study examines individual and classroom-level differences in motivation and strategy usage in sixth- and seventh-grade middle school science. Results suggest that students who experience academic difficulties differ from both high achieving and special education students on measures of self-efficacy, goal orientation, expectancy, value, and self-concept of ability in science, with students who experience academic difficulties occasionally demonstrating less adaptive patterns of motivation and cognition than special education students in science. We used hierarchical linear modeling to examine between-classroom differences in learning-focused goal orientation. Findings indicate that students who have science teachers that use ability-focused instructional practices (e.g., pointing out the best students as an example to others) are less learning focused, and exhibit a diminished relation between self-concept of ability and being learning focused in science. Implications for science education reform are discussed.  相似文献   

在教育部“双万计划”建设背景下,根据烟草学专业基础课程教学的实际情况和特点,课程组结合国内外著名高校优良做法,探索出一系列切实可行的核心课程教学方案。创新性地提出以学生为主体、需求为导向,结合生产实际经验积累+现代信息技术支持,边研究边实践,线上线下结合的课程教学体系,提高学生自主学习能力和专业创新能力,使学生从“我学会”到“我会学”。为我国高等农林院校一流课程建设新模式提供实践经验,为栽培类专业课程教学提供理论依据与支撑。  相似文献   

The debate about the potential impact of computers on children's learning and development rages. In this article I take up one set of issues in this debate having to do with the role of experience, computational and otherwise, in learning. Are computational learning environments doomed to failure because of their impoverished sensory properties? Do computers impose rigid and mechanical thinking on their users? My answer to these and related questions is a straightforward no. But in thinking through the issues one can learn a good deal about what “experience” can and should mean, and in what ways we can most profitably use computers in education.  相似文献   

How does knowledge acquisition contribute to the process of learning to teach? To answer this question, qualitative and quantitative data were collected to investigate the development of teacher candidate knowledge about classroom management within an elementary teacher education program. Specifically, concept maps and interviews revealed patterns of cognitive change over a two-quarter sequence of courses. Analysis of concept maps showed turbulent and idiosyncratic change influenced by program experiences, with an apparent decline in cognitive organization. In interviews candidates deemphasized program influences, focusing instead on clinical experiences as the impetus of cognitive change. These findings—the turbulent apparent decline in cognitive structure and the primacy of field experiences—are explained in terms of Anderson's ACT1 learning theory. Implications for future research in teacher's conceptual development are discussed.  相似文献   

Flow is a state of total absorption and concentration in an activity that is desirable for students, as it enhances the learning experience. Due to the importance of flow for learning, this research investigates the influence of three flow preconditions—namely balance of skill and challenge, feedback and goal clarity—on students' flow, operationalized as heightened concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience, while using clickers—a type of polling device. The study also explores the impact of concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience on students' perceived learning and satisfaction. Based on a survey of 204 undergraduate students who use clickers in the classroom, the findings show that balance of skill and challenge has a positive influence on students' concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience. Both feedback provided by clickers and goal clarity have a positive influence on concentration and sense of control, but do not influence the autotelic experience. Findings also corroborate the positive impact of concentration and sense of control experienced by students on perceived learning. Finally, autotelic experience predicts both perceived learning and satisfaction.  相似文献   

The aim of the empirical study presented in this paper is to explore how students link academic knowledge with workplace experience. I carried out a research study with a group of 36 business school students entering a 3-year masters level apprenticeship programme. In an introductory statistics course, I designed and implemented a four-step learning activity, based on an Exploratory Data Analysis approach and inspired by an authentic workplace situation. I report the findings of qualitative research based on the recorded discussions between students and the reports they wrote at each step in the experience. I found that three different forms of rationality—technical, pragmatic and scientific—led them to shape the problem differently. I observed that they hardly used statistical tools because pragmatic rationality which is linked to their experience as salespersons prevails, although access to a managerial approach suggests the use of more statistical knowledge.  相似文献   

Metacognition can be described as an internal conversation that seeks to answer the questions, ‘how much do I really know about what I am learning’ and, ‘how am I monitoring what I am learning?’ Metacognitive regulation skills are critical to meaningful learning because they facilitate the abilities to recognize the times when one's current level of understanding is insufficient and to identify the needs for closing the gap in understanding. This research explored how using the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) as an instructional approach in a laboratory classroom affected students’ practice of metacognitive skills while solving open-ended laboratory problems. Within our qualitative research design, results demonstrate that students in the SWH environment, compared to non-SWH students, used metacognitive strategies to a different degree and to a different depth when solving open-ended laboratory problems. As students engaged in higher levels of metacognitive regulation, peer collaboration became a prominent path for supporting the use of metacognitive strategies. Students claimed that the structure of the SWH weekly laboratory experiments improved their ability to solve open-ended lab problems. Results from this study suggest that using instruction that encourages practice of metacognitive strategies can improve students’ use of these strategies.  相似文献   

This article explains how teachers might navigate inquiry learning despite the experience of a constant tension between abandoning their students and controlling them. They do this by conceiving of themselves as guides who decide the path with students, not for them. I build on a conception of teaching as guiding from Burbules, and argue that inquiry teachers should take the particular stance of an expedition-educator (rather than the stance of either a tour-leader or an expedition-leader). They should guide students to make progress during co-inquiry, rather than leading them to follow the teacher’s agenda. This stance gives a heuristic they can use to balance control and abandonment in their pedagogical practice—they judge which pedagogical actions to take, and when, according to which actions are likely to help their students to engage in autonomous inquiry and hence learn to guide themselves. Students thus can learn to inquire by participating in an inquiry which is guided, but not controlled, by their teacher.  相似文献   

“对质”一词来源于法学学科,但巧妙地回答了教育科学中对学生“要我学”至“我要学”转变后关于“我该如何学”的持续追问。“学习对质”是深化学生思考的重要方法,能够达成学生以思考为核心目的之学习,可回应新时代育智问题,助力新时代学生学习。通过系统阐述“学习对质”的概念、内容、形式和结果,可进一步厘清“学习对质”的独特内涵。而梳理当前学习理论和实践变革发展需要,可肯定“学习对质”作为学习方法存在的意义。此外,要实现“学习对质”,应发挥教师“学习对质”的引导作用和发展学生的“学习对质”精神、能力,使学生在教师的引导下更好地掌握学习方法,有效开展“学习对质”,“解构”并“重构”广义知识,积极扩展思维界限,不断提升终身学习能力,不断实现自我发展、自我成就、自我超越。  相似文献   

Very few research papers and case studies have shown successful integration of both Facebook and Moodle in the educational experience of students. This study sought to evaluate the educational benefits of the increasingly popular Facebook—which plays an important role in students’ social life as well as their academic life—and to compare it with the widely used course management system Moodle. In this study, the authors surveyed students of the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Organizational Science in Serbia on their attitude toward Facebook and Moodle as productive online tools for teaching and learning. An analysis of the results was carried out using the SPSS software package. The results of this research answer the question of whether or not using Facebook as an educational tool is more effective than using Moodle and how it affects students’ everyday learning activities.  相似文献   

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