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心理健康教育与思想政治教育存在着内在暗合。心理健康教育侧重于大学生心理问题发生的规避,而思想政治教育更加倾向于大学生思想观念方面的治理。在新形势下,加强大学生思想政治教育与心理健康教育的有效结合,对于大学生正确树立人生观、价值观以及如何增强大学生思想政治教育的实效性都具有深远的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

柏拉图坚持最好生活的非政治特性,卢梭虽然要把人引入道德与政治,但仍然是以最接近于自然状态的最好生活寻找社会存在的惟一合理性,并展示出教育的最高可能性。因此,柏拉图和卢梭虽然就何为最好生活持有不同意见,但两者都展示了人性的最高可能性。特别是此种展示,一方面有赖于教育,一方面有赖于政治方案的设计,并以最好生活为最高探讨规划教育与政治。以赫钦斯和杜成为代表的现代教育哲学把哲人或社会的自然人转换为好公民教育,寄托于政治及政治教育或者说在政治框架内实现人的普遍的幸福生活。现代教育哲学对最好生活的探索的放弃,表明了它的下降,并意味着它把人的幸福附加在政治以及教育的政治与社会功能之中。  相似文献   


This paper argues for the active participation of women in philosophy of education and the importance of their sexually differentiated positions in pluralising knowledge. Drawing on the philosophical work of Luce Irigaray it explains how the feminine as other, has been symbolised as a dark epistemological cave from which those seeking universal truths ought to escape. Within such phallogo-centric systems of knowledge, women’s thoughts have been excluded from philosophy, and the feminine became un-representable as philosophical. This scenario raises important political and ethical questions related to women’s place in philosophy of education and calls for deconstructive strategies aimed at using feminised locations to challenge phallogocentrism. The paper argues that a simple inclusion of women’s thoughts or the replacement a masculine-dominated philosophy with feminine ones do not suffice to disrupt the order that establishes what counts as philosophy. It therefore explores how sexual difference can rethink the traditional tenets of philosophy. The idea that women need a place that they can call home for such practices and whether this space can really differentiate knowledge is debatable and controversial. In considering this possibility, however, sexual difference is not considered a subject for thought in philosophy of education but a question that rethinks and engenders it.  相似文献   

梁实秋先生是中国现代散文创作的一代宗师,其小品散文呈现出一种独特的幽默与讽刺并举的艺术风格。其作品或针砭时弊风情,或揭露人性弱点,或抒发生活感悟,或体察世态人生,诙谐幽默中展示着作者对于社会人生的真知灼见。这种幽默与讽刺并举的艺术风格的形成与梁实秋先生的出身、经历、文学观有着直接的关系。  相似文献   

The article is an essay on Naoko Saito's recently published book American Philosophy in Translation. We attempt to draw out the central argument of the book as it moves through its eight chapters. The author finds that American philosophy, which she takes to be rooted in pragmatism, whilst it owes much to Dewey, needs to be reconstructed in order to meet contemporary political challenges, with their implications for political education. She asks questions such as what is the place of the tragic sense of life in philosophical thought? What is a philosophy of affirmation and chance? How are we to understand the significance of the untranslatable? What are these connections between transcendence, translation and transformation? More specifically, how are we to understand the distinction between philosophy in translation and philosophy as translation? And how does all this offer us new ways of thinking about the current state of democracy, political education and education more generally? One specific suggestion is that an education in foreign language can be transformative in terms of political education. The article concludes that Saito's project throws up some important ideas that are pertinent to our times. We question the central idea regarding language education, whilst we welcome this scholarly volume.  相似文献   

In this essay Duck‐Joo Kwak explores a moral perfectionist approach to citizenship education, which is distinct from liberal and communitarian models. One of educational challenges to this approach is how to cultivate our students' sense of membership, which is shaped by a thick sense of the good life, while being not merely compatible with but open to the pluralist perspective. Kwak maintains that what is required for this form of membership to society or community is our future citizens' ability to engage in highly self‐reflexive philosophical reflection on the human condition; such reflection gives them the skills necessary to live up to the tension between different selves of diverse origins or within a divided self. Examining Stanley Cavell's view of political education as an exemplar of the moral perfectionist approach to citizenship education, Kwak shows how the practice of his ordinary language philosophy can be a good way to cultivate this ability by teaching us how to “speak for others” by way of “speaking for oneself.”  相似文献   

孔孟儒家提出了"成人"教育理念,并可将其含义界定为:人文化成,即通过教育完善人的个体,关注个体发展,重视个体的精神人格,培养美好品德,使人成为真正的人和完全的人。孔子最早提出"成人"教育理念,后孟子继承并进一步深化,从而使得儒家"成人"教育理念既一脉相承又各有区别。二圣致力于教育和教学活动,从而使得此教育理念具有深厚的理论基础,且具有相应内涵,为后世教育提供思考源泉。  相似文献   

以生命教育为视角的教学是提高高职思想政治理论课实效性的一个新思路。论述了生命教育及马克思的生命教育观,探讨了思想政治理论课教育中生命关怀缺失的种种现象,提出了以生命教育为视角的高职思想政治理论课改革路径。  相似文献   

The author investigates the educational motifs in the theoretical work of the poet and theorist Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729‐1781), such as the development of mankind towards perfection, of education towards critical thinking and towards the creation of a man of genius, the search for truth, the priority of action instead of mere reasoning, the enlightenment of all people, the repressing of emotions in moral education, and happiness as the goal of life. These motifs and the educational practice following from them are reconstructed on the background of Lessing's conception of human nature. The criticism of the enlightenment philosophy by postmodern philosophers is briefly touched upon.  相似文献   

"厄洛斯(eros)"是古典政治哲学和教育哲学的主题与内核.爱欲意味着人对美善本身以及与此内在相关的灵魂不朽的执着追求.不过,人的生命不是神的生命,它是可朽的,人若想实现不朽,就必须通过教育,与他人的灵魂结合在一起.正是出于这种对美善的爱,苏格拉底把教化优秀青年,使其卓越,看作是自己的神圣使命,而他自己也在这样的教化中实现了自己的灵魂不朽.  相似文献   


In this paper, we build on recent work on the role of the ‘utopian pedagogue’ to explore how utopian thinking can be developed within contemporary higher education institutions. In defending a utopian orientation on the part of HE lecturers, we develop the notion of ‘minimal utopianism’; a notion which, we suggest, expresses the difficult position of critical educators concerned to offer their students the tools with which to imagine and explore alternatives to current social and political reality, while acknowledging the contingent ethical constraints of the system within which they and their students are working. While agreeing with utopian theorists such as Darren Webb who have defended the need for ‘blueprint utopias’ in education in the face of the reduction of the idea of utopia to a purely process-oriented pedagogy, our focus here is on the prior educational task of providing the conceptual and communicative tools for utopian thinking to emerge. The collaborative nature of this paper is reflected in the interdisciplinary sources on which we draw in developing our ideas, including moral philosophy, literary theory, political philosophy, anarchist theory and utopian studies.  相似文献   

如何激发大学生对哲学原理课的兴趣,搞好“两课”教学,本文强调哲学课应十分重视马克思主义价值教学,并系统地分析了马克思主义哲学的精神,功能及其工具价值和内在价值的关系,这有助于加强大学生思想政治教育,树立科学的世界观,人生观和价值观,纠正不良价值倾向,提高理论思想水平,从而激发大学生对马克思主义理论的求知欲。  相似文献   

长期以来我国马克思主义哲学教育存在着政治化、知识化和低俗化的"非哲学"施教方式,要彻底转变这种旧的教育观念并解决这一问题,必须从马克思主义哲学的研究对象"生活世界"出发,恢复马克思主义哲学教育的哲学本性,建构马克思主义哲学教育生活化的新理念。马克思主义哲学教育生活化,既彰显了马克思主义哲学实践的本真精神,又直面了当下我国的现实诉求。  相似文献   

文章从宇宙观、人生观、人性论、价值观、政治观等五方面对先秦诸子关于人生问题的观点进行综述,探讨了墨、儒、道、法等诸子对"人"之为人的诠释和剖析。运用辩证思想和科学的历史观,揭示了先秦诸子对人生问题的独到见解和启发意义,同时也指出,只重目标而不重进行方法的哲学思想,乃是先秦诸子的共同缺点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to gain a deeper understanding of Arendt’s educational philosophy, her perspective of political involvement as a kind of political education, and natality as the fundamental nature of education. The current study has extended past research by elucidating Arendt’s view of participatory democratic politics, her analysis of citizenship education programs, and her assessment of the crisis of education. The findings of this study have implications for Arendt’s idea of pedagogical authority, the specific character of Arendt’s contribution to political theory, and her grasp on the link between citizenship and education.  相似文献   

What is citizenship? This question goes back to the political philosophy of Aristotle, and how one answers it will be decisive in determining one's vision of political life. In the last ten to fifteen years, the question of citizenship has aroused a renewed set of extremely lively debates within political philosophy, and Iris Marion Young has certainly occupied an important place within these theoretical debates. In particular, Young—especially in her seminal article, Polity and Group Difference: A critique of the ideal of universal citizenship—has presented a sharp challenge to all political theorists who are in some broad sense intellectually nourished by the tradition of civic republicanism and who think about the theme of citizenship under the influence of civic‐republican conceptions. In essence, Young's argument is that the practices of contemporary liberal society show that the implicit normative promise contained in the idea of a universal citizen identity has not been fulfilled, and therefore we must rethink this notion from the ground up. The purpose of my essay is to review the arguments that constitute Young's challenge to the civic‐republican tradition, with a view to clarifying the following questions: Is Young's political theory aimed at a reconstruction of the idea of citizenship on a normatively more sound basis? Or does her project imply a rejection of the idea of citizenship, and its displacement by an alternative understanding of political membership?  相似文献   

In connecting educational theory to a neo‐pragmatist social epistemology, we set out to understand education as knowledge practices that yield ‘the cultural world again’ by retelling culture or by making explicit what is implicit in culture. Recent trends in German educational studies towards holistic understanding of education demonstrate that such a holistic, non‐representationalist framework is deliberately placed outside the traditional procedure of merely applying knowledge gained in the so‐called foundational disciplines such as philosophy, sociology or psychology to the field of education. By constructively relating Brandom's non‐representational inferentialism to a re‐reading of Mollenhauer's distinction of the presentation and representation of culture in and through education, we try to show that Brandom's philosophy can also be used to point out an inferentialism that is already at work in educational theory. Together, this strengthens a social theoretic account of education that explores how to conceptualise the role of knowledge in educational processes in terms of a holistic epistemology.  相似文献   

成人教育有其自身的特点,学习者也有与自身经历密切相关的学习目的。在成人教育中开展思想政治工作应当认真分析其正面和负面的影响因素,注意以知启人,坚持与实际相结合的原则,坚持与严格的制度建设、科学的管理方法相结合的工作思路,坚持“个性化”的工作方法,采取以情感人,以理服人,潜移默化的方式,开展有实效的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

实现教育生活化.是当代思想政治教育的重要课题。基础教育课程改革之前,思想政治教育的理论教育脱离现实生活.尤其是高中思想政治教育的应试色彩更加剧了这一倾向。高中思想政治教育生活化就是使思想政治教育向学生的生活世界回归,把握正确的原则,将教育理念、目标、方法、内容、等方面融入生活,使思想政治教育在现实生活中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

实用主义教育思想是十九世纪末、二十世纪初兴起于美国的一种教育思想,其代表人物杜威所提出的"教育即生活"、"学校即社会"、"做中学"等观点曾在世界范围得到普遍认同,对中国的教育发展也产生了积极的影响.本文以杜威实用主义教育思想的理论渊源为基点,透析杜威教育思想的真正内涵,揭示其对中国当前教育改革的影响.  相似文献   

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