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Students learn through connections when understanding is enhanced by a more holistic view of the content. When mathematics is presented from diverse perspectives, students with diverse backgrounds, expectations, histories, and experiences benefit greatly. In this article the author addresses the need to teach mathematics with cultural competency that meets the needs of all diverse learners.  相似文献   

Discussions of teacher preparation, qualifications, and effectiveness are at the heart of increasing attacks on public education. In this article, we contribute to the growing body of literature that works to challenge the narrowing parameters of what is considered effective teacher pedagogy, particularly as it relates to the noted value of teachers of color. We argue that racial justice-oriented teachers of color—teachers who recognize structural racial inequities and strive for transformation—provide important, yet invisible labor in our nation's schools. Using a community cultural wealth (CCW) framework, we illuminate multiple strengths and contributions that racial justice-oriented teachers of color bring to the profession that go largely unnoticed by whitestream—Eurocentrism as a norm—measures of teacher quality. In an analysis of data from interviews, digital narratives, and questionnaires, we present counter-narratives—oppositional stories told from the vantage point of the oppressed—of women of color educators to show how their positionalities as teachers of color, community members, and activists, provide insights to the experiences and needs of students that often go unrecognized. This research expands our understanding of overlooked pedagogical characteristics that are foundational to serving students of color and should be incorporated into the way we prepare teachers and the educational administrators who evaluate them.  相似文献   

纽约时报广场迎来“欢乐春节”;《丝路花雨》缤纷肯尼迪艺术中心;倪萍等出任海外“欢乐春节”形象大使;170多幅米罗版画展于上海;“中欧文化对话年”即将启动  相似文献   

《西藏艺术与考古展》在东京2009年9月18日在东京上野森美术馆开幕的《西藏艺术与考古展》,于11月30日迎来第10万名幸运观众。该展作为中国文化部和中国驻日本大使馆主办的中国文化节项目之一,受到广大日本观众的欢迎。4月116月14日,该展  相似文献   

王人艺(1912-1985,诞辰100周年)音乐教育家,小提琴家。原名王人蒸,原籍湖南浏阳,生于长沙,毛泽东主席授业恩师王正权之子。1928年,与其妹王人美(后成为电影表演艺术家)一同加入黎锦晖创办的“明月歌舞社”学习,黎锦晖替他改名为王人艺,并拜奥地利提琴家普渡世卡为师专攻小提琴,  相似文献   

汤晓丹(2004年中国电影终身成就奖) 演员、导演。原名陶秉钧。江苏苏州人。童年随父母迁居北平,1934年毕业于北平京华美术专科学校艺术师范系,后入山东民众教育馆戏剧训练班学习表演。1935年参加中国旅行剧团,赴天津、南京、上海等地演出《雷雨》、《日出》等剧目。1936年入上海天一影片公司,主演《黄浦江边》、《女同学》、《杨柳村》等影片。后参加上海业余剧人协会实验剧团。抗日战争爆发后加入上海抗日救亡演剧四队,辗转武汉、重庆等地演出话剧《民族万岁》、《塞上风云》、《自由魂》等。1942年人中国电影制片厂,先后主演《胜利进行曲》、《青年中国》、《日本间谍》、《还我故乡》等影片。抗日战争胜利后回上海,入昆仑影业公司。  相似文献   


This article studies the Nazis' enthusiastic embrace of theatre in the period before and during the Second World War, and places this in a longer tradition of political power and the theatre in Germany. It argues that Hitler, Goering and Goebbels oversaw a ‘restoration’ of German theatre in the later 1930s, aiming to restore the emotional link between audience, Kultur and nation, for their own political purposes.  相似文献   

中国当代摄影展《灰度》于珀斯"中国文化年"于澳大利亚西海岸的首个展览《灰度--李刚摄影展》为当地观众提供一个近距离接触中国当代艺术的机会。《灰度》集合李刚经由手工制作的照相机拍摄的最新摄影作品,通过光影交错的影像传递一种迷离神秘的艺术气质。展览开幕当晚,中国驻澳大利亚大使馆公使衔文化参赞柯亚沙  相似文献   

顾柄枢 《寻根》2005,(1):133-135
无数的事实证明,民族的冲突就是文化的冲突,民族的融和就是文化的融和。  相似文献   

<正>Tourist programs featuring Tang traditions,E-commerce for tourist services,honey-moon journeys to historic sites and tourist journeys featuring cultural tour...  相似文献   

第6届中国上海国际艺术节 于2004年10月15日开幕,历时一个月叉二三天。本届艺术节是在党的十六届四中全会刚刚胜利闭幕的新形势下举行的。胡锦涛总书记在沪视察时要求上海努力走在发展社会主义先进文化的前列;上海市文化工作会议叉提出了建设国际文化交流中心的目标,这对高起点、高规格办好第6届中国上海国际艺术节起到了引导作用。  相似文献   

The study explores the hypothesis that persuasion can be carried out in a combination of three basic styles: the factual-inductive, the axiomatic-deductive, and the affective-intuitive. The weight of each of these three basic styles differs from culture to culture. The paper begins with the presentation of some earlier research on this question. The styles adopted by the representatives of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab countries in the course of debates in the Security Council of the United Nations are then analyzed. The analysis confirms the hypothesis of there being in each case a dominant style as described above. The results of the study should be considered as preliminary: there exists a possibility of bias among the judges; the sample, even though sufficiently large for statistical purposes, is limited to the discussion of one dispute; the style of other nationalities is not investigated. It is hoped that additional results will be presented in the near future.  相似文献   

2012年是《国家文物博物馆事业发展“十二五”规划》和《上海文物事业发展“十二五”规划》全面实施之年,是建设社会主义文化强国承前启后的关键之年,又恰逢《中华人民共和国文物保护法》颁布实施30周年。  相似文献   

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