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Research on news coverage of social protest has yielded evidence of a “protest paradigm,” a framework of common news attributes that contribute to the marginalizing of protesters as social deviants. Analysis here investigates whether adherence to the protest paradigm varies by structural characteristics of the communities in which news organizations originate. More specifically, news organizations in less pluralistic communities may exhibit lower tolerance for social conflict than news organizations in more pluralistic communities. This research compares newspaper coverage of social protest from communities with varied levels of pluralism. Results showed that newspapers in less pluralistic communities were more critical of protesters when local government was the target and were less likely to quote protesters in stories. Further, newspapers in less pluralistic communities were more critical of protesters when stories were on the front page than those appearing elsewhere in the newspaper. Implications for understanding the protest paradigm and influences of community structure on news coverage patterns were explored.  相似文献   

Opinion polling has become a common feature in news and public discourse in Hong Kong. This study examines how local newspapers cover popularity polls about the government and its leaders. It is hypothesized that newspapers adhering to different journalistic paradigms would cover such popularity polls differently in terms of the inclusion of methodological information, use of news sources, emphasis on negative versus positive results, treatment of polls conducted by different entities, and use of visual means of representations. A content analysis was conducted on four newspapers which represent the professionalism, populism, and propaganda paradigms, respectively. The results show that there are both similarities and differences in the poll coverage of the newspapers, with the differences mostly corresponding to the differences in journalistic paradigms. The results also point to a number of phenomena about news media in Hong Kong and poll reporting in general.  相似文献   

This column is adapted from a presentation given at the 2018 Library Marketing and Communications Conference. In it, we describe our marketing team’s approach to developing sustainable marketing practices with our library’s strategic goals in mind. In an effort to create reusable, platform-flexible content, we developed social media posts that highlighted concepts from the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy. Our success on social media inspired us to consider how this content could be implemented on additional platforms. With this column, we invite you to engage with new ways of developing content for use on multiple marketing platforms.  相似文献   

关于新闻道德自律信条建立的情况 ,已有一些文章作了介绍 ,但多限于某一个国家。本文的新意在于作了一次世界性扫描 ,从西方新闻界到中国新闻界 ,再到区域性国际性的新闻组织。并指出制定道德信条是新闻自律的一项基本建设 ,是刚刚过去的 2 0世纪深具道德意义的一件事情。在此基础上 ,进一步对新闻道德自律信条的特征、赖以建立的理论基石和功能作了分析 ,以期更好地从本质上认识和把握它 ,这又是本文的第二个新意。文章结尾对新世纪新闻道德自律信条的发展趋势 ,作了展望。  相似文献   

Using framing and issue attention cycle as theoretical frameworks, this study examined how print media frame public health epidemics, such as mad cow disease, West Nile virus, and avian flu. We found that “action” and “consequence” were the two frames journalists employed consistently to construct stories about epidemics in the New York Times, the newspaper used for this case study. The prominence of other frames varied with diseases. We also found different attention cycle patterns for each disease. Coverage of public health epidemics was highly event based, with increased news coverage corresponding to important events such as newly identified cases and governmental actions. We found that media concerns and journalists' narrative considerations regarding epidemics did change across different phases of development and across diseases. This suggests that journalists emphasize different narrative considerations at different stages of the issue development cycle, based on the specificity of each disease.  相似文献   

刘坚 《传媒观察》2020,(5):5-11,F0002
在新闻智能化传播的环境下,传统媒介的新闻信息资源理念发生变化,智能算法成为新闻信息资源获取和开发的重要手段。智能化传播的新闻信息价值判断,建构了新闻事实信息-社会数据信息-用户需求信息三位一体的新闻信息价值确认系统,体现了智能化新闻信息价值理念的特殊追求。新闻信息生产流程中人工智能系统与新闻传播者形成特殊的生产关系,新闻信息生产理念强调人机协作与共处,由此产生新闻报道视野和新闻产品形态的变化。智能化的新闻发布机制,促进了新闻信息的多渠道推送和分散化传播,也有力推动了传统媒介新闻信息传播理念的智能化转变。  相似文献   

邓炘炘 《现代传播》2002,(3):99-105
本文是一个个案研究 ,通过分析前不久在美国纳斯达克上市的全球最大的中文网站新浪网公司(www sina com cn)前CEO王志东先生去职事件 ,引发中国国内媒体和网络传播机构展开密集报道的情况 ,来观察中国网络新闻传播的发展格局和运作特征。通过对国内主要传播机构和著名网站对此事件的报道情况的调查 ,我们发现国内报纸、广播电台和电视台在利用网络手段传播新闻方面 ,分别处于不同的发展层次。本文发现 ,网络新闻传播在一定的情况和条件下 ,可以独自设置不同于传统新闻媒体的新闻议程 ,如此次对“王志东事件”的报道 ;而网络传播确立独立议程的重要手段是设立新闻性专栏 ,给予特定新闻事件以突出的强调处理。这是网络新闻传播不同于其他新闻传播媒体的特殊手段。。本次调查对于广播电台和电视台的网站在国内网络新闻传播的参与程度的描述 ,将会随着网络业界的发展而改变。报刊媒体与网络传播的紧密关联 ,主要因为国内网络传播目前还是以文字形式为主。网络作为一个传递信息的平台 ,已经得到一致的公认。当这个信息平台用于新闻传播时 ,我们面临的问题是 :它究竟是一个信息平台 ,还是一个新闻媒体 ?当它作为一个“中性”的信息平台传播新闻时 ,我们发现 ,它几乎等同于一张没有社论版的报纸。网络传播在容  相似文献   

Diffusion of innovations research has altered the research trajectories of those in the field of communication. In this article, the authors briefly explore the evolution of diffusion research, in terms of theoretical influences and applied research advances, and then address how the evolution of diffusion of innovations provided the impetus for a communication discipline identity search. An explication of how diffusion of innovations can be viewed as mechanistically affecting media convergence is presented. This piece closes with a call to return to diffusion research, especially given the face of current communication vehicles and media convergence.  相似文献   

The 2005 hurricane season provided unprecedented opportunities for local television stations to serve the public interest in live, often commercial-free, coverage of severe weather. In this examination of four local television stations’ coverage of four Atlantic hurricanes in two Southeastern markets, observed patterns of behavior culminated in the development of the Local Weather Continuous Coverage Model. The study showed that unlike their cable news counterparts, local television news continuous coverage prioritizes weather personnel over live, on-the-scene news reporting. Of all the weather tools used, radar was the most frequently used, followed by watch and warning graphics.  相似文献   

The 2005 hurricane season provided unprecedented opportunities for local television stations to serve the public interest in live, often commercial-free, coverage of severe weather. In this examination of four local television stations' coverage of four Atlantic hurricanes in two Southeastern markets, observed patterns of behavior culminated in the development of the Local Weather Continuous Coverage Model. The study showed that unlike their cable news counterparts, local television news continuous coverage prioritizes weather personnel over live, on-the-scene news reporting. Of all the weather tools used, radar was the most frequently used, followed by watch and warning graphics.  相似文献   

This study examines reactions to ethical and strategic framing in the news coverage of the embryonic stem cell research controversy, depending on the level of issue involvement. In order to test hypotheses regarding the effects of strategic vs. ethical frames and the moderating role played by issue involvement, an online experiment was conducted. Results indicated that these two frames interacted with issue involvement and generated different reactions among participants.  相似文献   

谢静 《新闻大学》2004,1(3):40-44
美国的新闻媒介批评呈现出两个突出特征:方面,一些批评土题反复出现,而被批评的现象却久批不倒、依然故我:另一方面,媒介批评体现的要求与期望,往往相互矛盾、相互对立,令被批评者无所适从。因此,要从整体上把握表面繁荣、实质喧哗的媒介批评,必须超越具体的批评内容和主题,透视它与新闻业的关系。本文以新闻专业主义为基础来解读美国的新闻媒介批评,即力图从媒介批评与新闻业的矛盾关系入手,克服就事论事的局限,更加深入地理解媒介批评的本质。  相似文献   

This study investigated the communication strategies used by divorced individuals who did not wish their marriages to end (non-initiators). Participants were 270 divorced persons drawn from divorce recovery and support groups as well as network sampling. An adaptation of Buss's (1988 Buss , D. M. ( 1988 ). From vigilance to violence: Tactics of mate retention in American undergraduates . Ethology and Sociobiology , 9 , 291317 . [CROSSREF] [CSA] [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) taxonomy of partner retention tactics served to capture the communication strategies of non-initiators during marital dissolution. A factor analysis revealed that four disengagement resistance strategies—commitment, alignment, negativity, and harm—are used by non-initiators during the process of marital dissolution.  相似文献   

本文通过对国内有关老年群体信息传播技术(ICT)使用的学术话语展开框架分析,阐释了框架的建构及其背后的预设。分析发现,既有研究的话语框架倾向于将老年群体的"断连"(disconnect)行为问题化,强调数字融入的积极影响和断开连接的负面影响,并将问题归因为老年群体对技术的恐惧和新媒体素养的匮乏,呼吁通过文化反哺等社会干预策略让老年群体"跑步"进入数字化。本文提出将"断连"视为一种文化现象加以考察,探寻其中所编织的意义之网,丰富老年群体的信息传播技术使用的面向。此外,置身于无处不在的"连接文化"之中,应当营造一个对老年群体更为友好的基础设施环境与语言环境,在公共生活中提供多种选择的可能。  相似文献   

国家风能资源数据库是开展风能资源评估,风电自主化建设和风能资源有序开发利用的重要信息支撑系 统。介绍国家风能资源数据库的结构、重点任务、信息化流程和实现的功能,并总结分析国家风能资源数据库建成后 取得的成效,特别是在风能资源评估中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

Agenda-setting, priming, and framing research generally has been examined under the broad category of cognitive media effects. As a result, studies often either examine all 3 approaches in a single study or employ very similar research designs, paying little attention to conceptual differences or differences in the levels of analysis under which each approach is operating. In this article, I revisit agenda-setting, priming, and framing as distinctively different approaches to effects of political communication. Specifically, I argue against more recent attempts to subsume all 3 approaches under the broad concept of agenda-setting and for a more careful explication of the concepts and of their theoretical premises and roots in social psychology and political psychology. Consequently, it calls for a reformulation of relevant research questions and a systematic categorization of research on agenda-setting, priming, and framing. An analytic model is developed that should serve as a guideline for future research in these areas.  相似文献   

本研究通过内容分析法对1998年到2011年13年来的《人民日报》和《纽约时报》对禽流感的报道进行比较分析,发现中美主流媒体在对禽流感议题的关注趋势呈现相同的特征,但在关注程度上有所不同。同时,本文也以议题注意周期、框架理论为基础,揭示出由于办报理念的不同和文化背景的差异,中美主流媒体对禽流感议题关注重点和选取视角、报道议题等方面不同特征。  相似文献   

本文运用西方新闻学研究的框架和符码理论对美国媒体有关中共“十六大”的报道进行定性和定量分析 ,旨在揭示美国媒体与主流意识形态间的互动关系 ,加深我们对美国媒体国际新闻报道运作规律的认识  相似文献   

This article aims to assist information professionals in developing a resource collection that serves Wind Energy students in academic settings. Traditional as well as Internet resources should be utilized in order to meet the needs of this unique student population.  相似文献   

1953年,新西兰人埃德蒙·希拉里和尼泊尔人丹增·若尔盖登上珠峰,这是人类第一次站上世界之巅。50年后的今天,全世界的登山爱好者不约而同地以再攀珠峰的方式纪念这一人类历史上具有划时代意义的事件。  相似文献   

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