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早期干预是听力障碍幼儿康复成功的关键因素之一。该文从个案研究的角度,报告了一例成功的听力障碍幼儿早期干预的案例。研究结果表明,根据设定的阶段目标分步骤地对听力障碍幼儿进行早期干预是有效的。研究同时发现,尽早干预,在干预过程中充分利用游戏的价值,充分发挥同伴、家长的作用对听力障碍幼儿早期干预的成败意义重大。  相似文献   

听觉障碍儿童听力语言康复训练的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对一名出生于聋人家庭的听觉障碍儿童进行个案研究,探讨对其进行听力语言康复训练的有效方法,着重研究根据设定的阶段目标分步骤地对听觉障碍儿童进行听力语言康复训练的具体过程和做法,并提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

本文从语言学和文化学的角度 ,根据聋人的语言特征 ,分别围绕聋人的文化特征和聋人语言教育的文化思考等方面来探讨聋人语言教育的问题 ,认为 :缺少文化学的关照 ,对聋人的语言教育可能成为教育者一相情愿的空想 ,在教育日渐走向以人为本的今天 ,要求我们正视聋人的个性 ,尊重聋人的文化。  相似文献   

以456名3-9年级听障学生为被试,采用问卷调查法考察了听障学生学习投入现状以及学习投入与成就目标定向、学业自我效能感之间的关系.结果发现,绝大多数听障学生学习投入状况较好;学业自我效能感在成绩趋近目标和学习投入关系之间发挥完全中介作用,在掌握回避目标和学习投入关系之间发挥部分中介作用,在成绩回避目标和学习投入关系之间...  相似文献   

Although some initiatives are implemented in the education of students with hearing impairments in the regular school, challenges are still encountered in their education. This article which is part of the results from an ongoing qualitative study in the North-West region of Cameroon addresses the different initiatives and challenges involved with including students with hearing impairment in regular schools. Interviews, participant observations as well as field notes were the main instruments used in collecting data from the six teachers and six students with hearing impairments who participated in the research. Academic support, classroom placement and the way of working of the sign language interpreters were considered the major initiatives and challenges in the education of the students with hearing impairment in regular schools. It is apparent that adequate adjustments have not been made within the schools to meet the needs of the students with hearing impairments. This hence questions their actual inclusion in the regular school.  相似文献   

Autonomy describes cognition or behavior that is self-directed, according to personal interests, and free from external influence. This construct is of importance to students who are deaf because it has been shown to be positively related to their post-school transition outcomes, and this population faces unique challenges in this area. To conduct research with this construct, it is necessary to use measures that are valid and reliable for the population of interest. Therefore, a set of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses validated the unidimensionality of a shortened form of the ARC Self-Determination Scale’s autonomy dimension. A three-factor solution, including a social skills dimension, was measurement-invariant across many groups of students, including those with learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, speech and language impairments, and other health impairments. Although the shortened form of this scale was not unidimensional, as hypothesized, the generalizability of its measurement properties may prove useful. Discussion highlights the differences between these three dimensions and Wehmeyer's theory of self-determination.  相似文献   

This is a study of deaf children in Bhimavaram, West Godavari district Andhra pradesh. Physical disability hampers personality development of the child, because of the social stigma that such disability conditions carry. Children with hearing disability cannot speak also as they are deprived of learning and imitating sounds in the environment. Because of the disability of hearing and speaking they are segregated from the rest of world due to the lack of communication. Due to its invisible nature, the disability does not evoke the necessary response from the public. Compared to other human positions, hearing is next to mind itself, mans most important assistant for an integrated and satisfying social existence. It can isolate a person from his/her family, peers and community. Those who do not understand this disability may subject the victim to extremely negative attitudes.  相似文献   

This study uses the ‘Index for Inclusion’, developed by Booth and Ainscow, as a framework for investigating inclusive provision in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), introduced through the ‘School for All’ initiative. The study, by Nadera Emran Alborno of the American University in Dubai and Eman Gaad of the British University in Dubai, adopts a qualitative research approach, using a multiple case study methodology, to provide a rich and contextualised picture of implementation from the perspective of the various stakeholders. Following the ‘Index for Inclusion’, the findings are presented in terms of the three key school dimensions of cultures, policies, and practices. Themes emerging from the data include barriers to participation and learning such as the lack of effective training, adequate support services, and inclusive classroom structures. Also included are positive system characteristics such as the welcoming school climate, support among stakeholders, and emerging parent and community involvement. The study provides insights into the possible challenges to the implementation of the ‘Index for Inclusion’ in schools in the UAE.  相似文献   

This article discusses the perceptions of ‘virtual’ teachers with regard to the benefits of online education for students with special educational needs. Surveys were distributed to teachers from one educational management company about their experiences of teaching in asynchronous (self‐paced) virtual school classrooms. The survey responses revealed the following findings: online education has made it easier for students with limitations to access learning activities; improvements have been made in student academic performance; students have had success with asynchronous (self‐paced) education; student motivation has increased; and more individualised support has been available. Even though these results focused on positive outcomes, some negative perceptions were also recorded. These included discrepancies related to cyber‐bullying in asynchronous learning programmes, matters related to student accommodations, and problems associated with student use of online classroom resources.  相似文献   

The use of the Internet as a teaching tool continues to grow in popularity at colleges and universities. We consider, from the students’ perspective, the use of an Internet approach compared to a lecture and lab‐based approach for teaching an introductory course in statistical methods. We conducted a survey of introductory statistics students. Contradictory to what was hypothesized by the authors, they favoured keeping the lecture and lab‐based approach for teaching the class.  相似文献   


The purpose of this pilot study was to examine and refine an oral narrative intervention addressing personal narratives of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and severe language impairment. A multiple baseline across participants design investigated the effect of the intervention on the macrostructure of personal narratives. Three five–six year olds participated in a 1:1 intervention that targeted the where, who with, what and feelings of personal narrative. Intervention included macrostructure icons, pictures, modelling and participants telling the entire narrative. Participants received training with two or three narratives each session. The intervention was effective for all three participants. Two participants showed evidence of maintenance and generalisation across settings. The results show that children with autism and severe language impairment may benefit from oral narrative intervention targeting the macrostructure of personal narrative. These results are consistent with previous findings. Areas for future research include investigation of generalisation across people.  相似文献   

黄蘋  陈时见 《教育科学》2020,36(2):76-81
随着社会的快速发展和职业教育的不断变革,职业教育校企合作呈现出新的时代内涵,职业教育校企命运共同体应运而生并呈现出新的方向。职业教育校企命运共同体由“校企利益共同体”“校企情感共同体”“校企文化共同体”和“校企责任共同体”组成,是职业教育校企合作的最高形态,具有共生性、包容性、开放性和互补性等特征。新时代职业教育校企命运共同体的建设和健康发展,需要构筑义利统一的发展共识,需要构建情理交融的共生合作机制,需要共建开放包容的合作文化,需要落实互融共生的责任主体。  相似文献   

莫春菊 《江苏高教》2020,(8):119-124
人类命运共同体思想为大学生思想政治教育改革提供了全球性的视域和全球化的思维方式,其中所蕴涵的价值理念对于当前大学生思想政治教育目标、内容和方法的改革创新有着重要的意义。在人类命运共同体视域下,大学生思想政治教育要以培养世界"公共人"为己任,通过转变、创新大学生思想政治教育的工作理念,转换、完善大学生思想政治教育的话语体系,构建、优化大学生思想政治教育的工作模式,打造"开放""融入"世界的教育体系。  相似文献   

饶冠俊 《成人教育》2022,44(3):26-31
未来社区教育将围绕人本化、数字化和生态化的三维价值,满足人民群众对美好生活的向往,其中,优质的社区教育资源供给是重要支撑。贯彻党的十九届五中全会精神,以“公众参与、数字赋能”为导向,通过政策、机制等各方面的推动,让公众参与社区教育资源建设成为一种自觉,让数字化社区教育成为一种样态,最终打造一个学习共同体广泛参与、智慧化学习环境有力支撑、优质教育服务供给良好保障、全域性共建共享的社区教育资源建设新生态,实现未来社区教育的高质量发展。  相似文献   

借助文献计量工具对人类命运共同体研究进行可视化分析发现,围绕这一主题的研究进路可分为初始起步、快速发展和深化拓展三个阶段,以思想理念溯源、逻辑框架分析、价值意义阐释、实践路径探索为主要研究内容,以国际传播和话语权、中国特色大国外交实践整合、国际秩序和全球治理变革互动以及实践挑战和现实路径为前沿动向,并逐渐形成以马克思主义为主,涵盖政治学、社会学、法学等多学科参与的学术综合体。在人类命运共同体理念的重要性、必要性和紧迫性凸显的大变局时代,应进一步厘清基本概念、拓展研究视角和研究方法、加强研究力量整合和支持、加强对不同国家的认知和态度研究,深化理论研究和实践拓展。  相似文献   

The popularity of formative assessment has increased since the publication of work by Black and Wiliam in 1998. Even though it is a useful teaching tool, in most cases it has only been possible to use it for students with high levels of cognitive and communicative ability. The aim of this article is to propose a modified, personalisable model of formative assessment for non‐verbal students with autism and severe learning difficulties. Five students with autism and severe learning difficulties participated in systematic video observations over a period of eight weeks, during which student behaviour and attainment were recorded. The behaviour checklist gave an accurate representation of the students' level of engagement and predicted attainment, but differences in passive learning objectives (those requiring passive co‐operation) and active ones (those requiring active contribution) were noted. The introduction of engaging resources improved engagement, but tangible rewards had a negative effect on attainment. Praise had a positive effect on engagement and attainment.  相似文献   

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