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章晓岚  吕继红 《传媒》2012,(2):73-75
党的十七届六中全会关于文化大发展大繁荣的决定,为我国新闻媒体事业指明了发展方向。做大做强媒体,必须建设强势传媒品牌,以品牌带动传媒机构文化凝聚、组织发展。传媒品牌建设是媒体事业、产业进步的标志,品牌发展壮大体现着媒体运作的精神品位和导向把握,要树立经营传媒品牌理念,遵循科学规律,以传媒内容生产为纽带,做强主业,持续提高传媒品牌的美誉度。  相似文献   

报业融入新媒体,应用标准来破题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着美国传媒竞争的加剧和所有政策的日趋宽松,美国传统报业集团趋向横向经营,以内容整合多媒体,业务结构多元化。跨媒体经营正在改变美国信息知识的提供形式和成本,使传媒业务结构更趋个性化,避免恶性的同质竞争。纽约时报公司在经营方面是一个有代表性的个案。公司重视资本运营和品悼资产,以报业为主业,以“内容供应”为经营理念,弱化传媒形态的区隔,近年来努力开拓广播电视、网络和数字业务,通过技术共用而达到媒体融合、资源共享,并在地方化经营的基础上开拓全国市场。  相似文献   

韩悦 《声屏世界》2012,(10):178-179
佳视传媒成立于1998年,是专业从事媒体资源开发、影视节目制作投资、广告整合、媒体传播和公关活动策划执行的传媒机构。以电视媒体资源买断为主要经营模式,全国媒介购买量近几年每年都已超过3亿元。公司自创办以来,已为众多企业提供了全方位服务,为客户赢得了更广阔的市场,用百分百的热情和  相似文献   

当前,广播传媒的生存、发展通常要面对着三重竞争:一是多种传媒在争夺受众注意力这一紧缺资源;二是传播技术高速更新和进步带来的新媒体、新样式(如互联网等媒体不断裂变出所谓的各种媒体形式和内容);三是同类传媒在有限的地域空间合纵连横、短兵相接。这三者都涉及到一个核心问题,即传媒靠什么做强、做优?怎么做强、做优?怎样实现注意力、影响力和竞争力的有机结合和融通?新闻传媒做强、做优的支点在于品牌经营。在这方面,广西交通广播做出了成功的探索。他们以品牌塑造为主干、以个性和品位为两翼的三角构架,构建了传媒良性经营和快速发展的可喜局面。  相似文献   

整合文化是跨媒体经营的核心要素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现在,组建跨媒介集团已经成为媒体经营的一种趋势。举凡世界上重要的传媒企业都是跨媒介经营。如美国在线时代华纳、维亚康姆传媒公司、澳大利亚新闻集团、法国威望迪集团等。 国内媒体的跨媒体经营初现端倪,如湖南电广传媒和北京赛迪传  相似文献   

近年来传媒竞争越来越激烈, 媒体价格战、促销战不断升级, 为争夺广告,各媒体竞相降价早已司空见惯。传媒市场竞争加剧的背后,其实是媒体经营压力的增加,对有些媒体而言,甚至到了可能影响生存的地步。  相似文献   

中国的传媒发展和经营,必须立足于中国的现实,不论是集团建设的战略构想,还是产业发展的宏观认识,都离不开中国的现状和国际环境的影响,此所谓知己知彼,百战不殆。国内媒体若要与国际传媒巨鳄相抗衡,决不仅仅是对国外媒体经营管理模式的学习与模仿,更重要的是找准战略目标和战略定位。《关于传媒发展和经营的若干宏观认识问题》和《借鉴创新 与时俱进》从不同的方面、不同的角度给传媒管理和经营者以启示。  相似文献   

传媒融合的促动因素 传媒融合最直接的推动者是新兴媒体,特别是互联网和手机媒体的出现,改变了传媒界单一的传播形态。传媒融合最大的优势是可以充分发挥不同媒体的各自能量,形成集团作战,最大限度地立体式互补式地通过配套服务来提高市场占有率,从而为新闻宣传、信息传播、主业和多元经营赢得更大的主动权  相似文献   

在传媒经营由单一媒体经营进入集团层面的整合经营时代背景下,本文以经济学的视角从中国传媒集团经营中存在的规模不经济问题入手,分析中国传媒集团的组建类型、资源配置方式及其与集团组建本质动因的背离,提出“整合”是目前我国传媒集团经营的一个核心话语。  相似文献   

2022年整体外部环境面临巨大的不确定性,包括经济增速下滑、传媒经营活动难以正常开展、人口和用户红利衰竭等,给传媒经营带来诸多挑战。不确定时代下,虽然广告、游戏市场等传媒业市场呈现暂时性的寒意,但传媒业正在积极采取各种方式以寻求破冰之道,包括地市级媒体推动媒体深度融合,互联网企业实施“数实融合”和出海战略,以及积极向文化数字化、元宇宙等新兴市场进军,未来传媒市场有望回暖。  相似文献   

In the 1880s company magazines began to appear in large-scale British organizations. By the 1930s almost every corporation had one. Based on business archives and using a combination of business and media history, this article attempts to map the rise and spread of the company magazine. At the same time, it examines the organizational roles and functions of this media. Company magazines came to perform a number of important roles within large-scale business such as the construction of corporate identity, the creation of organizational culture, the validation and negation of managerial power and the evolution of industrial welfare. It is the multi-faceted nature of the company magazine that suggests the rise in its importance, and also its centrality to those interested in the relationship between business and media history.  相似文献   

This paper describes methods of organizing the study of the information requirements of clients as a business process for a company that monitors and analyzes mass media. The modeling of these requirements is seen as an instrument for increasing the loyalty of clients and as a method for optimizing the final product of a company to the individual requirements of the consumer.  相似文献   

Today, many media corporations are linked together through interlocking boards of directors. Are these interlocks legal, especially in an ever-converging media environment? This study of interlocks finds that over 40% of leading media corporations are interlocked with another leading media company. The majority of these interlocks are legal under current media conditions, but that may change as media formats converge. In addition, the legality of 2 board interlocks is questioned and discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the business strategies of media exports by a dominant television company in Hong Kong. It is found that there are four strategies: co‐operative contract, joint venture, barter trade, and management consultancy. These strategies vary with the importing state's reactions as well as interactions between the media exporter and the importing state. The authors argue for a re‐examination of the two conventional approaches in the discussion of media imperialism, namely, the traditional theories of media imperialism and the free market approach. The new approach should emphasize the interactions among the media exporters, the state, and the audience.  相似文献   


The impact of financial markets on media management practices is apparent in Canada, where public trading in newspaper company shares has contributed significantly to concentrated press ownership. Fluctuations in newspaper share values have often shaped firm strategies as a result. This paper presents the Southam newspaper chain as a case study of the impact of financial markets on newspaper management practices. Historical analysis is used to show how Canada's oldest and largest newspaper chain, which was known for its commitment to quality journalism and for allowing its local publishers editorial independence, made a fateful decision when it went “public”; with a share issue in 1945. The increasingly widespread ownership of its stock led to Southam's gradual takeover in 1996 by Hollinger Inc., which cut costs and reduced staff chain‐wide. Sale of the Southam newspapers in 2000 to CanWest Global Communications has seen editorial control centralized at company headquarters and partisan support shown for the ruling federal Liberal party, contrary to Southam's founding principles. As a result, the Canadian Senate began hearings into the media in 2003, bringing the possibility of government regulation to reverse the impact of financial markets on the management of media firms there.  相似文献   

Research indicates that people are increasingly spending time with social media and other information communication technology. However, scholars have not fully examined how employees as holistic media consumers utilize social media in multiple contexts. Through in-depth interviews (N = 29), this study demonstrates that even as social media are embedded in organizational media use routines, employees question this technology for 2 reasons: It distracts from tasks and threatens personal privacy. These concerns often, but not exclusively, relate to employee age and the amount of time they have worked for the company. The study concludes by arguing that social media’s arrival in the workplace may exacerbate tensions and problems that are associated with presence-creep and the distortion of the work-life balance.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the emergence of Finnish computer culture in the late 1950s. The introduction of computers is studied by using a wide range of source material of popular media, such as commercial and company promotion films, newspapers, popular magazine articles, cartoons and comic strips. The paper argues that the introduction of the new computing technology was deeply experienced with the help of popular media, where the technological capabilities of computers as thinking and sensing ‘all-purpose machines’ were translated into several media-specific audio-visual forms. Computers were represented as sensing and sensible technology, a rubric that was remediated by the help of old media. In this process, the spectacularization of computers worked not only as an innocent fabulation of the computers to convince the ‘general public’ but to create a certain social arrangement particular to this spectacle. The idea that the end-user is cut off from the actual processes of the computer, as suggested by such media historians as Friedrich Kittler, was evident already in the earlier construction of computing culture in the mainframe era.  相似文献   

The current understanding of a media company is based on the idea of a publisher or broadcaster producing or aggregating, bundling, and distributing content. In this scenario, the content creation mainly is done by professionals. However, with the advent of mobile devices and ubiquitous Internet access, users have been enabled to produce content themselves. This gave rise to a new form of media companies: the platform operators, who aggregate, manage, and distribute user-generated content. Based on a historical summary, this article delineates the characteristics of this new approach of content distribution, draws comparisons to the traditional media companies, derives implications for the media markets, and provides a definition for the term media company that is valid in both the online and offline world.  相似文献   

我国媒介类上市公司股权激励问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王松茂 《出版科学》2010,18(4):14-20
目前我国媒介类上市公司高管薪酬激励在出现薪酬增长速度快、薪酬结构趋于合理的同时,仍然存在薪酬激励功能不强、薪酬结构欠合理和薪酬激励短期化的问题。本文在回顾我国媒介类上市公司股权激励探索历史的基础上,提出科学评估股权激励的外部环境与内在约束因素,选择切实可行的股权激励模式、设计科学的股权激励考核制度,完善股权激励的企业配套制度等对策建议。  相似文献   

张金海  张燕 《新闻界》2008,(4):13-15
由于目前我国传媒上市公司都是剥离、分拆、再整合上市的,其控股母公司往往通过关联交易对传媒上市公司的财务和生产经营决策实施控制或施加重大影响,因此交易往往是不公开、不公平、不合理的,是有损公司价值的。  相似文献   

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