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分析了影响地方高校学报发行量的主要原因是由于地方高校学报的内容具有综合性特征,学科特色不明显,学术价值不高;提出了提高地方高校学报的发行量的对策:突出优势学科,办好特色栏目;改革学报现行的办刊模式,走“集约化”办刊的道路。  相似文献   

15年来,《南阳师范学院学报》的办刊经验表明:正确的办刊方向是办好学报的政治保证;领导的重视是办好学报的组织保证;服务教学科研是办好学报的基础保证;优秀的编辑队伍是办好学报的根本保证;服务社会经济发展是办好学报的助推器。  相似文献   

高校学报与学科建设之间存在着相互促进、共同发展的关系。学报作为学校学术交流的窗口,在反映学科特色、培养人才、促进科学研究、推动学科发展等方面有着重要的作用。要办好学报,必须吸纳优秀稿件,提高学术质量;优化学报栏目,突出学术特色;提高编辑素养,促进学术研究;建立稳定的作者队伍,促进学术梯队建设,从而促进学科建设。  相似文献   

学报学是一门新学科。本文以问答的方式勾划出学报学概论的一部分,简明扼要地提出并回答了办好学报的一些有关理论和实践问题。  相似文献   

文章阐述了高校学报的功能和在学科建设中的优势与不足,分析存在的问题,并提出优化措施,包括办刊定位,明确发展方向;提升服务意识,加强作者团队的建设;办好特色栏目,服务优势学科建设;提升编辑的学科意识;利用学报传播平台,促进学科建设成果转化。  相似文献   

高校学报的专业化发展,一方面要依托本校的专业力量和学科优势,依托本校的师资力量和专家队伍进行学术研究,另一方面还要吸引外稿进行深度研究。从学报本身来说,办好特色栏目,以特色栏目展现学报的专业趋向,是学报专业化发展的一个重要举措。  相似文献   

寻求高校学报创新与办刊特色的结合点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学学报是我国科技期刊的一支主力军,高校学报的办刊宗旨决定了刊物的学科内容和学术水平始终与学校的发展紧密相连。在高等教育改革日益深化的今天,必须创新办刊理念,才能办好大学学报,使之能得以更好地生存和发展。  相似文献   

<正>教育部《关于加强和改进高等学校哲学社会科学学报工作的意见》指出:学报要"立足本地、本校,发挥各自的学术优势,办出学报的个性和特色;要重点办好特色栏目,推出更多有较高学术水平和较大学术影响的精品力作。"遵照上述要求,本刊将依据我校的办学目标,依托我校的学科优势,本着"立足小学教育"、"研究小学教  相似文献   

《集美大学学报》前身是《集美航海学院学报》,1982年3月创刊。1998年集美航海学院与其他4所高校合并,组建集美大学,学报更名为《集美大学学报》。是由集美大学主管、主办,并经国家新闻出版署批准公开发行的大学学报。国际标准刊号为ISSN1671—6493;国内统一刊号为CN35—1238/U。近年来,《集美大学学报》立足于我国著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生故里的人文和地域优势,秉承陈嘉庚先生“办好教师教育”的理念,依托集美大学现有8个师范类本科专业的学科优势,创设了“教师发展研究”栏目。  相似文献   

教育部《关于加强和改进高等学校哲学社会科学学报工作的意见》指出:学报要“立足本地、本校,发挥各自的学术优势,办出学报的个性和特色;要重点办好特色栏目,推出更多有较高学术水平和较大学术影响的精品力作。”遵照上述要求,本刊将依据我院的办学目标,依托我院的学科优势,本着“立足小学教育”、“研究小学教育”、“服各小学教育”的办刊宗旨.  相似文献   

In this paper, research on implicitly measured teacher associations with social groups of students (attitudes and stereotypes) is reviewed. The aim of this review is to describe the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of the use of implicit measures in educational research, to summarize the research completed so far in which implicit measures have been used, how implicitly measured attitudes and stereotypes are related to different teacher factors and student outcomes, and to discuss challenges and directions for future research on implicit measures and their effects. A total of 49 studies was reviewed. These studies show that the use of implicit measures of teacher attitudes and stereotypes has great potential for the understanding of differential treatment of students by their teachers, but also that this line of research needs further development, with more focus on the validation of implicit measures and study designs in experimental and field settings.  相似文献   

Benchmarking citation measures among the Australian education professoriate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Individual researchers and the organisations for which they work are interested in comparative measures of research performance for a variety of purposes. Such comparisons are facilitated by quantifiable measures that are easily obtained and offer convenience and a sense of objectivity. One popular measure is the journal impact factor, based on citation rates, but it is a measure intended for journals rather than individuals. Moreover, educational research publications are not well represented in the databases most widely used for calculation of citation measures, leading to doubts about the usefulness of such measures in education. Newer measures and data sources offer alternatives that provide wider representation of education research. However, research has shown that citation rates vary according to discipline and that valid comparisons depend upon the availability of discipline-specific benchmarks. This study sought to provide such benchmarks for Australian educational researchers based on analysis of citation measures obtained for the Australian education professoriate.  相似文献   

Statistical significance testing is the cornerstone of quantitative research, but studies that fail to report measures of effect size are potentially missing a robust part of the analysis. We provide a rationale for why effect size measures should be included in quantitative discipline-based education research. Examples from both biological and educational research demonstrate the utility of effect size for evaluating practical significance. We also provide details about some effect size indices that are paired with common statistical significance tests used in educational research and offer general suggestions for interpreting effect size measures. Finally, we discuss some inherent limitations of effect size measures and provide further recommendations about reporting confidence intervals.  相似文献   

价值中立是质性研究倡导并遵循的重要研究原则,教育现象学研究与教育人类学研究是当前教育学质性研究的代表性研究方法.其中"悬置"与"离我远去"分别是二者坚持价值中立的基本措施.教育研究是一种价值判断与价值表述,上述措施在实施中很难或者不能兑现,所以,质性研究的价值中立是教育学追求"科学"的一种努力但并不能实现.  相似文献   

This article reviews contemporary research on multimedia learning that uses cognitive load theory as the major theoretical framework. In particular, we address the extent to which working memory has been conceptualized and measured in this research, what kind of subjective measures of cognitive load have been used and whether such measures are combined with other measures of cognitive load, and how results from subjective measures have been related to learning and achievement. The findings show that most of the reviewed studies did not include any clear conceptualization or measurement of working memory, used only general subjective measures containing one or very few items, and did not report findings consistent with the hypothesized relationship between cognitive load and multimedia learning. The findings are discussed in relation to the broader goal of improving research on cognitive load in the context of multimedia learning.  相似文献   

基于考生英语口试话语的研究中,不同研究者用采分析话语准确度,流利度与复杂度等语言特征的衡量指标有相似的也有差异的。为了验证这些研究中所共同采用的一些衡量指标的有效性,在一项实证研究的基础上,对六个被不同研究采用的衡量指标进行因子分析,结果表明所考察的六个衡量指标均能准确有效地反映出预期的考生口试话语语言特征。  相似文献   

As the number of young dual language learners (DLLs) in early care and education (ECE) programs is increasing, it is critical to examine how well measures of the quality of practices in these settings reflect the needs of the diverse groups of children being served. This review of the research literature addressed these questions for ECE settings serving children birth-five: whether quality differs for settings serving high proportions of DLLs compared to typical samples, whether existing quality measures exhibit similar psychometric characteristics and associations with child outcomes in settings serving DLL and non-DLL children, and whether DLL-specific measures perform differently than general measures of quality. The search procedure produced 10 research studies that met the criteria for inclusion in the review out of approximately 3800 that were found initially and more than 300 that were reviewed. These studies included 10 out of 46 identified measures of ECE quality, including both general and DLL-specific measures. Findings suggested that widely used general ECE quality measures function similarly for DLLs compared to typical populations with regard to overall quality, psychometric characteristics, and child outcomes. Further research is needed to broaden the knowledge base for a wider variety of measures, beyond center-based settings, and beyond Spanish-speaking DLLs, as well as to enhance methodological approaches. There appear to be potential research opportunities through numerous existing studies that included DLL populations but had not analyzed their data in regard to these groups.  相似文献   


The argument is made that psychometric forms of assessment are essential to the large-scale adoption of developmental approaches to moral education. In this respect, the Defining Issues Test has been an invaluable tool for research and practice in moral education. However, because such instruments are based upon previous developmental research, they are by definition derivative and unsuited for basic research on moral development. In addition standardised measures, while essential to educational research on the correlates of moral growth, run the risk of reifying extant views and assumptions about morality and moral development. Thus, such measures may stand in the way of generating new knowledge and/or impeding the assimilation of alternative conceptions of morality and social development within educational research and practice. To avoid these problems, while at the same time benefiting from the utility of measures such as the DIT, requires a constant reciprocal interaction between the generation of standardised measures and basic developmental research.  相似文献   

加强大学生科研道德素质教育,宏观上要做到从传统科研教育观念向现代科研教育观念、从落后科研教育模式向先进科研教育模式转变;操作上重点加强大学生科研道德素质养成教育,发挥大学生、高等院校社会其他成员及团体的不同作用,加强大学生科研道德素质教育有利于充分调动大学生的科研积极性,提高自主思考与创新能力;大力改善未来科研道德发展的环境,为科研的健康快速发展提供有生力量;有效提高我国科研实力,促进国家建设健康快速发展。  相似文献   

对学报与高校教师科研素养二者的相关性进行了分析,并根据本校科研论文产出状况以及学报内稿质量分析了教师科研素养存在的问题及原因,由此,基于学报的功能,从激发教师的科研热情,引导教师的科研方向,提高教师的科研能力,培养教师的学术品德和科研态度四个方面提出了学报培育高校教师科研素养的措施。  相似文献   

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