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我国工匠建房时要举行一系列的巫术仪式,这些内容驳杂的巫术仪式由象征符号和象征行为构成。由于工匠大多具有兼职巫师的社会属性,并且新房建造过程是一个暂时独立于日常生活的相对神圣的时期,所以工匠建房巫术仪式又具有阈限的特征。本文将讨论象征对于工匠建房巫术仪式的意义、传统文化迫力对于工匠建房巫术仪式中象征体系得以形成的支撑作用,最后通过对田野个案的解析来论述工匠建房巫术仪式中的阈限。  相似文献   

从发生学角度考察,大学里的仪式既是人类社会的需要,也是大学自身的需要。通过对仪式从人类学、社会学、宗教学、文化研究等领域进行追溯,大学仪式流变的主要来源为以下四点:传统礼仪的演化与改良、西方文明的借鉴与改造、社会风尚的移植与衍生、意识形态的需要与强制。它成为大学不可或缺的一部分,是大学文化的组成部分,承担着大学道德教育的功能。  相似文献   

巫是一种异常古老的文化。我国南楚地区历来巫风昌炽,时至今日,这里的民众巫风观念仍较浓厚,祈求性巫术普遍存在。祈求性巫术是一种虚幻的信念与手段,其目的是镇邪祛病,消灾免祸,求得人丁兴旺和获得生产丰收。它具有种种消极因素,抓紧在其消亡之前搜集原始资料,以便进行巫术理论、民俗学、人类学、宗教学和法学等多学科的全方位研究。  相似文献   

在壮族民间师公教祈雨仪式中经常被唱诵的壮族英雄史诗《布伯》塑造了一个多次与雷公斗争、为人间解除干旱的人间英雄形象。在泰国东北部,解释芒飞节起源的神话《青蛙神的故事》在"智斗"的情节上与《布伯》极其相似。通过比较二者的内容,可发现侗台语族群口头叙事与仪式之间的内在联系与外在张力,其背后是深厚的越巫传统、稻作文化与蛙崇拜。  相似文献   

数字是人类对宇宙时空及其运行规律进行描述的感性符号。从出土简帛医方资料看,"七"不仅常被用作巫术性疗法中的象征性动作如摩擦、击打以及唾的动量标准,而且也常成为巫方用药的剂量、物量以及对不同性别患者进行象征性动作及用药多少的一个标准,说明至迟在秦汉时期,数字"七"已成为中国早期数文化中富含神秘性和巫术性的"模式数字"。"七"之所以能具有"模式数字"的性质,这与早期先民对于宇宙空间、宇宙天体的运行规律以及人体生命节律的认知等因素有关。  相似文献   

湘西苗族性巫术因其目的的不同被分成两部分:一块是围绕生殖与繁衍,事关整个部族的生存与发展,因而可以进入到"公共空间";一块是围绕性之欢娱,主要体现为个体的私密的感受,因而被规定在"私人空间"里,二者相互关联,相互依存,提供了一套奇妙的有关苗族这个古老民族原始性观念、性欲与民间伦理关系的叙述话语。  相似文献   

成都裂隙性黏土流变特性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以成都裂隙性黏土为对象,进行一系列室内试验,探讨了成都裂隙性黏土的流变特性。通过三轴固结不排水蠕变试验,得到不同围压下各级偏应力水平的全过程蠕变曲线和应力—应变等时曲线,对试验结果做了讨论,并建立了蠕变方程。其中应变—时间关系采用伯格斯模型,应力—应变关系采用指数函数的蠕变方程,拟和曲线与试验曲线很好的吻合,较好地表达了土体的应力—应变—时间关系。  相似文献   

《异域性与本土化:女性主义诗学在中国的流变与影响》是考察四分之一世纪以来西方女性主义诗学在中国当代复杂的文化语境中的流变与影响的一部专著。  相似文献   

Sexuality and sex education cannot be divorced from the moral values of the societies within which we must negotiate our sexual identities and relationships. Rather than pandering to the moral panic that is too often associated with the provision of sex education in non‐secular societies where religion is more visibly active in shaping sexual ideals and norms, this article takes up the challenge of investigating a relationship that is often represented as being innately contradictory. It explores the Islamic notion of zina (illicit sex) in relation to the provision of comprehensive sex education for Muslim youth in contemporary Indonesia. The article initially establishes the demand for sex education among Indonesian youth from the overlapping perspectives of health, human rights and Islam. It then explores the notion of zina in detail and exposes how Islamic stipulations against premarital sex are not necessarily in conflict with the provision of sex education. The final section of the article refines the argument in favour of utilizing Islam as a framework for developing religiously appropriate sex education and describes a suitable approach and content for Islamic sex education curricula for Indonesian youth.  相似文献   

Doug Kirby transformed the field of sex education by conducting rigorous research that led to new, critical insights about ways to strengthen programmes, evaluation and policies related to sexual health throughout the world. Throughout his career, Kirby was meticulous in compiling evidence and translating findings into actionable recommendations for interventions, research and policy. He published more than 150 scientific articles, book chapters and monographs that have been widely cited and more than 900,000 copies of his publications have been distributed. Kirby's impact has been recognised with awards from numerous professional organisations and his unique and powerful scientific voice is greatly missed by his colleagues and friends.  相似文献   

由于认识能力的限制,苗族社会普遍存在着巫蛊方面的民间信仰。有人幻想通过巫术使异性受到诱惑,认为此术可以感应并取悦异性。性爱巫术属于一种鲜为人知的“秘术”,其表现形式多种多样。勾魂巫术实际上是人魂合一观念的表现形式,而用某些动物、植物配制成爱药来激发所迷恋对象的性爱、性欲和性力,也是此种巫术常见的形式。由性爱巫术引申出来的有关“蛊”的迷信思想,始终影响着苗族的性爱观念。  相似文献   

从民俗角度对祈雨进行探究的文章屡见不鲜,而以诗歌为踏板,透彻表现祈雨意蕴的论文却所见不多。通过对宋代祈雨题材诗歌的研究,对其内容展开具体分析,可以反映出祈雨前后宋代社会的真实情况,同时可深入了解到宋人的精神世界,了解其独具特色的祈雨观。  相似文献   

美国是较早进行性教育的国家之一,其多样的模式和丰富的经验使其受到各国研究者的关注。文章通过对美国两大主要青少年性教育模式的发展历程和现状、价值体系、教育目标、课程内容四大方面的比较研究,以期为我国青少年性教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

关于我国特殊教育学校职能转变的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在“以随班就读和特教班为主体,以特教学校为骨干”的特殊教育新格局中,特殊学校的地位将发生根本的变化。本文从我国特殊教育的现状和发展趋势出发,借鉴国际特殊学校教育发展的经验,探讨特殊学校如何在新的条件下继续生存、发展,并切实发挥骨干作用。提出特殊学校应从传统的封闭式教育机构转变为集教学、师资培训、信息服务和社区特殊教育资源管理为一体的特殊教育中心。  相似文献   

探讨用直角坐标系下的二重积分化二次积分的基本方法来有效解决所有重积分交换次序问题.  相似文献   

Domestic-minor sex trafficking (DMST) continues to affect youth in the United States; however, lack of empirical evidence for interventions and the complex sociopolitical discourses surrounding sex trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) hamper delivery of effective services to this population. To explore perspectives on best practices with these young people, 20 in-depth interviews were conducted with key stakeholders whose work provides them with a unique vantage point on the needs and experiences of survivors of DMST in New Jersey. Notes from interviews were coded and analyzed for emergent themes. While key stakeholders generally agreed on best practices, there were several important areas of dispute that emerged regarding how best to serve youth involved in DMST, specifically with regard to youth running away from services, models of service provision, and the use of technology by these youth. Findings suggest that professionals from diverse backgrounds may disagree about the extent to which youth involved in DMST possess agency in their decision-making capacities as adolescents. This study explores these areas of dispute, and discusses the implications for the many different professionals and systems that must work together in providing services to this population.  相似文献   

人口流动过程中的越轨性行为分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在对越轨性行为界定的基础上,对比分析了人口流动过程中的婚前性行为、婚外性行为、商业性性行为等越轨性行为。结果表明,与常住人口相比,流动人口的越轨性行为容许程度更高,越轨性行为的发生率更加明显。流动人口越轨性行为给个人、家庭和社会造成了不良后果,并引发系列社会问题。  相似文献   

The changing work roles and resulting workloads of distance educators hold significant implications for the wellbeing and mental health of academics. New work roles include redesigning curricula for online delivery, increasing staff-student ratios and demands for student-support, management of part-time staff, and 24-h availability. This research was conducted to investigate the perceived importance of various job roles constituting the quantitative and qualitative workload of distance educators at an open and distance learning university in South Africa. A quantitative, cross-sectional self-report survey design was employed. A stratified random sampling technique was used to ensure generalisability. The questionnaires were completed online, and the results were statistically analysed. The findings include a priority list of 40 distance educators’ work roles that may impact on their perceived workload. The article offers recommendations for policy development to facilitate a healthy workload allocation for distance educators.  相似文献   

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