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This review of published literature and research critically examines the conceptual and psychometric problems associated with curriculum-based measurement (CBM) as they relate to eligibility decision making and programming for special education. It is concluded that although CBM can provide a useful supplement in assessing and remediating academic difficulties, it suffers from many of the criticisms leveled at traditional assessments as well as some unique limitations of its own. It is concluded that CBM, to be of most value, needs to be part of a larger systematic psychoeducational assessment program rather than a replacement for it.  相似文献   

Curriculum-based measurement: the emerging alternative   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The use of curriculum-based measurement (CBM) is supported by several decades of research regarding their technical adequacy, practical utility, and use with diverse populations. Questions remain regarding the measurement of growth using tri-annual reading CBM (R-CBM) assessment. Existing research on annual rates of growth is inconclusive with some studies suggesting that the most growth occurs from the fall to the winter and others finding growth accelerates from winter to spring. With a sample of students in third through fifth grades, consisting of a high percentage of English Language Learners (ELLs) and students exited from bilingual instruction, this study found that Non-ELL students demonstrated semester differences in R-CBM growth consistent with prior research in third and fourth grades, but not in fifth grade. However, this pattern was not always consistent for ELLs and students recently exited from bilingual instruction, suggesting that conclusions regarding semester differences in R-CBM growth rates should not be consistently extended to ELLs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of curriculum-based measures as indicator of growth in content-area learning. Participants were 58 students in 2 seventh-grade social studies classes. CBM measures were student- and administrator-read vocabulary-matching probes. Criterion measures were performance on a knowledge test, the social studies subtest of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), and student grades. Both the student- and examiner-read measures reflected change in performance; however, only the student-read measure resulted in interindividual differences in growth rates. Significant relations were found between the growth rates generated by the student-read vocabulary measure and student course grades, ITBS scores, and growth on the knowledge test. These results support the validity of a vocabulary-matching measure as an indicator of student learning in the content areas. The results are discussed in terms of the use of CBM as a system for monitoring performance and evaluating interventions for students with learning disabilities in content-area classrooms.  相似文献   

Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) represents an alternative to both standardised and teacher made reading tests. Oral Reading Fluency (ORF), a curriculumbased measure of reading, is presented as an accurate indicator of both general reading ability and reading comprehension, and as a means of monitoring reading progress towards functional literacy. The relevant literature relating to curriculum-based measurement of reading is critically reviewed, with particular reference to research supporting the use of Passage Reading Tests (PRTs) to measure ORF.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in written expression between a sample of learning-disabled and nondisabled middle school students, matched by grade and sex, using eight curriculum-based measures. All of the learning-disabled students had been identified as having written language deficits as part of their handicapping conditions. The nondisabled students showed superior written expression skills, especially on the production-independent measures. Implications of these results are discussed in relation to psycho educational assessment, the use of CBM for ongoing assessment of written expression, and future studies.  相似文献   

Research on teacher productivity, as well as recently developed accountability systems for teachers, relies on “value-added” models to estimate the impact of teachers on student performance. We consider six value-added models that encompass most commonly estimated specifications. We test many of the central assumptions required to derive each of the value-added models from an underlying structural cumulative achievement model and reject nearly all of them. While some of the six popular models produce similar estimates, other specifications yield estimates of teacher productivity and other key parameters that are considerably different.  相似文献   

This chapter is a survey of four different applications of probabilistic models to problems in educational measurement. The first, by Esdaille, is an analysis of the Bermuda Educational Assessment Programme's Primary 5 Mathematics Component. The second, by Shaw, presents a detailed comparison of two South African tests, one multiple choice and the other short response direct questions, and suggests that the medium correlation coefficient usually obtained in comparisons between scores obtained from multiple-choice items and direct questions can in part be attributed to design errors in some multiple choice items. The third study tests the assertions of some linguists and literary critics that it may not be possible to expect or derive normative understandings of irony. Smith's analysis of over 250 U.S. students' interpretations of ironic poetry shows otherwise. Finally, Valgeirsdóttir describes how a probabilistic model informed the iterative construction of a pencil and paper adaptive aptitude test in Iceland.  相似文献   

论基础教育和谐发展:基于课程的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄翔 《教育研究》2006,27(4):19-23,42
基础教育和谐发展最终要通过学校课程落实于人的发展。基于此,基础教育和谐发展包含个体和谐发展与群体均衡发展,并反映相应的课程价值。促进基础教育和谐发展的课程策略涉及物质、制度和意识三个层面,即有效开发与均衡配置课程资源;建立上下贯通、职责分明的课程保障制度;树立促进学生和谐发展的课程意识和观念。  相似文献   

中职数学课程应具有基础性、工具性、灵活性、选择性、趣味性和应用性等特点,2009年教育部颁布的新的《中等职业学校数学教学大纲》体现了能力立意的精神,江苏省的《数学》新教材很好地呈现了基础性和应用性的鲜明特点。中职数学课程下教学要重视中职学生的个体差异,有机渗透数学思想方法,强化为专业服务的理念,切合实际体现“基本、够用”的原则。  相似文献   

General dissatisfaction with commercial norm-referenced tests and global ability measures and the need for more specific achievement measures due to changes in special education have led to an increased interest in the curriculum-based assessment of reading. We argue that a curriculum-based assessment (CBA) of reading provides relevant information for instructional interventions only if the content of the curriculum and instruction are grounded in the cognitive skills underlying the domain of reading. If CBA is based on valid cognitive constructs, it may assist greatly in the identification of younger readers at risk for reading problems, older students with reading problems, and provide the most sensitive measure of continuous progress. We discuss the implications of our review for the training of school psychologists and for consultation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In recent years, the construct of character has received substantial attention among developmental scientists, but no consensus exists about the content and structure of character, especially among children and early adolescents. In a study of positive development among racially diverse Cub Scouts in the greater Philadelphia area, we assessed the construct and concurrent validity of a new measure of character, the Assessment of Character in Children and Early Adolescents (ACCEA), among 906 Scouts (mean age = 8.84 years, SD = 1.39 years) and 775 non-Scout boys and girls (mean age = 8.92, SD = 1.64). We identified an eight-correlated-factor model as providing the best fit with our data. We further established measurement invariance and explored latent mean differences for ACCEA scores across two Scout groups (with or without a higher-level program leader), non-Scout boys and non-Scout girls. Girls were generally superior than boys on all character attributes. We further examined concurrent validity of ACCEA by correlating the character attributes with youth sense of school competence, intentional self-regulation and parental perception of youth school performance. We discuss implications for future character research and point to the value of the ACCEA measure being used by practitioners in character development programs.  相似文献   

我们首先给出Black-Scholes期权定价模型,并用鞅方法导出其定价公式,然后引入O-U过程期权定价模型,通过分析比较发现这两个模型都满足相同的随机微分方程,并且在此两模型下期权具有相同的价格.  相似文献   

This chapter is a collection of four studies applying probabilistic models to problems outside of education. Denmark's Allerup, Bech, and Loldrup present the calibration of the Visual Analogue Scale, used for measuring pain, and the use of this scale for measuring the reductions in pain brought about via the administration of three different treatments. Alvarez and Bañegil's study is a calibration of the criteria by which implementation of Just In Time and Total Quality Management techniques are recognized in Spain. Styles tests the assertion of sociologist O.D. Duncan that the reason for low correlations between measures of attitude and behaviour may be because these variables may not involve separate constructs but simply differing amounts of the same construct. Her conjoint measurement study of data from an Australian survey shows just how much harder it is to do than to say. Finally, from Israel, Tenenbaum presents the results of two studies involving the relationship of anxiety to performance among athletes, showing that commonly used instruments do not produce data of the consistency needed for fit to probabilistic conjoint measurement models in these applications.  相似文献   

在工程量清单计价处于理论研究与实践相结合的初步阶段,定额计价和工程量清单计价并存,两种计价模式下工程造价的编制依据容易混淆,本文在总结实践经验的基础上,运用实例,分析了二者的区别和联系,为合理确定工程造价提供了正确的途径。  相似文献   

Child abuse pediatricians have multiple roles in caring for abused children, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and, when needed, expert legal opinion. The child physical abuse consultation differs from the traditional medical consultation in that it has medical, investigative and legal audiences, all of whom have different information needs. How child abuse pediatricians approach their cases and how they document their initial inpatient consultations that will be used by such a diverse audience is currently unexplored. We used content analysis to examine 37 child physical abuse consultation notes from a national sample of child abuse pediatricians in order to understand physicians’ approaches to these consultations. Three commonly used models of child physical abuse consultation were identified in the data that we named the base model, the investigative model, and the family-dynamic model. While model types overlap, each is distinguished by key features including the approach used to gather information, the information recorded, and the language used in documentation. The base model most closely mirrors the traditional medical approach; the investigative model concentrates on triangulation of sources of information; and, the family-dynamic model concentrates on physician perceptions of family relationships. The three models of consultations for child physical abuse mirror the areas of child abuse pediatrics: diagnostic, forensic and therapeutic. These models are considered in relationship to best practice from other medical specialties with forensic components.  相似文献   

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