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对于师幼对话,大部分的研究侧重于对教学中的幼儿与教师的语言互动。一日生活中的对话研究较少,而且着重于对幼儿良好的生活习惯的养成,研究表明:在一日生活中,只有当幼儿出现明显破坏纪律的行为,教师才会单独地与幼儿进行对话,否则就会按部就班地完成一日的幼儿园工作。有的教师是未能察觉到幼儿的消极情绪,有的教师即使察觉到了幼儿具有消极情绪也不想去管,有的教师是心有余而力不足,不知道该如何的帮助幼儿调节。幼儿很难进行自我的情绪调节,需要成人的帮助,否则将会影响幼儿心理健康发展。为此,教师应当提高自身的责任感与使命感,多关心幼儿,加强专业学习,在与幼儿的对话中敏锐地觉察信息,了解幼儿的生活情况。  相似文献   

阅读是一切幼儿学习和发展的基础和前提,多元表达是幼儿自主阅读能力和阅读成果的体现。绘本作为最适合幼儿阅读的读物,对促进幼儿的多元表达具有重要的作用,因此,教师和家长作为幼儿时期科学阅读的主要引导者,应当重视幼儿绘本阅读,在科学理论的指导下,共同合作,促进幼儿的成长与发展。基于此,本文以对话教育理念为指引,对绘本家园共读课程进行实践研究,以期激发幼儿多元,提升幼儿阅读能力。  相似文献   

对话是否就是有问有答?对话是否就产生在教师与幼儿个体之间?对话对幼儿和教师意味着什么?让我们带着这些问题,一同来感受重庆市渝中区实验幼儿园李钰老师的体验。  相似文献   

高媛媛 《教育导刊》2006,(11):47-47
现代幼儿教育中,我们提倡教师与幼儿交往时要遵循民主、平等、对话的原则,这些观念已被大家熟悉、认可并接受。殊不知,在对话中我们仍然有一种对话方式不可忽视,那就是潜对话。潜对话,顾名思义是指没有通过口头而是通过文本从而借助心灵进行交流的一种对话形式。从总的目的和价值出发,潜对话与一般对话没有任何区别,但就其所指的对象而言,潜对话一般没有任何具体对象,它可能是某种意识、某种观念或者一段历史,而代表这种历史或观念的有可能是语境中的自我。在平时的教育教学活动中,笔者观察到不是每名幼儿都有机会与教师进行交流,而在幼儿的…  相似文献   

在幼儿教育中,幼儿图画书阅读教学对幼儿的成长具有十分重要的作用,本文从"对话教育理论"的视角出发,对对话教育理论视野下的幼儿图画书阅读教学策略进行了相关研究,提出了培养幼儿与阅读文本之间的互动、提升幼儿的阅读能力、组织幼儿进行游戏表演、营造积极的对话气氛的教学策略,在培养幼儿阅读兴趣的同时,激发幼儿的各种潜能,使幼儿能够更加深入地理解本文内容,促使幼儿阅读能力的发展.  相似文献   

幼儿教师对幼儿的倾听是一个生命对另一个生命价值的尊重与接纳。真正的教育是从心与心的对话开始的,而心与心的对话又是从真诚的倾听开始的。幼儿有一百种语言,教师关注幼儿的最好方式就是倾听,敞开心扉倾听幼儿的心声,让倾听成为教师的一种生活态度。  相似文献   

虞建珍 《上海教育》2010,(21):62-62
营造一种平等、和谐、愉悦的对话氛围,是让幼儿愿意表达与表现的有效对话的保障。教师唯有通过良好交流氛围的构建,才能引领幼儿走向对话与交往。  相似文献   

幼儿教师常常忽略幼儿的身心特点、心理需求,单方面地设计和实施幼儿教育教学活动,最终活动成为教师听不到"回声"的自说自话。走向"民主对话"的幼儿教育,是让幼儿有机会和幼儿教师说、想和教师说,敢和教师说,立足对幼儿现实存在的尊重,对幼儿未来发展的观照和无限可能性的成全。因此,民主对话是幼儿教育过程中应采取的重要策略之一。  相似文献   

邓晓英 《课外阅读》2011,(3):240-240
幼儿虽然年龄较小,但他们同样也有一百种语言,我们教师在走进他们的世界与他们进行交流对话,就必须利用多种活动,发展幼儿的口语能力,使其正真能把自己想说的与老师进行交流沟通。  相似文献   

黄丽丽 《教育导刊》2006,(10):45-46
儿童教育应该是一种“对话教育”。有一位专家曾对“对话教育”作了形象的比喻:教师与学生之间的交往,就像抛球与接球的过程一样。第一,抛球者和接球者都是主体;第二,抛球者与接球者之间是平等的、合作的;第三,抛球接球双方都认真对待对方;第四,抛球和接球是可以连续的。可见,没有平等的关系,师幼之间就不可能达到真正和谐。教师没有对话意识,与幼儿就难以和谐相处。那么,幼儿教师应如何让幼儿享有平等对话的自由呢?做一个忠实的听众。我认为要实现对话教育,教师首先要学会倾听。孩子们的话题那么多,你有没有真正听一听、悟一悟呢?这是个儿…  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the role of reflection in teacher preparation, specifically within a mentoring relationship between cooperating and preservice teacher. We report findings from a case analysis of this pair who engaged in problem-posing dialogue within pre- and post-conferences around practice over one year of their work together in an elementary-level classroom. The context is an innovative programme in which cooperating teachers pursue their Master’s degree while undergraduates (preservice teachers) complete their elementary education degrees. Our analysis of talk about teaching during six coaching cycles as well as supporting documents illustrates how Jane’s mentoring supported reflective practices and disrupted a notion of a field experience as simply a place to ‘practice’ pedagogical knowledge with corrective feedback. Additionally, we explore the tensions in this approach to mentoring. This case study has implications for teacher educators who seek to bolster teacher preparation through the support of mentoring relationships.  相似文献   

Dialogic use of exemplars is effective in developing student understanding of assessment standards. However, limited studies have investigated how exemplar dialogues are conducted in the post-secondary context. To fill the gap, this teacher-research explores the characteristics of peer and teacher–student exemplar talk in three post-secondary classrooms and the challenges in the dialogic process. The participants involved 69 first-year post-secondary students, a critical friend and a teacher-researcher. Data analysis on selected dialogue excerpts, an open-ended survey, focus group interviews with the students, critical friend’s commentary and a teacher-researcher reflective journal indicated two major issues: (i) students’ lack of capacities to resolve socio-cognitive conflict in the peer dialogue; (ii) the dilemma of addressing students’ immediate assessment needs and developing their long-term evaluative judgements in the teacher–student dialogue. Recommendations are made to tackle the challenges and to orchestrate productive exemplar dialogues.  相似文献   

师幼对话教学是近年来幼儿教育领域讨论较多的一个话题,它是一种弘扬主体性的、人性化的新型教学模式.但是,在当前的教育实践中,师幼对话的开展深受各种因素的影响和制约.从教育公平的视角对师幼时话教学进行理性审视,并进而为公平、合理的师幼对话教学实践模式的构建作一点探讨.  相似文献   

教师反思性对话的实践模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师的专业发展需要加强反思性对话。反思性对话具有问题性、自主性和建构性的特点。反思性对话的过程可以分为描述、澄清、面质和重构四个步骤。以一次反思性对话为例具体阐述了教师反思性对话的操作过程。建议教师教育者要和教师建立平等、信任的对话关系,灵活采用反思性对话模式,深入课堂给予教师直观的指导。  相似文献   

从生命哲学的角度审视教师评价,是教师评价研究的新视域,也是时代的召唤。生命维度观照下的教师评价是一项系统工程,需要坚持评价目的的生命价值导向、评价标准的动态生成性、评价实施的对话、建构过程、评价结果的发展性解释与应用。教师评价需要走理论和实践相结合的道路,在思想上,坚持生命教育理念,坚持“生命发展”的评价理念,树立“以人为本”的教师观;在实践中,让教师参与评价,构建和谐、自由的评价氛围,建立既有基本底线又有较高要求的评价标准,使教师评价立足于教师生命存在,追求教师生命质量的提高和生命价值的实现。  相似文献   

普通高中语文课程标准让教科书编者首次走向阅读教学的对话席,成为阅读教学多重对话主体的重要组成部分。语文教师与教科书编者对话的意义、途径、现状和对策等问题因此成为当前语文教育研究的新课题。  相似文献   

作文教学过程实际是一种对话过程,包括教师与学生的对话,学生与生活的对话,学生与内心的对话,作者与读者的对话。  相似文献   

通过对话的方式可以促进教师专业发展。教师通过与同行对话可以激活专业发展自觉,与文本对话中可以逐渐澄清思想中的困惑,与专家对话中寻找到解决问题的路径,与自我对话中实现超越经验的理论生成,与组织对话中可以实现生态教师文化的创建。  相似文献   

Coteaching is an effective structure for the pre-service practicum as it immerses student teachers in the culture of the school and helps them to learn by working closely at the elbows of their mentor teacher. The collaborative nature of the model fosters beliefs and practices based on shared perspectives and coresponsibility for the quality of the learning environment. Cogenerative dialogues with students insure the inclusion of their voice in the collaboration and foster increased emotional energy and classroom solidarity. The work by Wassell and LaVan (2009) fills an important void in our research on coteaching as it seeks to understand which practices and beliefs survive the transition to professional service. While both teachers included cogenerative dialogues in their interactions with students, we suggest that the reflective practices of a single teacher are qualitatively different from reflections based on the dynamic interactions of multiple adults’ coteaching together. We explore strategies that will help administrators and school staff find the human and material resources needed to staff the multiple teacher classroom. Our comments on this paper are informed by our experiences as the academic coordinator and mentor teacher of the learning community in which Jen and Ian completed their pre service practicum and are meant help disseminate this model to as many educational environments as possible.
Cristobal CaramboEmail:

This observational study examines the classroom dynamics occurring in a collaborative math lab activity in a third-grade classroom. Specific classroom interactions are identified as resources for cultivating children's interest and understanding of mathematical knowledge. Dialogic interchange and physical positioning of teacher and students is explained in terms of promoting interest and understanding. Eisner's evaluation model of Educational Connoisseurship and Criticism is adopted as a means of illustrating the dialogic forces that operate within classroom activity which structure children's learning and motivation.  相似文献   

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