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随着人口老龄化的加剧和人类教育事业的发展,越来越多的国家开始关注老年教育.老年教育是一个事关民生的重大课题,已成为国内外教育界近年关注的焦点.基于国内终身教育现状,以美国科罗拉多州立大学Osher老年教育为例,介绍美国老年教育模式,以期对国内老年教育的发展有所裨益.  相似文献   

适切的老年教育政策与有效推进路径是美国、英国、日本等发达国家老年教育成效显著的重要保障,分析美国、英国、日本等发达国家老年教育政策的制定背景、法制化历程、实施机构、有效策略等,学习借鉴发达国家老年教育政策推进路径的成功经验,结合我国老年教育发展现状,从加快政策法规建设、明确主体责任、均衡发展和可持续发展等层面,提出推进我国老年教育发展的思考与建议.  相似文献   

张飞  江丽 《成人教育》2021,41(9):51-56
从美国老年教育政策文本的政策目标、政策主体、政策措施与政策程序四个方面进行分析,探索其对老年教育进行计划、指导、协调和控制的重要过程,明晰其老年教育价值理念与行动指导意义.当前,我国应借鉴美国老年教育政策经验,积极推动老年教育专门法律落地,建立老年人力资源开发服务体系,推动老年教育资源配置合理布局,提升老年教育从业人员专业素养,构建老年学习权益保障机制.  相似文献   

在21世纪中期以前,中国将面临人口老龄化和人口总量过多的双重压力.老年教育不仅可以丰富老年人的精神文化生活,还能提高老年人的生活质量和生命质量.但是,中国目前的老年教育存在着受益人群范围过窄、课程内容单一、城市和农村老年教育发展不均衡等问题,严重影响着老年教育社会功能的发挥.从公共物品理论的角度来看,老年教育是一种准公共物品.如何鼓励各种社会力量参与老年教育,利用开放教育、社区教育来发展老年教育,形成老年教育领域中的公私合作伙伴关系,是中国迎接老龄化社会挑战的重要政策选择.  相似文献   

随着社会老龄化程度的加快,老年教育的供给与需求之间不平衡加剧.如果继续完全按照过去自上而下的发展思路与模式,老年教育的发展困境很难突破.经济发展中供给侧结构性改革的思想和策略给老年教育的发展提供了很多启示.苏州老年教育的发展在供给与需求方面遇到的挑战,可以借鉴经济供给侧结构性改革的经验,以满足老年人的学习需求为目标来推动老年教育供给侧结构性改革,政府、老年大学(学校)转变职能,以发展社区老年教育为重点,充分挖掘社会各种力量与资源来发展老年教育,才能更好地突破目前的发展困境,办人民满意的老年教育.  相似文献   

二战后,随着美国老年人口的快速增长,许多社会问题逐渐显现。自二十世纪五十年代以来,美国开始关注老年教育问题,并相继产生了诸多理论。通过解读老龄化理论演变下的美国老年教育发展特点,以期为中国老年教育发展提供一定的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

人才队伍是新时代老年教育事业发展的重要保障.现阶段,我国老年教育教师队伍专业化发展和老年教育发展需求相脱节.尤为突出的是,职业生存状态差、岗位职业倦怠和职业培养短板等诸多因素直接造成当前老年教育教师专业化发展历程缓慢,致使老年教育教师职业认同感低,严重影响着老年教育事业科学化发展.基于Z市实践和理论分析,强化老年教育教师专业化发展需要增强老年教育教师职业认同、激发老年教育教师自我成长、塑造老年教育教师专业自信等,多重途径筑牢老年教育事业人才队伍保障.  相似文献   

美国老年教育立法经历了草创期、茁壮期、蓬勃发展期与稳定扩张期,其内容主要体现在教育立法、老年人立法和其他立法中。其特色主要有:以保障学习权为立法目的、以学习者为中心的原则、学习内容生活化与学习形式多样化、实施机构多元化、多渠道的资金来源和完备的师资培养制度。人口老龄化危机下,我国应借鉴美国老年教育立法经验推动老年教育发展,具体行动有:加快老年教育立法、完善老年教育立法体系、增强老年教育立法的科学性与操作性、健全老年教育的法律救济制度等。  相似文献   

随着中国进入老龄化社会,对老年教育的发展愈加重视。本文通过对美国、日本等发达国家老年教育发展经验的介绍,提出我国发展老年教育应该主要采取的一些经验,在理念认知上要转变,政策法规上要健全,要重视开发老年人力资源,要多开放高等教育资源,要采取多样化的教育形式和丰富老年教育课程内容。  相似文献   

李洁 《比较教育研究》2021,43(6):105-112
在18世纪开始兴起并不断繁盛的成人教育及其学科发展的背景下,老年教育学伴随20世纪中后期欧美国家老年学学科体系的形成,逐渐成为显学.德国、美国、英国等西方国家率先开始对老年教育学科问题进行探讨,分别形成了整合老年教育学、教育老年学和批判老年教育学的特色思想.学术界围绕老年学习者是否需要独立的教学理论这一问题形成了支持、反对和折中主义三派理论.西方老年教育学科思想主要有两个鲜明特色:具备整合的大学科意识,打破了学科分割;充分融合了平等、民主和幸福的价值理念.  相似文献   

发挥社区学院资源优势办好示范性老年大学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展老年教育是完善终身教育、建设学习化社会的需要。我国老年教育需求旺盛 ,具有广阔的发展空间。社区学院承办老年大学 ,可以充分发挥办学的社会功能 ,实现资源共享 ,促进社区学院自身的发展。要通过内涵发展与外延拓展 ,进一步办好示范性老年大学  相似文献   

Lifestyle management is gaining new popularity among individuals dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of their life during middle age and as they grow older. Since many aspects of well‐being and life satisfaction in later life have been linked to good health, lifestyle management would appear to provide ideal educational gerontology programming content. This idea provides the focus for a renewal of middle‐aged and older people's participation in education gerontology.

It is important to stress that the potential for a renewal in educational gerontology is contingent upon a reexamination of the approach employed in program planning. Mature adults must be afforded a renewed understanding of the efficacy of education throughout life as a means for achieving goals related to greater quality as well as quantity of life.

This discussion will focus on lifestyle management as a learning area that should become increasingly attractive to middle‐aged and older persons, and the role educational efficacy and proaction play as important precursors to lifestyle behavior attitude change.  相似文献   

The sexual needs and wellbeing of older people living in residential aged care receives scant attention in practice, is easily dismissed by care staff, and remains a significant challenge for aged care service providers. This study reports on the evaluation of an education program delivered to residential aged care nurses to improve their knowledge about, and attitudes towards, older people's sexuality in this context. Participants' attitudes and beliefs towards older people expressing their sexuality in long-term care, including same sex couples and people with dementia, were more permissive following education. Findings further underscore the value of sexuality education as an important factor in dispelling the commonly held negative views of residential aged care staff about older people expressing their sexuality, thereby improving staff responses to this issue.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the development of education relating to aging in a specific professional education program: social work at the University of Queensland. A brief outline of features of the aged population and services for the aged in Queensland, an Australian state, is given as a background for describing one approach to gerontology education with the University of Queensland social work faculty. The challenges and tasks of curriculum development in relation to gerontology in a generic undergraduate course are described. Specific training in gerontology at a theoretical and practical level is provided through field practicums in an institution for the aged and proposals to extend this to a community‐based practice research program for the aged are outlined. To give a combined approach to social work, current research programs relating to this program — social policy and aging — are described.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the prominence of rationalism in the major Western pedagogical theories of Plato, Rousseau, and Dewey, all of whom conceptualize formal teaching, as the inculcation of rationality in individual learners. After each of their theories has been described, the argument turns against the tradition of pedagogical rationalism to question what happens in the education of artists, quasi-artists, and creative designers. The answer given is that imagination must be paramount and strongly encouraged in the education of such students, despite the problematic fact that imagination – seeing the truth – cannot be taught the way that rationality can, relying instead on the analysis of successful works of art and design as exemplary and allowing students to freely pursue their own individual inspirations.  相似文献   

"投其所好":高校老年生态保护的长效机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校老年生态,特指高校全体离退休人员尤其是离退休老年教师,在离退休之后老有所学,老有所为,老有所乐的活跃态势和景况。它既是高校可资利用的宝贵老龄教育资源,更是高校采取积极老龄化重大战略举措的一个重要关注点和最佳切入点。湘南学院从积极顺应该院老年生态活跃态势的管理工作中,走出了一条独具高校积极老龄化特色的新路子,并同时构建出了一套适宜高校老年生态保护的长效机制。  相似文献   

建立以社区为基础的0~3岁早期教育服务网络,是我国学前教育发展的必然走向和总体目标。但在我国社区构建与发展刚起步阶段,社区这一"基础"还很不完善,建立和运行这一基础的学前教育服务网络需要理顺关系、规范各种行为。在建设和运行以社区为基础的0~3岁儿童早期教育服务中,可以将示范性幼儿园培育成为核心的实体单位、重要的推动力量,以发挥其研究基地、社区早教服务枢纽和示范辐射作用。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化程度的不断加深,老龄在业人口已成为经济社会发展中一支庞大而又特殊的队伍,分析,把握老龄在业人口的现状特点与变动趋势,对于合理开发,利用和转化老年人潜在的“资源价值”,具有重要意义。目前我国老龄在业人口的现状特点是:在业人口在业程序偏低,与人口经济发展阶段不相称:老龄在业人口的化教育构成和职业,行业构成不合理,影响着老年人的社会地位和就业程度,女性老龄人口的在业状况应给予更多的关注。  相似文献   

Numerous papers have purported the need for life span education, yet few have examined the attitudes of older citizens toward lifelong learning. To determine why they were not attending a free audit program at the university and to ascertain their attitudes toward education for the elderly, 99 subjects aged 62 and older (M. = 74.6) were interviewed. The systematic sample chosen from membership lists of senior citizen groups yielded 34 men and 65 women. Interviews utilized a survey questionnaire. The analysis compared those who were and were not interested in the program.

Results indicated that 68% (N = 65) of the subjects were not interested in attending university classes. The 32% (N = 31) who answered “yes” or “maybe” were significantly younger than those who were not interested; the two groups did not differ significantly on the other variables measured (sex, previous education, occupation, daily activities, attitude toward education for self and other older persons, etc.). Furthermore, only one subject actually enrolled in the university in the subsequent semester.

The findings fail to support the thesis that “education begets education.” However, it should be noted that subjects indicated that “living is learning,” and while formal education is acceptable for the elderly, it is not necessary for learning.  相似文献   

老年教育在全球人口老龄化的趋势下成为各个国家关注的热点问题,如何使老年人更好地享受生活,发挥余热,教育政策具有举足轻重的作用。美国老年教育政策的演进过程中,经由多次老龄问题会议的研讨和诸项法案的制定与修正,不断地谋求改善,以符合社会实际的需求,增进老年教育的发展与落实。逐步从消极的社会福利取向转变为积极的教育服务导向。尽管美国老年教育政策也具有无法忽视的弱点和盲区,但是其老年教育政策给我们的启示是多方面的:完善老年教育法律,促进具体方案执行;发展多元办学体系,丰富老年教育内容;提高老年群体参与,重视老年人力开发。  相似文献   

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