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浅析德育教育和心理健康教育的关系整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德育教育和心理健康教育的关系整合其必要性源于人的自然性和社会性的统一。离开个体心理特点谈德育或离开社会规则谈心理健康都是难以想象的。二者的整合关键在于弄清区别与联系,二者整合的目的在于实现教育关心人的目的。  相似文献   

吴荔春 《广西教育》2010,(28):23-24
就当前思想品德教育和心理健康教育的实际状况而言,两者都面临发展上的问题。一方面,作为素质教育主导方面的德育,迫切需要调整其结构体系和方法,以提高针对性和实效性;另一方面,心理健康教育虽然发展很快,但缺乏必要的学科依托,迫切需要在现行的课程体系中找到自己的坐标。二者发展的共同需要,使思想品德教育和心理健康教育的整合成为可能。我们提倡二者有效整合与协同发展,  相似文献   

小学教育教学过程中,心理健康教育与德育教育二者相互之间的有效整合,是一种必然性的发展趋势,同时这一教育现状的存在及发展,又会在很大程度上帮助学生获得成长和进步,对整个学科教学目标的实现等,都有着极其重要的现实价值。本文主要结合小学教育现状,就心理健康教育与德育教学二者有效整合的必要性进行分析探究,并提出二者有效整合的相关教学策略,以期促进小学教育事业的进步及发展。  相似文献   

文章分析了心理健康教育与德育的关系,阐明了把心理健康教育德育化的负面效应,提出了应从教育目标与内容、教育原则与方法、教育功能、教育队伍四方面整合心理健康教育与德育.  相似文献   

高校德育工作中应加强心理健康教育的渗透   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校德育工作中应加强心理健康教育的渗透,这是新时期社会和个人发展的需要,也是高校德育改革和发展的必然要求。德育与心理健康教育关系密切,二者可以相互配合,相互渗透,相得益彰。我们要在德育理念、德育方法、德育过程和德育内容中渗透心理健康教育,构建新的高校德育工作模式,以提高德育工作的实效。  相似文献   

德育与心理健康教育既有区别又有密切联系,二者皆为素质教育的主要组成部分.从素质教育的层面来看,二者是并列关系,不是隶属关系,而是一种"交集"的关系.德育与心理健康教育的结合也应该是双向互动的结合,双向互动结合才是德育与心理健康教育关系的最终"归宿".  相似文献   

德育与心理健康教育关系的再认识——基于新命题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对德育与心理健康教育关系的认识本质上依赖于对道德健康与健理健康关系的认识."道德健康是心理健康的内在前提"这一命题的提出,既肯定德育与心理健康教育的相对独立性,更强调两者的相互一致性与依赖性.这对德育与心理健康教育的实践工作具有启示意义.  相似文献   

近年来,在高职院校心理健康教育迅速发展的同时,很多学者主张把心理健康教育与德育相整合,甚至有人认为应该把心理健康教育纳入到德育范畴。笔者认为,德育与心理健康教育分属于两个不同的学科,两者虽有联系更有区别,加之我国心理健康教育起步较晚,此时谈整合不仅还为时尚早,甚至可能会影响心理健康教育的持续发展。  相似文献   

王楠 《当代教育论坛》2007,(11):100-102
德育与心理健康教育从古代便有着密切的联系,从最初的德字象征的"两人同心",以后发展演变为"二人以心相见"或"二人相见以心"都是德育与心育联系的最好佐证。而正是基于这种根深蒂固的联系,我国心理健康教育的发展始终缠绕在德育的根蔓之上,形成了许多关系模式的理论,许多学者也正致力于促成二者更进一步的交融。但是这些论点的提出和发展是否真正看出了德育与心理健康教育的本质联系,是否真正有助于二者的正常发展,需要我们共同探讨。笔者认为心理健康教育不能依附于德育发展,而应走出传统德育的限制,从德育中分化和超越出来寻求一种更广阔的道路。  相似文献   

德育与心理健康教育即有区别又有密切联系,二者皆为素质教育的主要组成部分,从素质教育的层面来看,它们二者是并列关系,不是隶属关系,也不是等圆关系,而是一种"交集"的关系。德育与心理健康教育的结合也应该是双向互动的结合,双向互动结合才是德育与心理健康教育关系的最终的"归宿"。  相似文献   

A common finding in the area of motivation and psychological well-being is that internally motivated individuals exhibit greater levels of happiness than externally motivated individuals. In this paper we answer the question of whether internally or seemingly externally motivated students report higher levels of satisfaction than individuals who are conflicted in their motivations or are amotivated. We show that both seemingly externally motivated individuals and internally motivated individuals report higher levels of happiness than non-motivated individuals or individuals who are conflicted in theirmotivations. These findings are consistent with self-determination theory. These findings are important in recognizing that well internalized external motivations are likely not detrimental to the well-being of undergraduate college students. Aspirations which are consistent, regardless of whether they are internal or seemingly external likely result in higher levels of happiness among university students.  相似文献   

曹植诗歌的结构有一脉贯注、万流同源、层波逆澜、虚实相生、辘轳体等类型,体现出绪密思清的特征,这除了和五言古诗抒情言志功能发展的日益成熟有关以外,也和曹植率真、单纯的性格有关。曹操的诗歌则呈现出随意散漫的结构特征,恰如其通脱的思想作风。  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of quality of teaching surveys   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
All tertiary institutions in Australia use the same Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ); however, for the internal evaluation of teaching they use their own surveys. This paper performs an analysis of the internal Quality of Teaching Surveys (QTS) used in Australian universities. We classify the questions within the QTS surveys. This classification is used to explore how different universities’ surveys are similar to each other. We find that some universities use a QTS that is quite distinct from other universities. We also investigate whether there is a particular pattern to the types of questions used in the surveys. We find that there are some question types that are employed widely in a typical survey and others that are not. This analysis can be used by universities to determine how their surveys compare to their peer institutions and other institutions across Australia.  相似文献   

《飘》的女主人公郝思嘉解构了西蒙·波娃《第二性》中的女性是"被动之我",是男人附属品的论断。认为女人不是一朵被供之花、一个待摘之果,女人是自己的主人,是追求自己理想与幸福的"主动之我"。  相似文献   

The present research sought to determine if primary school students differentiate between classes that are challenging and those that are difficult, and how these distinctions relate to their motivation and achievement. Results indicated that there are three types of challenges/difficulties. Challenging classes are those that are demanding of the students but within their ability, are important and are tied to interests; students in these classes are more likely to adopt mastery goal orientations. Purely difficult classes are not valued, require a lot of effort, but are threatening to students’ efficacy. Classes that are difficult compared to others are those that are more demanding for the student than other students or other classes. These classes are not valued and are also seen as a threat to efficacy. Both purely difficult and difficult compared to others classes were negatively related to achievement, and students in these classes are more likely to adopt performance avoidance goal orientations.  相似文献   

This paper is grounded in a phenomenological‐interpretive exploration of how mourning is experienced and understood by the victim’s nuclear family – the victims are Greek‐Cypriot missing persons whose remains have been recovered, identified and properly buried, after exhumations of mass graves in the aftermath of war. Particularly, the focus is on the pedagogical openings that are created for educators and students who seek to engage in learning about mourning and/or how to mourn in schools. Two in‐depth mourning narratives are analyzed and the pedagogical implications of the nationalization of mourning are discussed. A careful critique of the nationalization of mourning formulates a critical discourse from which it becomes possible to launch a renewal of an affective community, that is, a restructuring of affective spaces in schools and the public arena so that new affective connections with the Other are created. The analysis shows the complexities involved in attempts to formulate public and school pedagogies of mourning.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the perceived organisational legitimacy of the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) in preparing the population for work in the knowledge-based economy (KBE). It is argued that challenges to MOE’s legitimacy are emerging with ramifications that are difficult to ignore. These challenges relate to equipping the population with KBE attributes and developing diverse forms of talents in students. To maintain organisational legitimacy, education authorities need to work more closely with stakeholders to develop forward-looking learning eco-systems in schools where teaching is professionalised, assessments are responsibly leveraged, student talents are nurtured, and external stakeholders are involved.  相似文献   

This article provides two ‘portraits’ of headteachers in primary schools in England and Hong Kong, derived from semi-structured interviews with these individuals. Contrary to some claims that such a small sample is worthless, this article argues that what is most meaningful is sometimes derived from the singular and unique; that generalisations in education are as likely to be useful if they are ‘fuzzy’ generalisations as if they are from scientific or statistical generalisations; and that the individual case can strip away the clutter of large contexts and allow recognition of a common shared humanity. What these portraits also show is that responses to larger contexts are heavily dependent on personality and local context, and that if policy implementation and professional development are to have impact, then an attention to the personal and the local are going to be critical factors in any success in these areas.  相似文献   

西藏高校思想政治理论课教师作为高校思政课教师的一个特殊群体,其专业自主发展总体较好,同时面临一些发展困境,其个体归因主要是理念落后、角色意识模糊、职业倦怠、自身条件制约等,外部归因主要是管理理念尚待更新、体制机制尚需完善、教育科研条件落后和高原自然条件制约等。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a theory of cognitive development that argues that the mind develops across three fronts. The first refers to a general processing system that defines the general potentials of mind to develop cognitive strategies and skills. The second refers to a hypercognitive system that governs self-understanding and self-regulation. The third involves a set of specialized structural systems which are responsible for the representation and processing of different reality domains. There are specific forces which are responsible for this organization of mind. These are expressed in the paper in terms of a set of five organizational principles. The developmental course of the major systems is outlined. Developmental change is ascribed by the theory to the interaction between the various systems. Different types of development require different change mechanisms. Several studies are outlined in the paper which provide empirical support to each of these propositions. The theoretical and educational implications of this project are discussed in the concluding section of the paper.  相似文献   

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