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School effectiveness and improvement research shows that leadership plays a key role in ensuring the vitality and growth of schools. Yet, there is growing appreciation (Elmore 2000, 2) that “public schools and school systems as presently constituted are simply not led in ways that enable them to respond to the increasing demands they face under standards-based reforms.” For Elmore (2000, 2) and others, the way out of this problem is “through the large scale improvement of instruction, something public education has been unable to do to date, but which is possible with dramatic changes in the way public schools define and practice leadership.”  相似文献   

Your success as a manager can be determined by how you interact with people.The role of a manager as a leader is an important part of these interactions.Leadership involves influencing colleagues so that they follow a given direction or goal.  相似文献   

分布式领导——西方学校领导再造探研   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分布式领导概念提出于20世纪90年代中后期,它基于对传统领导观念的突破,从领导方式、形态、范围等角度再造了学校领导。文章通过系统分析比较分布式领导定义,了解其研究状况和尚待研究的领域,阐述实施过程中的动力与阻力因素,从而反思国内学校领导实践和理论研究的现状及其发展。  相似文献   

在社会发展趋向高度分化又高度综合的现代社会,领导活动日益体现为一个繁冗复杂的有机动态的大系统。在这种背景下,如何明确系统领导方法的内涵和原则,从整体上把握领导活动的系统规律性,掌握系统领导方法的正确实施路径,是广大领导者迫切需要解决的课题。  相似文献   

Multirater feedback, often called 360‐degree feedback, is a popular development and assessment tool, especially for organizational leaders. Raters from different organizational levels, including subordinates, boss, peers, and self, rate the leader's performance. However, there seldom is strong agreement across rater groups. This study used the data from a commercially available 360‐degree leader development feedback instrument and a second‐order confirmatory factor analysis model to try to explain the differences in ratings between the groups. Rather than an explanation of the differences, what was found were two second‐order factors that may be the underlying elements that all raters consider when observing leader performance.  相似文献   

Many nations' governments are requiring schools to bring about significant, systematic, and sustained change to improve student outcomes in all settings, and have imposed mandates to ensure that schools are providing quality education and running efficiently and effectively. Consequently, national and state testing programs, standards-based agendas, and reporting methodologies have been imposed on schools with significant demands and, in many cases, demoralizing outcomes (Hargreaves 2003). As a result of these processes, test questions have become the curriculum; teacher judgment has become undervalued; and evidence that is ill-informed, outdated, and incorrect has been used to drive school change.  相似文献   

The world in which educational leaders operate is changing—from one dominated by national interests to one of a global community. In this transition, schools must prepare the present generation of young people to participate as active citizens of the global community, rather than as spectators or tourists. Schools face major challenges as they prepare their charges for a world which requires (a) agreements among nations to share in managing the earth's fragile ecology; (b) sharing ideas on human, cultural, and economic capital and on manufacturing and medical technologies to improve the quality of life for all people; and (c) guarantees of global peace and security. Schools need to target their curriculum toward preparing youngsters with the desperately needed understandings, perspectives, and skills this global transition will demand. A different kind of school leader will be required—a multidimensional leader that understands the various dimensions of the learning tasks which schools must cultivate. In turn, these leaders must have a moral vision of what is required of them and of the whole community. A moral vision of taking proactive responsibility for making this kind of learning a reality is required.  相似文献   

Leadership Succession   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
One of the most significant events in the life of a school is a change in its leadership. Yet few things in education succeed less than leadership succession. Failure to care for leadership succession is sometimes a result of manipulation or self-centeredness; but more often it is oversight, neglect, or the pressures of crisis management that are to blame.  相似文献   

In the year 2007 in Scotland, in common with countries elsewhere in the world, the difficulty of recruiting high-calibre school leaders was becoming an increasing concern. The recruitment and retention study, commissioned by the Scottish Government and undertaken by three universities (Cambridge, Edinburgh and Glasgow), was charged with exploring the reasons for the shortfall of appropriate applicants. The study involved a national survey of teachers and head teachers, discussions with local authority administrators and follow-up interviews with a sample of respondents. The study identified on the one hand a common core of ‘satisfiers’ and ‘dissatisfiers’ of headship together with incentives and disincentives to apply for the job. A range of strategies adopted to cope with the pressures of the job illustrate the degree to which individuals respond by simply drowning in excessive paperwork and multiple accountabilities or are able to be adventurous and risk-taking with an ability to ‘fly below the radar’.  相似文献   

Stories of leadership successes follow a familiar structure: A charismatic leader, often the CEO or school principal, takes over a struggling school, establishing new goals and expectations and challenging business as usual within the organization. This leader creates new organizational routines and structures that with time transform the school's culture, contributing in turn to greater teacher satisfaction, higher teacher expectations for students, and improved student achievement.  相似文献   

教师领导研究是近30年来英、美、澳等国兴起的基于分布式领导的一种领导理论。目前。关于教师领导的定义有30余种,诸多学者对教师领导的性质、功能、影响教师领导的条件以及如何产生与支持教师领导等方面做了研究,在理论上取得了很大进展。但教师领导研究尚存在一些颇有争议的问题。  相似文献   

"正念"是一种静思的实践,即常说的"活在当下",不受过去经历和对未来想象的困扰.以"正念"理念和实践为核心的"正念型"领导,通过静思实践、存而不论、富于同情等服务于领导者和学校组织成员.传统领导理论将教育领导者描述为积极地忙于各项事务的人;"正念型"领导者则表现得像暂停的人、倾听的人以及全神贯注地观察着学校的人."正念型"领导以一种"存在"的方式,而不是"做"的方式,缓解着学校领导者的冲突和焦虑."关注当下""经验的感受性""对问题的倾向性""培植同情心""智慧地回应"是"正念型"领导的组织原则."正念"可以帮助学校领导者更好地履行信息角色、人际角色、决策角色和道德领导角色.  相似文献   

“分布式领导“这一术语产生于2泄纪90年代中后期,它突破了单向的、静态的、线性的领导观念,从多向的、动态的、流动的角度再造了学校领导.从分布式领导实践的视角考察学校有效领导力,可以理解为在领导中采用一种针对行为的方法,在结构、状态和设计方面,将校长、教师和他们的状态互动的个体领导行为进行集合,以促进组织目标的实现.  相似文献   

Leadership is a complex process.It is one of the most researched areas around the world.It has gained importance in every walk of life from politics to business and from education to social organizations.According to the study of"Leadership in Adult Education Venues",here has a much more clear recognition of leadership:leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.There are many approaches of leadership throughout the study of this class,the three theories of leadership I choose to describe in this paper are:Leader-Member Exchange(LMX)Theory,Transformational Leadership,and Team Leadership.  相似文献   

Transformational leadership is well documented in organizational and business literature. Classroom and faith-based applications are more recent phenomena. The authors of this mixed-methods study explored professor behaviors and characteristics perceived as transformational in students' faith and focused on transformational leadership in the classroom at a faith-based institution. Thirty-four undergraduate students completed surveys containing open-ended and forced-choice questions; the findings highlighted the importance of compassion, optimism, encouragement, and openness as behaviors that facilitated faith transformation.  相似文献   

通过对台北市24名公办、民办幼儿园园长的访谈发现,公办、民办幼儿园园长认为园长应具备的领导知能包含行政事务、对内关系、对外关系、组织文化与愿景、专业成长等五大方面,而他们面临的领导困境则可分为制度、教师专业成长、压力等三大层面.此外,研究发现,被访者认为园长应具备的领导知能与园长面临的领导困境间存在微妙的交互关系.依据这一研究结果,研究者针对园长领导角色与任用制度等提出了一些建议,供相关单位和个人参考.  相似文献   

随着领导学理论的深入发展,“无形领导力”越来越引起领导理论研究者的重视。“无形领导力”作为一种文化力,构成领导力的灵魂;作为一种影响力,体现领导力的实质;作为一种领导魅力,是实施领导力的主要通道;作为平民化领导力,是构建社会主义和谐社会的保证。社会主义社会的领导者更应发挥好无形领导力在构建社会主义和谐社会中的重要作用。  相似文献   

This report is about a study of high leadership capacity schools and those in the process of becoming such a school. Schools were selected for participation in the study based on the leadership capacity characteristics they possessed and evidence of improved and sustained student performance, professional cultures, and shared leadership dynamics. Analysis of the data examines the features, underlying factors, relationships, and patterns that contribute to leadership capacity for lasting school improvement. Ultimately, this is a story of educational leadership.  相似文献   

“加强执政能力建设”是在党的十六大上第一次明确提出、党的十六届四中全会上第一次全面部署的治国理政的战略课题。高校领导班子有没有能力成为“高校改革发展的领导者、组织者、推动者”,是治校办学的根本。在这里,我仅从高校领导活动较国家机关、地方政府和其他企事业单位有其明显特殊性入手,来探讨高校领导班子应具备哪些能力,如何建设这种能力的问题。  相似文献   

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