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In order to satisfy the rapid changing requirements of customers,enterprises most cooperate with each other to form supply chain.The first and the most important stage in the forming of supply chain is the selection of participants.The article proposes a two-staged decision model to select partners.The first stage is the inter company comparison in each business process to select highefficiency candidate based on inside variables.The next stage is to analyse the combination of different candidates in order to select the most perfect partners according to a goal-programming model.  相似文献   

近年来,我国的大众传媒业发展速度可谓一日千里,每年为国家提供大量利税。大众传媒产业的发展是在不同的媒体之间、同种媒体内部以及媒体与传媒市场的互动中进行的。传媒产业的市场竞争、跨媒体整合、新旧媒介形态并存、集团化构成其互动特性。  相似文献   

In order to understand the role of interactive video (IV) in mathematics classrooms, teachers were given a set of IV resources which were very mixed in character and style, and from which they could freely select. These were used in lessons over an extended period, in some cases two years or longer. By interviewing and by observing lessons, it has been possible to draw some tentative conclusions about the relative merits of different styles of IV in mathematics classrooms. IV resources are often managed in a similar way to computers and this similarity seems to have influenced teachers' opinions and choices. However, the affective impact of video was also evident in teachers' choices. A complex picture emerges with no one style dominating.  相似文献   

随着29届北京奥运会我国体育实力的凸显,无可争议的我国已经成为了一个体育强国。体育的发展与传播是媒体的一个极为重要的任务,因此探析体育与媒体的互动影响有着极为深远的意义。  相似文献   

Satisfaction is a condition that contributes to the development of intrinsic motivation and a continuing motivation to learn. Research that helps to identify the factors that contribute to learning satisfaction is useful for educators. This paper introduces the Cognitive-Motivational Model of Decision Satisfaction, a model that extends Kruglanski's work on closure and builds on Keller's work on the motivational aspects of instruction and learning. Focusing on decision-making activities in a learning context, this model recognizes the importance of information-processing in judgmental tasks and specifies confidence as a major contributing factor to learning satisfaction. Some potential applications to both classroom and computer-based learning environments are suggested.  相似文献   

Current interactive learning environments cannot be accessed by learners with disabilities, in particular for students with vision disabilities. Modeling techniques are necessary to map real-world experiences to virtual worlds by using 3D auditory representations of objects for blind people. In this paper, a model to design multimedia software for blind learners is presented. The model was validated with existing educational software for these users. We describe the modeling of the real world including cognitive usability testing tasks by considering not only the representation of the real world but also modeling the learner’s knowledge of the virtual world. The software architecture is also described by using this model, displaying the components needed to impact learning. Finally, we analyze critical issues in designing software for learners with visual disabilities and propose some recommendations and guidelines.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a dynamic portfolio investment problem. It discusses how we can dynamically choose candidate assets, achieve the possible maximum revenue and reduce the risk to the minimum level. The paper generalizes Markowitz's portfolio selection theory and Sharpe's rule for investment decision. An analytical solution is presented to show how an institutional or individual investor can combine Markowitz's portfolio selection theory, generalized Sharpe's rule and Value-at-Risk(VaR) to find candidate assets and optimal level of position sizes for investment (dis-investment). The result shows that the generalized Markowitz's portfolio selection theory and generalized Sharpe's rule improve decision making for investment.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a dynamic portfolio investment problem. It discusses how we can dynamically choose candidate assets, achieve the possible maximum revenue and reduce the risk to the minimum level. The paper generalizes Markowitz's portfolio selection theory and Sharpe's rule for investment decision. An analytical solution is presented to show how an institutional or individual investor can combine Markowitz's portfolio selection theory, generalized Sharpe's rule and Value-at-Risk (VaR) to find candidate assets and optimal level of position sizes for investment (dis-investment). The result shows that the generalized Markowitz's portfolio selection theory and generalized Sharpe's rule improve decision making for investment.  相似文献   

A vague-set-based fuzzy multi-objective decision making model is developed for evaluating bidding plans in a bid- ding purchase process. A group of decision-makers (DMs) first independently assess bidding plans according to their experience and preferences, and these assessments may be expressed as linguistic terms, which are then converted to fuzzy numbers. The resulting decision matrices are then transformed to objective membership grade matrices. The lower bound of satisfaction and upper bound of dissatisfaction are used to determine each bidding plan’s supporting, opposing, and neutral objective sets, which together determine the vague value of a bidding plan. Finally, a score function is employed to rank all bidding plans. A new score function based on vague sets is introduced in the model and a novel method is presented for calculating the lower bound of sat- isfaction and upper bound of dissatisfaction. In a vague-set-based fuzzy multi-objective decision making model, different valua- tions for upper and lower bounds of satisfaction usually lead to distinct ranking results. Therefore, it is crucial to effectively contain DMs’ arbitrariness and subjectivity when these values are determined.  相似文献   

互动式多媒体课堂教学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于传统的互动式教学方式及多媒体教学方式,构建新的互动式多媒体课堂教学模式,以改变传统教学方式及学习方式,并对该教学模式的特征、教学方法、教学过程的组织形式和教学效果的评价标准等问题进行了系统阐述。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the evaluation results of using an interactive design model for the development of an online course. Specifically, it examines: (a) how an interactive design model was used to develop collaborative and cooperative learning activities; (b) how activities were structured to promote the level and quality of communications among students, as peers, and between students and the instructors; and (c) how students responded to such interactive design model. The paper also provides information about the delivery process and describes what happened when this interactive model was fully implemented and used.  相似文献   

Successful planning in educational administration is highly dependent on accurate student numbers. An interactive enrolment projection model is described which begins with pre-school age children to project the expected number of first grade entrants. These cohorts are then progressed through the school system. The model described can be implemented on a microcomputer and uses an interactive technique which enables human intervention in order to take full account of local knowledge in predicting the numbers in each year group. Control is maintained by allowing groups of schools to be amalgamated and then by applying to these larger groups the same techniques used to obtain the initial individual school enrolments. Adjustments to individual school enrolments are then possible following the reconciliation of larger group figures with known demographic statistics. This counteracts the effects of student mobility across wider areas and overcomes many of the problems associated with simple aggregation of individual school projections. The model provides a valuable planning tool when enrolment figures are needed for decision making.  相似文献   

The development of a model for more effective usage of group administered standardized tests is developed. The primary assumption is that summary data from these instruments are not used in curricular decisions for groups larger than the classroom unit, and a method is illustrated which uses item groupings from subtests allowing a more effective use of the data for program and curricular decisions. Several cautions are presented with respect to data usage in the recommended fashion, i. e., item data usually have low reliability coefficients, and criterion levels which identify problems in the curriculum are difficult to establish.  相似文献   

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