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This study explored the supervision training needs of site supervisors of master's program school counseling interns via the construct of self‐efficacy. Using the Site Supervisor Self‐Efficacy Survey developed for this study, the authors surveyed school counseling site supervisors in the states of Oregon and Washington (N = 147) regarding their hours of supervision training and their supervisor self‐efficacy. Results indicated that 54% of school counseling site supervisors had little or no counseling supervision training. Supervisor self‐efficacy appeared to be relatively strong, consistently so for school counseling site supervisors with over 40 hours of supervision training. A partial correlation indicated a slightly positive relationship between the hours of supervision training received and perceived self‐efficacy regarding supervision. Implications regarding school counseling site supervisor training and future research are offered.  相似文献   

The authors investigated C. E. Watkins's (1994) supervisor complexity model (SCM). The Psychotherapy Supervisor Development Scale (PSDS; C. E. Watkins, L. J. Schneider, J. Haynes, & R. Nieberding, 1995) was used to ascertain development over a 15‐week supervision practicum for 12 doctoral students and to compare their development with 7 doctoral students who had not yet begun their practicums. A set of retrospective interview questions produced responses that were used to investigate the viability of the 4 proposed discrete developmental stages in the SCM. The PSDS findings are congruent with theory. The retrospective interview findings, although interesting, are less definitive. Recommendations for research and training are presented.  相似文献   

It is likely that counselor trainees will be exposed to suicidal clients and subsequently face personal dilemmas, stress, and feelings of incompetence. Ethical guidelines mandate that supervisors have procedures to assist supervisees in such times. Currently, the literature does not provide a framework for providing such supervision. This article presents a theory‐grounded model to assist the supervision of supervisees working with suicidal clients.  相似文献   

Thirteen doctoral students, 7 Caucasians and 6 Hispanics, participated over 3 semesters of practicum/internship in a qualitative research project exploring the experience of becoming supervisors. A follow‐up study with 5 different doctoral students confirmed and refined findings 1½ years later. The research team of 2 female faculty members and 1 male research assistant (the authors) identified 6 themes emerging from individual and group interviews with supervisors‐in‐training regarding the process of becoming a supervisor: (a) learning, (b) supervisee growth, (c) individual uniqueness, (d) reflection, (e) connections, and (f) putting it all together.  相似文献   

以可持续发展为导向的大学建设,必须要有可持续发展的导师队伍做支撑,导师培训是规范和强化导师队伍的重要举措。本文通过阐述导师培训的重要性、现状及问题,提出以可持续发展为导向构建导师培训机制,并对导师培训工作的实施提出方案。  相似文献   

We had previously identified specific cognitive and experiential group counselor training objectives; this study represents a systematic attempt to plan, develop, and evaluate a training model using those objectives. The mastery learning model was identified as best suited for carrying out the training. At the beginning of the training (carried out as two concurrent graduate courses in group counseling), the students were presented with the objectives, a time plan, and evaluation criteria. The training model consisted of 15 graduate students, 11 at the doctoral and 4 at the master's level. Evaluations of course content and course objectives by experimental and comparison groups of trainees indicated the overall success of this exploratory study.  相似文献   

围绕导师学习共同体的基本内涵、构成要素、理论基础、实践策略等核心问题,探讨了导师学习共同体的建设问题,旨在为导师队伍的建设提供一种思考路径.  相似文献   

研究生培养已实行导师制,但目前普遍采用辅导制模式。从辅导制模式发展为导师工作室制模式,对应用型学科创新型人才培养具有教学创新意义。与辅导制模式相比较,导师工作室制在构建研与学传导机制, 以及在培养研究生的科学素养与团队合作精神方面具有明显的功效;导师工作室制教学模式有其特有的教学方法与教学手段,推进导师工作室制模式有效运行,应采取有效的政策促进措施,构建相应的政策体系。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the differential effects of specific types of supervisor support on transfer of training, taking into account established trainee characteristics, such as trainees’ motivation to learn, motivation to transfer, and training self-efficacy. More specifically, nine types of supervisor support were examined (pre-training information, role modelling & facilitation, request sharing, favourable attitude, coaching & feedback, openness, involvement & accountability, work coverage, and training participation). In addition, the mediating effect of training retention is explored, as learning outcomes may present an intervening variable that connects supervisor support to transfer of training. A time-lagged design was used to investigate the relationships in the proposed model and it was evaluated using partial least squares path modelling (PLS-PM). Data was gathered in Belgium through online questionnaires at three points in time from 111 participants of work-related training. Participants were employees from a retail organisation and different government agencies. Results indicate that only supervisors’ accountability and involvement positively predicted employees’ transfer of training three months after training. In addition, it was found that supervisors’ involvement and accountability had an indirect effect on transfer of training through training retention.  相似文献   

培训需求评价是教师培训核心要素之一,本文基于教师专业发展理论和培训需求分析理论,明确教师培训需求是教师工作的理想状态和实际状态之间的差距,且这一差距需要通过培训才能最有效地解决,由此所产生的培训需求。并提出包含公共分析、发展分析、组织分析、工作分析、人员分析、培训准备分析在内的教师培训需求评价模型,进而分别从国培、地培、校培三个层面梳理其教师培训需求评价路径。本文还指出,教师培训需求评价首先是要判断是否需要开展培训,只有进行需求评价才能保障教师培训经费用得其所,才能保障培训项目落到实效。  相似文献   

Early counselor training has traditionally stressed acquisition of basic listening skills while underemphasizing instruction in specific problem-solving competencies. This bias may be partly responsible for such frequently observed supervision issues as counselor anxiety, inefficient counselor management of interview time, inadequate problem clarification, and premature intervention. Models for conducting brief, problem-focused counseling seem well-suited for teaching trainees the verbal skills and structuring methods that promote efficient problem clarification and resolution. The purposes of this article are to present one such model, to identify its skills requirements, and to discuss the advantages of using this model in practicum training.  相似文献   

This article describes a 5-year project in which, over 200 parents of handicapped children were trained, as 'Friends of Special Education.' The project represented a partnership .among central office and local school district administrators and a technical assistance team. Major objectives of the project were to increase effective interaction of parents with school personnel, to help parents understand the teaming process, and to increase parent involvement in their children's school program. The training model was designed to have a multiplier effect with parents who completed training prepared to be active in their respective local school and to serve as resources to. other parents. The project's impact is described along with recommendations for parent training.  相似文献   

A teaching model is presented which was used for increasing the skills and interests of practicing school counselors in group counseling. A significant aspect of the model is its inclusion of learnings designed to explore both affective and cognitive aspects of the group process. Although the model described was used in an in-service workshop for counselors, the format might also be useful in designing a university course in group counseling.  相似文献   

培训转化是反映校本培训效果的重要指标,通过构建教师校本培训转化模型并运用结构方程模型对817位参加过校本培训的中小学教师样本数据进行验证,结果发现:培训转化设计对培训转化结果的影响是通过"学习效果→转化动机"这一链式中介实现的,而且学习效果对转化动机的影响受到教师自我效能感的正向调节和工作量带给教师压力的负向调节。因此,在设计校本培训项目时,需要重点关注教师的培训转化动机,以利于"转化式学习"的发生;同时提升教师自我效能感和降低工作量,并可作为增强转化动机的切入点;另外,在对校本培训的评估中有必要增加对"转化动机"的评估。  相似文献   

It is well documented that clinical supervision in school settings is underutilized. One hypothesis for this situation is the lack of fit between current supervision models that emphasize the supervision of individual counseling and the multiple roles of school counselors within comprehensive school counseling programs (CSCPs). The authors propose the School Counseling Supervision Model (SCSM) as an extension of J. M. Bernard's (1979, 1997) Discrimination Model. The SCSM uses a 3 (focus of supervision) × 3 (supervisor role) × 4 (CSCP domain) matrix. Examples are provided for potential supervision interventions using the SCSM. Implications for training, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence from the literature and from reported practice indicates that school counselors are increasingly expected to be competent in the interpretation of individually administered psychoeducational tests and reports. Systematic training in these competencies, however, is often not included as an integral part of counselor education programs. This article describes one counselor education program's response to the need for training in these interdisciplinary skills. The course model presented has been positively received by students and counseling internship supervisors.  相似文献   

语言是语文阅读教学的灵魂,语言使理解成为可能。语言不是派生的和次要的,它乃是人存在的前提,语言不仅是师生精神生活的一部分,更是师生心灵交往的意义所在。语言是师生存在的证明。语义可以指词语的意义,也可以指话语的内容。人类的语言可以分为“语言”和“言语”两个范畴。“语言”中蕴含意义,“言语”中也蕴含意义。语文教学的目的在于培养学生的言语能力。  相似文献   

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