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应用深度学习技术设计了一套应用于机械臂末端的智能化可换装机械手,提高了机械臂智能化程度。采用的方法是利用图像识别子系统对工件进行识别,构建卷积神经网络对目标工件训练集进行训练,并对工程中实际拍摄的图片进行识别。图像识别子系统通过无线串口模块与控制机械手的单片机通信,根据单片机传来的请求控制摄像头拍摄并将识别结果回传到单片机中。通过训练测试表明,基于计算机视觉技术和自动控制技术,实现了机械手对不同工件的自主识别、自动更换操作的智能控制,更加适合机械臂的控制需求。  相似文献   

传统刻面宝石加工主要以手工加工为主,其精度主要由技术工人的经验和熟练程度来控制,自动化程度较低。针对上述不足,开发出一种能实现宝石全自动加工的宝石加工机械手。对该宝石加工工艺进行了介绍,对该机械手的结构组成进行了详细阐述。经过样机测试表明,该机械手能实现宝石的研磨和抛光的全自动操作,加工出来的产品质量好、精度高,能达到预定的工作要求。  相似文献   

自动生产线由5个工作站组成,可以完成供料、加工、装配、分拣和输送的全部工作过程。主要对自动生产线实验装置中的输送机械手的实现进行剖析。  相似文献   

培养大学生创新创业能力是当今素质教育的重要内容,而机器人是学生工程实践的最佳载体。嵌入式课程设计设置基于现实工况下的"六自由度机械手"题目,让学生构建仿真模型、计算调整结构参数、编写控制程序、搭建机械手实物,实现具备搬运功能的六自由度机械手,符合创新性教学理念及教学与科研紧密结合,夯实了学生的理论知识,提升了学生的实践应用能力,也奠定了学校机器人创新实践平台的实验基础。  相似文献   

布局技术为页面元素提供了更合理、完善的呈现方式.首先简要分析了布局技术的特点和在嵌入式浏览器中实现布局技术所面临的问题,然后提出了一种在嵌入式系统中实现布局技术的解决方案,最后论述了行管理算法的设计与实现.  相似文献   

本文在国际开源软件Moodle系统的基础上进行二次开发,增加针对移动学习应用的功能,利用Mooclle本身内置的MobilewebsecVice;使用最新的网页开发技术HTM.L5:css3、jQueryMobile和开源的移动框架PhoneGap进行开发,构建一个实用的基于Moodle的移动学习客户端应用程序,使其能够很好地适应移动设备的接入,并能够为移动用户提供各种学习资源及服务,实现随时随地的学习。  相似文献   

该文针对激光加工实践教学中的操作安全问题,研发了一种可用于激光打标机的自动上下料机械手,它主要由升降机构、摆动机构和物料抓放机构组成,并采用PLC实现控制.对该机械手的机械本体、控制系统的实现方案以及工作流程和动作规划等进行了详细分析.试验结果表明,该机械手抓、放料准确可靠,可以很好地完成激光打标操作过程中的自动上下料...  相似文献   

设计了一种射出型机械手控制系统。该系统采用C8051F020单片机作为控制器,扩展了输入输出接口、彩色液晶接口、键盘、FLASH存储器实时时钟等模块,并设计了SD卡接口,通过该接口可以实现系统软件自更新功能。给出了系统硬件的设计方法和软件实现过程。通过在G28射出型机械手上测试表明,该系统完全能够满足此类机械手的控制要求。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的移动协同答疑模式。通过UML用例分析法分析了该模式的工作流程和逻辑结构,并给出了实现方案。新的系统,除具传统的答疑功能外,还能自动协调多个教师、学习服务器的联系,回答学生的复杂问题,特别支持移动状态下的教师答疑需求。  相似文献   

讨论带有应力传感器的机械手在操作过程中抓取工件时的反馈控制问题。该系统基于离散动力学模型,采用计算机控制,使用线性二次型高斯调节器。研究中充分考虑了机械手在操作过程中与工件接触时,手爪机构的弹性和接触点与机械手之间的相对运动。实践表明,这些措施能够很好地改善系统的过渡过程品质。  相似文献   

移动GIS相关技术在旅游业中的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着GIS的整体发展,移动GIS作为其中的一个前沿领域,也日益深入群众。其在发展过程中,已经体现出应用的人性化、平民化和个性化。同时,随着旅游经济的发展,移动GIS越来越讲究经济运行的效益化、旅游服务的个性化与人本化。因此,笔者通过对移动GIS的相关技术的介绍,阐述其在旅游空间定位信息服务、旅游交通的宏观调控、旅游业管理及其他相关服务上的应用前景。  相似文献   

This article provides a case study of the implementation of iPod Touches on a one-to-one basis in a Scottish primary school. It focuses on teachers’ expectations for the project and the realisation (or otherwise) of these expectations. Findings suggest that the iPods offered opportunities for resource provision, interactive learning and extension activities. Technical challenges impacted on what could be achieved and some expectations, including sharing of resources and pupil work, and use for assessment, were not fully realised. Teachers also reported that some expected issues were quickly overcome. The development of teacher confidence with the devices remained a challenge after 12 months and they continued to seek meaningful ways to implement devices in the classroom. This case study contributes to our understanding of the pedagogical impact of mobile devices in schools and highlights the ways in which they can quickly become a valued part of the classroom environment. It suggests that implementation may not necessarily be a linear process of moving from assimilation to accommodation, as suggested by Lebrun, but that both phases may take place concurrently.  相似文献   

非完整轮式移动机器人运动控制系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对非完整轮式移动机器人运动学模型的分析,以Elmo HARmonica伺服驱动控制器为核心,设计了轮式移动机器人的运动控制系统。基于Visual C 和OpenGL平台开发了轮式移动机器人轨迹跟踪仿真系统,并进行了轨迹跟踪的仿真试验,取得了满意的控制效果。实验结果表明了运动控制系统设计的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper describes a project, including the design, development, and use of a mobile application (referred to as application hereafter) for learning Chinese as a second language in a bilingual primary school. The application was designed for iPod Touch Apple technology with the purpose to facilitate learning of a fundamental set of 200 Chinese characters. The project was a coordinated effort of experts, including an instructional designer, a software engineer, a Chinese language expert, and classroom teachers to develop an experimental Chinese character learning application for the primary school classroom. This paper reports how the project team explored experiences of teachers and learners in a particular context, developed understanding of teaching and learning needs for Chinese language learning, and how these inform design of the educational application. The final outcomes of the project include a Chinese character learning application and recommendations for design and use of educational applications in Chinese language teaching and other similar contexts.  相似文献   

利用CAE模拟分析软件对手机下盖进行注射成型过程动态模拟,预测可能发生的缺陷,并针对缺陷情况提出优化方案,对注射成型工艺、产品壁厚设计和模具浇注系统进行优化,最终获得手机下盖注塑成型的最佳方案。  相似文献   

针对当前移动通信原理实验课程的教学现状,将基于实验箱的验证性实验和基于SystemView的综合性实验相互结合,设计了一个全方位、多层次的移动通信实验系统。教学实践表明,该实验系统知识覆盖面广,能够激发学生的积极性,取得了较好的实验教学效果。  相似文献   

This research aimed to examine the impact of using mobile-supported learning management systems (LMS) in teaching web design on the academic success of students and their opinion on the course; and it was conducted on 70 volunteer students (35 experimental, 35 control) enrolled at Giresun University, Technical Sciences Vocational School, Computer Technologies Department, Program of Computer Programming in Spring 2015–2016. After the eight weeks long implementation of Mobile Moodle, which is a mobile-supported LMS, as a supplement to traditional learning methods; t-test was used in order to determine whether the methodology mentioned had a significant impact on the academic success of web design teaching. As a result of the t-test implemented; it was seen that there was a significant level of difference in favor of the experimental group; between the academic success of students in the experimental group where mobile-supported LMS is used and the academic success of the students in the control group where traditional learning methodologies are used. Also, it has been determined that using Mobile LMS has increased the students’ interest.  相似文献   

在3G移动模式下远程实验教学平台将3G移动网络、知识工程、云计算和移动学习等技术应用于实验教学,构造了虚拟实验平台和实验教学辅助系统,实现了网络实验教学环境下的个性化学习和协作学习。设计了3G移动模式下远程实验教学平台,并阐述了平台开发原理和主要实现技术,详细描述了平台中核心概念集的构建、实验知识OWL描述、知识推理实验模块、实验知识本体概念相似性与相关性搜索流程和算法。实验证明:平台使得实验教学在时间、空间、内容及方式等方面得到多维化延伸和融合,满足了实验教学信息化的需要。  相似文献   

Cameras can reliably detect human motions in a normal environment, but they are usually affected by sudden illumination changes and complex conditions, which are the major obstacles to the reliability and robustness of the system. To solve this problem, a novel integration method was proposed to combine bi-static ultra-wideband radar and cameras. In this recognition system, two cameras are used to localize the object’s region, regions while a radar is used to obtain its 3D motion models on a mobile robot. The recognition results can be matched in the 3D motion library in order to recognize its motions. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, the experimental results of recognition using vision sensors and those of recognition using the integration method were compared in different environments. Higher correct-recognition rate is achieved in the experiment.  相似文献   

移动通信基站覆盖区的优化设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作给出一种更精确地计算移动通信覆盖区场强的数学模型和设计方法,在此设计中引入通信质量指标参数:时间概率和地点概率,并给出在任意时间概率(T%)、地点概率(L%)达到任一话音等级的基站覆盖区地理范围及其几何参数的设计。结合发射功率、基站覆盖区的边界场强、天线方向图、基站天线的高度等条件对基站进行了最优化设计及计算机仿真。  相似文献   

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