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The researchers working on information society measures have recently started to consider how people use the Internet not only as a tool but also as a platform for social relations. As the ultimate objective of information society measures is to provide reliable guidelines for social policy, finding criteria for separating “positive” uses of Internet from “negative” ones is an important task. This article employs the concepts of communicative and strategic action as defined by Habermas for that purpose. A general conceptual typology of three communicative and three strategic social uses of Internet is offered, which can be applied to measure uses of any of the Internet's interactive services. A specific empirical application to social uses of personal web sites demonstrates that the deduced measurement instruments achieve satisfying levels of validity and reliability.  相似文献   

对应分析法对差异性网站评价的比较研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
马费成  李东旻 《情报科学》2005,23(3):321-328
本文引入对应分析法,分别对30个中国新闻类媒体网站和中国大学网站定量地进行评测和分析,并且将评测结果进行对比分析,对对应分析的适用性和优缺点进行研究,得出了有价值的结论,以期促进我国网站建设和网络信息资源的规划和构建。  相似文献   

为提高Web信息搜索速度,本文采用网站集中减少网站数量的思想,根据网站集中性质,提出了基于贪心算法的网站集中求解方法,该方法在保证检索的网页数量相同前提下,所需搜索的网站数量有一定程度减少,Web搜索时间也相应得到提高。  相似文献   

对移动社交网络中个人信息安全问题进行抽样调查和分析发现,影响个人信息安全的用户行为习惯主要包括:使用与自己相关的个人信息作为密码并且在多个社交网站上使用同一个密码;安装使用未知来源的移动社交应用,但是不经常更新系统安全软件;不会一直使用终端系统的隐私控制功能;担心位置信息泄露,但是经常开启GPS功能;喜欢上传隐私数据至网盘。在对用户行为习惯分析的基础上,提出了保障移动社交网络中个人信息安全的策略。  相似文献   

网络空间个人数据的权利保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人数据是指一切标识个人情况的数据资料。个人数据权利是个人隐私权在网络空间的重要表现,数据主体享有个人隐私不被侵犯和寻求法律保护的权利。网络空间个人数据隐私权的侵犯表现为非法收集、使用、泄露或者运用个人数据扰乱他人生活的安宁等,我国应加强个人数据权利的保护立法。  相似文献   

Might online social relations play a role in the rise of political solidarities sufficient to support a democratic postnationalist project? As things currently stand, it does not appear that the Internet supports either the commitment or cohesiveness needed to underpin a demanding new mode of social and political relations. Looking at factors such as conceptions of community and social interaction, systems of meaning, political engagement, and social inclusivity can help us assess the question. The exercise suggests that while the Internet may be a factor in change, it may not yield the kind of change many are anticipating. This finding raises doubts concerning the postnationalist hope that new social and political bonds will help ground transnational projects such as the European Union.  相似文献   

Information systems researchers that apply critical social perspectives frequently emphasize the potential for information technology to serve as a mechanism for increased rationalization, domination, and control. Such theorists often overlook or discount the liberating aspects of information systems. In this study, we apply the ideal of rational discourse developed by Jürgen Habermas to the phenomenon of Wikipedia in an effort to explore empirically the emancipatory potential of information systems. We contend that Wikipedia embodies an approximation of the necessary conditions for rational discourse. While several challenges persist, the example of Wikipedia illustrates the positive potential of information systems in supporting the emergence of more emancipatory forms of communication. The corresponding implications for researchers and design professionals alike are discussed.  相似文献   

面向社科领域的网络新闻分析与监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过自然语言处理技术和数理统计方法的运用,网络新闻在经济金融、公共卫生、政治科学、科研管理、舆情监测与预警等社会科学领域具有很大的利用价值。对新闻分析与监测在各个社会科学领域的应用现状进行分析和综述,包括新闻来源、关键技术、领域特点、实施方法和典型系统,总结得出当前研究的特点及发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文分析了移动互联环境下微博微信对高校Web程序设计类课程教学的作用,提出了课程改革的思路,并对微博微信在课程教学中的具体应用进行了实践和探索。  相似文献   

从虚拟社区知识共享行为的动因出发,来探索虚拟社区社会资本和个人动机的影响,构建虚拟社区社会资本和个人动机对知识共享影响的理论模型,提出相关假设。对虚拟社区成员进行问卷调查,对得到的293份有效问卷的样本数据,运用LISREL 8.8和SPSS 17.0进行验证性分析,检验了研究假设。实证研究表明,社会资本和个人动机对虚拟社区成员的知识共享行为有显著的正向影响。研究结果对了解虚拟社区知识共享行为,实现基于网络平台的个性化知识管理与服务策略有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

战略联盟中的社会资本及其培育   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
张波  魏江 《软科学》2003,17(4):24-27
战略联盟是全球化竞争中出现的一种新型组织形式。联盟企业成员之间良好的合作关系是影响联盟成功的关键因素之一。本文从经济社会学的视角分析存在于联盟企业关系网络之中的社会资本。社会资本是战略联盟形成和运转的社会基础,因此培育它对提高联盟合作成功的可能性有重大的意义。基于Nahapiet和Ghoshal提出的社会资本理论模型,本文研究了联盟组织社会资本的三个维度:结构维度、关系维度和认知维度三者之间如何相互影响,并相应提出提高联盟社会资本水平的几个思路。  相似文献   

马克思对人的社会关系本质的探究,是站在社会历史发展的高度,研究人在各个历史阶段的生存状况并构建了人的社会关系本质的理论体系。本文主要从个人与社会发展的角度,阐述了个人发展的制度需求以及社会发展对个人素质的要求两方面内容。  相似文献   

This study examines the network neutrality debate, as represented online. The research begins by conducting network analysis to identify key websites, followed by retrieving the relevant documents and using content analysis. Results demonstrate that the online version of the debate skews heavily toward the pro-network neutrality side. The web debate also includes much higher proportions of voices from nonprofit sectors, especially nongovernmental organizations. Telecommunications companies and trade groups, which anchor the anti-network neutrality coalition, are relatively quiet online. These findings show groups that are less powerful making heavy use of online communication and, in light of the political history of the issue, they also suggest online mobilizing may help reshape the dynamics of issue advocacy.  相似文献   

刘潇泽 《科教文汇》2020,(8):157-158
青少年在信息时代步入了网络化生存状态,面临着许多的网络问题,例如像网络成瘾、网络欺凌和网络色情等诸多问题的考验。在这其中最令人堪忧的是青少年上网成瘾的相关问题。根据近期的调查显示,青少年网瘾人数不断攀升,与此同时也引发了无数的个人和家庭悲剧。由此,我们不能对出现的这个问题熟视无睹,而要针对网瘾青少年的上网表现进行干预和矫正,并且找到网瘾青少年们的网瘾的成因,分析评定。  相似文献   

作为研究员工离职问题的新视角,社会网络有别于传统离职模型,是以个体间的社会关系来探讨对离职意图或行为的影响.本文首先对社会网络分析的主要概念、类型和测量等进行概述.其次,系统地梳理了以往关于社会网络与离职的研究,从五个方面对其研究进展进行详细的综述.最后,综合评述了过去研究的不足和问题,并且基于中国的特殊文化情境,提出了若干未来研究建议.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以网络个人信息保护相关法规政策和标准为依据,开展我国社交应用个人信息保护政策的合规性评价。[方法/过程]采用自下而上的编码方式对17部与个人信息保护相关的法规政策和标准进行范畴提取和归纳,构建合规性评价指标体系;选取了7类17个社交应用的26部个人信息保护政策,开展总体合规性和重点指标合规性分析,发现存在的问题并提出改进建议。[结果/结论]所选取社交应用的总体合规分值为75.34分,合规性一般,婚恋交友类的合规性最高,博客/微博类最低,各类和各应用之间均存在一定差异;围绕个人信息生命周期的个人信息管理相关内容合规性较好,"未成年人信息保护""Cookie及同类技术的使用"和"联系与争议解决方式"的合规性低。完善社交应用的个人信息保护政策应以"隐私设计"理念为指引,增进内容完备性,提高透明度和可操作性,强化用户权利保障,持续开展政策监管,改进可获得性和可读性。  相似文献   

社会资本视角下战略联盟的优势探源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔡凤霞  陈莉平 《软科学》2005,19(5):54-56
从社会资本视角出发,对原有的联盟理论进行补充,认为联盟组织所累积下来的社会资本对联盟组织的运行能产生更为积极的影响,嵌入社会网络的战略联盟将更具有竞争优势。  相似文献   

One of the fastest growing forms of downloadable Internet-based data involves digital map layers that contain spatial features suitable for analysis with a geographic information system (GIS). The availability of networked spatial data has fostered tremendous growth in the importance and use of location-based services, and it is now commonplace to find a wide variety of map-based applications and data sets on the Internet for unrestricted download. Despite the rapid growth in spatial data resources, there has been scant attention paid to their currentness, lineage, locational accuracy, completeness, and overall usefulness. This article discusses the quality of Internet spatial data by taking an extreme case to evaluate both the availability and the usefulness of spatial data posted on publicly accessible Web sites. The case study examined is Tibet, which is selected purposively because it lies at or beyond the fringes of the network society. The issue examined concerns the rehabilitation potential of locatable Buddhist monasteries. In undertaking this assessment, the efficacy of the current Internet as a source of useful spatial data is brought into question.  相似文献   

社会责任活动不仅是企业的伦理义务,也是企业竞争优势和价值创造的来源。本文分析了战略性企业社会责任的理论内涵,维度划分,关键影响因素以及路径选择,以探讨社会责任与企业竞争优势之间关系的内在机理,并提出对我国开展企业社会责任研究和实践的启示。管理人员只有在理解社会责任活动与传统企业市场活动的融合点和区别的前提上。将社会责任融入企业战略决策和行动路径中,才可能在改善社会效益的同时,获取社会责任可能带来的竞争优势和超额收益。  相似文献   

While there is no question that the commercial development of the World Wide Web is still in its infancy and growing rapidly, this development faces a serious barrier to ultimate commercialization. In this article we develop the argument that the primary barrier to the successful commercial development of the Web is the current lack of consumer trust in this new commercial medium. This lack of trust is engendered primarily by the industry's documented failure to respond satisfactorily to mounting consumer concerns over information privacy in electronic, networked environments. We examine how such concerns are affecting the growth and development of consumer-oriented commercial activity on the World Wide Web and investigate the implications of these concerns for potential industry response. In the short run, the commercial development of the Web depends on giving consumers the opportunity to be anonymous when engaging in information exchanges and online transactions. Ultimately, however, commercial Web providers must come to realize that the Internet dramatically shifts the balance of power between a business and its customers, and therefore, radical new business strategies will be required for long-term success. Because the Web offers unprecedented opportunities for interacting with customers, strategies that take advantage of the medium's unique features are likely to reap important rewards in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. Therefore, in the long run, the most effective way for commercial Web providers to develop profitable exchange relationships with online customers is to gain consumer trust by allowing the balance of power to shift toward more cooperative interactions between firms and their customers.  相似文献   

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