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Two experiments are reported that investigated the relative effectiveness of a realistic dynamic visualization as opposed to a schematic visualization for learning about cell replication (mitosis). In Experiment 1, 37 university students watched either realistic or schematic visualizations. Students' subjective task demands ratings as well as their performance in a multiple-choice test and a pictorial test clearly demonstrated the superiority of the schematic dynamic visualization. In Experiment 2, 83 students were given the two visualizations in four different orders of presentation. Students showed the same performance irrespective of whether they watched the schematic visualization twice, first saw the schematic and then the realistic visualization or vice versa. Only students, who watched the realistic visualization twice, had far lower learning outcomes. Contrary to our expectations, for both experiments, students' prior knowledge did not moderate the results.  相似文献   

Five pigeons were trained to perform a delayed matching-to-sample task in which red- and green-colored keys were presented as sample and choice stimuli, and the duration of a delay interval varied across trials. Experiment 1 investigated the effects on delayed-matching accuracy of signaling different durations of food access for the two correct responses (the differential-outcomes effect), and of signaling nondifferential but larger durations for both responses (the signaled-magnitudes effect). In Condition 1, a vertical bar on either sample signaled different rewards (or different outcomes, DOs) for correct red and correct green responses (0.5 and 3.5 sec, respectively), and a horizontal bar signaled equal durations of food access (or same outcomes, SOs) for these responses (1.5 sec). In Condition 2, the horizontal bar signaled equally large rewards for the two correct responses (3.5 sec), and the vertical bar signaled equally small rewards (0.5 sec). Delayed-matching accuracies were higher on DO trials than on SO trials, and they were higher on large-reward trials than on small-reward trials. However, analyses of discriminability estimates as a function of delay-interval duration revealed differences between the forgetting functions reflecting these two effects. Signaling DOs increased the initial level of the function and reduced its slope relative to signaling SOs, whereas signaling larger rewards increased the initial level of the function but did not affect its slope relative to signaling smaller rewards. Experiment 2 investigated whether the difference between the initial levels of DO and SO functions in Condition 1 resulted from overall longer food access on the former trials. However, varying the food-access times on SO trials across three conditions (0.5, 3.5, and 1.5 sec) failed to produce systematic effects consistent with this hypothesis. The results are discussed with respect to the mechanisms that could be responsible for the two effects.  相似文献   

剩余价值论与唯物史观使社会主义理论发展成为科学社会主义。科学社会主义两大前提的当代意义在于帮助我们深入理解邓小平理论  相似文献   

王林 《许昌学院学报》2006,25(6):145-148
在刑事附带民事案件中认定原告和被告是一个比较难的问题。刑事附带民事诉讼兼具两种诉讼的特征,在认定原、被告时既要考虑到刑事诉讼这个前提,也要考虑到民事赔偿的本质,对特殊主体要具体分析其在案件中所处的地位,以此确定其诉讼地位。  相似文献   

Students are frequently presented with novel visualizations introducing scientific concepts and processes normally unobservable to the naked eye. Despite being unfamiliar, students are expected to understand and employ the visualizations to solve problems. Domain experts exhibit more competency than novices when using complex visualizations, but less is known about how and when learners develop representational fluency. This project examined students' moment-by-moment adoption patterns for scientific visualizations. In a laboratory experiment, introductory-level organic chemistry students viewed familiar ball-and-stick and novel electrostatic potential map representations while solving chemistry problems. Eye movement patterns, verbal explanations, and individual difference analyses showed that students initially relied on familiar representations, particularly for difficult questions. However, as the task unfolded, students with more prior knowledge began relying upon the novel visualizations. These results indicate adoption and fluent use of visualizations is not given; rather, it is a function of prior knowledge and unfolding experience with presented content.  相似文献   

针对声纳水听器阵列比较突出的相位误差,研究了一种基于遗传算法的阵列校正方法。该方法利用无相位误差时阵列协方差矩阵具有Toeplitz结构的特性构造代价函数,并以此作为遗传算法中进化个体的适应度函数,由算法搜索的最优个体得到阵元相位误差的估值。计算机仿真结果表明,该方法可以明显地减小阵列相位误差对MUSIC算法DOA估计结果的影响。  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the effectiveness of dynamic and static visualizations for a perceptual learning task (locomotion pattern classification). In Study 1, seventy-five students viewed either dynamic, static-sequential, or static-simultaneous visualizations. For tasks of intermediate difficulty, dynamic visualizations led to better classification performance than static-sequential visualizations, but not than static-simultaneous visualizations. To test whether the temporal aspects of presenting static-simultaneous visualizations (i.e., their permanent visibility) or their spatial aspects (i.e., their arrangement in rows) accounted for this effect, Study 2 investigated three additional static-simultaneous conditions. Seventy-five students viewed static-simultaneous visualizations presented either in columns, matrices, or circles. For tasks of intermediate difficulty dynamic visualizations outperformed pictures presented in columns, matrices, and circles, but not the rows format. Accordingly, for learning about locomotion patterns, dynamic visualizations are better suited than most, but not all static visualization formats. From a practical point of view, effort should be invested into the design of static-simultaneous visualizations to further optimize instructional materials.  相似文献   

在乎面应力状态分析中,通过取出受力构件内某点的应力状态,便可以求出任意斜截面上的应力和主应力,从而对复杂受力构件作强度计算。这是单元体上两微面间相互垂直的特殊情况下进行的。当两微面相互不垂直时,求解未知应力就比较因难。本文经过研究,找出了任意两截面上应力之间的关系,并研究用应力圆表示。这对求解复杂受力构件内任意两截面上的应力,带来较大的方便,提供了一个新的方法,并举例说明它的应用。  相似文献   

本文在灰色预测的基础上,采用遗传算法极小化问题的方法代替用最小二乘法对模型参数求解。以集成电路的产量作为实例,结果表明,用灰色遗传算法建立的模型的拟合优度和预测精度高于基于LSM的模型的拟合优度和预测精度。  相似文献   

归庄之"两不幸"略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归庄是明代重要的遗民作家。其创作鲜明体现了以"际危亡之世"的"大不幸"和"身处厄穷"的"小不幸"相结合的理论主张。作品佯狂骂世的文字冲破了"发愤著书"的文论传统中儒家的中和思想,表现出一种与世抗争的时代精神,从而丰富和深化了司马迁以来"发愤著书"说的理论内涵。  相似文献   

证明了丢番图方程s4-4s3 t-6s2 t2 4st3 t4=1仅有整数解 (s ,t) =(± 1,0 ) ,( 0± 1) ,(± 2 ,± 3 )和 (± 3 , 2 ) ;丢番图方程s4-8s3 t 6s2 t2 8st3 t4=1仅有整数解 (s ,t) =(± 1,0 )和 ( 0 ,± 1)。  相似文献   

"二泉"是赵蕃与韩淲的合称.他们作为南宋中后期江西诗派的代表,具有自觉的续派意识,继吕本中<江西诗社宗派图>之后,对该派在南宋中后期的发展脉络作出了较为清晰的描述.在创作观念上,主要是承继吕本中、曾几的"活法"理论. "二泉"的诗歌选本转益多师,体现出与同时独尊姚贾的"晚唐体"迥异的诗学旨趣.  相似文献   

对“数据结构”课程中两个常见的问题(矩阵的压缩存储和树的结点个数运算)提出了自己的见解与解法,并详细介绍了这两种解法。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Being the bio era, a significant research effort has been devoted to the study of proteins since they are related to the critical body functions. There have been many studies on proteins, with the voluminous related data being currently available in various pub- lic repositories including the Protein Data Bank (PDB) (CATH, 2006; DALI, 2006; MSD, 2006; RCSB PDB, 2006; SCOP Database, 2006). Given the atomic complexes of proteins, ana- lyzing interactions between them…  相似文献   

"导体表面是等势面","等势面与电场线处处正交",是物理学中的基本概念。通过对电磁学中两道概念不清晰的题目的讨论,使学生明确了在学习物理学的思想和方法时,应克服概念模糊、研究缺乏有效性讨论等现象,明确了物理概念的重要性,加深了对上述基本概念的认识和理解。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRecent advances in motion capture techniques and other motion editing software facilitate character animation with unprecedented ease and realism. It is still an important and active research area to synthe- size the realistic character animation with the motion capture data. Due to the restriction in recorded motion capture data, the direct reuse of long motion capture data is unacceptable, and thus a novel method to edit them is needed. In response, motion textures (Li et al…  相似文献   

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