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进化心理学的诞生,特别是进化教育心理学与进化发展心理学的发展,为解释当前教育问题和教育现象提供了新的视角。进化理论把人类知识分为生物初级知识和生物次级知识,重新诠释了教育,特别是学校教育存在的必要性和价值;进化发展心理学对"发展"概念的独到诠释,给当前盛行的"超前教育"以警示;进化理念下对不同知识类型儿童学习方式的区分,启发教育工作者重新认识接受学习的价值;学习动机偏差理论解释了为什么大多数学生不喜欢学习,也启发教育者重新审视外部动机激发的意义;进化理念下的性别差异解释了当前教育领域中常见的性别学习偏好,也给教育教学提供了重要的启迪;进化心理学对几种儿童"问题行为"的全新阐释为今后教育提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

本论述了民族心理在民族发展中不容忽视;民族教育心理在民族教育实施中不容忽视。两之间,前是共性,后带有特殊性和复杂性。我们要利用新疆蒙古族民族心理共性的优势,针对受教育的不同心理因素开展双语教育活动。  相似文献   

Leaders in educational psychology are pointing out increasing opportunities for careers in educational psychology or in education-related work in universities and other settings. A program of graduate education in educational psychology is essential for preparing the current generation of graduate students for these careers. This article presents a procedure for determining the content of local graduate programs and suggests the desirability of identifying a common core of content to be included in all graduate programs. The future of educational psychology is assumed to depend on how well educational psychologists are prepared.  相似文献   

教育心理学是一门研究学习与教学相互作用过程及其影响因素的科学.我国教育心理学的发展由于政治的变迁,1949年建国前后之间的研究工作存在明显的断沟.建国以前,艾伟、廖世承、张耀翔、周先庚、阮镜清等人做了一些开拓性的工作,编制教育心理学教材,开展本土化的一些研究工作[1].建国初期,主要学习前苏联的理论,到文革前的一段时间里,开展了学科教学心理研究,文革中研究工作停滞,文革后逐渐恢复,在介绍和学习西方教育心理学的基础上,逐渐开展多方面的研究工作.直到现在,研究队伍日渐庞大,对教师培训、课程改革、学科教学、心理健康教育等方面都产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

文章旨在针对新疆少数民族大学生就业前的心理状况、对就业的影响、对其进行干预的措施给予研究,以探索多民族地区大学生职业生涯规划教育和就业心理辅导的途径、方法。  相似文献   

群体心理与大学生思想教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人离不开群体,群体心理对个体具有较大的影响,通过加强群体建设可以促进思想政治教育工作的有效开展。  相似文献   

Advances in psychological theory have made significant contributions to the considerable progress that has been achieved in intervention research and practice, especially in the past two decades. This article presents a discussion of the major conceptual and methodological issues that have arisen in intervention research, with a focus on interventions for children with learning problems, particularly reading problems. Examples from our own research are presented to illustrate how conceptual and methodological factors in intervention research can be taken into consideration in the design of intervention studies.  相似文献   

Olssen has recently claimed that educational psychology, being a derivative of mainstream psychology, is a sham, a pseudo‐science based upon outdated positivist philosophy of science and an inappropriate understanding of the social determinants of individual behaviour and of mind. This article argues, firstly, that educational psychology has a certain independence of psychology in general; secondly, that most modem psychology does not rely on positivism; and, thirdly, that whatever the ultimate roots of behaviours and mental phenomena, it is perfectly logical—indeed it is a necessary part of the discipline—for psychologists to concentrate upon studying and working with individuals.  相似文献   

应日本樱美林大学学长佐藤东洋士和韩国国际职业能力开发交流协会理事长崔善政先生的邀请,在中国教育国际交流协会的精心安排下,由中国教育技术协会组织的,以协会会长于云秀同志为团长,中央电大、河南电大、贵州电大、江苏电大、中央电化教育馆、青海电教馆、福建信息职业技术学院和福建师范大学网络教育学院代表为团员的中国现代教育技术考察团一行10人于2005年4月17日至4月26日对日本、韩国进行了为期10天的教育技术考察。  相似文献   

This paper describes a survey of psychology undergraduates' perceptions of educational psychology, and the factors most likely to motivate or deter them from joining the profession. Results suggest that interest in educational psychology as a career option is at its lowest level for thirty years or more. The paper presents evidence that the current recruitment crisis within the profession needs to be addressed at a number of levels, including: the promotion within first degree programmes of improved understanding of educational psychology as a discipline and a profession, and of the links between basic research and its applicability to educational psychology in practice; the further development of the role which educational psychologists (EPs) fulfil, and the accurate dissemination of information about the profession; stream-lining and rationalising post-graduate training routes for psychology graduates, in order to offer a more accessible career route, and maximising its direct relevance in supporting the acquisition of core professional skills; and attenting to pay and conditions within the profession, so that it competes on more equal terms with other career destinations considered by undergraduates.  相似文献   

由于教育心理学属于交叉学科,因此其研究范式的确定一直以来都是一个有争议的问题.在教育科学为本、心理科学为用的原则之下,整合取向的研究范式对我国的教育心理学发展具有一定的启发意义.在实际的研究中应注意以下三点:一是不将实验室研究随意的推广到教育实践中;二是将本国特色整合于现代理论之中;三是将各领域的先进技术手段整合于教育实践中.  相似文献   

发展教育服务业,促进社会服务的均等化,是社会发展进步的需要,对于以远程教育为主业的广播电视大学意义重大。加强公共服务体系建设,要整体推动、系统运作,充分利用电大的系统优势、国有资源和办学基础,促进资源共享、优势互补,促进公共服务体系的规模化、网络化、连锁化运营,促进与社会多方多元的合作,处理好开放教育与公共服务体系的内外关系,提升公共服务体系的整体服务能力、服务质量。  相似文献   

对群体心理的研究有助于揭示群体和个人之间的具体联系,群体心理能对个体产生较大的影响.当代大学生的群体心理极其复杂,表现为竞争意识增强、独立性和自立意识增强、盲目从众等,对此教育者要从思想上加强重视,采取一定的措施例如加强班集体和宿舍建设、定期开展心理讲座和心理普查、引导利用非正式群体等,运用群体心理加强对大学生的思想政治教育工作.  相似文献   

教育心理学的发展历史和趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育心理学是研究学校教和学情境中各种心理活动及其交互作用的运行机制和基本规律的科学 ,虽然她从 2 0世纪初诞生至今只有不到百年的历史 ,但却取得了巨大的成就。通过比较系统地对教育心理学诞生以来的发展历史的回顾 ,列举每个时期的重要成果和发展特点 ,并在此基础上探讨目前心理学正在研究的热点问题 ,从而展望教育心理学的发展趋势  相似文献   

In this study of the meanings of education and learning in people's lives, educational generations in Finland were investigated. The analysis is based on Karl Mannheim's concept and theory of social generation. This approach resulted in the differentiation of four educational cohorts living in contemporary Finnish society, three of which provided distinct core life experiences and educational experiences for analysis. These are: the war generation with scant education (born before 1935); the generation of structural change with growing educational opportunities (born 1936–55) and the welfare generation with many educational choices (born after 1955). This article, reviews the characteristics of these generations, and analyses the dynamics of their educational courses and experiences. It is concluded that their core experiences of education can be summarized in two basic narratives: the narrative of national culture and that of economic structural change. Finally, it is argued that such generational change reflects the more general rationalization of Western culture and society. Based on this argumentation, the future of adult education based on the application of Weberian social theory and its conceptions of material and formal rationality are considered.  相似文献   

当前我国教育心理学发展中的主要问题有:内容体系缺乏整体性和系统性;研究方法和手段缺乏创造性;理论与实际联系缺乏有效性;科学研究缺乏本土化。我国教育心理学现存问题的解决对策主要是:以整体的观点研究教育心理现象;创建科学有效的新方法;建立理论和应用层面的教育心理学;逐步构建具有中国特色的理论体系。  相似文献   

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