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It is clear from past research that family atmosphere influences the course of many mental illness such as schizophrenia. EE (emotional express) is a measure of emotional response of a relative towards a person with a diagnosed health problem (Lobbon, et al., 2006). EE has three aspects like critical, hostile, and emotionally over-involved attitudes that relatives have toward patients. The goals of this study is to investigate EE's role in Eastern countries especially in Iran, compared to Western countries. 120 schizophrenia patients and their key relatives are selected to answer the family questionnaire. The results indicated that in Iranian families are regarded to emotionally over involvement attitude more seen than western countries. Parents who were emotional over involvement report self- blaming and more controlling parents than other parents. When the EE in Iranian families were compared to western countries, the differences were clear. For instance, in western countries hostile and critical attitude were more than Iranian families. In addition, they are less self-blaming and controlling their patients. But in Eastern countries mental illness is viewed as the fate or predestination, so there are fewer attempts to follow up therapeutic interventions. It is important to note that the role of culture is explored in explaining the specific manner in which EE relates to relapse among Iranian families, also for programming and family psycho- education interventions.  相似文献   

Spain is one of the ancient countries in Europe and together with her close neighbour Portugal, occupies Iberian peninsula -a vast block of land in the extreme south-west corner of Europe.Spain is a land of mountains and plateaus. It is one of the more mountainous countries of Europe. Most of its people are crowded into narrow stripe of coastal lowland along the Bay of Biscay to the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south and east.  相似文献   

Spain is one of the ancient countries in Europe and together with her close neighbour Portugal, occupies Iberian peninsula—a vast block of land in the extreme south—west corner of Europe. Spain is a land of mountains and plateaus. It is one of the more mountainous countries of Europe. Most of its people are crowded into narrow stripe of coastal lowland along the Bay of Biscay to the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south and east.  相似文献   

In order to focus on rising China and support positive ideas about China's process of education, USA-China Entrepreneur Associates, Inc., USA, the most important and prestigious Chinese commercial organization outside China and one of the major Chambers of Commerce of all countries in the United States, sponsored the publication of Journal of US-China Education Review (ISSN 1548-6613,USA). It will act as an inter-communication emissary of the two countries' regime of education and promote more understanding between USA and China.  相似文献   

Countries have gone to war to get more land. The people of Holland have found a better way.Holland is a small country. But it has too many people. It is one of the most crowded countries in the world.  相似文献   

A.J.Dalton 《新高考》2016,(4):30-31
1 In certain countries of the world,the king or queen is still considered to be a demi-god.The UK is not one of those countries.It’s true that up until the 17th century,the British king or queen was believed to rule by"divine right",which was the idea that God chose the king or queen to rule and that he or she was therefore above the law.The idea that the monarch was above the  相似文献   

韩欣 《教育教学论坛》2011,(12):136-137
It is important for a translator to understand the differences of color terms in their connotations in Chinese and western cultures.The connotations of most color terms are indistinct in Chinese and English,which is likely to affects the communication between countries.  相似文献   

It may seem more professional to stay impersonal(非个人的)at work, but in fact friendlier employees are more productive.A comparison of the American work ethic(道德规范)toapproaches in other countries shows that keeping an emotional distance may not be the most effective way to get the job done.  相似文献   

钱敏 《海外英语》2014,(9):287-288,290
The status of English in today’s world has been established definitely.It is not only embodied in the increasing numbers of speakers,but also embodied in the role which English has played in some non-English speaking countries.English is spread as an International language in worldwide and which is no longer belonging to any English speaking countries but belonging to those who use it(McKay,2002).The consequences of English spreading are:on one hand,English as an international lingua franca status has been further consolidated;on the other hand,different regional variants appear in English.These changes lead to the debate between Standard English and varieties of English.All of these in turn generate a profound impact on English language teaching.China as one of non-English speaking countries has also been the impact of globalization in English.The English teaching in China is facing challenges and innovation.  相似文献   

周甜 《海外英语》2013,(2X):278-282
This paper attempts to discuss dining etiquette difference in China and western countries from the aspect of across-cultural communication by meticulously selecting many fresh examples. The author puts forward the main difference of dinner etiquette and the reasons for differences. It concludes that the methods for avoiding conflict. The research can offer a little help to the cross-cultural communication.  相似文献   

V. Rajaraman 《Resonance》2014,19(10):917-935
Steve Jobs is well known as the creator of the famous Apple brand of computers and consumer products known for their user friendly interface and aesthetic design. In his short life he transformed a range of industries including personal computing, publishing, animated movies, music distribution, mobile phones, and retailing. He was a charismatic inspirational leader of groups of engineers who designed the products he visualized. He was also a skilled negotiator and a genius in marketing. In this article, we present a brief overview of his life.  相似文献   

晏阳初:我国电化教育早期的践行者   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
晏阳初是著名的平民教育家。在20世纪前半叶,为中国的平民教育做出了突出的贡献。晏阳初把幻灯、广播、电影等当时最先进的电化教育手段应用于平民教育运动,在华工识字教育、平民识字教育、军队识字教育,尤其是定县的乡村建设实验中,取得了巨大的成功,大大提高了社会教育的效果和效率。晏阳初对电化教育的践行和农村改革的经验,对当前社会主义新农村的建设仍然有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

李安导演的电影,既有对中国传统文化的理解与思考,也有对西方价值体系的感受。其早期作品"父亲三部曲"的三部影片从不同角度逐级深入地表现和阐述了中西方两种不同文化观念的冲突与融合,以及在这种冲突中中国传统文化的归属。在此后的作品中,李安继续着他对于中西方文化和艺术的思考,极力将中西方文化的内涵及其美学表达完美地结合在一起,并出色地运用到电影拍摄中,形成了其独特的创作风格,获得了国际电影界的认可。  相似文献   

世纪之交,当中国电影不断趋于商业化的时候,贾樟柯以他独特的纪录电影风格步入影坛。他将镜头执著地对准社会的边缘人,客观地记录他们的生存状况,揭示他们的情感和心灵。贾樟柯为百年华诞的中国电影带来了一丝新风。  相似文献   

何慧 《培训与研究》2009,26(7):20-21,100
张艺谋是中国“第五代导演”的领军人物,他所拍摄的许多优秀电影享誉海内外。与同时期的导演相比,没有谁能够像张艺谋那样始终关注中国的女性,在他的电影中塑造了一系列生动丰满的女性形象,在中国当代电影史人物画廊中占据重要地位。本文拟从女性的本能需求、执着的信念、悲剧性的抗争三方面对这些女性形象作出分析,从而使我们能够更加深入透彻地理解张艺谋的电影。  相似文献   

黄建新的电影是艺术理想阐释和关注社会现实结合较好的典型 ,黄建新是我们这个时代电影现实与电影理想相互关系的一种表征。注重现实性的理性思考 ,注重平民化的文化阐释 ,艺术上注重人物心理剖析、意外的关节点构思、淡化艺术技巧等 ,使黄建新电影不同凡响。融合传统 ,面向现实社会 ,挖掘俗人俗事中的微言大义 ,艺术技巧经历了自外在张扬而内在收敛的稳步成熟过程 ,使黄建新电影明显走向谐和、平和、调和的创作圆熟状态  相似文献   

留守与弃置--论李安电影影像构成的二律背反性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李安电影文本的“跨文化”传播性、平等对话性以及自身文化体验的复杂性 ,决定了其电影影像构成表意深层的“狂欢”属性 ,然而 ,对传统文化精神的深层体察和熟稔 ,又使李安能够自觉放弃狂欢表达的形式 ,使其电影文本的影像构成呈现留守与弃置的二律背反特质  相似文献   

冯小刚的贺岁片成为我国影坛上不可多得的奇葩。它独特的语言表达方式,永不更改的明星——葛优,广告不断植入在影片中等特点,使他的电影烙上了深深的冯氏印。但是需要关注的是他的社会性别观,在他的影片中一再呈现陈腐、落后的观念,其毒素不可小觑。特别是他新贺岁片《非诚勿扰》更成为贬斥女性的,散发着男尊女卑毒素的电影。它让观众在娱乐消费中不知不觉地吸收这种封建文化毒素,在构建和谐社会的当下,我们应该高度警惕,并积极批判,以免观众中毒太深,影响中国特色社会主义先进文化的进程。  相似文献   

冯小刚因导演电影《甲方乙方》一炮走红后,在各路电影逐鹿中国影坛的20世纪90年代中期异军突起,短短几年便确立了中国贺岁电影的霸主地位.冯小刚的崛起也成为中国电影史上的一个神话.本文通过对冯小刚贺岁电影的叙事视角、叙事风格和叙事效果的初步探讨,揭示其商业电影大众化的叙事特点。  相似文献   

吴宇森的电影是他的自白,他以电影诉说他的态度和理想,他将自己所祟尚的中国传统侠义精神融入进了其电影的创作中,因此,他的电影总有浓重的侠义情结。通过探讨吴宇森"英雄片"的主题及模式,将从三方面对吴宇森电影的侠义情结进行分析。首先分析中国传统"侠义精神"的内涵,然后探讨吴宇森"英雄片"的侠义主题和模式;最后将吴宇森的"英雄片"与西方的动作片进行比较,从中解读吴宇森是如何通过他的"英雄"电影,宣扬中国的侠义精神,如何希望观众透过他的"英雄"电影,认识和发现人性的真善美的。  相似文献   

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