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周鸿雁 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(4):411-412,385
体能是篮球运动员运用技、战术的基础,合理补充营养是篮球运动员提高体能、消除运动疲劳的有效手段。根据篮球运动的特点及其在运动过程中机体供能的特点,探讨篮球运动体能恢复的有效措施和运动营养措施,以期给篮球教学和训练中运动员的恢复与营养提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

周鸿雁 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(1):44-45,50
体能是篮球运动员运用技、战术的基础,合理补充营养是篮球运动员提高体能、消除运动疲劳的有效手段。根据篮球运动的特点及其在运动过程中机体供能的特点,探讨篮球运动体能恢复的有效措施和运动营养措施,以期给篮球教学和训练中运动员的恢复与营养提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

篮球运动员体能恢复的营养学手段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
训练后疲劳的及时恢复是篮球训练的重要环节。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,针对篮球运动的特点结合运动营养补剂的研究成果,对篮球运动员恢复的营养学手段做出分析探讨。在篮球训练与比赛过程中平衡膳食、合理使用运动营养补剂是运动员消除运动疲劳、提高体能的有效手段。  相似文献   

羽毛球运动是一项需要高体能的运动.科学的训练和恢复方法将在提高体能和成绩的过程中起到关键作用,使运动成绩不断提高。通过对羽球爱好者的膳食营养调查发现,多数人均存在营养失衡的状况,而这些失衡使身体代谢处于紊乱状态,对训练效果和疲劳消除带来诸多不利影响。  相似文献   

冰球运动员训练与比赛的营养恢复   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
冰球运动员在大负荷训练与比赛过程中平衡膳食与合理使用运动营养补充品是消除运动疲劳、提高体能的有效手段。采用文献资料、下队调研等方法,结合冰球运动的项目特点与运动营养补充品的研究成果,提出冰球运动员发展力量素质时补充肌酸、HMB,提高耐力素质时支链氨基酸、1,6二磷酸果糖、谷氨酰胺制剂的补充和抗氧化剂的使用,以及补糖、补液等方法恢复冰球运动员训练的疲劳。  相似文献   

在羽毛球运动训练过程中,运动性疲劳产生的特点以及疲劳后的体能恢复一直是我们所面临的问题,如何解决这一问题对今后达到良好的训练效果和取得优异成绩至关重要。故此,文章主要对羽毛球运动员运动性疲劳的诊断方法、体能恢复的原则和方法进行探讨研究。  相似文献   

滑雪作为一项运动技术比较强且对运动员的身体素质、身体机能都要求较高的冬季运动项目,在训练过程中极易出现运动疲劳.通过滑雪运动员的运动强度以及身体机能能力的分析,了解高山滑雪运动员运动疲劳产生的原因.采用文献资料法、调查访问法进一步了解滑雪运动员的动作技术及体能消耗的来源,对高山滑雪运动员运动疲劳消除方法进行研究.运用中医传统的治疗手法,按摩、推拿、物理疗法和营养疗法等都可以消除运动疲劳,多种方法综合运用才可达到快速消除疲劳的效果.  相似文献   

冰球运动员运动疲劳恢复的途径   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
项树清 《冰雪运动》2009,31(3):30-32,39
冰球运动员的运动训练恢复是运动训练中的一个重要组成部分,只有采用良好的消除疲劳方法,才能提高运动员的体能水平和比赛成绩,才能保证日常训练的有序进行和保持其运动状态。通过分析疲劳的产生与特征,提出采用合理安排训练计划与作息制度、合理营养与膳食、心理学恢复、物理恢复等方法与手段促进运动员运动疲劳的积极恢复。  相似文献   

结合羽毛球运动训练的特点,对羽毛球运动员运动性疲劳产生的原因进行分析,同时提出有效的恢复措施,旨在为尽快消除运动性疲劳、加速机体的恢复及提高运动员训练成绩提供参考。  相似文献   

网球运动是一项比赛时间长、强度大的运动项目,对运动员的体能要求很高。因此,根据网球运动员在运动过程中产生疲劳的原因,来探讨体能恢复措施,并应用合理有效的方法,为比赛和训练后的疲劳消除和恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

徐杏玲 《体育科技文献通报》2012,20(12):32+47-32,47
本文通过查阅大量的文献资料,访谈优秀的网球运动员,详细地阐述了网球运动营养补充的特点、重点及网球运动营养补剂的效果,由此全面的综述了网球运动在生活中以及在比赛中应该如何来注意营养的补充,为网球运动员营养的全面补充提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Science and the major racket sports: a review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The major racket sports include badminton, squash, table tennis and tennis. The growth of sports science and the commercialization of racket sports in recent years have focused attention on improved performance and this has led to a more detailed study and understanding of all aspects of racket sports. The aim here, therefore, is to review recent developments of the application of science to racket sports. The scientific disciplines of sports physiology and nutrition, notational analysis, sports biomechanics, sports medicine, sports engineering, sports psychology and motor skills are briefly considered in turn. It is evident from these reviews that a great deal of scientific endeavour has been applied to racket sports, but this is variable across both the racket sports and the scientific disciplines. A scientific approach has helped to: implement training programmes to improve players' fitness; guide players in nutritional and psychological preparation for play; inform players of the strategy and tactics used by themselves and their opponents; provide insight into the technical performance of skills; understand the effect of equipment on play; and accelerate the recovery from racket-arm injuries. Racket sports have also posed a unique challenge to scientists and have provided vehicles for developing scientific methodology. Racket sports provide a good model for investigating the interplay between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism and the effect of nutrition, heat and fatigue on performance. They have driven the development of mathematical solutions for multi-segment interactions within the racket arm during the performance of shots, which have contributed to our understanding of the mechanisms of both performance and injury. They have provided a unique challenge to sports engineers in relation to equipment performance and interaction with the player. Racket sports have encouraged developments in notational analysis both in terms of analytical procedures and the conceptualization of strategy and tactics. Racket sports have provided a vehicle for investigating fast interceptive actions, hand-eye coordination and perception-action coupling in the field of motor control. In conclusion, science has contributed considerably to our knowledge and understanding of racket sports, and racket sports have contributed to science by providing unique challenges to researchers.  相似文献   

体能是影响足球比赛成绩的重要因素之一,科学合理的营养补充策略能够增强运动员体能,从而提高运动表现,取得最佳成绩。通过分析足球运动的专项特点和能量代谢特征,根据足球运动员的营养需求,综述了该领域国内外研究进展,认为足球运动员应坚持以高糖膳食为主,多种营养成份合理搭配的原则,还可针对性选用运动营养补剂,满足足球运动日益激烈的训练和比赛需要,以期为相关从业者提供参考。  相似文献   

通过查阅大量相关文献,从体能训练学的角度研究,以篮球运动的体能特征为研究对象。重点对篮球运动员体能训练的含义和篮球运动项目的体能特征以及篮球运动员体能训练的基本特征进行了研究。研究表明:(1)重新学习体能训练以及对体能训练重要性的认识意义做一个全面的了解,以建立正确的观念。(2)创新思维,结合先进的技战术理念和体能训练的特征要求对篮球运动体能特征进行归纳与总结。(3)体能训练必须与篮球运动的特点和能量代谢的特点相结合。(4)体能训练必须重视疲劳与恢复。总之,体能是篮球运动的基础,是球队取得优异成绩和提高技术战术水平的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

范静  姜跃金 《冰雪运动》2010,32(1):46-49
越野滑雪是周期性耐力项目,运动时间多、距离长,能量消耗大,对运动员的心理和机体能力要求较高。越野滑雪运动员的运动训练恢复是运动训练中的重要组成部分,良好的消除疲劳方法,能提高运动水平。结合越野滑雪运动训练实践,运用理论分析方法阐述越野滑雪运动疲劳产生的机理和检测方法,并提出恢复训练、营养补充和心理训练等方法,旨在为促进越野滑雪运动员运动疲劳的积极恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   


The effect of intellectual impairment on sports performance has received limited attention by researchers. As a contribution to closing this gap, the purpose of the present investigation was to examine the differences in tactical proficiency between table tennis players with and without intellectual disabilities (ID). These groups were matched for training-volume and experience and consisted of 41 male (age = 27±8) and 30 female (age= 28±8) elite players with ID and a reference group of 12 male (age= 24±12) and 5 female (age= 20±9) players without ID. In two different test settings – one a World Championship and the other a training camp – the players in each group performed 60 semi-standardised rallies against the same opponent. Players were told that 12 sets of five identical services would be delivered, and their goal was to return the service with the intention of ‘winning the point’. The test results were validated for this study, to compute tactical proficiency scores (maximal score of eight points) for each player. A two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed significantly lower proficiency scores for players with ID than for those without ID. Repeated-measures ANOVA revealed that within each series of five rallies, starting with identical services, all participants were able to significantly improve their tactical proficiency gradually, but players without ID scored 4.3±0.5 from the first ball on, and while athletes with ID only 3.3±0.7 after five balls. The results of this study indicate that ID is associated with decreased tactical proficiency in table tennis.  相似文献   

橄榄球运动具有团体性项目中最为激烈的对抗性,这导致橄榄球运动员出现运动损伤的风险是显著的,因此如何针对橄榄球运动损伤进行有效预防成为教练员和运动员们所关注的内容。该研究主要基于英语文献,对橄榄球项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及监控策略进行了梳理与分析,研究表明(1)橄榄球运动员的损伤类型、部位和严重程度具有明显的橄榄球专项特征,依据橄榄球运动员主要损伤类型、部位及严重程度采取针对性的预防措施能够降低球队的伤病风险;(2)橄榄球运动员运动损伤的影响因素主要包括伤病史、比赛与训练负荷、竞技水平、年龄与性别、接触动作、球员位置以及疲劳,依据运动损伤影响因素对训练和比赛过程进行合理控制能够减少运动损伤对球队整体竞技能力的影响;(3)橄榄球运动员的损伤监控策略主要包括运动损伤预筛查、建立运动损伤监测系统以及进行多学科合作参与,通过对橄榄球运动损伤监控策略的应用和探索可以从根源上提高橄榄球队的运动损伤监控效果。  相似文献   

随着羽坛男单四大天王的逐渐隐去,新一代各国男单球员在比赛中的表现,明显可以发现我国羽球男单已经不再是不可撼动的地位了,一家独大已经成为历史,世界羽坛男子单打已是百家争鸣。本文基于国家体育总局运动技战术研究中心最新研发的羽毛球技战术分析系统,采用录像观察统计法、文献资料法、数理统计法、对比分析法等多种方法对2018年南京羽毛球世界锦标赛四强选手中2名中国优秀羽毛球男子单打运动员的击球得分特征进行研究,分析出石宇奇、谌龙各自的打法特点及战术思路。  相似文献   

Purpose: In sports games, coaches often use tactic boards to present tactical instructions during time-outs (e.g., 20 s to 60 s in basketball). Instructions should be presented in a way that enables fast and errorless information processing for the players. The aim of this study was to test the effect of different orientations of visual tactical displays on observation time and execution performance. High affordances in visual-spatial transformation (e.g., mental rotation processes) might impede information processing and might decrease execution performance with regard to the instructed playing patterns. Method: In a within-subjects design with 1 factor, 10 novice students were instructed with visual tactical instructions of basketball playing patterns with different orientations either showing the playing pattern with low spatial disparity to the players’ on-court perspective (basket on top) or upside down (basket on bottom). Results: The self-chosen time for watching the pattern before execution was significantly shorter and spatial accuracy in pattern execution was significantly higher when the instructional perspective and the real perspective on the basketball court had a congruent orientation. Conclusion: The effects might be explained by interfering mental rotation processes that are necessary to transform the instructional perspective into the players’ actual perspective while standing on the court or imagining themselves standing on the court. According to these results, coaches should align their tactic boards to their players’ on-court viewing perspective.  相似文献   

运动营养补充品发展现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大量的动物及人体实验证明 ,合理地补充运动营养补充品可使实验动物及运动员技能水平提高 ,抗疲劳能力增强 ,不同的运动营养补充品对机体的作用效果也不同。近年来新开发的产品报道虽多 ,还需更多的实验和运动实践进一步验证和支持。  相似文献   

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