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文章通过纵向观察3个月太极拳训练组和本体感觉训练组研究太极拳训练对中老年人平衡能力的影响,同时还分别进行平衡能力简单测试方法,如闭目原地踏步、强化Romberg检查、闭目单足站立、前庭步测试。动态平衡仪感觉整合能力平衡总分、闭目原地踏步、强化Romberg检查、闭目单足站立结果表明太极拳训练组要比本体感觉训练组明显好(P〈0.05,P〈0.001)。研究结果表明:太极拳锻炼对延缓和改善中老年人的平衡能力具有积极作用。  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在通过8周的水中运动康复,比较干预前后,膝关节损伤人群在膝关节疼痛、活动度和肌肉力量等指标上的变化,探索水中运动康复较陆上运动康复是否能够缩短此类患者的康复周期,进而加速恢复进程。方法:招募30名膝关节韧带损伤或半月板损伤患者,通过配对法分为水中运动组、陆上运动组与对照组。进行8周的水中或陆上运动康复,观察三组在实验的前、中和后期膝关节疼痛程度、膝关节活动度、膝关节肌肉力量等指标的改善情况。结果:8周干预后,陆上组视觉模拟评分(VAS)疼痛评分仅在第4周较干预前呈现出差异性,而水中组在干预第4、6周和实验后较干预前均呈显著性差异;水中组膝关节屈曲范围和Lysholm膝关节功能评分在第4周即呈显著性差异,陆上组仅在实验后呈显著性差异;水中组膝关节肌肉力量(除180°/s健侧屈肌)在第4周即呈显著性差异,陆上组该指标大多在实验后才呈现出差异;水中组KOOS量表中的症状、疼痛以及日常生活活动能力选项在第2周即呈显著性差异,陆上组只有症状选项在第4周呈显著性差异。改善幅度上,干预后,水中组VAS疼痛评分较陆上组下降得更为显著;水中组膝关节屈曲范围、屈伸肌力、Lysholm和KOO...  相似文献   

交谊舞锻炼对老年女性平衡机能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎健民 《体育科技》2006,27(1):79-81
运用实验法探讨交谊舞锻炼对老年女性平衡机能的影响。结果显示:实验组在闭目单足站立、平衡木行走、闭目原地踏步及强化Romberg测试中,比对照组有较大的改善和提高,明显优于对照组,均呈显著性差异,说明经常坚持交谊舞锻炼能有效提高老年女性的平衡能力。  相似文献   

目的:以15名专业皮划艇运动员为研究对象,对其进行葡萄籽提取物干预,分析实验中和实验结束后男女皮划艇运动员的抗氧化能力与运动能力是否存在差异,以便针对不同性别的运动员采取不同的运动补剂,使运动营养品更有针对性.方法:验前,晨起空腹采取指血.实验开始后,每日早餐后30min分别服用葡萄籽提取物胶囊两粒,连续给药干预至实验结束.分别于干预前、干预第22天、干预第43天晨起空腹采取指血.实验干预期间,要求记录训练日记并观察8km越野跑的成绩变化.结果:预后第22天女运动员的MDA的下降显著高于男运动员(P<0.05);干预后第43天女运动员的SOD值升高显著高于男运动员(P<0.05);干预后第22天比干预前男运动员组8km越野跑时间减少了49s,女运动员组时间减少了1min20s,女运动员8km越野跑成绩的提高显著高于男运动员(P<0.05).结论:萄籽提取物更能有效提高女运动员机体总的抗氧化能力和运动能力,减轻大强度运动引起的氧化应激、脂质过氧化损伤.  相似文献   

有关武术运动生理特点的研究表明:长拳运动对人体心血管系经、呼吸系统、中枢神经系统有良好影响。以往的研究又表明:链球、铁饼运动员前庭机能稳定性最高;体操,兰球、排球运动员次之。但有关长拳运动对人体前庭机能的影响尚未得到充分研究。前庭是司平衡的主要器官,平衡能力的好坏在很大程度上是影响、甚至决定长拳运动竞赛成绩的因素之一。因此探讨长拳运动对前庭机能稳定性的影响,阐明其特点,为教学和训练提供理论依据是很有必要的。本文的任务在于探讨长拳运动对青少年前庭机能稳定性影响的生理特点,分析以从事长拳运动为主的武术运动员前庭机能的稳定性与训练程度、性别以及年令的关系。本文对十二岁——十九岁的不同性别的各项专业和业余运动员进行了前庭机能方面的测  相似文献   

目的:通过比较动力性与静力性核心力量训练在青年羽毛球运动员躯干旋转力量及稳定性的训练效果差异,为其提供针对性训练策略。方法:采用实验法将20名(男女各10名)上海羽毛球队一级运动员随机分配到动力组(n=10)和静力组(n=10)进行12周干预,干预前后分别进行等速肌力和生物反馈动作控制测试。结果:(1)干预后,动力组在60(°)/s的等速测试与干预前以及干预后的静力组相比,躯干向左、向右旋转的最大力矩显著增加(P<0.05),平均功率和最大功率也有一定程度的增加,但尚未达到显著性水平;在180(°)/s的等速数据中的平均功率、最大力矩和最大功率指标与干预前以及与干预后的静力组相比,均有显著性增加(P<0.05);干预后,静力组的60(°)/s和180(°)/s的等速测试中3项指标与干预前、干预后相比均无显著性差异(P>0.05);(2)干预后,最大稳定角度与干预前以及干预后2组对比,动力组在45°、135°、-135°、-45°方向上优于静力组(P<0.05),静力组在0°、90°、180°、-90°方向上优于动力组(P<0.05)。结论:静力性核心力量训练不能显著提升青年羽毛球运动员躯干旋转力量;动力性核心力量训练可以提升青年羽毛球运动员躯干慢速旋转力量的最大力矩,以及快速力量的最大力矩、平均功率、最大功率;静力性和动力性核心力量训练分别在某些关节角度增加核心稳定性,两者结合是提升躯干稳定性的有效方法,可根据运动员的个性化需求选择。  相似文献   

目的:探析高强度间歇训练(high-intensity interval training,HIIT)对青年女性身体活动(physical activity,PA)和身体成分的影响,并进一步探究HIIT对身体成分的干预效果是否受到PA影响。方法:招募62名非规律运动青年女性,随机分为HIIT组(HIIT,n=30)和对照组(CON,n=32)。HIIT组完成12周,每周3次的训练:训练目标强度为90%HRmax,每次训练中20 s功能性训练和10 s休息为1组,重复8组,共4 min。CON组不参与运动。干预前、后分别进行问卷调查、身体成分、心肺耐力和PA测试。采用配对t检验分析干预前后组内差异,采用混合线性模型分析干预前、后组间差异。对组间差异显著的结果指标构建模型,以HIIT、PA和交互项为固定效应,以个体差异为随机效应。结果:1)与CON组相比,12周干预后HIIT组体脂率和脂肪重量显著改善(P<0.001),其中,脂肪重量效应量中等(Cohen’s d=1.02),体脂率效应量大(Cohen’s d=1.25);而体重、身体质量指数、腰围和去脂体重无...  相似文献   

目的:本研究以促进马拉松爱好者的身体机能与生理功能为主要目的,为我国普通的马拉松爱好者提供科学且系统的训练方案。方法:从某省市的马拉松协会中随机选取16名马拉松爱好者,将其平均分为实验组(进行12周的特定运动干预处方训练)与对照组(进行12周常规性训练)。结果:训练前对实验组与对照组分别进行了两项身体机能的生理指标测试(基础代谢率与最大摄氧量),结果显示并没有显著性差异(p>0.05);经过12周的特定运动干预训练后,实验组的基础代谢率提升到1609.60±73.00kcal,最大摄氧量提升到67.90±6.31 ml/(kg.min),实验组与对照组的身体生理指标之间存在显著性的差异(p<0.05)。结论:针对马拉松运动项目的特定运动干预训练对于提高马拉松爱好者身体机能的生理指标具有促进作用。  相似文献   

将400名入伍新兵随机分为实验组和对照组,在体能训练中实验组实施干预训练方案,对照组按部队现行方案组织训练。两组训练时间和场地条件相同,经8周训练后的结果表明:(1)两种方案均能有效减少新兵体脂含量,促进瘦体组织增长;(2)实验训练方案能够更有效地改善新兵身体机能和运动素质;(3)两种方案比较,实验训练方案优于部队现行方案。  相似文献   

目的:研究低频、中频、高频三种不同频率的振动训练对篮球运动员踝关节本体感觉的影响。方法:在我校招募78例篮球运动员作为受试对象,按照干预方法不同将受试者分为低频组、中频组、高频组和对照组。低频组、高频组各20例,中频组、对照组各19例,干预组29例。对照组进行常规体能训练,低频组在对照组的基础上给予振动频率为20Hz;振动幅度为3mm的振动训练干预;中频组在对照组的基础上给予振动频率为30Hz;振动幅度为3mm的振动训练干预;高频组在对照组的基础上给予振动频率为45Hz;振动幅度为3mm的振动训练干预。10min/次,4次/周,在干预前及干预8周后测量受试者右侧踝关节的位置觉、肌肉力觉和运动觉。结果:组内比较中,干预8周后低频组、中频组、高频组的位置觉、肌肉力觉、运动觉与干预前比较均有显著性差异,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。组间比较中,干预8周后低频组、中频组、高频组的定位角度与复位角度之间误差角度值、目标力矩与复现力矩之间误差值、感觉阈值均显著小于对照组,组间的位置觉、肌肉力觉、运动觉有统计学差异(P<0.05);高频组的位置觉明显优于中频组,肌肉力觉和运动觉明显优于低频组,组间有显著性差异,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:低频、中频、高频三种不同频率的振动训练均能够提高篮球运动员踝关节的位置觉、肌肉力觉和运动觉,从而提高本体感觉,其中以高频振动效果最为显著。  相似文献   

目的:通过功能性动作筛查,对普通成老年人群身体功能性运动能力的特征进行评价分析,初步探索FMS在普通人群体质测评中的应用。方法:对481名20~69岁成老年人群(男209名,女272名)进行FMS,包括深蹲、栏架跨、直线蹲、肩部灵活性、直腿抬高、俯撑、体旋稳定性7个动作模式,满分为21分。结果:FMS总分女性(14.2)明显高于男性(13.7);深蹲、直线蹲、俯撑3项得分均为男性明显高于女性,肩部灵活性、直腿抬高、体旋稳定性得分则为女性明显高于男性;无论男女,40岁之后,随着年龄的增长,FMS总分均呈下降态势;女性深蹲、直线蹲、俯撑得1分的比例(46.3%、28.5%、13.6%)明显高于男性(33.5%、12.6%、3.5%),女性肩部灵活性、直腿抬高得3分的比例(58.1%、53.7%)明显高于男性(23.6%、18.2%);男性(26.8%)FMS非对称性测试结果阳性率略高于女性(23.5%);无论男女,大部分受试者FMS总分在14~18之间(良好),男性不及格比例(41.1%)高于女性(36.0%)。结论:女性身体功能性运动能力略好于男性,其中柔韧能力相对突出;部分人群身体/肢体两侧功能性运动能力不对称,其中肩关节活动范围两侧差异最为明显;年龄是影响身体功能性运动能力的重要因素。建议将FMS作为体质测评的补充内容。  相似文献   

Measuring lower body strength is critical in evaluating the functional performance of older adults. The purpose of this study was to assess the test-retest reliability and the criterion-related and construct validity of a 30-s chair stand as a measure of lower body strength in adults over the age of 60 years. Seventy-six community-dwelling older adults (M age = 70.5 years) volunteered to participate in the study, which involved performing two 30-s chair-stand tests and two maximum leg-press tests, each conducted on separate days 2-5 days apart. Test-retest intraclass correlations of .84 for men and .92 for women, utilizing one-way analysis of variance procedures appropriate for a single trial, together with a nonsignificant change in scores from Day 1 testing to Day 2, indicate that the 30-s chair stand has good stability reliability. A moderately high correlation between chair-stand performance and maximum weight-adjusted leg-press performance for both men and women (r = .78 and .71, respectively) supports the criterion-related validity of the chair stand as a measure of lower body strength. Construct (or discriminant) validity of the chair stand was demonstrated by the test's ability to detect differences between various age and physical activity level groups. As expected, chair-stand performance decreased significantly across age groups in decades--from the 60s to the 70s to the 80s (p < .01) and was significantly lower for low-active participants than for high-active participants (p < .0001). It was concluded that the 30-s chair stand provides a reasonably reliable and valid indicator of lower body strength in generally active, community-dwelling older adults.  相似文献   

Curve running requires the generation of centripetal force altering the movement pattern in comparison to the straight path run. The question arises which kinematic modulations emerge while bend sprinting at high velocities. It has been suggested that during curve sprints the legs fulfil different functions. A three-dimensional motion analysis (16 high-speed cameras) was conducted to compare the segmental kinematics of the lower extremity during the stance phases of linear and curve sprints (radius: 36.5 m) of six sprinters of national competitive level. Peak joint angles substantially differed in the frontal and transversal plane whereas sagittal plane kinematics remained unchanged. During the prolonged left stance phase (left: 107.5 ms, right: 95.7 ms, straight: 104.4 ms) the maximum values of ankle eversion (left: 12.7°, right: 2.6°, straight: 6.6°), hip adduction (left: 13.8°, right: 5.5°, straight: 8.8°) and hip external rotation (left: 21.6°, right: 12.9°, straight: 16.7°) were significantly higher. The inside leg seemed to stabilise the movement in the frontal plane (eversion–adduction strategy) whereas the outside leg provided and controlled the motion in the horizontal plane (rotation strategy). These results extend the principal understanding of the effects of curve sprinting on lower extremity kinematics. This helps to increase the understanding of nonlinear human bipedal locomotion, which in turn might lead to improvements in athletic performance and injury prevention.  相似文献   

老年人平衡能力的性别特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对153名老年受试者进行电脑化动态平衡仪感觉整合能力平衡总分测试;同时还分别进行平衡能力简单测试方法,闭目原地踏步、平衡木上行走、起立-走的测试、闭眼单足站立、强化Romberg检查的测试、垂直X书写、改良Wolfson测试、前庭步测试的测试.对以上测试结果的不同年龄段的男女作t检验,多数结果表明老年人平衡能力无性别差异,其中平衡木上行走、起立-走的、垂直X书写测试中发现平衡能力存在性别差异,男性的平衡成绩优于女性.  相似文献   


Measuring lower body strength is critical in evaluating the functional performance of older adults. The purpose of this study was to assess the test-retest reliability and the criterion-related and construct validity of a 30-s chair stand as a measure of lower body strength in adults over the age of 60 years. Seventy-six community-dwelling older adults (M age = 70.5 years) volunteered to participate in the study, which involved performing two 30-s chair-stand tests and two maximum leg-press tests, each conducted on separate days 2–5 days apart. Test-retest intraclass correlations of .84 for men and .92 for women, utilizing one-way analysis of variance procedures appropriate for a single trial, together with a nonsignificant change in scores from Day 1 testing to Day 2, indicate that the 30-s chair stand has good stability reliability. A moderately high correlation between chair-stand performance and maximum weight-adjusted leg-press performance for both men and women (r = .78 and .71, respectively) supports the criterion-related validity of the chair stand as a measure of lower body strength. Construct (or discriminant) validity of the chair stand was demonstrated by the test's ability to detect differences between various age and physical activity level groups. As expected, chair-stand performance decreased significantly across age groups in decades–from the 60s to the 70s to the 80s (p < .01) and was significantly lower for low-active participants than for high-active participants (p < .0001). It was concluded that the 30-s chair stand provides a reasonably reliable and valid indicator of lower body strength in generally active, community-dwelling older adults.  相似文献   

This study compared the acute and long-term effects of intermittent and continuous static stretching training on straight leg raise range of motion (ROM). Seventy-seven preadolescent female gymnasts were divided into a stretching (n = 57), and a control group (n = 20). The stretching group performed static stretching of the hip extensors of both legs, three times per week for 15 weeks. One leg performed intermittent (3 × 30 s with 30 s rest) while the other leg performed continuous stretching (90 s). ROM pre- and post-stretching was measured at baseline, on weeks 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and after 2 weeks of detraining. ROM was increased during both intermittent and continuous stretching training, but remained unchanged in the control group. Intermittent stretching conferred a larger improvement in ROM compared to both continuous stretching and control from week 3, until the end of training, and following detraining (p = 0.045 to 0.001 and d = 0.80 to 1.41). During detraining, ROM after the intermittent protocol decreased (p = 0.001), while it was maintained after the continuous protocol (p = 0.36). Acute increases in ROM following the intermittent stretching were also larger than in the continuous (p = 0.038). Intermittent stretching was more effective than continuous, for both long-term and acute ROM enhancement in preadolescent female athletes.  相似文献   

第11届全运会女子体操平衡木决赛动作分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江山  周子静 《湖北体育科技》2012,(3):295-297,291
对第11届全运会女子体操平衡木决赛成套的动作内容、难度价值及动作使用频率等进行统计,研究结果表明:规则的导向作用巨大,D组以上动作是成套可记入难度的主体,技巧动作以及舞蹈动作中高难的跳步动作是中国的优势;但是成套动作类型相对单一、多样化不够,个性不突出。建议提高教练员和运动员的艺术修养,编排中突出运动员风格,力争在转体动作和动作连接上有所创新突破。  相似文献   


Fast unloaded movements (i.e. striking, throwing and kicking) are typically performed in a proximo‐distal sequence, where initially high proximal segments accelerate while distal segments lag behind, after which proximal segments decelerate while distal segments accelerate. The aims of this study were to examine whether proximal segment deceleration is performed actively by antagonist muscles or is a passive consequence of distal segment movement, and whether distal segment acceleration is enhanced by proximal segment deceleration. Seventeen skilled taekwon‐do practitioners were filmed using a high‐speed camera while performing a high front kick. During kicking, EMG recordings were obtained from five major lower extremity muscles. Based on the kinematic data, inverse dynamics computations were performed yielding muscle moments and motion‐dependent moments. The results indicated that thigh deceleration was caused by motion‐dependent moments arising from lower leg motion and not by active deceleration. This was supported by the EMG recordings. Lower leg acceleration was caused partly by a knee extensor muscle moment and partly by a motion‐dependent moment arising from thigh angular velocity. Thus, lower leg acceleration was not enhanced by thigh deceleration. On the contrary, thigh deceleration, although not desirable, is unavoidable because of lower leg acceleration.  相似文献   

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