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This study investigated the effect of self-regulated learning, as indicated by academic self-concept, motivation and learning strategies, reading attitude and family based prerequisites on reading ability. Students (n = 4018) in the eighth grade answered the IEA reading literacy test, the self-regulated learning questionnaire and a student questionnaire about their background. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed that the self-regulated learning questionnaire did not measure the intended three dimensions, but only two: Verbal/General academic self-concept and a new dimension called Goal oriented strategies. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with a cross-validation sample was conducted to determine the effects in the final model. The strongest effect on reading ability was from Verbal/General academic self-concept (β = .43 for final and β = .56 for cross-validation model). Gender differences revealed that girls read better on narrative and expository texts, had a more positive reading attitude, and more positive verbal self-concept, whereas boys had a higher academic self-concept (not domain-specific), self-efficacy, control expectation, reported more memorising, elaboration, and instrumental motivation (all differences p < .001).  相似文献   

The Survey of Reading Attitudes was administered to a sample comprised of 68 intermediate-grade students from one elementary school in a large city school system for purposes of determining the reliability of the eight attitudinal dimensions which it measures. The test-retest interval was seven days. The following reliability estimates were obtained for the eight dimensions of reading attitude included in the Survey: Expressed Reading Difficulty. rtt=.94; Reading as Direct Reinforcement, rtt=.90; Reading as Enjoyment. rtt=.95; Alternative Learning Modes. rtt= 82; Reading Anxiety. rtt=.84; Reading Group, rtt=.91; Silent vs. Oral Reading, rtt=90; and Comics, rtt=.89.  相似文献   

The Survey of Reading Attitudes was administered to a sample of 159 fifth graders and 156 sixth graders enrolled in a middle school in rural Northeastern Ohio. The 92 attitudinal items comprising the Survey were read aloud by the teacher while the students followed along reading silently from their booklets. Statistical analysis consisted of computing means, standard deviations, standard errors of measurement, and coefficient alpha reliability estimates for the eight dimensions of reading attitude included in the Survey. The reliability estimates ranged from .89 for Reading as Enjoyment and .88 for Expressed Reading Difficulty to .74 for Reading Group and .76 for Reading as Direct Reinforcement. The reliability estimates for the other four dimensions were as follows: Alternative Learning Modes, .79; Reading Anxiety, .78; Silent vs. Oral Reading, .78; and Comics, .77.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (a) to determine whether Spanish children with reading disabilities (RD) show a speech perception deficit and (b) to explore the locus and nature of this perceptive deficit. A group of 29 children with RD, 41 chronological age-matched controls, and 27 reading ability-matched younger controls were tested on tasks of speech perception. The effect of linguistic unit (word vs. syllable) and type of phonetic contrast (voicing, place and manner of articulation) were analyzed in terms of the number of errors and the response time. The results revealed a speech perception deficit in Spanish children with RD that was independent of the type of phonetic contrast and of linguistic unit.  相似文献   

A principle-factor analysis of the 88 items comprising the Survey of Reading Attitudes investigated the construct validity of the eight dimensions of reading attitude. The sample consisted of 344 inner-city Detroit fifth graders. The factor structure showed support for the Expressed Reading as Difficulty, Reading as Enjoyment, Silent vs. Oral Reading, and Alternative Learning Modes dimensions. However, the Reading Anxiety dimension tended to merge with the Expressed Reading Difficulty dimension, and the Reading as Direct Reinforcement and Reading Group dimensions merged into a single dimension. This finding suggests these dimensions may be correlated, and an oblique rotation may be more appropriate. The Comics dimension split into two dimensions: Comic Books and Newspaper Comics. Thus, these findings generally cross-validate the dimensions of reading attitude found in earlier studies of the Survey of Reading Attitudes.  相似文献   

This study represents the first phase of an ongoing research program aimed at identifying the dimensions of reading attitude and determining how these dimensions relate to a broader range of variables such as reading achievement, scholastic aptitude, classroom behavior, and cognitive styles. The 150 items which comprise the experimental edition of A Survey of Reading Altitudes (Wallbrown, Brown, & Engin, 1974) were factor analyzed along with measures of scholastic aptitude, reading vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The analysis was based on the responses of 853 intermediate grade students. The attitude items were presented orally to control for reading problems, but the students also had booklets so they could read the items to themselves. Seven independent dimensions of reading attitude and one reading achievement factor were identified, interpreted, and discussed. The findings are encouraging, since they suggest that investigating the expressed reading attitudes of intermediate grade children constitutes a promising line of educational research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among locus of control, instructional mode and achievement. Externally and internally oriented students were taught by the same instructor using two different teaching methods. The findings posited a definite relationship among locus of control, instructional style and achievement. Notably, students who were internally oriented appeared to attain higher levels of achievement under conditions where intrinsic reinforcers constitute the stimuli.  相似文献   

The use of advice-giving, Adlerian interpretation, and analytically-derived interpretation with regard to whether feelings of approach, attack, or withdrawal were elicited was investigated by having subjects respond to eight videotaped role-played counseling segments. The counseling techniques were also ranked by subjects as to their degree of perceived helpfulness. Subjects were 242 fourth-graders and 191 tenth-graders, who were grouped on the personality variable of locus of control. Results indicated that all subjects tended to respond to Adlerian interpretation and analytically-derived interpretation with attack and withdrawal feelings and to advice-giving with approach feelings. There were, however, some differences noted between locus of control and grade-level groups for the feeling responses. Advicegiving also was ranked as the most helpful of the three counseling techniques. Implications for future research were made on the basis of the present findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the implications of research on locus of control and achievement motivation for the practicing educational psychologist. The relation to learning and the implications for psychological evaluation of each construct are discussed. It is suggested that locus of control and achievement motivation influence the ways in which a child approaches school-related tasks, interprets the outcome of tasks, selects tasks, and persists in activities.  相似文献   

Environmental control as expressed in the internal-external locus of control construct- continues to remain unchallenged as a major association variable in academic achievement. Research studies aye cited that suggest that inter-riality may well be preferred to externality if one values power over one's destiny. The writer proposes a peer-teaching-peer strategy that utilizes the low-achieving External as the tutor, a reversal of the usual procedure. The assumption is that the External must experience and perceive personal control over another child in order to begin orientation toward a more internal outlook.  相似文献   

Attentional control was investigated as a possible third component of reading comprehension, along with decoding and language comprehension, within the Simple View of reading (Gough & Tunmer RASE: Remedial and Special Education 7:6–10, 1986; Hoover & Gough Reading and Writing 2:127–160, 1990). Attentional control is the ability to suppress irrelevant prepotent responses and activate relevant responses. This ability may help coordinate decoding and language comprehension during reading. In an unselected sample of 67 eight-year-olds, attentional control contributed significant variance to reading comprehension after controlling for decoding and language comprehension. Further, attentional control was similar to language comprehension in the amount of unique variance accounted for. Five contrast measures were examined (performance IQ, print exposure, articulation speed, phonemic awareness, and verbal short-term memory), but none was as good a candidate for a third component of reading comprehension as attentional control.  相似文献   

This study investigated the reliability and structural validity of Elementary Reading Attitude Survey ([ERAS]; McKenna and Kear, 1990) scores in 575 academically talented students attending an academic summer program. Results indicated that ERAS Academic and Recreational scores had satisfactory internal consistency coefficients, and that participants’ reading attitudes were near the top of the normative distribution of ERAS scores. Exploratory factor analysis of ERAS scores supported two factors measuring academic and recreational reading attitudes, and significantly higher scores on reading attitudes were found for girls at three grade levels, with medium to large effect sizes.  相似文献   

阅读理解包含一系列复杂的心理过程,在这一过程中,每个人的理性和情感都是不可分割的.然而在传统的英语阅读教学中,有些教师却倾向于"重知轻情".通过探讨在教育教学过程中加强对学生情感态度的培养和应用,提出教学过程中的情感交流措施:实施情感性备课,营造宽松的情感交流平台,师生合作促进学生形成积极的情感,凸显、挖掘教材的情感内容,多层次、多手段地调动学生的情感,开展增进情感交流的各种课外活动;同时还要重视教学评价的情感处理.  相似文献   

This study examined a group of academically bright fourth-grade children for positive relationships of academic achievement with locus of control and self-concept. Twenty achievers and nine underachievers received the Interllectual Achievement Responsibility Questionnaire (IAR) and the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale. Two-factor ANOVAs were used to examine the self-concept and locus of control scores, with sex and achievement serving as the two independent factors. The results showed that achievers had significantly higher self-concepts than underachievers on the intellectual and school status subscale. In addition, achievers had significantly higher internal locus of control scores than underachievers for the IAR total score and the IAR positive score. No sex differences were revealed for either self-concept or locus of control. Implications of these results are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

健美操动作中的姿态控制是健美操中最典型、最核心的部分,健美操中所有动作的变化和创新都是在姿态控制的基础上产生和发展的。尤其是在健美操动作中的姿态控制上,要特别注意对身体姿态、动作速度、动作力度的控制。只有通过对上述三个方面有效的姿态控制,才能充分体现出健美操动作中力与美的结合。  相似文献   

The perceptions of parents and teachers of 24 children with learning disabilities regarding their children's or students' locus of control (LC) orientation were compared to the LC orientation held by the children themselves. While no significant differences were found between parents and children, teachers were found to perceive in their students with learning disabilities significantly more internally oriented success experiences than the students perceived in themselves. Significant differences in LC orientation were also found between the children with learning disabilities and a comparable group of nondisabled subjects. Implications for both preservice and inservice teacher education are presented.  相似文献   

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