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The present study was designed to examine whether coaching affects the predictive validity and fairness of scholastic aptitude tests. Two randomly allocated groups, coached and uncoached, were compared, and the results revealed that although coaching enhanced scores on the Israeli Psychometric Entrance Test by about 25% of a standard deviation, it did not affect predictive validity and did not create a prediction bias. These results refute claims that coaching reduces predictive validity and creates a bias against the uncoached examinees in predicting the criterion. The results are consistent with the idea that score improvement due to coaching does not result strictly from learning specific skills that are irrelevant to the criterion.  相似文献   


In an extension of an earlier study (McPhee & Kerr, 1985), the authors investigated the relationships among scholastic aptitude, achievement, and performance on the secondary form of the Curriculum Proficiency Exam, a state-mandated teacher competency test. Results were similar to findings with the elementary form of the test, indicating little criterion-related validity and some areas in which apparent validity is questionable. Further investigation and/or revision of the test was recommended.  相似文献   

基于网络环境的多媒体智能教学系统的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种基于网络的多媒体智能教学系统,以及人工智能技术,反馈原理,信息融合技术在ICAI课件中的应用,同时在此基础上开发出一个具有实用价值的教学系统。  相似文献   

认为邓小平的“四有”人才理论为《中国教育改革和发展纲要》中关于“思想道德、化科学、劳动技能和身体心理素质”等“四项基本素质”的界定奠定了思想和理论基础,并认为:“思想道德、化科学”素质可视为素质教育的核心素质;“劳动技能、身体心理素质”可视为素质教育的素质的核心。  相似文献   

This article is an imaginary Socratic dialogue between J. S. Mill and Michel Foucault, principally concerning educational assessment.  相似文献   

学能、动机、机会--英语口语学习成功之三变量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用定性研究的方法 ,从外语学能、动机及机会三方面分析了一对英语口语学习相对成功者和不成功者的学习方法。研究结果表明 ,这三个变量在成功的英语口语学习过程中是相互联系 ,相互作用的。不同的学习动机是造成本研究受试者英语口语能力有明显差别的主要原因。由此 ,在英语口语学习过程中我们可以得到一些启示。  相似文献   

中国学发展到今天应该说具有了长足的进步,无论是在学内容的深广发掘或是在学艺术形式上诸多创新,也从而使学的意义在很大程度上有一本质的提升,这些都足以令世界坛瞩目。但学进入到上个世纪末,它对于我们民族的意义却正在发生着令人忧郁的变化,时代背景的淡化、思想容量的稀释、社会良知的弱化、审美力度的降低等都使得学意义在整体上被消解,人们更多的是将学当做是某种化快餐来消费。本的目的就是从现代阐释的角度对学意义的现状进行反思和分析,找到学意义被消解的症结所在,以有利于学在民族生活中更好地发挥它积极的作用。  相似文献   

因材施教之教本身是为了不教的启发诱导,也就是依材诱其趋向自主学习;反过来,自主学习的前提是基于学生的天赋潜能与内心倾向之材,并在引导学习者不断体验收获快乐和好奇心得以保护的基础上生发的,所以,因材施教与自主学习内在相合,具有本质同一性。依据学生的个人潜质与兴趣不断激发学生的学习动机,并借助自主学习氛围的营造和泛在学习资源的提供,则可以逐步把学生的学习兴趣强化为自觉自为的自主学习,从而让人趋向学习、生活、工作、娱乐四位一体的幸福境界。  相似文献   

文章指出考试管理工作在学风建设中的重要作用,结合高校考试管理工作的实际,提出严格考试管理,促进学风建设的几个有效措施.  相似文献   

论高等教育自学考试的可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着普通高校的扩招和其它高等教育形式的发展,高等教育自学考试面临着前所未有的挑战。引起了诸多学者的忧虑和思考。因而从形成学习型社会、促进人的全面发展的角度出发,对自学考试如何在新的历史条件下可持续发展作些探讨很有必要。  相似文献   

石进芳 《成人教育》2011,(10):117-118
网络化语言测试正在国内试点推广实行,它对语言学习者和教师产生巨大影响。文章从网络化语言测试的指导思想、形式和答题技巧等方面的变化辩证分析网络化语言测试对成人语言学习的反拨效应。  相似文献   

Achievement differences shown by teaching clerical skills through use of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and traditional self-paced instruction were investigated. Differentials in correlations of achievement with aptitude and learning style measures for students taught by the two methods were determined. A randomized pretest-posttest design with analysis of covariance was used to compare achievement differences. Group differences in relationships between learning-related variables and achievement were compared through Fisher r to z transformations. The CAI group achieved significantly higher than did the traditional group. Arithmetic aptitude and learning styles associated with sociability traits correlated higher with achievement in the CAI group than in the traditional group. Different aptitude-learning style patterns were associated with higher achievement in the two groups.  相似文献   

Based on results of researches done on testing,this paper discusses how tests enhance learning and what should be con?sidered when tests are used as learning assistant.Some suggestions are brought up as to how to better use tests to enhance learning,and these suggestions can be applied to English learning and teaching.  相似文献   

当前职业大学的毕业生就业难,这其中有职业大学教育方面的原因造成,致使学生缺乏创业素质和创业能力,在“知识失业”的情况下,他们没有为自己造“饭碗”的能力。职业大学毕业生就业情况,是衡量职业大学教育质量的标准,因此职业大学要大力开发学生的创业素质,培养学生的创业能力。这在教育改革中需要从开放教学、解放和批判、张扬学生个性、导入创业教育和拆除无形围墙等方面进行深化。  相似文献   

Residual signs characteristic of a specific language disability, such as vocabulary deficits, trouble differentiating between literal and figurative words, difficulty paraphrasing a reading selection, and problems with abstract reasoning make it arduous for dyslexic adolescents to demonstrate their maximum potential on the verbal section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. This paper illustrates ways in which SAT skills can be enhanced through a structured program of vocabulary development, an understanding of test taking strategies for specific SAT questions, and the learning of a pattern of analysis to improve reading comprehension. It includes case studies, as well as a discussion of the types of special test arrangements available for dyslexic students.  相似文献   

<科学课程标准>提出的课程基本理念--"突出科学探究",充分说明了实验占据了非常重要的地位和作用.将实验作为学生学习<科学>的支撑点,可激发学生学科学的热情和兴趣,并改变传统的传授知识目标为主的学习方式,培养学生创新精神.  相似文献   

对于什么是词和词汇知识,语言学家和词汇测试研究者有着不同的分类,也赋予了不同的术语.20世纪80年代以来,国外许多专家对英语词汇知识的广度测试和深度测试进行了研究,取得了丰硕的成果.这些成果使我们在英语词汇测试的研究与词汇教学的探讨中得到了启示.  相似文献   

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