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WISC-Rs and Stanford-Binets were administered to 50 children with developmental disabilities referred for comprehensive evaluations. Although the two IQs correlated highly and significantly, it was found that 54% of the children received different classifications using the two instruments. Thus, testers should be aware that different classifications of intellectual level may be derived for the same child depending upon which test is used.  相似文献   

Subtest scatter on the WISC-R was examined by analyzing Verbal-Performance IQ discrepancies, subtest scaled-score ranges and subtest scaled-score standard deviations of 290 psychoeducationally normal 9-year-old children whose IQs ranged from 100 to 140+. Although there were no differences between average and superior IQ groups on the Verbal-Performance discrepancy measure, substantial differences were found on the measures of subtest scatter where higher IQ groups exhibited substantially more scatter. The results suggest the need for caution in attempting to employ WISC-R subtest scatter as an indicator of learning disabilities with gifted students.  相似文献   

The Slosson Intelligence Test (revised norms) (SIT) and the WISC-R were compared in two samples of children. In the first sample, there were 34 black and 27 white rural Southeastern Alabama children being considered for special education classes. In the second sample, there were 4 black and 81 white suburban Alabama children being considered for classes for the talented and gifted. In both samples, correlations between the SIT IQ and WISC-R Full Scale IQ were significant (rs of .70 and .48, respectively). However, in the special education sample, SIT IQs were significantly higher than WISC-R Full Scale IQs by about 7 points. The results from both samples provide a moderate degree of support for the concurrent validity of the revised SIT norms, using the WISC-R as the criterion. However, the IQs on the two tests may not be interchangeable.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between the Revised Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-R) and the WISC-R for a naturally occurring sample of rural children referred for assessment (N = 53). The results indicated that the PPVT-R was highly correlated with WISC-R scale and subtest scores. Examination of a sub-sample of developmentally handicapped students revealed substantial reduction in correlational relationships as a function of reduced sample size and restricted range of general ability. While the PPVT-R was found to underestimate all three WISC-R scale scores, the discrepancy between the PPVT-R standard scores and the WISC-R Performance Scale score was the only statistically significant underestimation. Results are discussed in terms of prior research findings and implications for interpretation.  相似文献   

Slosson Intelligence Tests (SITS) administered by school guidance counselors correlated significantly with school psychologist administered WISC-Rs (r=.75). The Slosson IQ correlated significantly higher with the WISC-R Verbal IQ than with the Performance IQ score. The mean Slosson IQ was a statistically significant 4.4 points higher than the mean WISC-R Full Scale IQ (p<.01).  相似文献   

So as to compare the results of the WISC and WISC-R, both instruments were administered to 58 children randomly selected from a school population of 583. All administration and scoring was performed by the same psychologist, with a two-month interval separating the administrations for each child. All IQs were significantly higher (p <.01) on the WISC, with the Performance difference being greater than the verbal difference. Also, 8 of the 10 required subtest scaled scores were significantly greater (p <.05) on the older instrument. Regression equations were obtained to predict WISC-R IQs from WISC scores.  相似文献   

The Stanford-Binet and WISC-R were administered to 100 students (CA—6 to 15 years) to determine the comparability of the age equivalent scores obtained from each test. The limited range of test age (TA) values in the WISC-R Manual required the use of extrapolated values for some subjects. The results indicated that, for subjects whose WISC-R scores fell within the TA table, the Binet MAs and WISC-R TAs were comparable (p>.05). However, when the use of extrapolated TAs was required, the scores were not comparable (p<.05). Implications for test age and mental age equivalency were discussed.  相似文献   

The problem was to investigate the 4 poor leader-membrane relation cells of Fiedler's contingency model on fourth-grade elementary school groups. High and low least-preferred co-worker (LPC) leaders with strong and weak power were compared on structured and unstructured group tasks. When the task was structured, high LPC leaders were more effective than low regardless of position power. For the unstructured task, high LPC leaders were more effective than low for strong position power on 2 of 4 measures used, while low LPC leaders were more effective than high for weak position power on 1 of 4 measures.  相似文献   

A group of 80 mentally retarded youngsters, aged 6 to 16, was tested on the WISC-R, primarily to assess the continuity of measurement between the old and new WISCs. The WISC-R IQs correlated .65 to .82 with Stanford-Binet IQ for a subsample of 45 children, resembling the coefficients between the 1949 WISC and the Binet for retarded groups. In addition, the WISC-R test profiles for the 80 children corresponded closely to the WISC test profiles for many retarded samples. Thus, there was evidence to support the continuity of the WISC-R with its predecessor for retarded populations.  相似文献   

This paper reports the outcome of an attempt to teach children in grades 5 and 6 about child abuse and neglect. The Child Abuse Component of the Human Relations Program described and evaluated here is a unique effort to provide children with an opportunity to discuss and learn about this aspect of family violence. An impact assessment was conducted by documenting possible changes in student knowledge and attitudes regarding child abuse as a result of exposure to the Child Abuse Component of the Human Relations Program. The test group of children consisted of 315 boys and girls in grades 5 and 6. A comparison group of 298 children was closely matched with the test group on the basis of age and sex. These groups were formed by randomly selecting 12 teachers from all teachers agreeing to use the Component and 10 teachers choosing not to employ the Component. The students in the classrooms of these teachers received the same curriculum for their grade level with the exception of the field-test group additionally receiving the Component. Selected child abuse knowledge, attitude, and personality (security) measures were given all subjects in a post-test with comparison group research design. Teacher knowledge and attitude were also assessed. The results of the data analysis, teacher, and special observer reports suggest that the Component was effective in meeting its objectives and was not disturbing to test subjects. Apparently, the test children profited by experiencing the Component mainly because of the opportunity it provided for class discussion. Moreover, the knowledge levels and interest of the children in both groups was seriously underestimated.  相似文献   

The degree of comparability between the WISC-R and WAIS-R over time was assessed for two samples of referred adolescents of borderline intelligence intially administered a WISC-R and retested on the WAIS-R after three years. Results indicated that the WAIS-R significantly overestimated the WISC-R IQs by 3 to 5 points. Differences were most marked at the lower ability levels; as IQs aproached average, scores were increasingly comparable.  相似文献   

Observing the classroom behavior of elementary school children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A total of 247 American children between 6 and 10 years of age (126 girls and 121 boys) completed Implicit Association Tests and explicit self-report measures assessing the association of (a) me with male (gender identity), (b) male with math (math-gender stereotype), and (c) me with math (math self-concept). Two findings emerged. First, as early as second grade, the children demonstrated the American cultural stereotype that math is for boys on both implicit and explicit measures. Second, elementary school boys identified with math more strongly than did girls on both implicit and self-report measures. The findings suggest that the math-gender stereotype is acquired early and influences emerging math self-concepts prior to ages at which there are actual differences in math achievement.  相似文献   

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