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校务委员会是新中国高等学校内部管理体制中一个重要的组织和一项重要的制度。由于不同时期高等学校面临的形势不同,尤其是高等学校内部管理体制的改革与发展,校务委员会也会随着发生相应的变化。从职权和人员组成两个方面入手,分析新中国建立以来有关校务委员会的一些主要的高等教育政策、法规文件,结合校务委员会在一些高校的实践及其在各个阶段特点、作用的变化,可以发现职权充分、明确,人员组成广泛、稳定的校务委员会对高等学校各项事业的发展都有较大的促进作用,也是当前高等学校内部管理体制改革中可行的一个方向。  相似文献   

现代大学运行机制具有开放性、自主性和民主性等特征,具体表现在大学内外部关系处理上.构建现代大学运行机制,首先要确立董事会作为最高决策机构,其次要设立校长办公会负责全校事务,再次要设立校务委员会和学术委员会分别负责各专项事务,最后要确立党委作为领导监督机构以保证整个系统的高效运转.  相似文献   

民国后期,省参议会是反映民意的重要机构,而议长又是省参议会的核心人物.第二次世界大战后广东各派势力为了争夺广东省参议会议长之职,争相派出代理人.各派为了集团利益明争暗斗、不择手段.在首届广东省参议会议长选举中,充满着派系较量的意味,同时也深受金钱活动、权势支配、地域观念的影响.最终林翼中由于获得国民党中央的认可和陈济棠的全力支持成为了首届议长.  相似文献   

School-based management (SBM) with devolution of authority and responsibility to school level decision-makers has become the most prominent feature of public school management systems in most countries around the world. This article provides the global trends and current developments in SBM in Indonesia with an emphasis on how SBM has created partnership and participatory decision-making processes in school level. The data reported here are on the basis of an empirical survey involving 504 school council members from Ngada Flores followed by 42 interviews with all relevant stakeholders.  相似文献   

大学校长是大学的灵魂,为了领导与管理好大学,大学校长应具备人格权威、专业学术权威、行政职务权威与管理权威相协调的、合理的权威结构,避免缺少某种权威或滥用某种权威的不合理权威结构,并依据“知识、能力、品质”一体化、“情、理、法”相互平衡、“以人为本”、“真、善、美”和谐统一的四项基本素质要求,对大学校长如何构建合理的权威结构进行了理性思考。  相似文献   

In the context of citizenship education, many UK primary schools have recently set up school councils. Previous research has overlooked the importance of exploring communicative practices specific to school councils and the implications for children's participation. This paper draws on an action‐orientated research project with teachers in three Norfolk primary schools, which began with ethnographic observation of school and class council meetings. By developing alternative visual strategies for facilitating communication in meetings (based on a methodology known as PRA), teachers were able to encourage involvement by more children and enable them to have a greater voice in decision‐making. We argue that the common focus on adult procedures in school councils puts the emphasis on teaching children about their future role as citizens and can limit children's ownership of decision‐making processes. The alternative is to create contexts in which children have a sense of the democratic purposes of their school council in the here and now, by providing children with means (such as the visual strategies) that are consistent with those purposes and prioritizing action as an end.  相似文献   

大学校长是高校决策层的核心,对整个学校的稳步发展、革故鼎新具有关键作用。校长的权威是权力、威势和威望的综合体。校长在治校过程中为使号召和行为取得预期的效果除借助法定地位赋予他的行政权威之外,更重要的是要努力拥有更多的并且能更充分地发挥作用的知识权威和道德权威。  相似文献   

School councils have operated successfully in non-government schools for many years. By contrast, the establishment of school councils in the government school sector has had a much shorter history. In New South Wales, school council members are elected representatives of the broader school community. This study focused on government schools in rural areas of southern New South Wales and specifically examined the professional development and training needs of these school council members. The findings indicated that school council members expressed concern about their inexperience as council members. Further, they identified the following areas within which they should specifically seek professional development and training: i) identifying and analysing the educational needs of the school and its community; ii) enhancing and facilitating better communication between the school and its community; iii) assisting the principal to understand local community politics; and iv) promoting public education within the local community. These priority training needs have relevance for policy makers and professional development leaders at the systemic or departmental level.  相似文献   

School-based management (SBM) is a potentially valuable reform mechanism in urban school districts in which each school serves a unique mix of students drawn from a heterogeneous population. Because SBM usually relies on leadership councils that function as the decision-making bodies for individual schools, its effectiveness as a reform mechanism ultimately depends on the quality of these councils. This research explores how council decision-making quality is affected by five dimensions of council diversity. Results indicate that diversity in terms of council member roles and tenure in the district is related to council decision-making quality, while ethnic and gender diversity and diversity in council experience are unrelated to decision processes. Potential explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores an emerging and largely unresearched sector of the school education market, the transfer of local authority support services to external social enterprises. It locates these new social enterprises as a consequence of government strategies to reduce public spending, shrink local government and create competitive markets in public service provision. Non-profit social enterprises create and occupy a sector of a differentiated market in school support services which is not sufficiently commercially attractive to for-profit companies. The government discourse of these social enterprises as employee-led mutuals is contradicted by their user-led ownership and governance regimes. The analysis offered by this paper is substantiated by a case study, based on interviews and policy documents, of the transfer of the Birmingham local authority's Music and Health Education Services to a social enterprise independent from the city council.  相似文献   

道德领导以专业和道德作为权威来源,是大学理想的领导方式。受制度和管理体制、传统文化、权力本身和品性人格等因素的影响,大学校长更倾向于将科层权威作为自己的权威来源。通过对这些影响因素的分析,有助于为大学校长实施道德领导找到可行的路径,为大学的健康发展提供更好的思路。  相似文献   

高等学校的可持续发展需要有"职业校长"机制予以保障,它所涉及的核心内容是校长的遴选与使用。一方面,要构建"校长遴选"机制,取消校长行政级别、取消校长任命和任期制、公开遴选高水平校长。另一方面,要建立"校长治校"机制,保障校长应有的治校权力、明确校长的治校职责、发挥校长的治校作用。只有科学遴选校长并切实发挥校长的治校作用,高等学校才可能确立健康的内部领导机制以获得可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study examined preschool children's concepts of authority with regard to three factors: adult/peer status, social position, and type of command. Sixty-seven children (ranging in age from 4 years; 0 months-6 years; 2 months) were asked to evaluate the legitimacy of commands of persons with varying age (peer/adult) and social position (with or without a delegated authority position), to give rationales for obedience, and to make choices between different persons giving opposing commands. Subjects accepted both peer and adult authorities and gave priority to peer authority over adult nonauthority, but did not extend the jurisdiction of authority to commands which failed to prevent harm. The findings show that preschoolers have understandings of the social context in which authority relations are embedded, conceptualizing authorities not solely with respect to their adult status, but to their role within the social context of the school.  相似文献   

The area of gender variance appears to be more visible in both the media and everyday life. Within educational psychology literature gender variance remains underrepresented. The positioning of educational psychologists working across the three levels of child and family, school or establishment and education authority/council, means that they are well placed to support knowledge, understanding and practice in this area. The literature highlights the importance of the terminology around gender variance, the differing representations of gender variance and the potential impact upon young people. Three practice examples demonstrate potential roles for educational psychologists and together with the literature highlight possible implications for educational psychology practice.  相似文献   

关于建立法律权威的探析——从哈特到韦伯   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新分析实证法学派的代表人物哈特及社会法学派的代表人物韦伯均认为法学研究中应秉持价值中立的观点,同时认为人们的法律感对于建立法律权威具有重要的意义。通过对他们观点的梳理以期对我国法律权威的建立有所借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper identifies a number of problems facing school councils and examines their possible remit and function. It outlines a project aimed at improving school councils in a rural community college by fostering links with the local district council. The paper summarizes research aimed at understanding the authors' particular concept of participation and responsible action. They describe work undertaken with pupils and adults involved in this project. It concludes that as well as improving the school councils, such work can provide benefits to both partners by widening pupils' understanding of the functions of local government and providing an opportunity for councillors and council officers to connect with young peoples' perspectives.  相似文献   

An inventory was constructed which purports to measure the extent to which adolescents want structure and also perceive themselves as having such structure. “Structure”, as here defined, refers to guidance, advice, information, clarity, or direction offered to the adolescent by an adult authority figure. The scale was administered to approximately 1, 700 adolescents at junior and senior high school level on two separate testing occasions. Item analysis reduced the total number of items from 77 to 47 and improved the reliability considerably. Low correlations between the Wants Structure (WS) and Has Structure (HS) sub-scales suggest that the two are not measuring the same thing. Support given a number of hypotheses based on expected relationships between the structure inventory and other tests suggests that the former is measuring what it claims to measure, but further validation is desirable. The inventory seems to have some promise for research in an area which has been largely overlooked.  相似文献   

现代大学制度的本质是一种学术组织的管理,即教授治校。教授治校意在通过大学评议会的民主决策为大学立法。完善的大学评议会制度,与党委领导下的校长负责制共同实现了现代大学治理的三权分立,是具有中国特色的现代大学制度。  相似文献   

School councils are a prominent feature of most school restructuring initiatives, despite surprisingly little evidence about their contribution to school improvement. This study examined the influence, on both school and classroom practices, of an advisory form of school councils implemented in the province of Ontario in June 1996. Data from interviews with 50 people from 5 schools, selected for the range of council's influence, were used to address questions concerning the extent of council effects and the characteristics of relatively influential councils.

Results indicated that councils had weak positive to negative influences on both schools and classrooms. More influential councils were characterized by their collaborative team approach with the school staff and their involvement in initiatives related to school improvement objectives. These councils were usually found in schools with a history of relatively extensive parental involvement in many forms. More influential councils had facilitative principals who supported and endorsed the councils; provided information, knowledge, and skills to council members; worked closely with the council chair; and assisted the council to build connections with the school staff.  相似文献   

This study analysis the relationship between perceptions of the justice of teacher’ behaviour and (a) the legitimation of school authority and (b) the legitimation of institutional authorities outside school. 448 adolescent students participated in the study. In questionnaire participants were asked about (a) perceptions of the justice of teachers’ behaviour; (b) evaluation of the school experience; and (c) evaluation of institutional authorities. Results show that the evaluation of the justice of teacher behaviour, in particular relational and procedural justice, have an impact on the legitimation of the authority of teachers and on the evaluation of institutional authorities outside school. Results also show that the legitimacy granted to teachers is a mediator variable between perceptions of justice in school and evaluation of authorities outside school. These results are discussed in the context of the studies on the relationship between school experience and adolescents attitudes towards authorities, and in the framework of the “Relational Model of Authority” and of the “Group Value Model”.  相似文献   

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