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章海粟 《新闻通讯》2012,(11):62-63
辛亥革命时期,资产阶级革命党人在发动武装起义的同时,广泛从事近代媒介活动。1905年,革命党人在日本东京创办《民报》,成为同盟会的机关报。1906年7月,章太炎在革命党人的力邀之下,“出狱之后,主任《民报》。”嘴至1908年10月,《民报》被日本政府查封,章太炎一直作为《民报》的“编辑人兼发行人”,《民报》也成为近代广告发展的有效载体和重要平台。章太炎主持时期,《民报》广告不仅得到一定发展,而且呈现出鲜明特色,但同时也存在一些不足和缺憾。  相似文献   

正辛亥革命时期,资产阶级革命党人在发动武装起义的同时,广泛从事近代媒介活动。1905年,革命党人在日本东京创办《民报》,成为同盟会的机关报。1906年7月,章太炎在革命党人的力邀之下,"出狱之后,主任《民报》。"①截至1908年10月,《民报》被日本政府查封,章太炎一直作为《民报》的"编辑人兼发行人",《民报》也成为近代广告发展的有效载体和重要平台。章太炎主持时期,《民报》广告不仅得到一定发展,而且呈现出鲜明特色,但同时也存在一些不  相似文献   

左庆莹 《新闻世界》2014,(8):224-225
《民报》是中国同盟会的机关报,在创办的5年间,《民报》宣传三民主义,营造革命氛围,发挥了革命党的"喉舌"作用。而时评作为《民报》中的重要组成部分,其文章不仅针砭时弊,更集中阐述革命派言论。通过对《民报》时评的分析,发现其写作讲究宣传策略,运用激进宣传与和缓宣传相结合、先辟邪后立新、重视系列报道等策略,遂使革命思潮弥漫全国,从而为辛亥革命打下良好的思想基础。  相似文献   

《中华民报》为同盟会系统各报中,反对袁世凯最为坚决的报纸。创刊于1912年7月,在《本报一周年之回顾》中,自称“自出版以来,讨袁之声无日或断。”二次革命失败后,国民党要人纷纷东渡日本,国民党报馆经济来源突然告绝。《中华民报》被袁世凯政权控告“诽谤政府罪”。诉讼结果,报社总经理邓孟硕被判六个月监禁,  相似文献   

1906年(清光绪三十二年丙午) 1月17日(乙巳年十二月二十三日):宋教仁偕何小柳赴东京新智分社会晤该社社长宫崎德太郎,联系委托该社上海分社代销《民报》事宜,以“《民报》内容太激烈”,没有达成协议。 1月19日:上海《大陆》半月刊自即日出版的第三卷第二十三号起宣告停刊。 1月22日:《民报》第二期出版。这一期《民报》所刊朱执信的《德意志社会革命家小传》一文,介绍了马克思、恩格斯的生平及学说,略云:“前乎马尔克(即马克思)言社会主义而攻击资本者亦大有人,然能言其毒害之所由来,与谋所以去之之道何自者,盖未有闻也。故空言无所裨。其既也,资  相似文献   

最近几年,经济新闻报道发展太快了,经济类的媒体,纸媒或网媒都在迅猛发展。诸如《21世纪经济报道》、《每日经济新闻》、《第一财经》、《财经》、金融界(网站)、财经网以及新浪、搜狐、凤凰等门户网站的财经频道,其经济新闻报道的广度、深度、角度都远远超过了综合类日报,甚至彻底颠覆了传统经济新闻的报道理念和方法。  相似文献   

一九○八年十月十九日至一九○九年三月三日,日本政府与清朝政府相勾结,封禁了在东京的中国同盟会机关杂志《民报》,并对《民报》编辑人兼发行人章太炎进行审讯、判决和拘留。日本政府的非法行动,遭到了章太炎等人和中国留日学生及日本人民的坚决反对。  相似文献   

白话报刊的历史演进及其特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虽然白话文在中国历史上早已存在,并出现了以《西游记》、《水浒传》、《红楼梦》等为代表的一批古代白话小说经典作品,但白话报刊却是近代以后才产生,并至五四时期后最终取代文言报刊,成为左右大众媒介的中国主流媒介。 一、白话报刊的演进过程 中国近代的第一家白话报刊,是由外商主办的上海申报馆的《民报》。《民报》创刊于1876年3月,是一份通俗小报,《申报》在为其刊登的启事  相似文献   

正一提到经济新闻报道,很多人脑海里的第一反应就是上市公司信息披露、企业并购、行业前沿资讯等"高大上"的内容。其实,数据、报表这些内容只是经济新闻报道的一部分。特别是对《今晚报》这样的都市类媒体而言,经济新闻报道一定要紧贴民生消费,担当媒体责任;只有做到有温度、有情结,这样的经济新闻报道才能得到读者的欢迎。紧贴民生消费——经济新闻记者要走到百姓生活中去从《新快报》的陈永洲事件,到不久前的21世纪网的新闻敲诈案,  相似文献   

毕一鸣 《中国广播》2011,(10):35-38
《民报》是中国同盟会的机关报,也是辛亥革命的先声。虽然只发行了26期,但是它对推动中国的民主革命和共和理想的实现产生了不可忽视的重要影响,作出了难以磨灭的历史贡献。新闻传媒在社会变革中如何发挥重要影响和作用?《民报》为我们提供了深刻的启示。  相似文献   

朱威 《传媒观察》2020,(5):94-99
本文基于对交汇点新闻客户端融媒体新闻产品《白衣侠》制作过程的个案研究,探讨主流媒体融媒新闻生产的路径创新。这一路径背后蕴含全新的思考路向,反映出媒介融合从业态层面到社会层面再回到业态层面的过程,有助于我们理解和把握新传播技术变革下的传播实践。  相似文献   

吴江文 《新闻界》2007,(6):98-99
媒介生态直接决定一个地区的新闻事业的发展状态,本文着重从“企业经营“角度对新闻机构“事业单位、企业经营“特殊属性的分析.并将新闻视为产品进行研究,引入了成本概念,指出媒介生态对新闻成本的影响,并提出一些参考建议.  相似文献   

This study examines the attitudes and the selection criteria of U.S. television journalists toward international news. Q factor analysis of 3I journalists from major national networks and local television stations reveals that journalists select international news based on market demands and local relevance. The findings strikingly delineate along the line between network versus local television. Network journalists manifest a global view, selecting international news with diverse themes, while local television journalists adopt a more pragmatic stance due to business pressures and audience demands, choosing international news with a local angle. All, however, emphasize timeliness and U.S. involvement in news selection.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):49-64
Emerging business models for news have the potential to affect the nature of democracy. As the economic foundations of mainstream journalism become increasingly shaky, a new economic model is emerging in the form of news organizations operating as nonprofits. These are mostly run by former newspaper journalists bringing with them traditional journalistic norms they worked under previously; now they are operating under a vastly different economic framework. These organizations are producing a growing amount of public affairs news while mainstream news production shrinks. The research question examined here is whether this emergent form (1) changes but maintains core norms and practices of the journalistic culture from which it arose, or (2) transforms norms and practices into something new. I briefly review norms and practices of traditional journalism to create a framework against which to compare behaviors at one nonprofit news organization, MinnPost, through ethnographic observation and in-depth interviews. My findings indicate that MinnPost values some traditional norms (e.g. loyalty to citizens); other norms are valued but not fulfilled in a traditional way (e.g. comprehensiveness of news coverage); yet others are largely eschewed (e.g. forum provision). This suggests a set of evolving journalistic tenets, which observations indicate are linked to MinnPost's economic structure. It points toward how emerging business models are changing journalism, and by extension could be affecting American democracy. This paper is part of a larger project investigating how nonprofit news organizations are changing the information available in local news environments.  相似文献   

舒骅 《新闻界》2008,(6):121-122
逐步重视硬新闻的报道是早期《申报》的成功经验之一,它有力地提升了《申报》的社会影响力,也为当前都市报的发展提供了可资借鉴的经验,即优化新闻结构,加强硬新闻的报道,在报道内容上实现以软新闻为主向“软硬兼备”过渡。  相似文献   

针对网络新闻能够快速准确反映3G运营商业务发展趋势的特点,分析网络新闻内容与报道数量能够从侧面体现3G运营商的竞争实力。运用内容分析法,统计2009年1月到8月有关三大运营商3G业务方面的新闻报道,从3G业务的角度制定分析单元及分析框架,分析3G业务的关注点与各运营商的营销策略,并对统计结果进行论证阐释,从而揭示国内3G运营商的竞争趋势。  相似文献   

The "church-state" division between the editorial and business departments of a news organization is threatened by corporations who promote cooperation (or "synergy") between and among divisions. A content analysis tested the research questions that the influence of parent companies on news content might produce an increase in the quantity and quality of company-related materials mentioned on the news, especially in larger, more diversified, and more integrated firms. Such effects were found for total stories run and for tone. Topic-based effects were minimal, and play-order effects were not found.  相似文献   

A content analysis of 4,507 tweets from 60 local news organizations in the United States was conducted to examine Twitter strategies used by the local news industry. Results indicate that local news organizations in the United States mainly used Twitter as an additional platform for news dissemination. While local TV stations and newspapers differed significantly in their use of tweet structures, content, and strategies, both followed the similar practices of their traditional media portals. In addition, the number of followers and total tweets of a news organization’s Twitter account, use of photos, hashtags, usernames, and tweet content predicted audience engagement with the site. Overall, local news organizations in the United States did not appear to use Twitter to cross-promote and/or supplement their traditional business practices. This research calls for more systematic, multi-dimensional social media management in local newsrooms.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):208-226
This study uses qualitative research interviews and a survey to quantify and analyse business models at online newspapers in the UK. Senior editors and executives reported that news websites rely on advertising income to a greater extent than their print counterparts. Despite this, British news sites continue to charge users for some content, although to a varying degree. The fact that online editions still contribute barely a tenth of total revenues explains this experimental approach towards business strategy. Although paid-for content has mostly failed as a mechanism for the online news business in the past, changes in technology and net culture may mean that it is becoming an option again. The authors examine what content is being charged for and why, and investigate: how the 12 newspapers studied are balancing the need to develop additional revenue streams with the demand for traffic in a buoyant advertising market; the extent to which cannibalisation of the print parent is still a concern; the complementary benefits of developing digital products; strategies towards archived content; the value of columnist content to online users; the success of digital editions and email alerts; the potential of mobile services; and the rapidly developing number of online services and commercial partnerships hosted by newspapers on the Web.  相似文献   

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