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论文分类介绍了网上免费的英文图书情报学专业信息源,包括机构及学术网站、开放获取期刊、学术会议、科研项目网站、博客及邮件组、讨论组等。  相似文献   

简要地回顾我国(大陆)的图书馆学和情报学教育的发展道路,指出目前LIS面临着知识生产方式转变、学术交流方式变革、社会经济制度再设计、数字不平等、社会对LIS专业认知度不高等诸多挑战,提出要进一步明确LIS教育的定位和发展方向,加强批判性思维能力和信息设计能力培养等对策建议。  相似文献   

闫学杉先生的《信息科学:概念、体系与展望》是一部重要的信息科学基础理论著作。该书以构建统一信息科学理论为目标,体系宏大,资料丰富,论述深刻,具有国际视野,成为目前国内相关研究的代表作。书中对图书馆信息科学在国际、国内的发展进行了介绍和评价,有助于图情学界从信息科学的角度重新审视学科属性和价值。  相似文献   

采用网站内容分析法,选取英国高校图书情报学专业教育排名居前的10所院系,对其硕士阶段的教育现状进行分析,其中包括所在高校及院系名称的变化、硕士生培养方向、课程体系的设置以及教学方法4个方面。作者认为,英国图书情报院系在硕士专业培养方向、课程设置和教学方法上已形成自己的特色,而社会需求则是英国图书情报学研究生教育改革和发展的驱动力。  相似文献   

文章通过对比分析中外图书情报领域针对新冠疫情的研究现状,以期为新时期我国图书情报研究和实践提供参考。文章基于关键词共现网络和主题知识图谱,以Web of Science和CNKI收录的文献为分析样本,揭示中外图书情报领域针对新冠疫情研究的跨学科性与研究主题,并归纳其发展态势。研究发现:国际研究主题主要有开放获取与馆藏资源服务、虚假信息与信息素养、信息技术与在线教育、社交媒体与网络舆情、危机管理与信息行为,国内主要有信息素养与信息疫情、突发事件下的图书馆管理、后疫情时期的信息服务、疫情防控情报体系、图书馆服务与保障、社交媒体与网络舆情;中外研究主题既有共性又有特性,国际研究注重技术实证研究,社交媒体中的信息是研究热点,国内偏重定性整体分析,后疫情时期的图书馆信息服务更受关注。  相似文献   

National Science & Technology Information (STI) infrastructure of Korea has been independently developed as a decentralized system within the government ministry. In order to effectively establish the national STI infrastructure, it is essential to create a networked and integrated system in the domestic and foreign information infrastructure. This study aims to analyze current national STI infrastructure and to suggest specific ways in which domestic and foreign STI infrastructure may be utilized.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the resources and methods used in information instruction provided at private university libraries in Jordan. It also investigates trends among Zarqa Private University students towards the achievement of its objectives. Data was collected via two questionnaires. The population of the study consisted of 19 administrators of private university libraries; 14 of them (73.7%) responded positively to the study, and of 600 first year students who were in the first semester of the academic year 2007/2008, 512 of them (85.3%) responded positively. Study findings have revealed that information literacy instruction programmes are not comprehensive in all target libraries. No more than five (35.7%) of the responding libraries offer the required lectures that inform students about the importance of libraries and libraries’ departments, the practical training of online access to databases through internet, or training on the usage of periodical indexes. The curricula offered by more than 78.6% of the respondents lacked courses or exercises that support library usage. Findings of “information literacy instruction programmes offered to students of Zarqa Private University, reveal that the programmes concentrate on theoretical aspects more than practical aspects. This study introduces some recommendations related to its findings.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the resources and methods used in information instruction provided at private university libraries in Jordan. It also investigates trends among Zarqa Private University students towards the achievement of its objectives. Data was collected via two questionnaires. The population of the study consisted of 19 administrators of private university libraries; 14 of them (73.7%) responded positively to the study, and of 600 first year students who were in the first semester of the academic year 2007/2008, 512 of them (85.3%) responded positively. Study findings have revealed that information literacy instruction programmes are not comprehensive in all target libraries. No more than five (35.7%) of the responding libraries offer the required lectures that inform students about the importance of libraries and libraries’ departments, the practical training of online access to databases through internet, or training on the usage of periodical indexes. The curricula offered by more than 78.6% of the respondents lacked courses or exercises that support library usage. Findings of “information literacy instruction programmes offered to students of Zarqa Private University, reveal that the programmes concentrate on theoretical aspects more than practical aspects. This study introduces some recommendations related to its findings.  相似文献   

E-LIS是图书情报学领域最大的开放存取学科库,由图书馆员和信息专家组成的国际性团队自愿建立和维护,目前收录有90个国家的5600个用户用37种语言存储的10000多篇文献,为图书情报学领域的作者、出版商和协会提供服务。政策管理是E-LIS正常运行的保障,因此E-LIS完成了政策的评估,并计划制订标准化政策与用户及其他利益者进行沟通。E-LIS还非常重视数字对象的长期保存问题,其文件格式及使用的软件都非常支持数字对象的长期保存。  相似文献   

论文通过采集2005—2010年被SSCI收录的海峡两岸图情学科论文的数据,对图情论文的文献数量、著者情况、SSCI来源期刊、主题、被引频次等情况进行比较和分析,从而得出如下结论:我国大陆地区图情研究领域比较单一,国际影响力较小,相对而言,我国台湾地区图情研究的领域比较前沿,产出率相对较高,在国际上影响力相对大一些。  相似文献   

Globally library consortia activities are gaining momentum and Africa is not an exception. The Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) dispensation has ushered in a transformative era characterised by the open access initiatives (OAI). Technologies development has added a new dimension to how academic libraries manage scholarly content. This article seeks to explore how academic libraries are progressing in their open access initiatives in Zimbabwe. This article also examines the extent to which open access has been adopted in Zimbabwe's higher education institutions (HEIs). The article seeks to find out how academic libraries can benefit from open access initiatives. The article also analyses the roles of stakeholders in strengthening the open access initiatives among academic libraries in Zimbabwe. The paper will suggest strategies to strengthen the open access initiatives in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

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