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Internet上有很多恶意IP,这些IP上提供了恶意软件的下载,是很多客户机感染病毒、木马的源头。在网络设备上封锁客户机对这些IP的通信后,客户机感染木马事件明显减少,网络更加稳定。  相似文献   

随着企业办公自动化的逐步推行,企业各部门间的即时通信显得尤其重要.文中对Windows下TCP/IP编程接口WinSock(Windows Socket)的相关知识进行了概述,分析了在Windows环境应用Socket实现网络通信的机制,阐述了如何基于WinSock创建面向连接的客户机/服务器(C/S)网络应用程序并给出了一种基于WinSock的局域网环境下利用UDP实现点对点即时通信的方式.企业各部门之间通过这种手段通信,既可以保证信息安全,又大大减轻了文件服务器的负荷,增加了通信的灵活性.  相似文献   

企业级应用是智能卡系统的发展趋势,本文从企业级应用架构展开研究,阐述了在企业级应用中智能卡接口设备的通信模式,并引入ActiveX技术和JNI技术分别实现了客户机和服务器与智能卡接口设备的通信.  相似文献   

介绍了基于WinSock的远程测控系统的设计及实现过程。该系统包括数据采集终端、本地客户机、远程主机三个部分。以单片机P89LPC935为核心构成数据采集终端,通过串口与本地客户机通信,本地客户机和远程主机在VC环境下使用WinSock控件编写程序实现两者的网络通信,从而实现远程主机对单片机终端的远程测控。试验表明系统的设计是成功的,能很好地用于远程测控。  相似文献   

介绍TCP协议和ARM作为服务器端,PC作为客户机端的TCP通信过程。以SmartARM2200为实验平台实现了基于以太网接口的ARM与PC进行TCP通信,并从TCP传输速度和有限状态机的角度对提高TCP通信的速度进行了研究。  相似文献   

DELPHI串行通信编程技术与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了基于DELPHI环境的多种串行通信编程方法及编程技术,着重讨论了采用MSComm控件实现串行通信的基本方法、技巧,并探讨了微机与多单片机系统间实时远程通信的编程实现。  相似文献   

根据嵌入式应用特点对嵌入式终端下的网络聊天系统进行设计,实现了实时通信和文档共享,具有数据通讯不需要建立服务器、直接在两台电脑间进行通信和数据传输、支持文件及文件目录传输、安全快捷等特点。  相似文献   

随着企业信息量愈来愈庞大,网络环境的日益复杂,越来越多的客户机/服务器引入了中间件技术,中间件通常是由一个API定义的软件层,负责处理不兼容的操作系统或文件结构,调节客户机/服务器或服务器与服务器之间的通信。  相似文献   

基于MATLAB的Simulink工具箱、webserver工具箱、虚拟现实工具箱和虚拟现实语言(VRML)构建了网络交互式虚拟现实实验系统,系统由一个服务器和若干个客户机组成。学生在客户机上通过互联网可浏览服务器上的虚拟演示实验,并可根据需要在客户端实时地修改实验参数,这些参数通过网络传到服务器后,服务器会将更新的虚拟的实验现象和实验结果传到客户机,从而完成交互式虚拟现实实验过程。  相似文献   

研究了一种实时分布式信息处理系统软件开发中的关键技术问题.基于TCP/IP协议及Socket技术,利用C/S模型的网络编程技术,设计实现了用于在线产品自动检测系统的服务器与客服机之间的数据传输原型系统.对网络拥塞进行了可能性分析,提出了一种基于ARCC算法的有效控制机制,并应用于基于网络的实时检测系统中,以解决在特定工况下出现拥塞时实现拥塞避免,达到了预期的效果.而且,还提出了一种自动诊断客户机状态的方法,以方便地检测服务器与客户机的连接状态,当连接中断时可以自动再连接.  相似文献   

Research has consistently found acute mental health treatment disparities among Asian Americans. One proposed reason for the underutilization of mental health services by Asian Americans is that available services are not culturally competent. This exploratory study presents qualitative data gathered from interviews with professional counselors who serve Asian American clients. Findings revealed significant barriers to counseling due to cultural stigma and shame, suppression of emotions, and communication gaps between clients and counselors. In response, clinicians frequently made adjustments to therapeutic approaches to accommodate the cultural beliefs and practices of clients and families. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

从分析浙江外向型企业网站汉英翻译问题入手,剖析译者在翻译原则认知上的问题、翻译策略选择上的误区和译者与翻译委托人缺乏必要的沟通等问题,并从翻译委托人对翻译服务的认识、译者主观能动性的发挥、企业求助目标市场的本地化行业等宏观层面探讨在提升翻译服务基础上,提高网站的国际化程度的对策。  相似文献   

对离散型制造业的订单管理及生产过程和功能需求进行了分析,针对离散型制造业的特点,采用统一建模语言(UML)对系统的整体模型进行了详细描述,为软件设计人员之间以及和客户之间的交流铲除障碍,确保后续开发工作的目标明确、思路清晰,从而加速开发的进程。  相似文献   

While many technical communication instructors declare the benefits of client projects, too often instructors do not prepare students to interact with clients. This article reviews a qualitative case study that demonstrates the difficulty students can have interacting with clients. Interviewing, listening, and seeking clarification are behaviors that may help students identify client concerns and miscommunications more effectively.  相似文献   

While many technical communication instructors declare the benefits of client projects, too often instructors do not prepare students to interact with clients. This article reviews a qualitative case study that demonstrates the difficulty students can have interacting with clients. Interviewing, listening, and seeking clarification are behaviors that may help students identify client concerns and miscommunications more effectively.  相似文献   

This article seeks to bring to the attention of counsellors and counselling psychologists specific knowledge and awareness in working with clients with adult onset hearing loss. The need for improved awareness of the needs of these clients is argued, the experience of hearing loss explored, and psychological issues at the core of the disability discussed. Practical matters about communication that need consideration in the counselling setting are examined. It is presented from the vantage point of an experienced counselling psychologist who is herself hearing impaired.  相似文献   

While the nurse–patient relationship plays a vital role in enhancing a client’s well-being, in this study, it was observed that most nurses only communicate with their clients when dealing with administrative or functional activities. Although previous studies had been conducted involving the nature of nurse–patient interaction, none has yet investigated the potential of conjoint or trade-off analysis in understanding elderly patients’ preferences in home care and community settings. This study contributes to the gap in such knowledge about the nurse–patient relationship. A total of 238 Filipino elderly patients were recruited from home health care and community settings to participate in the research. A set of 36 choice bundles with 4 holdouts were extracted from a pool 144 orthogonal array. In this quantitative study, respondents were asked to sort and rank each card based on its importance and utility value. All data gathered were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Notably, the analysis found that the most important factor for elderly clients in home health care is non-verbal communication followed by verbal, gender and type of care provider while for elderly clients in community settings, gender is the most important consideration in nurse–patient interaction and this was followed by non-verbal cues, care provider and verbal cues. Findings of the study provide valuable inputs that could inform guidelines in implementing nurse professional development programs specifically in matters that relate to the effective communication between the nurse and patient in all health-care settings.  相似文献   

In the years since the 1996 Supreme Court Jaffee v. Redmond decision, many states broadened the scope of their laws governing privilege to include non‐doctoral school psychologists. This article addresses the meaning of the term privileged communication and identifies common exceptions to privilege. Findings from a computerized search of the status of privileged communication between school psychologists and their clients in all states are reported. Implications of privilege communication laws for the delivery of school psychological services are discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

ESB可以去除不同服务应用之间存在的技术差异,可以让不同的应用服务器相互协调运作,以实现不同服务应用之间的整合和通信.OSB是Oracle的ESB产品,居于业界领先地位.中国移动某公司启动了服务接口平台的重构工作.基于ESB平台构建统一的服务接口总线,实现不同接入协议的适配,实现流量控制,不同数据报文格式的转换.并实现客户端的统一管理,提供各种安全认证机制.  相似文献   

儿童是祖国的未来,儿童时期是人生成长的初期阶段,是身体和心理发展的重要时期。儿童社会技能的发展水平,对儿童有着短期乃至长期的影响,关系到儿童是否能够进行正常的社会交往,是否能够拥有良好的交往关系,能否得到比较全面的发展。文中将箱庭游戏引入对儿童社会技能的培养中,旨在提高儿童社会交往和适应社会生活的能力。  相似文献   

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