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沙种阿拉伯(以下简称沙特)面积215万km^2,人口1402万,海岸线长约2437km,是西亚面积最大的国家。沙特近2/3以上的土地为沙漠和砾石高原,地势由西向东呈阶梯状倾斜。除西部为地中海气候外。大部分为热带沙漠气候。全年火热少雨,年降水量平均不是100mm。  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯的学前教育的历史发展经过了早期的缓慢发展阶段和20世纪70年代中期以后的快速发展阶段,有其文化思想、社会需求和政府努力等方面的背景因素,在课程设置、特殊教育、师资培养方面体现出自己的特点。与此同时,沙特学前教育也不得不面对地区发展不均衡、管理不善等方面的问题。  相似文献   

职业教育是一个开放的系统。在沙特阿拉伯、政治、经济、化、劳动市场等环境因素都影响与制约着职业教育的发展。尽管有政府充足的财政资助、现代化的设施设备、高质量的教师与管理人员、与企业密切的合作与联系等有利条件,但劳动市场的扭曲与社会对职业教育的负面认识一直阻碍着沙特阿拉伯职业教育的发展,影响着沙特技术学院的专业人才质量与数量的培养。  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯宗教意识浓厚,教育一直十分落后。随着沙特阿拉伯石油经济的腾飞,沙特教育也经历了飞跃式的发展。随着沙特阿拉伯政府对高等教育的重视和教育投入的加大,沙特高等教育体系日渐完善。与此同时,沙特阿拉伯高等教育制度中也存在着一些问题,它们制约着沙特高等教育的进一步发展。本文主要论述了沙特阿拉伯高等教育制度的发展现状和特点,并对沙特高等教育制度存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

在沙特经济快速发展的过程中,职业技术教育发挥了十分重要的作用。职业技术教育培养的高质量人才是沙特经济发展的中坚力量。本文首先论述了沙特职业技术教育的概况,其次对职业技术教育的特点进行了理论总结,最后指出了沙特职业技术教育仍需改进的方面。  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯将重点发展电子教育,从而进一步提高教育系统的质量和标准。  相似文献   

沙特是世界上最大的石油输出国,石油生产和出口一直是沙特国民经济的重要支柱产业.同时,沙特也是石油输出国组织(OPEC)的主要成员国,在决定OPEC的石油政策和国际石油价格中起着举足轻重的作用.本文阐述了在世界石油贸易的大环境下,沙特阿拉伯石油与贸易地理的关联,介绍了沙特阿拉伯石油的出口贸易以及能源政策.  相似文献   

在沙特阿拉伯,社交媒体将沙特民众政府参与的形式由极少数人参与的街头游行扩大到数万人共同参与的在线政治运动,实例分析表明沙特的政治活动呈现出线上与线下不一致的特点。  相似文献   

尽管沙特阿拉伯关于天才教育的历史发展并不长,但其在天才儿童教育的选拔、培养以及保障等方面也进行了积极的探索和实践,梳理沙特天才儿童教育的发展历史及特征,对了解国际天才儿童教育的发展现状具有一定的理论和实践意义。通过梳理文献发现,沙特阿拉伯形成了主观评价与客观测试相结合的筛选方式,富集培养模式、加速培养模式和能力分组培养模式等多种模式针对性开展,政策法规、组织机构以及师资培训为保障的天才儿童培养体系,为沙特阿拉伯的人才培养及社会发展奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

位于阿拉伯半岛的沙特王国,石油美元使得其经济飞速发展,但其政治上却仍然是家族统治的君主体制,随着民主化浪潮的发展,美国“大中东计划”的出台,其政治体制暴露出弊端,民主呼声日渐高涨,自身为适应民主化作出改革和探索,使得其实现民主政治具有了可能性。由于其伊斯兰特性,受传统价值观念的影响,从长远来看,沙特的民主政治不可能一蹴而就,具有渐进性。  相似文献   

沙特王国是中东和伊斯兰国家教育的代表,具有研究的典型性和重要的学术研究价值。以沙特王国的教育为研究对象,将其置于福利政治的视野下,采用政治学、历史学和教育学交叉研究的方法审视沙特王国的福利性教育得失。沙特王国的福利性教育具有鲜明的政治色彩,是沙特政府推行福利政治的重要组成部分,而其教育的政治倾向一定程度上导致了教育发展的不均衡和不平等。近年来沙特政府实行了一系列教育改革,这些改革一定程度上体现了去福利化、公平化以及市场导向的倾向,然而鉴于福利性教育的政治意义,王国的教育改革很难有质的突破。  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯王国建国后,随着石油财富的飞速增长,国家对高等教育十分重视,高等学校的发展从无到有.创办了多种类型的高校,表现出了鲜明的特色,也面临着“外源”现代化国家不可避免的种种问题。沙特的高等教育为国家培养了大量人才.前景应该是广阔的。  相似文献   

BackgroundGlobal efforts are being made to combat child maltreatment (CM); however, in 2011 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) response to this issue was found to be mediocre. Several developments have been implemented in KSA since then, and reevaluation is now necessary.ObjectiveTo assess the CM-prevention readiness (CMPR) of KSA in regard to implementing large-scale, evidence-based CM-prevention programs. Participants and Setting: Key informants based in KSA who were decision makers and senior managers in the CM field; face-to-face interviews were conducted in the participants’ offices.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional study. We used the multi-dimensional tool “Readiness Assessment for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment - short version,” which examines 10 dimensions concerning this topic. Comparison between the results of this study and those of the 2011 examination was performed to determine how the situation in KSA has changed.ResultsSixty informants were interviewed; the majority being females (57%) and from governmental institutions (56%). The average total score for the 10 dimensions was 47.4%, an increase from the 43.7% reported in 2011. The strongest dimensions were legislations and mandates (8.3/10), followed by knowledge (7.1/10) and institutional links and resources (5.8/10). The lowest scores concerned human and technical resources (1.7/10) and attitude towards CM (2.8/10). Compared to the 2011 results, some dimensions showed significant improvements, but the majority had remained consistent.ConclusionsTime and commitment are necessary to secure CMPR improvement. Periodic assessment of CMPR is required to provide proper recommendations to the government regarding the progress of CM-prevention strategies.  相似文献   

The empirical research for this paper was undertaken with leaders of early years setting in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The investigation sought to establish to what extent it was possible to behave in line with the concept of pedagogical leadership in the twenty-first century in an Arab Muslim monarchy, dominated by Islam, where directive leadership and control by the state has been the traditional norm. Education in KSA is now subject to reform, however, with leadership roles and responsibilities becoming a key issue and the early years sector being one of the major targets for development.  相似文献   

This study highlights on describing the experiences of Saudi Arabian female Islamic Studies teachers by exploring what is means to be an Islamic Studies teacher teaching in the current unprecedented vibrant and complex tapestry of social, religious and political debates occurring in the larger context of the country. The study draws on phenomenology as a guiding theoretical framework. The seven teachers involved in the study used their identities, beliefs and values to make sense of their everyday lived experiences. Discussions about their lived experiences provided a counter-discourse that challenges the traditional image of Islamic Studies teachers as transmitters of sacred knowledge. The study points to the growing complexity of the Islamic Studies teachers' roles due to an array of challenges that surfaced both in society at large and within the classroom walls.  相似文献   

This paper examines university teacher educators’ engagement with and in educational research. Survey results collected from eighty-two teacher educators at a leading university in Saudi Arabia pointed to modest levels of research activity and also suggested that these individuals held largely technical views of what research is. Their assessments of their institutional research culture also signalled a perceived gap between the research productivity expected of them and the support they received from their university. The implications of these findings for promoting research activity among university teacher educators, where this is considered desirable, are discussed.  相似文献   



The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was ratified by Saudi Arabia 15 years ago; yet addressing the issue of child maltreatment only began in more recent years. School professionals play a significant role in children's lives, as they spend a great deal of time with them and are hence essential to protecting and identifying those in danger or at risk. The objective of this study is to identify school professional's awareness of child maltreatment and the existing national policies and procedures to examine the extent of efforts made in Saudi Arabia and to activate the roles of schools and school professionals in protecting children from violence and implementation of Article 19 of the CRC.


This was a cross-sectional study, where school professionals from randomly selected schools throughout the country were invited to participate in a self-administered questionnaire.


A total of 3,777 school professionals participated in the study. Fifty-five percent of professionals had at least 10 years of work experience. A low-level of awareness of child maltreatment was found in about 1/3 of school professionals. Only 1.9% of school professionals had ever attended any sort of specific training on child maltreatment, though 69.3% of those who had not, were willing to attend future training. With regards to awareness of CRC Article 19 or policies and procedures addressing child maltreatment, only 22% reported being aware of it.


The majority of school professionals in Saudi Arabia have a low-intermediate level of awareness of child maltreatment, ratification of CRC, and related national policies and procedures, yet most are willing to attend training programs on this subject matter. Efforts need to be made in the country to fill this gap.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors in the home environment and their influence on children’s analytical, creative, and practical skills. A sample of 294 gifted children (195 male) was recruited from grades 4–7 in Saudi Arabia, where the family context is highly influenced by the principles of Islam. Results did not confirm the effect of birth order, but showed that (1) mother’s education was an important factor for gifted children’s creativity; (2) the number of boys in the family was negatively associated with gifted boys’ creativity (r?=??.21); and (3) Quran-related learning experiences were positively related to gifted girls’ analytical (r?=?.46) and creative (r?=?.42) skills. Implications for understanding non-Western environments for gifted children are discussed.  相似文献   

马青 《比较教育研究》2019,41(6):50-57,66
沙特在内外部因素的推动下,通过引进卓越学院项目、实施阿卜杜拉国王奖学金项目和创建阿卜杜拉国王科技大学等措施,实施了高等教育的国际化改革。改革具有鲜明的指向性与实用性,展现出新自由主义与国家主义的融合与冲突,体现出政府对高等教育的重视与引导。然而,鉴于沙特特殊的地缘政治与文化背景,沙特的高等教育国际化改革也面临国内保守派与改革派之间的博弈,对实用主义的过分关注、教育目标与沙特教育发展现状之间的差距等成为改革所面临的障碍。对沙特而言,当前阶段仍需解决高等教育面向全球化的改革目标与维护传统文化价值观之间的冲突问题。  相似文献   

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