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在服务型经济时代如何对情绪和情绪工作进行良好的管理,最终实现个体和组织的共同和谐发展已得到社会和企业界的高度关注。本文对情绪工作的概念、特征、策略、结构维度、前因变量、后果变量和机制做以简要介绍,并通过分析已有研究的不足,对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

The authors describe a study in which there was a strong relationship between personal awareness and multicultural counseling skills during group supervision. The authors suggest that during supervision, supervisors should help counselors‐in‐training to attain wisdom, as defined by F. J. Hanna, F. Bemak, and R. C. Chung (1999). This should be done by promoting personal awareness and may result in improvement in both multicultural and general counseling skills.  相似文献   

Little has been addressed in the literature about the advantages of brief counseling training for master's‐level trainees working in university counseling centers. This article discusses the benefits that time‐limited treatment affords trainees and offers implications for training and research.  相似文献   

University Counseling Centers (UCCs) provide important services for sexual assault survivors, yet little research has been conducted on interventions used by clinicians in this unique setting. As a preliminary investigation, UCC professionals were asked about services provided to survivors of sexual assault and staff perceptions of the effectiveness of these interventions. Supportive counseling was perceived to be the most effective relative to other interventions, and many participants indicated that they did not use or were not sure if other evidence-based interventions were effective with student victims. Several recommendations for future research on sexual assault services in UCCs are suggested.  相似文献   

The extent to which clients understand the nature and anticipated course of therapy is referred to as informed consent. Counseling psychologists often provide informed consent documents to enhance the education of services and for liability purposes. Professionals in numerous health care settings have evaluated the readability of their informed consent documents, but no such peer-reviewed research exists for university counseling centers. This study evaluated the informed consent documents for psychotherapy from university counseling centers using three readability formulas (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, Flesch Reading Ease Score, and Simple Measure of Gobbledygook [SMOG] Grading). The findings support the authors’ exploratory hypotheses that informed consent documents in university counseling centers are rated as challenging to read for college students. Recommendations and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The consultant‐on‐duty (COD) clinical consultation model maximizes efficient use of services, is distinct from other university counseling center (UCC) services, and precedes therapy. This model enables clinicians to ensure optimal fit between client need and type of UCC services provided, including brief therapy. The 4 objectives of the COD model include quick access to initial consultation, management of treatment expectations, collaborative treatment decisions, and planning for client assistance.  相似文献   


In this article, we reflect on the contributions of the social sciences to the field of adapted physical activity by examining the theories and methods that have been adopted from the social science disciplines. To broaden our perspective on adapted physical activity and provide new avenues for theoretical and empirical exploration, we discuss and evaluate broad ideas/tensions arising from the social science literature—the individual versus social/ecological, and social science of adapted physical activity versus social science in adapted physical activity. We intentionally focus discussion on the application of specific lines of inquiry in the social sciences that have not yet emerged (or have done so only in limited applications) in the field of adapted physical activity. Such untapped areas of scholarship in the social sciences can lead to broader understanding, innovations, and new lines of inquiry when applied to an adapted physical activity context.  相似文献   

POP(流行)文化在20世纪下半叶的中国经过了艰难的孕育、胚胎的催生、雨露中发芽、阳光下成长、风雨里飘摇……终于在20世纪末形成了具有中国特色的神奇与腐朽并存、过于强化感官刺激与心理麻醉性的POP(流行)文化,我们有必要为POP文化在中国的成功推进欢呼的同时,也应为中国严肃文化的早日崛兴而祈祷!  相似文献   

回顾过去 展望未来 努力推进中国MPA专业学位教育新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、公共管理硕士(MPA)专业学位教育指导委员会五年来的主要工作和成效为推动我国公共管理硕士(MPA)专业学位教育的发展,2001年2月国务院学位委员会、教育部、人事部成立了全国公共管理硕士(MPA)专业学位教育  相似文献   

Due to increased demands placed on university counseling centers (UCCs) in recent years, there is a need for these centers to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their psychological services. Regularly monitoring client progress is one approach to increase the likelihood of positive clinical outcomes. This article describes the use of the Behavioral Health Measure–20 (BHM-20; Kopta & Lowry, 2002) in monitoring the progress of 13,803 clients at 23 UCCs across the United States from 2006–2011. Results show that the BHM-20, via the CelestHealth System–MH (CHS-MH), is an effective instrument for the electronic administration, scoring, and tracking of client progress. Overall, clients improved over the course of treatment and the benefit from treatment peaked between 7 to 10 sessions. Three case vignettes using the CHS-MH in patient care are presented. Implications for continuing the use of monitoring individual client change at UCCs are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors describe a computer‐based “bug‐in‐the‐eye” approach to counselor supervision that is well suited to college counseling centers. Hardware and software requirements, comparisons with other forms of supervision, support for and limitations of this approach, and recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

对中国电影来说,第五代导演正在越过他们创作的高峰,第六代导演不得不采取与主流文化和主流意识形态相妥协的姿态,后殖民语境的批评紧守着民族保护主义的立场,好莱坞电影作为强势文化更是在中国加入世贸组织的谈判之后期待着大举入侵.而在电影市场上,电影票房急遽跌落,电影产量大幅度下降,电影信誉更是出现严重的危机.跨入新世纪的中国电影面临更大的困难和更多的问题.而对如此内外交困的处境,电影人还是缺少一种猛醒的意识,缺少紧迫感和振奋精神.一些更年轻的导演适时地提出"新主流电影"的口号,但似乎还没有更具说服力的作品来为中国电影的重新崛起开路.  相似文献   

首先要向全体到会的同志们表示深深的感谢!刚才几位同志讲了许多赞扬的话,实在不敢当。不错,我的确以高度的责任心,把办学这件事尽最大的可能做好,但这是做了我应该做的事情。文革之后,当时的思想状态、特别是处在领导地位的同志们的思想状态怎样呢?怕!心有余悸!那个时候,在教育部开会,碰到兄弟学校的负责人,我们都说了一句非常感慨的话:劫后重逢!非常感慨啊!毛泽东曾讲过:文化大革命七、八年再来一次。因此,更加心有余悸,怕这怕那,东张西望,不敢迈步子。我怕不怕?我也怕,说不怕那是假话。但是,老怕也不行啊!责任在身,除非辞职不干,但是那个时候没有辞职的规定,不能够提出辞职。考虑的结果还是干,以后的问题再说,现在就是先把工作干好。  相似文献   

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