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Changes in the environment of postsecondary institutions in the Western World have necessitated the adoption of strategies that were once thought to be incompatible with academic pursuit. Among these, is the increasing application of marketing techniques to attract vital resources in postsecondary institutions. This study investigated administrators' perceptions of various aspects of postsecondary institutional marketing in Alberta. Also, perceived problems and benefits of marketing practices in postsecondary institutions were investigated. Data were collected form 96 administrators of higher education in Alberta using both structured and unstructured interview methods. The study concluded that administrators in the Province generally considered marketing to be activities used in attracting resources. Only a few institutions in Alberta engaged in marketing research or used a comprehensive marketing plan. Shortage of funds was considered to be the major constraint on institutional marketing initiatives. Respondents predicted that more institutions would adopt marketing techniques in the near future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was (a) to survey school counselor preparation and perceived and projected role in serving special education students in the southwestern region of the United States; and (b) to determine the status of counselor education programs throughout the nation in preparing counselors to effectively serve exceptional students. The results indicated that 50 percent of the school counselor sample advocated additional involvement with exceptional students, 43 percent felt inadequately prepared to deal effectively with exceptional students, and 60 percent would be more willing to serve exceptional students if their training in special education had been more extensive.  相似文献   

辅导员自身素质在学生管理中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从政治素养和道德品质、责任心和爱心、理论素养和表达能力以及积极的心态等方面论述了辅导员应具备的良好素质;分析了良好的素质在思想政治教育、心理健康发展、班级各项工作的开展和学校学生管理工作的良性发展等方面的作用.  相似文献   

我国高校辅导员自建制以来,在高等教育中发挥了重要的作用.现阶段,我国高等教育正面临着许多新情况、新问题,社会时高等教育提出了新要求,由于高校辅导员在大学生成长、成才中的突出地位,因此,其自身队伍建设显得更为迫切.在科学发展观指导下,在工作理念、价值目标、素质结构等方面赋予高校辅导员角色以新的内涵是高校辅导员建设的重要内容.  相似文献   

This study was a follow-up investigation on the counselor's role in community mental health. We surveyed 170 multiservice mental health agencies to evaluate counselor job performance. We received 150 responses. In general, we noted that master's degree level counselors delivered direct care services in a competent manner. The findings also indicated that counselor education departments should consider strengthening student knowledge of psychotropic medication, psychopathology, individual assessment, and use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) (Williams, 1980). Finally, analysis of the data suggested that counselor educators should encourage students to pursue continuing education in program evaluation and budget planning.  相似文献   

率先在全球范围内推动未来技术学院建设,对于中国跻身未来技术全球竞争、促进人才培养模式变革具有关键意义.本文从理论、实践两个维度对未来技术学院的概念、方法、标准等展开了讨论,对比分析了中国科学院大学和麻省理工学院的未来技术学院建设路径.研究认为,未来技术竞争的核心是未来技术人才培养所依托的高等教育体系、政策、制度的比拼,...  相似文献   

相较于完善而成熟的本科生辅导员制度,当前的研究生辅导员制度正经历着一个从无到有,从效仿到创新的成长历程。在此建制过程中,研究生辅导员面临着诸多的职业"尴尬"。而在研究生培养中,研究生辅导员基本涉及每一个环节,必须充分认识到其之重要性,从四大方面发挥其作用,并注意期间不可忽视的问题。  相似文献   

辅导员是高等学校教师队伍和管理队伍的重要组成部分,是高校学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者。高校学生工作的特殊性和复杂性决定了辅导员这一"特殊教师队伍"必将受到比普通专业教师更多的角色冲突困扰,毕业班辅导员面临的角色冲突则更加明显。高校毕业班辅导员的角色转换与调适至关重要。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the role of parent governors in five neighbouring rural primary schools in Zimbabwe. The study proposed that despite the presence of a legal decentralised school governance structure in which parents form the majority, they did not have the capacity to function effectively therein, and were still marginalised in school governance decision-making. Four areas of decision-making were investigated: school organisation; curriculum; employment and appraisal of teaching staff; and financial resources. Interviews were conducted with parent governors, school heads and teachers. Findings show that all the respondent groups perceived significant parental involvement in the area of school finances only. However, parents were perceived to lack the capacity to make decisions in all four areas. The study concludes that the role of parents in the running of schools in the country has not significantly grown from that of being school financiers and builders of infrastructure. Therefore, building school governance capacity among parents is necessary.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the role of parent governors in five neighbouring rural primary schools in Zimbabwe. The study proposed that despite the presence of a legal decentralised school governance structure in which parents form the majority, they did not have the capacity to function effectively therein, and were still marginalised in school governance decision-making. Four areas of decision-making were investigated: school organisation; curriculum; employment and appraisal of teaching staff; and financial resources. Interviews were conducted with parent governors, school heads and teachers. Findings show that all the respondent groups perceived significant parental involvement in the area of school finances only. However, parents were perceived to lack the capacity to make decisions in all four areas. The study concludes that the role of parents in the running of schools in the country has not significantly grown from that of being school financiers and builders of infrastructure. Therefore, building school governance capacity among parents is necessary.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate high school teachers' perceptions of school environments and to determine whether gender was a differentiating factor. A total of 275 teachers from eight high schools responded to the Teacher's School Environment Survey. The results revealed that most of these teachers had favourable perceptions. They rated job satisfaction and principal leadership highly but ethnic equity relatively low. Female teachers scored higher than male teachers on job satisfaction, collegiality, teacher-student relations, ethnic equity, teacher influence, and student discipline. No significant difference was found in teachers' perceptions of principal leadership. Implications of the findings are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The role of the vocational counselor as perceived by vocational directors, vocational counselors, secondary school principals, and secondary school counselors was ascertained. Further, role perceptions held by vocational counselors and secondary school counselors with varying demographic characteristics were determined. Null hypotheses were formulated and tested utilizing analysis of variance with Scheffe's test and the Wilks' lambda portion of multiple discriminant analysis. Among the four groups, significantly different means existed relative to 44 of the 70 role statements and significantly different perceptual profiles resulted. Significantly different means existed on 13 items among vocational counselors and on six items among secondary school counselors when role perceptions and different combinations of teaching and world-of-work experiences were examined.  相似文献   

The merits of technology in general and of educational technology specifically are well documented. The use of educational technology has been shown to improve teaching and learning and the overall educational quality of schools. However, the successful integration of educational technology in schools hinges on school administrators' technology leadership abilities. The purpose of this study was to investigate aspiring school administrators' perceived ability to meet technology standards established by ISTE Standards for Administrators (formerly known as the NETS·A) and to determine which standards they wished to pursue for future professional development. Utilizing the ISTE Standards–A as a framework, a survey was created to decipher how aspiring school administrators perceived their own abilities to become leaders with foundational technology leadership skills. The findings showed that (a) the aspiring school administrators were more likely to indicate a need for professional development in technology utilization to meet the standards than they were to indicate their perceived current competence in meeting the technology standards and effectively utilizing technology in their schools; (b) when interests were examined by race, African American aspiring school administrators were more interested in pursuing professional development to enhance their abilities to perform the tasks than were Caucasian aspiring school administrators; and (c) there was a statistically significant difference between aspiring school administrators' average Perception and Interest scores. It appeared that in general, the participants perceived a greater need for professional development in technology standards than their perceived current ability to perform the standards.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of the order of being the counselor when involved in role-play practice, 36 novice trainees were assigned to counseling triads and then to the levels of ordinal position—counselor first, second, or third. Each participant also served as a client and as an observer within the triad. No difference among the three ordinal positions was found in the trainees' abilities to produce reflection of feeling responses. Similarly, there were no differences between those trainees who functioned as as observers before being the role-play counselor. There was a significant positive linear trend, however, for ordinal position (i.e., the accuracy of the trainees' reflection of feeling responses steadily improved from first counselor role play to third counselor role play). These results are discussed from a social-learning theory perspective.  相似文献   

The authors examined 38 school counselor supervisors' perceptions of the Discrimination Model (DM; Bernard, 1979, 1997) of supervision, replicating and extending Ellis and Dell's (1986) investigation of the DM with mental health counselor supervisors. Participants judged the dissimilarity of each unique combination of roles and foci of the DM. The authors conducted a confirmatory multidimensional scaling analysis to compare the implicit dimensions and constructs that school counselor and mental health counselor supervisors used to make decisions. Results suggested partial similarities in the conceptual maps of school counselor and mental health counselor supervisors. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The use by counselors of a Human Resources Development (HRD) model for preparing teachers to help in career education is discussed. In-service workshops for a counselor and a small group of teachers are proposed, and a step by step procedure for implementing the model is presented.  相似文献   

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