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This article describes the elements of the undergraduate core in kinesiology that have been established by the American Kinesiology Association. The American Kinesiology Association also describes a set of ten student-learning outcomes that emanate from the four core content elements. This information has been developed by the American Kinesiology Association to provide guidance regarding the development of locally appropriate curricula and learning outcomes for American Kinesiology Association member institutions. The American Kinesiology Association Core Curriculum is considered to be in the public domain and the American Kinesiology Association reserves the right to reproduce the document in a number of venues and formats. The American Kinesiology Association believes that increased communication relative to this topic will lead to enhanced communication across kinesiology programs which will in turn will lead to an informed sharing of ideas and perspectives. This will result in enhanced curricula in American Kinesiology Association departments across the nation and beyond.  相似文献   

阮大铖在明末政坛、诗坛和剧坛上都有一定影响。受当时文人结社之风的影响,他曾组织或参加过一些结社。其中海门社和群社是文学性的诗社,中江社是举业性的文社,咸社则是宗教性的禅社。  相似文献   

作为传统社会关系结构的差序格局,发展到现代社会已经发生了很大的变化,集中体现在:以伦理为基础的差序格局纳入情感、理性因素,差序格局的范围在扩大,差序格局呈现横向和纵向的立体结构,"城市版"的差序格局以及具有时-空意识的"差序场"。自利益进入差序格局后,人际关系的等级原则在逐渐弱化,理性化的人际关系正在淡化中国的社会关系结构,出现了"工具性差序格局"、"紧缩圈层"、"内核-外围"、"逆差序格局"等理性化的社会关系结构。现代中国社会人际关系的发展虽注入了现代的因素,但依然以传统伦理为根基,并非完全理性选择的结果。  相似文献   

The Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) has reached 25 years of age. This article traces the development of the Association over that period. It records the major changes that have taken place in the range and types of activities of the Association and explains the circumstances that led to those changes. It concludes by attempting to identify the principal challenges facing the Association in entering its second quarter century and proposes ways in which these challenges might be addressed.  相似文献   

Reproduced here is the presidential address delivered at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) luncheon, American Counseling Association (ACA, formerly American Association for Counseling and Development [AACD]) Baltimore Convention on March 28, 1992.  相似文献   

美国全国教育协会是美国最具影响力的教育社团之一,中外学界曾对其给予一定的关注。就已有的研究成果来看,国内学者尚未深究全国教育协会与重大联邦教育立法《国防教育法》之间的关系。通过梳理《国防教育法》的出台过程以及全国教育协会争取联邦资助教育的历程,可以发现,全国教育协会将《国防教育法》的通过视为实现自身诉求的"垫脚石"。对于协会而言,1958年《国防教育法》的通过是一次"复杂的胜利"。法案背后承载的是全国教育协会与政策制定者的对弈。  相似文献   

1928年之前,国民政府在保定商界并没有组织基础。为完成保定商会、同业公会的组织、改组,国民政府充分借助于保定商会的影响和作用,保定商会也发挥了“上传下达”的作用;满7家以上同业商户组织同业公会,在同业公会的基础上,组织商会,因而,保定同业公会是保定商会的基层组织,两者密不可分;国民政府通过立法,给予保定商会、同业公会制度性空间,保证了其自主性和独立性。  相似文献   

国民革命时期的农民协会是最早建立的乡村革命组织,与以往的旧农会有着本质区别。共产党人在农民协会建立过程中发挥了重要作用并逐渐成为领导者,农协本身亦体现出鲜明的阶级性,成为乡村社会改造的中坚力量。这一时期的农民运动也为中共以后进行国内革命积累了宝贵的经验教训。  相似文献   

A note from the Working Group of the Joint Committee on Testing Practices:
The Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education (Code) prepared by the Joint Committee on Testing Practices (JCTP) has just been revised for the first time since its initial introduction in 1988.
The revision of the Code was inspired primarily by the revision of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, NCME, 1999) and recent changes in testing practices in a variety of professions.
The revised Code (JCTP, 2004) has been endorsed by all seven member associations of the Joint Committee, which includes representatives of the National Council on Measurement in Education, as well as the American Counseling Association, American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, National Association of School Psychologists, and National Association of Test Directors. The mission of the JCTP is to provide "a means by which professional organizations and test publishers can work together to improve the use of tests in assessment and appraisal."
The revised Code is likely to continue having a major impact on the development and use of testing and assessment in education. It is presented in this issue of Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice and may be reproduced in whole or in part without fees or permission, provided that any reproduction includes appropriate citation. Additional information about the Code may be obtained from: Joint Committee on Testing Practices, Science Directorate, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.  相似文献   

方以智在晚明文坛享有较高声誉,曾“主盟复社”。就具体情况而言,他仅在崇祯六年癸酉(1633)与杨龙友一起主盟国门广业社第二次大会。对此深入研究发现,国门广业社是三年一次大比之年参加乡试的部分复社成员在金陵举行的以举业为目的文学雅集活动,是复社社集活动的一种特殊形式。  相似文献   

上海解放初期的钱业公会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱业公会是近代上海历史最为悠久的金融业团体,在上海解放初期依然坚持正常运作,维护同业利益,同时配合政府实施金融监管,服务和指导同业开展业务经营。在各公会合并改组问题上,钱业公会虽然一度态度消极,但最终认清了形势,与银行公会、信托业公会合并组成统一的上海市金融业同业组织。  相似文献   

增进“三个认同”是中国民主促进会与中国共产党风雨同舟历史经验的总结升华.在新的历史起点上,民进要巩固“三个认同”,就要内化于心,深入开展以“三个认同教育”为主题的教育活动,不断加深对“三个认同”的认识;要外化于行,将“三个认同”践行活动寓于会员的日常工作生活和会员履职活动之中;要固化于制,引导和激励全体会员“三个认同”践行活动.  相似文献   

生涯辅导行业协会主要指为了促进个体的生涯发展提供各类服务而自愿组织起来的各类组织或专业团体。本文研究了以美国辅导协会及其分支协会为主的生涯辅导行业协会的基本情况、运作特点和协会在促进生涯辅导行业发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

抗战期间,日本侵略者在华北沦陷区成立了汉奸组织新民会,并在各农村组建了基层组织、各种分会和外围组织等团体。日本侵略者利用新民会在华北农村的这些团体进行政治欺骗、经济掠夺、破坏抗日等活动。抗战胜利后其宣告解散。  相似文献   

Reproduced here is the presidential message delivered at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision luncheon held during the American Counseling Association National Conference in New Orleans, LA, in March 2002.  相似文献   

英国教育领域中存在许多教师组织,全国教师联合会、全国男女教师协会、教师与讲师协会、教师专业协会以及全国校长协会等是主要的教师组织。在长期的历史发展过程中,教师组织经常运用主张、联盟、集体谈判、政治活动和罢教等策略影响教育政策的制定和实施,对英国的教育改革和发展产生了较大影响。  相似文献   

[编者按] 张德明教授是联合国教科文组织东亚远程教育教席主持人,现任上海远程教育集团主任、上海电视大学校长、上海教育电视台台长,同时兼任中国教育电视协会常务副会长、上海市新闻工作者协会常务理事和中国报告文学学会理事.  相似文献   

基督教青年会兴起于19世纪中叶的英国,不久传入中国。中国基督教青年会是宗教活动与社会改造运动相结合的产物,它以城市青年会为基本活动单元,提倡德、智、体、群,引入了大量西方科学文化知识,培养了一大批有益于国家和社会的青年。宁波基督教青年会作为城市青年会的一个代表,可以说是集宗教、娱乐、社会服务为一体的泛宗教组织,它积极关注各种社会问题,比较温和地强调社会的心理建设和精神构建,应当给予客观评价。  相似文献   

佛教团体中最关键的构成部分,在释迦涅槃之后,并不是某位具体的高僧大德,而是组织中共同信奉的传统与信念,统而言之即“佛法”;因此民间佛社在当代管理学意义上类似于典型的“使命型组织”。以主要从事的佛事活动、共同趣向等因素作为区分标准,唐朝民间佛社大体可分为四类:诵经佛社、佛事结社、经像佛社与净土法社。这四种民间佛社各个具有不同的人事关系和管理模式;具备成功社邑范例意义的民间佛社,在完成接引信众、护持修行的同时,使佛教与佛法的目标趋向一致。  相似文献   

This 1999 presidential address was given at the luncheon of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision on April 15, 1999 in San Diego, California as part of the conference of the American Counseling Association.  相似文献   

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