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Counselor educators maintain a responsibility for providing site supervisors with professional development opportunities (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. 2009 ). The goal of this study was to evaluate a model for providing preparation to site supervisors. Significant differences were observed from pretest to posttest on the Supervisory Self‐Efficacy Scale (Johnson & Stewart, 2008 ).  相似文献   

This phenomenological study explored 10 counselor education doctoral students' coteaching experiences with faculty members. Three coteaching structures identified from the data were relational, operational, and developmental. A definition of coteaching supported by the findings is presented. Implications for counselor education programs, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors used grounded theory to explore professional identity transitions for 23 counselor education doctoral students in a cross‐section sample based on nodal points in their programs. The transformational tasks that doctoral students face involve integration of multiple identities, evolution of confidence and legitimacy, and acceptance of responsibility as the source of knowledge about the profession. The authors offer implications for training doctoral students.  相似文献   

Although training standards for counseling students emphasize the importance of student evaluation, there is a lack of research that specifically describes how counselor educators may systematically assess the professional development of counselors-in-training. This exploratory study sought to determine a set of performance indicators for each of five identified components of professional development to provide counselor educators with an initial framework for assessing the professional growth of master's-level counseling students.  相似文献   

一名优秀的辅导员,应该以兄长的态度、运用引导自省和行为实践的方法,事事俱微地去掌握每一位学生的道德状况;用朋友的身份以典型示范和情境熏陶的方法,深入学生内心进行沟通、指引;用专家的素质和技能运用说服教育和评价引导的方法,有效地解决学生心中的每一个道德困惑.  相似文献   


College and university teaching involves almost universally and hegemonically the large group lecture format. This ubiquitous learning and teaching space has, however, long been criticized for the production of passive learning in which the “sage on the stage” transmits, and students receive passively. This article reports on and evaluates a longitudinal multidisciplinary controlled experiment in which students were exposed to imagery and non-redundant text-narrative to assess the presence or absence of active learning principles. The trial found that students exposed to MML experienced 40–80% greater levels of active learning practices over those exposed to narrative and text. Given the physiological (cognitive) nature of MML predictions, the implications of the research impact upon all disciplines where lectures are a means of knowledge-sharing practices in Higher Education.  相似文献   

Electronic communication and World Wide Web skill levels for graduate students entering a Master of Science in Education degree program with online components were examined before and after completion of an introductory technology skills course. Results indicated that students can identify their weaknesses and can subsequently develop skills for using electronic communication, the World Wide Web, and related activities through an online course designed to prepare them for success in taking subsequent online courses. The findings support views that Web-based courses require some skills that may be new for the student, and that students will require varying degrees of instruction in how to deal with technology-based learning.  相似文献   

Rarely are students given the opportunity to evaluate the total effect of a counselor education program on them as persons, learners, and emerging professionals. This article describes a comprehensive system analysis in which students evaluated their educational experience on such dimensions as faculty-student communication and decision making, psychological closeness, freedom to express deviant views, sexual and racial bias, and the degree to which the program climate encouraged them to be active rather than passive learners. Results categorized the program as consultative—a system in which power and authority are freely shared yet are not distributed equally.  相似文献   

This article addresses three major issues in the training of minority counselor education students: sensitivity to client; cultural differences in counseling; and relationships between the counselor trainee and his or her clients, professors, classmates, and agency–placement supervisors.  相似文献   

An internship model is presented for graduate students in counselor education or counselor supervision, particularly those at the doctoral level. The author contends that the internship is a relatively neglected but singularly vital component of graduate training. The author's model proposes five behavioral and interrelated dimensions of intern involvement in the field agency: meetings, observations, conferences, consultations and program evaluations. The article also discusses problems associated with internships, including planning and funding responsibilities as well as the need for defining the internship in behaviorally explicit terms.  相似文献   

Interpretive phenomenological analysis was used to explore 10 counselor education doctoral students' lived experiences with multiple roles and relationships. Four superordinate themes were found: power differential, need for education, transformation, and learning from experiences. Findings revealed that multiple roles and relationships offer doctoral students positive and negative experiences, shaping their development as future counselor educators.  相似文献   

This article provides suggestions, information, and resources for advisors to use in assisting students to obtain tenure-track counselor education positions. Recommendations for research are also presented.  相似文献   

专业课教师讲授通识课既存在教育理念方面的问题,也存在教学策略方面的问题。在教育理念方面,专业课教师往往用自己所熟悉的文化素质课、公共必修课、公共选修课的概念来理解通识课程,简单地将通识课理解为专业知识的普及课,没有在通识教育理念的指导下研究学生、教学目的、教学内容、教学形式和教学方法。在教学策略方面,大班上课,难以实行因材施教;以讲授法为主,难以激发学生的积极性、主动性和创造性;过分依赖多媒体,难以在课堂上开发新的课程内容;教学评价手段单一,难以实现教学评价的激励和调节功能。改变现状首先要改变文化素质教育的观点,树立起通识教育的理念,正确处理好通识课与专业课的关系。作为一种大学教育的理念,通识教育旨在通过对自由学术的探讨,培养理性完善、情感优美、行为优雅的"完整的人",中国古代的"大学之道"就是一种通识教育的理念。其次要改进教学策略,选择经典名著作为教学内容;采用灵活多样的教学组织形式;更多地采用共同解决问题型的教学方法。  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the current status of group work preparation in counselor education programs. The authors sent a questionnaire to a 10% (N = 310) stratified random sample by state of the membership of the Association for Specialists in Group Work. Respondents provided demographic information that was compared with two similar studies conducted 10 years ago. The results showed that counselor education programs are providing more and broader didactic and experiential group work preparation for graduates who are gaining employment in diversified work settings. In addition, the respondents surveyed indicated an increase in females as group workers and a more “active-instructive” role on the part of group counselors.  相似文献   

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