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以中国大学生为被试,采用实证研究方式,对Rye等人开发的情景宽恕量表(FS)进行修订。通过对1007名被试的数据进行探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析以及相关分析后发现,情景宽恕量表有三个维度:消极反应的消除、怀有积极反应和自我关注的消除。修订后的量表具有较好的内部一致性信度,同时也显示了较好的结构效度和实证效度。  相似文献   

高校新生入学后面临着种种适应问题,很多学生由于适应不良引发诸多心理问题,在高校新生入学适应性教育中分别采用团体心理咨询和个别心理咨询的方式,并通过身心症状自评量表SCL-90,对干预前后测试因子分的差异性比较,研究团体心理咨询和个别心理咨询对提高大学新生适应能力和心理健康水平的效果。  相似文献   

大学生人际交往中适应不良的心理现象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从行为困扰、交际困扰、待人接物、与异性交往、人际信任、交往焦虑、社交回避与苦恼七个方面,对南京江宁大学城5所高校的3019名学生进行了人际关系问卷调查,发现大学生在人际信任、交往焦虑、交际困扰、社交回避与苦恼四方面问题最为突出。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the structural and concurrent validity of the Academic Competence Evaluation Scales‐College (ACES‐College; J. C. DiPerna & S. N. Elliott, 2001). Results indicated that the ACES‐College is composed of 2 scales—Academic Skills and Academic Enablers—each with multiple subscales. Results also indicated that scores from the ACES‐College are moderately correlated with students' current and cumulative grade point averages. Directions for future research and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

自我监控量表的结构效度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Snyder(1974)编制的自我监控量表是应用相当广泛,同时也颇具争议的一个量表。它反映面部表情控制和自我呈现的个体差异。但国外相当多的研究认为该量表存在多个因子。该研究用中国被试进行研究,结果证实该量表存在三个因子:外向、表演和他人导向。三因子与最初构念存在较大差异,说明该量表的结构效度确实不高。  相似文献   

高教与社会发展之间的不适应现象主要表现在高教的发展滞后于社会的经济体制改革和市场经济的发展。其形成原因主要是现行的高教模式、高教运行机制、高教文化、高教人员素质等因素,都难以达到保证和促进高教依照自己“应然”的本质和规律进行运动的要求。  相似文献   

该研究用355名被试,考验了新自我监控量表的辨别效度。根据自我监控量表三个子量表:他人导向、自我导向和高自我监控,把被试分成四组:他人导向、自我导向、高自我监控和低自我监控组,验证他们在三类效标上是否存在预期的差异,效标分别为:对内外线索敏感、行为控制点、社会适应性。研究结果表明:新自我监控量表具有较好的辨别效度。  相似文献   

为考察马基雅维利主义人格量表(MPS)在大学生群体中的适用性,以481名武汉市大学生为被试,对 MPS 进行因素分析和效、信度检验,结果显示:(1)项目分析后保留16个项目,探索性因素分析抽取4个因素,各因子及项目归属与原问卷一致,4个因子可解释总变异的52.064%.(2)验证性因素分析显示4因素模型拟合良好;MPS 总分与各因子和人格特质、操纵策略相关显著.(3)内部一致性信度为0.727-0.831,重测信度为0.715-0.837.据此认为:MPS 中文版信、效度良好  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the underlying structure of the Children's Playfulness Scale (CPS). The CPS was administered to 602 children who were randomly divided into two groups (calibration and validation group). The calibration group (n= 279) included 137 boys and 142 girls, and the validation group (n= 323) included 162 boys and 161 girls, ranging in age from 4 to 6 years. A one-factor model was postulated and supported. According to the model, 5 variables measuring children's playfulness loaded on one factor (playfulness). In addition, the proposed model was found to be invariant across the two groups. Good cross-generalizability of the CPS appears to support its validity. Educators working in a preschool/kindergarten setting may use it with confidence when evaluating children's playfulness.  相似文献   

要使思想教育工作卓有成效,必须把重视人、尊重人、关心人、理解人、爱护人贯穿于思想教育工作的始终。  相似文献   

Criterion‐related profile analysis (CPA) can be used to assess whether subscores of a test or test battery account for more criterion variance than does a single total score. Application of CPA to subscore evaluation is described, compared to alternative procedures, and illustrated using SAT data. Considerations other than validity and reliability are discussed, including broad societal goals (e.g., affirmative action), fairness, and ties in expected criterion predictions. In simulation data, CPA results were sensitive to subscore correlations, sample size, and the proportion of criterion‐related variance accounted for by the subscores. CPA can be a useful component in a thorough subscore evaluation encompassing subscore reliability, validity, distinctiveness, fairness, and broader societal goals.  相似文献   

效度是评价高考选才有效性的指标。测算高考效度的最佳效标是大学学业总成绩,评价高考效度应当基于它提高高校录取决策质量的程度。实证研究认为,高考有效地发挥了为普通高等学校选择合适生源的作用,高考选才的有效性体现了由"精英"到"大众"转变的特点,就具体科目而言,英语科目选才的有效性最好,而综合科目选才的有效性最差。提高高考效度需要从命题、施考、阅卷、分数使用等因素入手,而制约高考效度提高的实践条件主要有考试理论与技术、考试模式、考试成本、高校招生录取制度及高校内部管理制度、舆论环境、利益的调整。  相似文献   

目的:引进及修订大学生被看重感量表,并检验其信效度。方法:使用UniversityMatteringScale(uMS)的中文译本,对612名大学生进行测试,通过验证性因素分析检验该量表的构念效度,使用学业自我效能感量表、社交适当担忧量表、中文版学校归属感量表检验其效标效度。结果:中文版大学生被看重感量表是一个3因素结构,各维度的内部一致性分别为觉察0.73、重要0.83、依赖0.70;大学生被看重感与学业自我效能感、学校归属感呈正相关,与社交适当担忧呈负相关(p〈0.01)。结论:中文版大学生被看重感量表具有较好的信效度。  相似文献   


The widely used New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) scale was recently revised to address concerns about its dimensionality and validity. As an ever larger number of researchers from an increasing variety of disciplines incorporate environmental issues into their research, the need for environmental concern measures such as the NEP will broaden. The authors evaluated the predictive validity of the original and revised versions of the NEP scale, some abbreviated NEP-derived scales, and a non-NEP environmental attitudes scale. All of these scales explained a significant amount of the variance in a measure of intention to engage in proenvi-ronmental behavior. Based on the results, the authors suggest how researchers should use these scales in their research.  相似文献   

从教育目的、内容、对象、方法方面分析了影响高校教师继续教育有效性的因素,并尝试提出了挖掘教师主体需要,以人为本,科学规划等提高教师继续教育有效性的一些建议。  相似文献   

Numerous researchers have proposed methods for evaluating the quality of rater‐mediated assessments using nonparametric methods (e.g., kappa coefficients) and parametric methods (e.g., the many‐facet Rasch model). Generally speaking, popular nonparametric methods for evaluating rating quality are not based on a particular measurement theory. On the other hand, popular parametric methods for evaluating rating quality are often based on measurement theories such as invariant measurement. However, these methods are based on assumptions and transformations that may not be appropriate for ordinal ratings. In this study, I show how researchers can use Mokken scale analysis (MSA), which is a nonparametric approach to item response theory, to evaluate rating quality within the framework of invariant measurement without the use of potentially inappropriate parametric techniques. I use an illustrative analysis of data from a rater‐mediated writing assessment to demonstrate how one can use numeric and graphical indicators from MSA to gather evidence of validity, reliability, and fairness. The results from the analyses suggest that MSA provides a useful framework within which to evaluate rater‐mediated assessments for evidence of validity, reliability, and fairness that can supplement existing popular methods for evaluating ratings.  相似文献   

高校学生评教有效性的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学生评教作为高校教学质量评价的必要环节,已被一些高等院校纳入学校教学管理常规,并在实际的教学过程中发挥着不可替代的作用。文章分析了影响学生评教有效性的因素,提出了提高学生评教有效性的对策,以期最大限度地发挥学生评教的积极作用,促进高校教学质量的稳步提高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable Turkish version of the Friendship Activity Scale (FAS). Both the English and Turkish versions of the FAS were administered to 36 students to check for language equivalence. The Turkish version of the FAS was then administered to 226 students to ensure internal consistency, and to 61 students to test re-test reliability. The FAS and Adjective Check List (ACL) were administered to 49 students to check concurrent validity. There was a significant relationship between the English and Turkish versions of the FAS (r?=?.78), and there were no significant differences between the two measurements (p?<?.05). Cronbach Alpha Reliability of the FAS for the Turkish sample was .86. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of the repeated measurements of the FAS appeared to be sufficiently high (.89), and there were no significant differences between the mean values of two interval measurements (p?<?.05). The FAS significantly correlated with the ACL (r?=?0.58). The total item correlations of the FAS were acceptable, ranging between 0.26 and 0.65. In conclusion, the FAS appears to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the behavioral intentions of Turkish elementary school children, and their commitment to initiating a friendship with a peer with a disability.  相似文献   


The Children’s New Ecological Paradigms scale was originally developed for children ages 10–12 and was presented as valuable for comparing that age group with older participants. This study uses cognitive interviews and measurement invariance testing to investigate how well the scores maintain the same meaning between these two age groups. The qualitative and quantitative results were consistent in revealing that at least 20% of the items function differently than expected when we use it for this purpose. The findings revealed similarities with critiques of the adult NEP and questioned the validity of the use of this instrument in its present form.  相似文献   

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