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美国研究生奖助学金资助体系及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析比较美国及我国研究生奖助学金资助现状,结合当前十七所高校试点研究生培养机制改革的情况,初步探讨我国研究生培养机制改革、特别是奖助机制改革的基本规律和特点,借鉴美国的成功经验对我国研究生奖助机制的改革提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

美国研究生培养模式及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从培养目标和培养计划、研究生的招生和入校选拔、课程设置与教学、科学研究和学位论文等多角度考察和分析了美国研究生培养模式,并结合中国实际提出些启示和建议。  相似文献   

自实施研究生培养机制改革以来,部分重点高校取得了显著的改革成果,但也出现了不少议论焦点问题,其主要包括研究生奖助学金评定标准、奖助学金级差、奖助学金资助范围、资助体系、人文关怀等。本文针对以上问题提出了若干基本对策和建议。  相似文献   

美国的研究生教育事业后来居上,在办学规模、办学质量和办学形式等方面都遥居世界前列,屡有创新和开拓。作为美国研究生教育实用部分的专业学位研究生教育,研究其内涵、特色及其兴起与发展的过程和社会条件,可以对我国专业学位研究生教育的发展有一定的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

自实施研究生培养机制改革以来,部分重点高校取得了显著的改革成果,但也出现了不少议论焦点问题,其主要包括研究生奖助学金评定标准、奖助学金级差、奖助学金资助范围、资助体系、人文关怀等。本文针对以上问题提出了若干基本对策和建议。  相似文献   

美国研究生招生考试制度分析及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章基于我国当前研究生教育质量下滑和研究生招生考试制度不完善这一客观事实的思考,积极探索和认真研究美国的研究生招生考试制度,借鉴其成功经验,尝试性地提出了改革和完善我国当前研究生招生考试的建议。  相似文献   

简晏红 《文教资料》2009,(33):191-193
我国研究生奖助学金制度的改革已经进行了三年.此项制度在人才质量提高方面确实发挥了一定作用,但是非预期的问题也出现了不少。本文运用CIPP评价模式对其进行了分析.即对比制度的目标制定、方案设计、实施过程和实施成果进行评价,以期给相关教育行政部门带来一些启示。  相似文献   

美国研究生教育的特点及其对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国是研究生教育十分发达的国家,美国研究生教育有着一百多年的历史,形成了一套比较成熟的研究生教育体系;本文通过对美国研究生教育的历史、课程设置、招生制度以及社会性和开放性的介绍,分析了美国研究生教育的特点,提出我国研究生教育改革发展的思路。  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前我国研究生奖助学金资助体系的现状和存在问题,结合这一体系提出应坚持的基本原则,认为应当加大资金投入,扩大资金来源,增设资助奖项,制定科学的评价标准,确保评选过程的公开、公平、公正,加强对学生的诚信教育等措施。  相似文献   

研究生教育是高等教育的重要内容。研究生奖助学金制度在一定程度上映射出研究生教育导向,影响研究生教育质量。加强研究生奖助学金体系化建设,需要立足学生评价的目的、过程、效果三个环节,通过分类引导、奖助分离、科学评定、跟踪反馈及队伍建设五个维度,进行全面而整体思考,充分激发研究生奖助学金的实际效能。  相似文献   

African American female faculty at large research universities are given the same responsibilities as other faculty. They must teach, conduct research, engage in worthwhile service to the university community, and regularly disseminate the results of their work in scholarly publications. Rewards from the university are directly tied to the level of success that the faculty member experiences. The minority label is often a barrier to the African American female faculty member's search for full standing in the university's community of scholars. To overcome this barrier, African American women must find and use the best information available to help them. This includes finding a good mentor, mastering a variety of information sources, and building a strong personal and professional network.Melvin M. Bowie is an associate professor and graduate coordinator in the Department of Instructional Technology at the University of Georgia. She received her A.B. degree in history and French from Tougaloo College; an M.S. in library science from the University of Illinois; and, a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instructional Media from Iowa State University. Her current research interests, including studies carried out for the National Reading Research Center, focus on collection development and resource-based teaching. Her teaching areas include technical services in school media centers, collection development, and administration of school media programs.  相似文献   

Prestige hierarchies, common to all organizations, are considered for positions at a university. Davis and Moore (1945) have called such stratification in any social system a universal necessity. Using procedures developed to measure prestige of occupations in national surveys, the attribution of prestige attached to university positions was determined. One hundred and eight positions were scaled, and the scale's validity and underlying scaling criteria were evaluated. It appears that university prestige is a microcosm of national prestige, and seems to have a similar socioeconomic base.  相似文献   

The relation between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction was investigated by applying a longitudinal design at a time interval of two years, and by comparing two different grade level cohorts of students. Participants comprised 1.225 Norwegian students divided by two subsamples (6th and 8th grade level/8th and 10th grade level). The results showed stationary effects of autonomy support and basic need satisfaction, respectively, from Time 1 to Time 2. There was also evidence of a causal effect from T1 to T2 between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction, and reciprocal causation from basic need satisfaction T1 to autonomy support T2. These effects were grade level and gender specific. The present study provided support for longitudinal relations between autonomy support and basic need satisfaction. Autonomy support and basic need satisfaction are both antecedents to and consequences of themselves, also when measured at long term intervals.  相似文献   

教学秘书是教学管理工作的具体事务的执行者,是保证高校教学工作顺利运行的关键一个环节。教学秘书的工作几乎涉及院校教学管理工作的方方面面,工作任务繁重,千头万绪,很多事情不仅重要,而且有很强的紧迫性。所以做好教学管理工作必须具备多方面的素质,如思想素质,业务素质和心理素质等。作者从实际经验出发,重点对所要具备的业务素质进行分析。  相似文献   

Despite the success of academic advising dashboards in several higher educational institutions (HEI), these dashboards are still under-explored in Latin American HEI's. To close this gap, three different Latin American universities adapted an existing advising dashboard, originally deployed at the KU Leuven to their own context. In all three cases, the context was the main ruling factor to these adaptations. In this paper, we describe these adaptions using a framework that focuses on four different elements of the context: Objectives, Stakeholders, Key moment and Interactions. Evaluation of the adapted dashboards in the three different Latin American universities is conducted through pilots. This evaluation shows the value of the dashboard approach in different contexts in terms of satisfaction, usefulness and impact in academic decision-making and advising tasks. The main contribution of this paper is the systematic reporting of the adaptations to an academic advising dashboard and showing the value of an academic advising dashboard on academic decision-making and advising tasks.  相似文献   

20世纪五六十年代是美国大学扩张的重要时期,美国高等教育走向大众化。在规模不断扩大的同时,美国大学的使命发生了重大变化——社会服务职能的地位日渐显耀。大学与社会的联系愈加紧密,成为美国社会系统中一种不可或缺的重要机构。而联邦政府与大学之间连结的形成成为该时期大学发展的重要特征。大学使命的变化带来了大学教师职业环境与职业责任的变迁,在教学与科研之外,社会服务责任日渐增多,并且影响着两种传统职业责任的完成。然而,不论大学发展到何种程度,教学与科研都是大学的立身之本,是大学教师不能忽视的职业责任的重心。  相似文献   

网络教学支持服务系统是以课程为平台,以师生互动为方式,以教学资源共享为目的而构成的网络服务系统.它具有开放性好、交互性强、通用性高、扩展方便且界面友好、安全性高等特点。它由教师支持服务子系统、学生支持服务子系统、教学管理支持服务子系统等三大子系统组成.它可以为教师、学生和教学管理人员提供统一的、个性化的网络教学支持服务.  相似文献   

【路透社】穆迪投资者服务公司日前称,自2008年以来,全美公立、私立大学普遍面临捐赠基金亏损、流动性收窄、校友捐赠减少、地方政府援助减少以及学生抵制学费上涨等诸多困难。2007~2009年经济衰退重创美国各州收入,金融危机令很多大学的捐赠基金严重亏损。为保证小学、初中教育不受影响,很多州开始削减高等教  相似文献   

近年来,高校各项政策不断完善,在资助高校学生教育方面取得巨大飞跃,始终坚持"助学为先、励志为重、感恩为导"的教育理念。高校深刻了解学生资助对培养人才的重要意义,始终将每个学生都培养成才作为工作中心,考虑到被资助学生的特殊情况,高校不仅对学生展开经济资助,还关注被资助学生的心理塑造,立志将每一个有理想的高校学生培养成精神世界丰富、综合素质高、专业能力强的优秀人才。  相似文献   

美国是世界一流大学的聚集地,是培养优秀人才的摇篮。美国大学的使命对其大学发展具有重要作用。本文通过对美国大学使命及大学使命价值的研究,对我国大学在追求真理、确定办学目标及办学特色等方面,揭示出一定的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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