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近年来图书馆使用电子书版权的方式发生较大的变化,根据图书馆电子书平台的管理主体,可以将电子书的版权授权链划分为集成商主导、出版商主导和图书馆主导三种授权链模式;图书馆电子书的版权授权模式分为单用户、多用户和混合用户三大模式七个类型,不同模式和类型有各自的特征。调研发现,当前图书馆电子书版权授权模式主要由电子书提供商推行,远远不能满足用户的使用需求,对图书馆电子书资源建设和服务产生了不利影响;建立合理的版权授权模式需要各利益主体树立生态观的思维,在利益博弈的过程中相互妥协。优化图书馆电子书版权授权模式的策略有:政府牵头完善电子书版权授权机制,充分发挥图书馆行业协会的作用,加强与不同利益群体共赢合作的关系,健全电子书市场竞争机制。图4。参考文献32。  相似文献   

印本图书与电子图书的集成检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的印本图书和现代的电子图书并存于现代图书馆之中,通过各自的独立的服务系统为读者提供信息服务,未能形成一个完整的馆藏资源体系.本文在分析图书馆图书集成检索的现状和采取的技术路线基础至上,提出了图书集成检索与服务传递系统的功能结构,指出了图书集成检索将会发展成为馆藏资源整合的不可或缺的一部分.  相似文献   


Building a library’s collection requires more than collecting print materials and shelving them in the stacks. The growth of e-books and e-serials over the past decade has been phenomenal. Given the scope of its collection building, the Library of Congress (LOC) has been required to actively pursue the acquisition and management of e-books and e-serials in its permanent collection. This article surveys how the LOC has taken advantage of existing structures and how it has pursued new paths to succeed in this undertaking. Finally, it lays out some of the outstanding problems that the LOC faces as it attempts to build a digital equivalent to its print collection.  相似文献   

馆藏文献数字化:意义、进展与问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
论述了我国图书馆馆藏文献数字化的意义、发展阶段及其基本特征,分析了我国馆藏文献数字化发展过程中出现的主要问题,并提出相应的解决方法和措施。  相似文献   

Although e-books date back to the 1970s, the peak of academic adoption was in the early to mid-2000s. At the beginning of the 2012/2013 academic year, the Franklin & Marshall (F&M) College Library had roughly 500,000 print volumes cataloged and only 12 e-books. By the end of that year, the catalog contained approximately 120,000 e-books. In February 2014, the F&M College Library conducted a campus-wide survey about e-books. By comparing these results with F&M’s usage statistics, the Library found practical suggestions on how to improve current acceptance and usage of e-books.  相似文献   

The University of Baltimore Library was recently renovated. Part of the design in the newly renovated space was having one single service point, that we call the Information Desk. This desk serves as the public facing portal for what was previously three public facing service points to services by three separate departments, Academic Success, Access Services and Reference & Instruction.

This article describes in depth how our Information Desk Leadership Team encouraged and used our library student employees’ expertise and knowledge in the formation of policy and procedure manual, training documents, reference tools and resume lines for use at a single service point.  相似文献   

Subject specialists seek to understand humanists' perceptions of e-books. The investigator conducted an online survey of humanities faculty at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) to find out. The survey uncovered information about the e-book collections humanist scholars benefit from most. Respondents used and valued e-books but felt printed books were more important in their disciplines. The major disadvantages of e-books outnumbered the major advantages in scholars' estimation, but the desire for ready access to book content largely eclipsed their affinity for print and any perceived disadvantages of the e-book format. The investigator considers implications for local humanities collection development.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过图书馆智慧空间建设:概念、演变、评价与设计等的探讨,憧憬图书馆智慧空间服务的美好未来。[方法/过程] 回顾图书馆空间服务的探索历程,对实体空间、主题空间、知识空间建设和服务中的智慧因素进行概念界定和具体分析,对其背后起到关键支撑作用的ABCDE (人工智能artificial,intelligence、区块链blockchain、云计算cloud,computing、大数据big,data和扩展现实extended,reality)5类技术进行介绍。[结果/结论] 通过案例分析,提出图书馆智慧空间建设的目标、愿景、需求、设计、实施和评估等诸多方面的考虑,展望未来图书馆智慧空间服务激动人心的远景。  相似文献   

刘佳 《编辑之友》2016,(1):103-107
伴随着电子书的发展与普及,日本的电子书版权问题日益复杂,电子书是否适用传统的首次销售原则以及私人复制需要进一步探讨.与此同时,日本的电子书版权保护趋于法定化,私人复制补偿金制度已在展望中,特别值得关注的是2015年1月通过的日本著作权法修正案中增设了电子书出版权.如今我国电子书出版增长快速,但出版权尚未明确立法.我国可以效仿日本在著作权法中设立电子书出版权,以更好地解决电子书版权问题,保护出版者权利,为出版合同提供法理依据.  相似文献   

图书馆参考咨询工作的范式演变及挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从参考咨询工作开展的四要素出发探讨图书馆参考咨询工作范式,从基于文献的传统参考咨询过渡到基于服务的数字参考咨询,并逐步向基于用户的数字参考咨询演变.并阐述了这种演变给参考信息源建设、参考馆员素质和能力等各方面带来的影响和挑战.  相似文献   

在系统分析美国图书馆法历史演进的基础上,总结了美国图书馆立法的主要经验:图书馆事业的发展离不开图书馆法的支持、平等理念和人本精神、全国性法和地方法相结合、图书馆法与教育法相联系、图书馆法要随着图书馆事业的发展与时俱进。最后阐述了上述经验对中国图书馆立法的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

图书馆信息化革命与图书馆学的沿革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪图书馆发生的馆藏载体形式多样化革命和馆藏信息存储状态的数字化革命,导致了传统图书馆学发展为图书馆信息学,继而又发展到网络图书馆学的变革。我国学术界把图书馆学、信息学和情报学分隔开来,各持已见,是与图书馆和图书馆学发展的大趋势相悖的。我们应以三者统一的新视角,重新认识图书馆学的沿革。  相似文献   

E-books are an important part of library collections. Allowing patrons to easily find e-books in a library’s online catalog requires properly cataloging these materials. Miao Jin, Catalog Librarian at Hinds Community College, gave a presentation titled “Cataloging e-Books: Dealing with Vendors and Various Other Problems” at the Mississippi State University Libraries’ eResource & Emerging Technologies Summit held in the Mitchell Memorial Library on August 2, 2013. Jin provided information on cataloging her library’s e-books and adding them to the library’s online catalog. She presented strategies for loading e-book machine-readable cataloging (MARC) records, and shared her experience working with vendors.  相似文献   

During the fall of 2008, the librarians at Rodgers Library and the Associate Dean for Collections examined circulation statistics for print materials published in the past five years. At the same time, they were examining use of electronic resources in science and engineering. The difference in use was staggering. While the use of electronic resources continues to rise, the circulation of print materials falls. Statistics showed that only one third of the print materials ordered over the past five years have circulated, many only one time. Based on this information, the authors began discussing alternatives. While e-books will constitute a possible substitute for print books, they know that the two formats are complementary and will continue to maintain a balance in their collection. E-book acquisitions continue to evolve as new options become available.  相似文献   

Past trends in reference instruction, query analysis and proliferation of reference tools classed by primary functions into a general typology anticipated the use of paradigm logic, templates, search strategies, and systematic searching in applied Artificial Intelligence research and design of expert system, especially referral and decision-support systems. The approach, methodologies, and technique employed in basic reference and subject-area reference instruction in four graduate library schools, developed first at the University of Maryland after 1976, are reviewed. The advantages and limitations of the latter are discussed to suggest the interplay of personal service, manual tools, and computerized systems for holistic reference programs. Librarians' transition to the automated tools using AI methods might be improved by introducing paradigms, typologies, strategies, and a systems approach in reference instruction for professionals and more generally in bibliographic instruction.  相似文献   

This article details the way that a small academic library transformed its collection-building processes and took a fresh look at the objectives of cataloging along the way. The St. Edward's University Library accomplished this by embracing a convergence of new technologies and tools: demand-driven acquisitions, a powerful discovery layer, the robust e-book marketplace for academic libraries, and Amazon's vast stock and two-day shipping.  相似文献   

认为建国以来我国图书馆界的协作活动主要经历“统筹规划期”、“调整恢复期”、“深化发展期”和“自主创新期” 四个阶段,各阶段的活动内容不同,但与国家的发展战略息息相关,在不同程度上促进我国图书馆事业的发展。  相似文献   

一个多世纪以来,近现代西方图书馆空间布局的演进经历了复古思潮、功能主义、理性主张和审视创新四个时期,纵观这段历史,可以发现其空间形式演变的特征和规律:从清晰走向模糊的空间限定;从静态转变为动感的空间组织;从艺术表达发展至为人设计的空间界面处理.参考文献17.  相似文献   

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