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With the advent of e-journal preservation projects and publisher digitization of journal backfiles, academic libraries have begun to move their corresponding print volumes of these titles to storage to avoid duplication and save space. This article examines the supporting justifications, outreach mechanisms, and logistical procedures undertaken at American University Library to relocate the entire bound journal collection to offsite storage in order to address severe physical space constraints and to support patron use of and preference for electronic journal content. In addition, the article presents preliminary data regarding the use of bound volumes sent to storage and an overall analysis of this transformational project.  相似文献   


What happens when an academic library's print collection is reduced by half to meet strategic planning goals? The library at the University of Texas (UT) at Tyler joined a shared resources facility—the Joint Library Facility (JLF)—that uses a resource-in-common (RIC) model. The current article describes UT Tyler library's massive weeding project and decision to participate in the JLF as a result of strategic planning initiatives, explains the RIC model along with the JLF, outlines some pros and cons of participation in the JLF/RIC model, and reviews what was learned from the experience.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium (PALCI) has developed a shared print archive, an archive that promises to maintain rarely used print journals from noted scientific society publishers for a ten year period. The goals for this collaborative project are to ensure access to commonly held print journal titles, to allow libraries to withdraw materials so they may re-purpose valuable space, and to share the responsibility of storing print titles at individual institutions instead of requiring a centralized storage facility. This paper discusses the grassroots origins for this project and the process decisions involved in turning the archive from vision into reality.  相似文献   

The long-standing cooperative culture within the research library community should serve as a useful foundation for building regional cooperative agreements to support repositories of print journal backfiles. Serious storage constraints facing Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison mandated an effort to tackle this problem in a deliberative and coordinated way. An inter-institutional Task Force was formed to design and implement a process with a selected group of titles as a pilot project. The immediate goal was to liberate shelf space with an eye toward the future development of a consortial collection management plan for the storage of print journals among the three institutions.  相似文献   

Academic research libraries have a tradition of collaboration, from selecting foreign language material to licensing electronic resources. Although most storage facilities have tended to be local, some libraries have collaborated on operating shared storage facilities. The growth of digital repositories of printed materials has given the library community the opportunity to engage in a conversation about how to collaboratively take responsibility for the long-term selection and preservation of the print originals. Establishing regional repositories will allow member libraries to draw down local print collections. This review article will trace the major development of this progression from local storage facility to regional print repository.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis and comparison of library print and online holdings are used to reduce shelf area and inform index back-file purchases. Nikki DeMoville of California Polytechnic State University’s Robert E. Kennedy Library combined Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) JR2 Access Denied usage reports, holdings information, and print circulation data to identify journals exhibiting a high desirability for online access and low print circulation. In this presentation, DeMoville shared how further combination of this data with ScienceDirect quote lists for back-file journal packages and Web of Science metrics could be used to support the efficient de-selection of print journals, allowing the library to recover the maximum amount of physical space while also acquiring backfile access to those titles most frequently needed in electronic format. The presentation detailed the workflows and comparative methodology used to reach collection management and development decisions for journal coverage, with an emphasis on before and after metrics.  相似文献   

Dan Crane 《期刊图书馆员》2013,64(3-4):286-294
This article describes the history, structure and workings of the UK Research Reserve, a national collaborative programme to release space in Higher Education Libraries and secure copies of print journals. The program's key processes are described to illustrate how a national collection of copies for access and preservation is created using coordinated de-duplication and shared storage. Achievements to date and possibilities for future developments are outlined.  相似文献   

网络环境下图书储藏模式的转变   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近年来,由于藏书量的增长以及校园建筑空间有限、土地昂贵等原因,促使美国一些研究图书馆仿效哈佛大学图书仓库的模式,在远离校园的地方建设图书储藏库,储藏使用率低的文献,目前已建设了几十个这样的储藏库。储藏库通常为环境可控的、高度密集式排架的书库,有独立式的,有共享式或联盟式的。一些专业人士正在探讨把地方性图书馆和储藏库、区域性储藏库按照一定的系统或线索,例如地理区域线索,组成一个网络,为数字时代印刷型文献的保存和利用提供一个理想模式。  相似文献   

The Research Collections and Preservation Consortium (ReCAP) was formed through the collaboration of Columbia University, New York Public Library, and Princeton University with the objective of creating and managing a facility that would provide long-term, environmentally correct off-site shelving and servicing of library collections. ReCAP's high-density storage building opened in January 2002 on Princeton's Forrestral Campus with three storage modules, an initial capacity of 7 million volumes, modular expandability up to 37.5 million volumes, and archival-quality environmental control, fire suppression, and security systems. With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, a study was organized to investigate the feasibility of ReCAP serving as a repository for artifactual collections for a wider constituency than the three member institutions. In particular, the project focused on the journals represented digitally in JSTOR, an electronic archive of scholarly journals that contains more than 8 million pages of text, and supports 1500 customers.This paper discusses that study's conclusions and ReCAP's potential as an artifactual repository of materials represented digitally.  相似文献   


The three papers that follow detail the funding issues that underlie a multi-campus shared digital collection; the implementation of an experiment to determine costs incurred and avoided, usage and user preferences when print journals are relocated to storage and users must rely on the electronic versions; and finally, campus perspectives on UC libraries' collaborative environment, the co-investment models used to fund shared collections and University-wide participation in an extensive and complicated research project.  相似文献   

In Florida, the State University Libraries deans have chosen to take a two-pronged approach to addressing limited physical capacity in their facilities: developing a statewide storage facility and deduplicating print serial titles. The initial efforts in the state have focused on titles included in the Journals in Storage electronic collections. Specifically, the collaboration between the University of Florida and Florida State University is the focus of this article. The background information, efforts made, lessons learned, and jobs still to be done will each be given more attention, with the intent of providing a starting point for other institutions considering similar initiatives.  相似文献   

The economic situation of higher education, creation of vast digital collections, restructuring of knowledge production and distribution, and changing technologies and work practices give libraries incentives collectively to address a number of opportunities. Among these is adopting a radically collaborative approach to print collections. We extrapolate from shared print programs in the United States in 2012 a vision for print collections in the 2020s and discuss the developments needed to achieve it. This vision is the desirable outcome of libraries’ defining their mission less in terms of serving local interests with local means than collectively serving students and scholars.  相似文献   

University Library at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis is in the process of repurposing space currently occupied by the print collection. To prepare for further reallocation of library space, reliable estimates of stacks space were needed. Two members of the Access Services Team applied systematic random sampling to estimate existing—and anticipated—empty shelf space. Results indicate that more than 30% of the shelf space is empty, while over 25% is occupied by journals, most of which are available in electronic format. These estimates would be used to inform decision making about shifting and/or withdrawal of library materials in preparation for the renovation of additional library spaces. The data-gathering process as well as data analysis and application used during the project may be applicable in other academic libraries.  相似文献   

哈佛大学的图书馆系统及馆藏管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
描述哈佛大学图书馆系统和馆藏管理的特点。哈佛大学图书馆通过开发不同类型的联合目录,有效管理和利用馆藏资源,并用一个现代化的共享式密集书库来解决馆藏空间不足的问题。另外,哈佛大学图书馆还采取分别协调、集中引进的方法对数字化资源进行管理。  相似文献   

This article discusses an assessment and deselection project of the modern print book collections in the John Paul II Library, National University of Ireland Maynooth. Following a contextual introduction and literature review, the article outlines the methodology, presents and discusses the results, and concludes with lessons learned. Although this project had its origins in planning for a major extension to the Library, its main aim was to ensure current and relevant print book collections. The purpose of the article is to share experience in the hope of it being useful to other libraries considering a review of print book collections.  相似文献   

An Oregon State University Libraries (OSUL) study group's review of its current policies, practices, and costs provides an illustrative case study of the challenges in managing government documents during this period of transition from print to digital. In its exploration of more aggressive approaches to greatly increasing access to electronic collections and reducing the size of the print footprint, OSUL learned that the current requirements of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) hamper such efforts. This case study provides background on prior internal studies, OSUL's participation in a shared housing agreement, statistics on size and current usage of its government documents, and the costs to receive, process, and provide access to its document collection. It concludes with the recommendations for OSUL to be as proactive as it can be under the current FDLP rules and regulations while bringing projected costs to manage government documents more in line with higher priorities.  相似文献   

Academic libraries acquiring e-books through approval plans and other acquisition methods might question whether their collections are properly balanced between e-books and print books since patron needs vary across subject areas. This study examines seven years of monograph purchases at Texas A&M University Libraries (TAMU) through the approval plan vendor. Acquisition and use data are analyzed across subject areas. Study results inform how to balance print and e-collections to effectively support academic programs. TAMU purchased 78% of the monographs in print despite adopting an e-preferred approval plan, though most subject areas had higher e-book use compared to print.  相似文献   

The Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries is a consortium of twenty-two university libraries in western Canada. Planning for a regional shared print archive has included the formation of several task groups, the engagement of a project consultant, and local development of a holdings registry tool. The original impetus for the project was to clear maximum shelf space at member libraries quickly. The planning challenge that has emerged is to design a project that meets this short-term regional need for repurposed space in member libraries, while building in scalability to address a broader preservation mandate, and that allows linking to related initiatives in other jurisdictions.  相似文献   


This article describes a high-density off-site book storage facility operated by a consortium of the University of Colorado and the University of Denver. Opened in 2001, it has capacity to house nearly 1.5 million items in only 9,500 square feet by shelving books by size on thirty-foot tall shelving. Materials are retrieved upon patrons' electronic request and delivered to the library daily. By removing seldom-used material to off-site storage, valuable library space is made available for patron-service activities. As millions of volumes are moved off-site in favor of on-demand delivery, the nature of the research library will change. This article describes the high-density off-site storage facility at the University of Colorado, the reason for its existence, the retrieval and delivery system. This paper also explores some implications of high-density off-site storage for library materials.  相似文献   

This study examines usage patterns of psychology e-books and equivalent print titles held in Texas A&M University (TAMU) Libraries collections. The authors sought to determine how well PsycBOOKS, a specialized subject-based collection, serves users' needs. Results support evidence-based collection acquisition and management decisions of books in print and electronic formats. Major findings indicate that PsycBOOKS is a critical and cost-effective resource supporting the TAMU user community and that hybrid print and electronic collections should coexist to support a variety of user information needs.  相似文献   

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