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This study examined the stress‐buffering role of social support on indicators of psychosocial functioning among a combined and split sample of ethnically diverse college students. Although high social support significantly moderated 2 relationships in the combined sample, high and low levels of social support significantly reduced the effect of stress on depressive symptoms of students of color. For White students, high social support moderated the effect of stress on protective behaviors. Implications for college counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

文化学习与幼儿教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿应该学什么?什么时候开始学?如何才能学得好?我怎样才能知道我已经回答了上述三个问题?第一个问题主要是关于课程的目标与目的,第二个问题是关于如何看待儿童长远发展问题,第三个问题是关于如何贯彻课程计划,第四个问题是关于评估。这四个问题是所有打算制定幼儿教育课程的人必须回答的。本文对这四个问题作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the views of 20 full-time international postgraduate students, many of whom were Chinese, on living, learning and becoming successful students at one university in a multicultural city in the Midlands of England. The qualitative study built on findings from the International Students’ Barometer (ISB) survey for the university, in that it seeks to understand how students’ experience of context (living) interacted with their experience of learning in building their identities as successful learners. Student participants were sampled opportunistically within a purposive framework. Data was collected through audio-recorded individual semi-structured interviews, using as a stimulus participant-constructed concept maps of their perceptions of learning in the university and living in the city. Interview data were transcribed and analysed thematically. The main findings showed that participants enjoyed living in a city with an international culture, although some found it strange initially because they encountered different styles of life and food, albeit including some that they enjoyed at home. They welcomed studying at a university with high international prestige, a wide range of excellent facilities and generally approachable tutors but were shocked by having to undertake unfamiliar styles of independent learning with brief teaching hours. They perceived culture shock as transitional, which declined as they made friends, often with co-linguists, and became familiar with life in the city, work in the university and the extensive support of tutors.  相似文献   

对来华留学生的中华文化认同教育是提升国家文化软实力的重要途径之一.基于浙江省五所高校的来华留学生调查问卷数据分析,目前高校留学生对中华文化的认同总体趋于积极正向,且汉语水平对留学生中华文化认同的影响较显著.针对来华留学生中华文化认同的现状,应在树立文化平等意识的基础上,通过加强语言与文化教学的融合、优化对外汉语教学策略...  相似文献   

教师促进少数民族学生学业成绩的一项个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A field investigation at Yunnan Mengbo Township Middle School showed that teacher’s multi-cultural sense plays an important role in improving academic achievements of ethnic minority students.Therefore,in teacher education,sense of multi-cultures should be cultivated to meet the need of teachers under the background of multi-cultures.  相似文献   

高伟 《学科教育》2014,(4):3-11
当下中国教育改革必须考虑文明的整体性问题并回到文化建设的轨道上来。中国教育改革需要保持清醒的中国现代性问题意识,这一问题意识表现为文化认同危机、全球性与在地性矛盾、人格系统与价值系统的变异三个层面。中国教育的文化建设的主要任务在于培养有教养的人、重建文化认同和回归有文化的政治。21世纪中国教育改革和文化改革的前景是复兴文化传统、回归教育自主与创造新的共同价值。  相似文献   

从育人文化角度阐述大学文化的本质,教风、学风、管理制度和校园环境是大学育人文化的载体,指出良好载体在大学育人文化中的作用,并从加强大学教风、学风建设,实现大学以人为本的育人目标,营造良好的育人环境等方面对育人文化进行了阐释。  相似文献   

During the second half of the twentieth century, faithful followers of non-Western religions immigrated into Western European countries. Their children were a challenge for the respective educational system in the host countries. In the Dutch context, the educational system consists of public and private schools in which religion is the most dividing factor. Private schools are largely denominational schools with, as main denominations, Roman Catholics and Protestants, while state schools are presented as religiously neutral. How did this dual system cope with the import of a relatively new religion like Islam? In our contribution, we describe half a century’s history of Islamic children in Dutch schools by addressing the following questions. In what way did state and denominational schools on the one hand and the government on the other hand try to include Islamic pupils (and their parents) and facilitate their integration into the Dutch educational system and by consequence into Dutch society? And, the other way around, how did these new comers adapt themselves to the Dutch educational system, and did they stimulate, directly or indirectly, reflection on religion and values? We come to the conclusion that the most influential initiatives came from both Christian and Islamic schools as a consequence of their focus on the importance of the formation of pupil identity and life orientation and that teachers’ knowledge about and attitude regarding (religious) diversity are pivotal in processes of learning about and from each other as a precondition for integration into a society characterised by diversity.  相似文献   

在文化全球化的背景下,文化领域出现了一种反思、一种寻根的意识,谈传统文化和文化主体意识的人日渐多了起来。但什么是传统文化?什么是文化主体意识?文化全球化了我们怎么办?对这些问题却众说纷纭,莫衷一是。本文围绕这三个问题展开论述,阐述了传统文化的形成、内涵和特点,文化主体意识应包括哪些内容,以及面对文化全球化我们应该采取的正确态度。  相似文献   


A prominent explanation of intergenerational educational inequality is Bourdieu’s cultural reproduction theory. Indeed, previous studies have frequently shown that children’s cultural capital relates to academic outcomes. However, it remains unclear how children convert their cultural capital into achievement. While Bourdieu argued that cultural capital influences academic outcomes primarily by biasing teachers’ grades, other researchers have proposed the alternative explanation that children’s cultural capital absorption directly translates into academic skills. Using survey data on 2975 fifth graders from the German National Educational Panel Study, we disentangle these two mechanisms of children’s cultural capital conversion; and argue that the main conversion mechanism depends on the cultural capital dimension examined. The results of our structural equation model suggest that both mechanisms are at work and that the main conversion mechanism depends on the dimension of cultural capital examined.  相似文献   


Using the Israeli case, our study delves into teachers’ and students’ notions of social justice, exploring how they are shaped by both world culture trends and local conditions. We first identify social justice notions in the world culture perspective and Israeli society. Then, we empirically examine how these notions are understood by educational agents – teachers and students – across sectors that mirror Israeli society’s major divide: Jewish and Arab-Palestinian. Findings suggest that educational agents and ethnonational affiliation play a major role in recreating national heritages and the different ways in which they understand social justice their lives.  相似文献   

翻译不仅是一项简单的文字转化过程,更是一项跨文化交际活动。由于英汉两种语言产生与发展的文化背景相差很大.译者在两种语言翻译过程中不应该简单着眼于字面对应,而忽视了语言背后的文化因素,导致翻译中出现文化误读。浅析英汉文化中的主要差异。使译者在翻译中具有文化差别意识,避免出现文化误读。  相似文献   

在全球化的今天,浸染在网络环境下的高职生广泛吸收着各国各民族文化,但由于各种原因,他们对本民族优秀传统文化存在一定程度上的认同危机。如何提升高职生中华民族文化认同已成为职业学校亟待解决的问题,以语文教学培育高职生中华民族文化认同不失为有效路径。通过对现有语文教材内容的整合、重组及重新解读,提炼其中蕴含的中华民族文化精神或要素,建设校本化特色语文课堂;开展中华民族传统文化特色的语文实践活动;结合信息化手段,建设五年制高职语文课程中华民族传统文化资源库,以此增强高职生对中华民族文化的认同,培养热爱祖国、有责任担当的劳动者和接班人。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to address the teaching and learning processes in schools from a Vygotskian perspective based on the notion of identity artefacts (IAs) which, for our purposes, consist of documents created by the learners about themselves, in which they try to capture all the things that make sense and are meaningful to them and which, subsequently, can be used by teachers to work on curricular and pedagogical content. We conceptualise the notion of the identity artefact from the broader notions of mediation and cultural artefacts. We also provide a critical analysis of some examples of IAs.  相似文献   

This article considers the desirability and legitimacy of denominational schools from the perspective of socialisation theory. It examines the popular criticism that nowadays the common reason for the existence of denominational schools – the religious socialisation of children – is endorsed by a dwindling number of parents, which renders the existence of these schools obsolete. It is shown, however, that this popular criticism is based on a traditional understanding of religious socialisation as the transmission of faith. Counter to this traditional understanding, the article presents a more modern conception of socialisation as personality development. On the basis of this interpretation of socialisation, the pedagogical function of denominational schools is reconsidered. It is argued that the pedagogical task of denominational schools today is not so much to transmit faith but rather to facilitate the formation of personal identity as a core aspect of contemporary socialisation processes.  相似文献   

教室是教学的主要场所,是重要的育人园地.匠心独具的教室育人环境对于学生的健康成长有着潜移耿化的作用.随着时代的发展,教室的环境布置-改原来标语武、口号式一统天下的局面,呈现出百花齐放、形武各异的特征.探寻教室育人环境的原则与内容,建设健康积极的班级文化,可以使教室的教育功能得以充分发挥.  相似文献   

我国教育技术研究与实践经过几十年的发展,取得了一定的成绩,但教育技术实践与人们的期望相去甚远,这是因为在教育技术实践过程中忽视了对文化因素的关注和重视。在研究文化对我国教育技术实践影响与冲击的基础上,指出构建信息化教育文化是促进我国教育技术实践发展的重要路径。  相似文献   

语言作为文化的载体,不能脱离其所依附的文化而存在。不懂得文化的模式和准则,就不能真正习得语言。从语言教学及功能角度考虑,我们可以对文化背景知识加以分类,以此来确定文化教学范畴,在外语教学中树立文化语言观,从而进行系统的文化因素教学。  相似文献   

文化多样性产生的根源来源于地理环境的千差万别,任何一种文化都是依赖于一定的自然环境和社会文化生境的。文化多样性应该是人类创新的动力和源泉,这是我们理解文化多样性的最基本点。一个地区或一个民族的文化特殊性,往往是这个地区或民族赖依生存的精神支柱,这种文化的认同往往成为一个地区人民或一个民族"自信"的基础。由于少数民族地区经济发展水平普遍落后,民族整体上的"自信"往往不够,面对现代化、全球化进程中"优势"民族文化进入,这种传承社区、文化生态区对整体民族文化的保护和传承的自我恢复能力十分有限。东亚日本、韩国和我国的台湾、香港地区较快进入和完成现代化过程,但其传统文化却得到较好的保护,体现了现代化与传统文化的较好结合,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

Research shows that youth in foster care experience poor academic performance and disciplinary actions in school more frequently than do non-foster care youth. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to further examine youth in foster care and the relationship between individual/intrapersonal factors (future orientation and school connectedness) and exosystem factors (number of placement and school moves) and academic performance (grades) and disciplinary referrals among 363 youth (9–11 years of age; males = 52.9%). Controlling for key variables, hierarchical linear regression analysis was utilized to understand how well students' school connectedness, future outlook, number of placement changes, and number of school moves predicted academic and disciplinary outcomes. Beyond the variance explained by control variables, school connectedness made a significant contribution to this model. Results are discussed in the context of implementing interventions that foster school connectedness among this vulnerable population.  相似文献   

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