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The identity of the worker foregrounds the development of higher education rather than the other way around. It is developed in contrast to the lack of higher education innovation in the recent UK Government White Paper on Higher Education and in the educational philosophy of Tawney and the neo‐pragmaticism of Rorty. The proposal is that higher learning, after capabilities have been nurtured in compulsory schooling, may be developed through communities of workers acting as agent for improvement of their communities; not in universities at all. This is a radical approach to higher education and employment and one that might bring true diversity to the higher education sector.  相似文献   

The Central European University came into existence as a result of the post‐1989 political and economic changes that occurred in eastern and central Europe. It is a reflection of the emerging identity of this region in a formerly divided Europe. As this multi‐campus regional institution develops, it should evolve with the times but not turn its back on certain of the more traditional roles of universities.



This, the first of two articles published in this issue of EMI, is largely based on a UNESCO‐commissioned paper. Its author is Assistant Director of the Scottish Film Council. The paper takes into account the whole spectrum of learners, young and old, and it seeks to provide assistance to those who lead small groups of people in discussions geared to the advancement of media education.  相似文献   

孙小静 《海外英语》2013,(7X):195-196
The short story "A Rose for Emily" written by William Faulkner belongs to the gothic fiction.Faulkner adopts the gothic writing skills and tells the readers the tragic life of the female protagonist Emily Grierson.In the perspective of feminism,the writer analyzes the short gothic fiction.In the following,this paper states the female’s negative living conditions in the maledominated society.Even though she tried to change,she finally failed.And the patriarchy is the fundamental reason for her trage dy.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the programmes, the faculty, and the instructional model of International University. This institution delivers all its courses and degree programmes using multiple media. As IU has a “virtual campus”, Internet e‐mail and course‐specific Web pages serve as the primary instructional tools for interaction between faculty members and students. All the content and media components are developed exclusively to provide an instructional model that requires faculty to contemplate their roles as teachers. The article further describes a new multi‐tiered faculty structure, the instructional design and delivery of content, the providing of student and faculty services in an on‐line environment, and the development of pedagogy to facilitate teaching and learning on‐line.  相似文献   

The development of a person's gifts is influenced by multiple factors‐including culture. In this paper, we explore implications for the development of gifts of women from a nonmainstream culture in the United States by sharing the personal experiences of gifted Islamic women. Based on five women's personal experiences, five key aspects for the development of gifts were revealed; (a) a sense of social motivation, (b) a sense of spiritual motivation, (c) a focus for change, (d) a role for study and learning, and (e) barriers to change. The first three categories were clearly articulated by each participant. The remaining two categories were suggested from the data of a majority of the participants, but not by all. In negotiating the five aspects listed, these women identified needs within their communities and used their gifts to address the needs‐exercising their rights and fulfilling their responsibilities as Muslim women.  相似文献   

The Internet penetrates deeply into the everyday life due to the availability of broadband networks and mobile devices. The widespread of the Internet, along with the development of innovative services, social networking, and tools (known as Web 2.0), gives rise to the phenomenon of the digital world. A university striving not to be "an ivory tower" should meet the needs of the "Net Generation", prepare the graduates for professional work and life in the digital world and comply with the social demand for providing lifelong learning services, especially, in the vulnerable crisis times. MESI (Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and lnformatics) started implementing ICTs (information and communication technologies) both in the academic and administrative processes more than 15 years ago. Today, its unified e-learning environment allows rendering educational services to students of all levels and forms (both on-campus and off-campus) and 24 × 7 × 365 support (24 hours-7 days in a week-365 days in a year). Information system for administration comprises electronic document management systems, students' records, and the results of their individual learning activities for the current, interim, and final assessment. The university management system empowers centralized management of its Moscow headquarters and branches, as well as regulation of teaching/learning process. Long-term development of education in Russia is directly dependent on large-scale introduction of e-learning tools, design and implementation of new methods of organization of educational process on its base, creating and using an appropriate electronic teaching and learning practices, and new approaches to the management of the education system and educational institutions.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - Structural equation modeling (SEM) considering how students’ non-cognitive attributes influence first-year college student persistence remain extraordinarily...  相似文献   

The paper aims to report on an integration of my recent research and thinking on school effectiveness and school‐based management and to develop a school‐based management mechanism for continuous pursuit of school effectiveness and development.

The matrix of school effectiveness in terms of four categories and seven different conceptions provides a framework for examining the basic issues of conceptualization, measurement and maximization of school effectiveness. Furthermore, a dynamic perspective can be used to reconceptualize school effectiveness and explore the relationship of school effectiveness to school‐based management and strategic management. The characteristics of school‐based management based on a strategic management system can reflect the emphases of different conceptions of school effectiveness and constitute a mechanism for pursuing long‐term school effectiveness, even in different categories. Based on the matrix of school process and the principle of congruence, the management concept should be shifted from the cell management to the layer management in establishing an effective school‐based management mechanism for school development. This article also reports the experience on training school administrators to establish such a school‐based management mechanism.  相似文献   

The relation between Christian education and the secularized public square, based on how state and church relations are typically portrayed, has been described chiefly in terms of conflict. However, in the case of church-founded schools and universities in Britain, the relationship, in practice, is more ambiguous than polarized. Arguably, there is growing antipathy to direct institutional identity with faith or religion; at the same time, however, there is growing confidence among others that institutions informed by faith bring something indispensable to education. This essay investigates this issue via the existential experience of Liverpool Hope University, the only ecumenical university in Europe. Although Liverpool Hope University is an ecumenical institution, it is also a part of the British State university system. The argument is made that the “way of ambiguity” is not unlike the “way of Incarnation,” which steers between the certainty of public recognition that has often led to forms of triumphalism and the dwindling public confidence that leads inadvertently to the dumbing down of Christian identity in public service. The church's long service to education is essential to its contribution to the common good and is indispensable for the sustainability of humane societies.  相似文献   


This article is the first in a series tracing the history of Learning Difficulties Australia, an association of educators and other professionals dedicated to the support of people with learning difficulties, especially difficulties in literacy and numeracy. Part one describes the growth of the association from a small group of remedial teachers in Victoria struggling for an identity, to the beginnings of a recognised national body. During this time the association set up a referral service for remedial consultants with strict membership criteria, initiated publication of a successful journal, made submissions to government, conducted workshops and seminars for teachers, and established relationships with other professional bodies concerned with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

During recent years the need for pedagogic development in the Swedish university has been given great prominence in the public discussion of higher education. The present article indicates how the conditions for such development can be studied from various perspectives. There is a more thorough presentation of studies based on the rationalistic perspective, the system perspective or the anarchistic perspective. In conclusion there is a discussion of the possibilities for, and obstacles to, pedagogic development.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Web-based learning is a growing field in education, yet empirical research into the design of high quality Web-based university science instruction is...  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more western films have been introduced into China. With its coming, quite a few people have tried translating the subtitles to help those unfamiliar with foreign languages better understand the films. Some of their works are good. At the same time, some people have done research concerning FST to successfully put forward some strategies and methods to help those film subtitle translators. They see into FST from different perspectives such as the Skopostheory, the Functional Equivalence theory and the Relevance Theory. However, few people tried researching FST from a cultural perspective.The author decides to probe into FST from an entirely new perspective. In this paper, the author introduces Hall's High and Low Context theory and puts forward four tendencies in FST.  相似文献   

Drawing on Ulrich Beck’s theory of “freedom’s children”, the present contribution examines contemporary concerns about educating young people for citizenship as well as educating them about citizenship. Under the first theme, the author focuses on the citizen as learner, highlighting some of the gender- and class-related inequalities that are typically associated with individualisation. Under the second theme, she looks at the learner as citizen in view of the fact that citizenship education courses often prepare learners for a gender-divided world – even though the processes of individualisation have themselves significantly reshaped contemporary gender relations. In light of current challenges facing citizenship education, the study concludes by reflecting on gender-related dimensions of individualisation and their implications for democracy and the learner-citizen.
Zusammenfassung DIE KINDER DER FREIHEIT: EINE GESCHLECHTSBEZOGENE PERSPEKTIVE AUF DIE BILDUNG DES LERNENDEN BüRGERS – Indem er sich auf Ulrich Becks Theorie der ,,Kinder der Freiheit“ stützt, untersucht der vorliegende Beitrag zeitgen?ssische Bemühungen, junge Menschen sowohl zur Staatsbürgerschaft hin zu erziehen als auch sie über die Staatsbürgerschaft zu belehren. Unter der ersten überschrift konzentriert sich die Autorin auf den Bürger als Lernenden, indem sie einige der geschlechts- und klassenspezifischen Ungleichheiten betont, die typischerweise mit der Individualisierung verbunden werden. Unter der zweiten überschrift wirft sie einen Blick auf den Lernenden als Bürger, und zwar unter Berücksichtigung der Tatsache, dass Lernende in Kursen für staatsbürgerliche Erziehung h?ufig auf eine Welt vorbereitet werden, die nach Geschlechtern getrennt ist – auch wenn die Prozesse der Individualisierung ihrerseits die gegenw?rtigen Beziehungen zwischen den Geschlechtern in bedeutender Weise umgeformt haben. Im Licht aktueller Herausforderungen, mit denen die staatsbürgerliche Erziehung konfrontiert ist, schlie?t die Untersuchung, indem sie über die geschlechtspezifischen Ausma?e der Individualisierung und ihre Implikationen für die Demokratie sowie den Bürger als Lernenden reflektiert.

Resumen HIJOS DE LA LIBERTAD: LA PERSPECTIVA DE GéNERO EN LA EDUCACIóN DE LOS CIUDADANOS – Haciendo referencia a la teoría de Ulrich Beck contenida en su libro Hijos de la libertad, esta contribución examina asuntos de relevancia actual relacionados con la educación de las personas jóvenes para la ciudadanía y sobre la ciudadanía. Bajo el primer aspecto, la autora se concentra en el ciudadano como alumno, realzando algunas de las desigualdades de género y de clases, típicamente relacionadas con la individualización. Bajo el segundo aspecto, la autora enfoca al alumno como ciudadano, en vista del hecho de que los cursos sobre ciudadanía muchas veces preparan a los educandos para un mundo dividido en géneros, pese a que los procesos de individualización les hayan deparado unas relaciones entre los géneros sustancialmente remodeladas. A la luz de los retos que actualmente debe afrontar la educación ciudadana, el estudio termina con una reflexión sobre las dimensiones de la individualización en cuanto a su relación con los géneros y a los efectos que pueden tener para la democracia y los ciudadanos en formación.

Résumé LES ENFANTS DE LA LIBERTé : UNE PERSPECTIVE SEXUELLE SUR L’éDUCATION DE L’ APPRENANT-CITOYEN – Partant de la théorie d’Ulrich Beck sur les ? enfants de la liberté ?, la présente contribution examine les préoccupations contemporaines à propos de l’éducation des jeunes gens à la citoyenneté et autour de la citoyenneté. Quant au premier thème, l’auteur se concentre sur le citoyen en tant qu’apprenant, mettant sur le devant de la scène certaines des inégalités relatives aux différences de sexe et de classes sociales qui sont associées de fa?on typique à l’individualisation. Avec le deuxième thème, elle se tourne vers l’apprenant en tant que citoyen eu égard au fait que les cours d’éducation à la citoyenneté préparent souvent les apprenants à un monde divisé en sexes différents – même si les processus d’individualisation ont eux-mêmes refa?onné significativement les relations contemporaines en matière de différences sexuelles. Au vu des défis actuels face à l’éducation à la citoyenneté, l’étude conclut sur une réflexion sur les dimensions relatives à la différence de sexe de l’individualisation et leurs implications pour la démocratie et l’apprenant citoyen.

The author: Madeleine Arnot received her MA from Edinburgh University and PhD from the Open University. She is Professor in Sociology of Education and is Professorial Fellow at Jesus College at Cambridge University. She has acted as a gender expert for the Council of Europe, an international consultant for the UNESCO Education for All: Gender Monitoring Project and on equal opportunities policies. Her work has involved projects on women and citizenship, pupil consultation, gender-education policy and refugee and asylum-seeker children’s education. Contact address: Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2PQ, UK. E-mail: mma1000@cam.ac.uk.  相似文献   

王雯 《海外英语》2012,(12):172-173
Tourism literature is a window for foreigners to know China and a medium for publicizing Chinese culture.Increasing the quality of translation of tourism literature is of great significance in promoting Chinese tourisms’ further development.This paper explores the strategies to deal with the translation of tourism literature,taking Skopos Theory as the theoretical base.  相似文献   

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