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This article demonstrates the outcomes of taking a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to architectural design and discusses the potentials for imaginative reasoning in design education. This study tests the use of literature as a verbal form of art and design and the contribution it can make to imaginative design processes – which are all too often limited by physical constraints. It has been observed that a person reading a novel can choose to suspend their disbelief and become entangled in the events of the book – where they become involved with the art not only subjectively, but also as a form of play. In the words of Hans‐Georg Gadamer: ‘understanding occurs in interpreting’. This study asked design students to read three of Franz Kafka's books –The Metamorphosis, The Trial and The Castle– prior to designing a Franz Kafka museum. The students found themselves drawn into numerous worlds that they were compelled to play along with; and demonstrating the productive role that literature can play in studio design, the students were observed to reconstruct the text and authorial context as a spatio‐temporal frame of reference, in this case a museum, and thus provide museum visitors with a Kafkaesque spatial experience of the narrative world in terms of design.  相似文献   

高校电教演播室的设计与建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电教演播室作为高校开展电教工作的重要场所,目前有部分高校已经建成了演播室,现结合多年电教工作,谈谈演播室的功能、选址和布局,重点介绍声学和光学方面的设计和建设.  相似文献   

Individual vendors and their market booths constitute a collective atmosphere in the marketplace by getting together with spatial arrangements, operational collaborations and event‐based dynamics. The base of study is how these dynamic interactions in a marketplace can find a place within the education process and representations of the architectural design studio. The workshop which was organised in this context consists of personal representations (drawings are produced for each individual market booth and represent all movements and time‐varying conditions on market booths by superposed layers) and collectively produced narratives (which emerged by gathering personal representations together in the studio). In this study, collective and generative potentials of education in a design studio will be discussed thanks to the transfers from the marketplace.  相似文献   

随着城市建设的发展和人们审美要求的不断提升,城市居民对自身居住环境质量有了更高层次的追求,这就需要建筑景观设计融入更多的艺术元素,借助丰富的色彩搭配、抽象的艺术造型等来展现人们内心的情感和文化素养,从而不断提升人们的幸福指数。所以建筑景观设计不仅仅要做好基本的建筑景观设计工作,同时还需结合城市居民的情感需求和地方资源,深入挖掘景观设计背后的艺术内涵和特点,通过构图、造型布置、色彩搭配以及艺术理念的融入来打造更多符合人们需要的建筑景观,从而引发更多城市居民的情感共鸣。  相似文献   

Virtual design studio (VDS) has been a part of the discourse of architectural pedagogy for the past two decades. VDS has been showcased as a potential educational tool in schools of architecture often in controlled, pre‐designed experiments. However, the global COVID‐19 pandemic has forced most schools to move their design studios into virtual space. This article aims to explore the potential advantages and shortcomings of VDS during the COVID‐19 quarantine from the perspective of students in a department of architecture. The study investigates three aspects of VDS namely, participating students’ evaluation of the virtual studio experience, the effectiveness of VDS in achieving the studio’s expected learning outcomes and the evaluation process for final design projects. Some 360 students from eight consecutive design studios participated in the study. The results indicate improvement in students’ ability to conduct independent research and in learning new computer‐aided design (CAD) software. Furthermore, the study finds VDS to be much more applicable for third‐ and fourth‐year students. The results also show a significant decline in background informal peer learning among students. Further studies are needed to address the implementation of a more immersive social experience in VDS.  相似文献   

建筑设计离不开建筑法规,建筑师学好建筑法规是非常重要的。本文以实际工程为例,详细阐述了建筑设计与建筑法规密不可分的关系。  相似文献   

In architectural design education, the main objective is to help students, especially first‐year students, improve their design ideas, creativity, perception of three dimensions and ways of expressing them. Thus, as an embedded concept in architecture, art has been emphasized here as a design method. In other words, the necessary help to enable students to think more freely has been provided by ceramic art. The concept dealt with in this article is an interdisciplinary approach to space design as an experimental method in design education. Just as fine art students are inspired from the principles of architecture, clay, as basic material to fine art students, makes a creative material and design tool for architecture students. A workshop was organised in the design courses by the first author, the instructor, for the first‐ and third‐year architecture students. The second author, a ceramics artist and lecturer, has participated in the workshop as a visiting instructor and contributed with her own studies related to space, house, building and materials.  相似文献   

介绍了虚拟演播室的工作原理,根据工作原理构建了一套独特的多功能虚拟演播室,探索了“单通道三机位”虚拟演播室系统在实际中的运用与发展.  相似文献   

虚拟场景的设计与开发是虚拟演播室建设的重要环节。本文从虚拟场景的特点出发,探讨了如何根据虚拟场景设计原则制定设计方案,介绍了用3DSMAX制作虚拟场景及在虚拟演播室系统中调试虚拟场景等基本的设计开发过程。  相似文献   

虚拟演播室是传统的视频色键抠像技术与近年来计算机虚拟现实技术相结合的产物.以适应文化建设及教育教学的需要为视角,探讨了虚拟演播室功能的基本诉求、设计的基本原则,并结合实际,对高校虚拟演播室建设的原则、特点和方式提出了见解.  相似文献   

分析目前高职项目课程存在问题,提出项目课程设计思路,以《建筑识图与构造》课程为例,从教学目标的确定、项目模块的设计、活动方案的制定三方面说明项目课程设计过程,并提出几点实施建议。  相似文献   

演播室系统是教育技术专业的重要装备之一,本文从小型演播室必要的环境、照明、设备以及音响等几方面论证它的设计与配置。  相似文献   

名师工作室自成立以来就存在很多现实问题,如名师工作室建设手段及管理落后、名师工作室的规划目标和实际完成情况存在差距等。主要原因是名师工作室的运行机制不完善、名师工作室名师的遴选不严谨等。应通过运用互联网信息技术、加强校内名师工作室的建立等手段促进名师工作室的发展。  相似文献   

基于绿色建筑教育目标的建筑设计课程创新教学模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色建筑的概念包含了具体的技术措施,也包含了技术措施与建筑空间综合构件的原则以及诉诸建筑美学表达的规则.建筑学专业建筑设计课程教学是建筑学专业的主干课程和核心课程,也是重要的教学实践环节,其实践应立足于踌学科和跨专业融合.为此,结合建筑类院校的优势进行了课程体系构建以及教学实践研究,以期为培养卓越建筑师提供有效途径.  相似文献   

通过对英国谢菲尔德大学景观设计专业、新加坡莱佛士设计学院室内设计专业基于"工作室制"教学形态模式建构2个经典案例的梳理以及对英美高等设计教育体系的参鉴,指出了环境设计专业的交叉复合特性决定了前期理性研究与后期设计表达之间存在因果关系。谢菲尔德大学景观设计专业强调"实验性、课题研究型"的设计教学,其"工作室教程系统"的核心在于不仅能建构学生的专业系统知识,而且能够确保该专业的毕业生可以转入其他职业方向——学生核心专业技能和职业转换能力的双重培养模式;"工作室制"作为新加坡莱佛士设计学院一贯倡导的创新设计教育理念和实战管理教育模块有机结合的教育形态,旨在培养具有国际化思维、融知识和技术于一体的复合型人才。  相似文献   

Teaching HCI Design With the Studio Approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The studio-based method of teaching has been used for almost 100 years to teach product and architecture design. With ever increasing pressure on HCI to teach competence in designing interactive objects, new ways of teaching need to be explored. This article begins with a review of the studio-based teaching concept and how it has been used in architecture, science/engineering, and computer science education. We then present and discuss the evaluation of an HCI design studio course which we created and taught in spring 2002 in the Computer and Information Science Department of the University of Oregon. This course was based on our observations and study of studio courses in the School of Architecture. Finally, we review general issues about studio teaching including the promises and challenges that it presents to widespread acceptance in the computer science curriculum.  相似文献   

沈嘉奇 《铜仁学院学报》2010,12(3):58-59,122
通过文献资料法,查阅和整理了与龙舟运动体能相关的文献资料,发现已有研究主要从经验的角度对龙舟运动的技术进行探讨,而对龙舟运动体能的研究还比较分散,缺少系统性。根据目前研究存在的问题,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

It is important to engender a 'sustainable’ architectural consciousness in the students who will be the next generation architects. In architectural education, design decisions taken during the early phases of the design process play an important role in ensuring concern for the sustainability issue. But, in general, all discussions about the site that have been held since the beginning of the semester get forgotten, and at the end of the design process students usually create projects that ignore the site criteria. In this article, a specific teaching methodology which supports the sustainability issue in the design studio is presented as a teaching/learning experience. The article is an overview of the design studio process illustrated by a case study on academic staff campus housing in Konya and ?zmir, Turkey. To solve the same problem with the same brief in different regions requires developing sensitivity to climate issues. The resulting product is good evidence that teaching about sustainability in the design studio is effective.  相似文献   

在任务引领式教学改革中,成衣设计课程结合企业设计工作特点及运作模式成立模拟设计工作室,将课程课业与工作室工作任务结合起来,使课程学习性任务实际化,同时通过工作室项目将不同课程任务串联起来,有利于学生动手能力的全面训练.  相似文献   

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