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王昕 《教育导刊》2006,(9):33-34
《红楼梦》第四十八回中,香菱拜林黛玉为师学做诗,黛玉没有先讲做诗的道理,而是叫她去揣摩王维、杜甫、李商隐等名家的几百首作品。香菱在黛玉的指点下进步神速,不到半年,诗就做得“不但好,而且新巧有意趣”。黛玉的为师之道、香菱的学习经验给我们语文教学以启发:要学好语文,必须让语文学习的内容具有开放性,引领学生由课本延伸开去,阅读大量的课外诗文,积累大量的语文典范,形成深厚全面的语文素养。这里说的语言典范,是指从古至今文质兼美的名家名篇。它们不仅蕴含着丰富的语汇、深刻的思想、美好的情思,而且还是创造性地运用语言的成功范…  相似文献   


The Marino Graded Word Reading Scale, age level 12 upwards, was included in a battery of tests with the purpose of investigating the importance of the reading factor in the Home Economics Colleges of Education in the Republic of Ireland with regard to selection of entrants and prediction of study success. The scale was administered according to a phonetic marking scheme. The paper focuses on the performance of the Marino Scale which is emphasised in relation to other predictor variables, and a critical assessment is made of it.  相似文献   

Tertiary educators increasingly recognize the benefits for student learning of collaboration and group work; however, it is commonly perceived that examinations should be completed without the opportunity for interaction with other learners or use of relevant resources. An alternative approach is suggested in this article, based on the sociocultural concept that learning is a fundamentally social process, and on the notion of dynamic assessment (Magnusson et al. 1997 Magnusson, S.J., Templin, M. and Boyle, R.A. 1997. Dynamic science assessment: a new approach for investigating conceptual change. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 6: 91142. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The primary advantage of this approach is that students are given the opportunity to learn during the assessment, rather than simply being penalized for not knowing. Student feedback, both qualitative and quantitative, suggests that learning is significantly enhanced by this approach. Drawbacks include the possibilities of regressive collaboration and student ‘loafing’; however, these concerns can be addressed within the overall assessment context.  相似文献   

Autistic learners master visual and spatial abilities; they use visual language to organise, understand and give meaning to the world. Although they might struggle with verbal skills, they have an associative way of thinking. Taking into consideration the characteristics of seven autistic pupils, the aim of this paper was to identify the potential of picture books in relation to autistic readers in order to explain why picture books can be supportive tools for improving verbal and social communication skills. The findings, based on a qualitative case study and a reader response framework, show that picture books help children with autism develop social and communication skills as well as foster imagination. Their written outcomes clearly showed children's need to tell stories.  相似文献   

Oral language is the foundation on which literacy initially builds. Between early developing oral language skills and fluent reading comprehension emerge several types of metalinguistic ability, including phonological and morphological awareness. In this study, a developmental sequence is proposed, beginning with receptive language followed by phonological awareness, morphological awareness, and a new metalinguistic task measuring oral morphophonological accuracy (MPA), followed by decoding and culminating in reading comprehension. MPA is a measure of accurate primary stress placement in the production of derived words with non-neutral, stress changing suffixes (e.g., -ity). A path analysis with data from 76 third graders was used to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of these variables. The developmental model was confirmed, and a metalinguistic continuum, with MPA emerging after both PA and MA, was supported. Decoding and receptive language were the best unique predictors of reading comprehension. Surprisingly, MPA was more important to decoding than was PA, whereas MA was only indirectly implicated in both decoding and reading comprehension.  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in reading behavior of 2652 Danish 5th-grade students (age 10–12 years, girls 51%, 14% immigrant background) observed for 218 days in 2019/2020, using data from a popular reading app. Reading behavior was operationalized as time spent reading. Analyses of timing of reading behavior and models of day-to-day reading time were employed to investigate the gender gap in reading behavior. Results show that girls read more than boys. This differential can be attributed to girls reading more outside school hours, during weekends and holidays than boys while there are no gender differences in reading activity during school hours. Results suggest that girls with positive academic attitudes were more inclined to read than boys with similar attitudes.  相似文献   

阐述了高校图书馆电子阅览室信息服务的主要内容 ,探讨了进一步改善信息服务需采取的措施  相似文献   

中职院校学生由于基础较为薄弱,所以在进行语文教学中,可以采取文本细读的方法,来进行辅导,使之在现有基础上最大程度的掌握语文学习的基本能力。  相似文献   

Six remedial reading teachers in a large, rural school district participated in a form of professional development called Teaching as Intentional Learning, based on an inquiry process. Their topic of inquiry was formative assessment. Professional development comprised both direct instruction and inquiry learning in teachers’ own classrooms. This study describes the strategies they experimented with, their professional growth in formative assessment, and effects on students. All six teachers showed important professional growth, as indicated by their own reflections and also by their supervisor’s observations. In First Grade, at‐risk students assigned to these project teachers had increased reading readiness scores on one measure (DIBELS PSF) compared with at‐risk students assigned to non‐project teachers.  相似文献   

在英语课堂教学过程中,大多数问题以口头形式存在于师生交互活动之中,书面问题主要出现在预习、训练、作业、考试等环节。本文拟从教学法的角度探讨英语阅读训练教学中的书面问题。 一、“问题回答(question-answering)”和“问题解决(problem-solving)” 根据认知参与程度的不同,问题有低、高级之分。低级问题(low-level questions)系指要求学生从长时记忆中回忆和提取知识的问题;高级问题(high-level questions)系指要求学生完成知  相似文献   

~~细读文本与理论阐释——读李旭《唐宋词研究》@叶帮义$安徽师范大学文学院!安徽芜湖241000  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of an innovative resource, comprising authentic newspaper articles and associated activities, designed to broaden the range of reading material available for use in the science classroom. Science teachers' response to the publication is discussed. The resource was very well received, indicating that, given appropriate material, science specialists demonstrate a willingness to use media text in their classrooms. However, while all viewed the publication as a valuable science resource and many saw its potential for promoting literacy through science, only a few recognised it as a vehicle for encouraging, among students, critical engagement with science in the media. This suggests that further intervention may be necessary if this outcome is to be achieved.  相似文献   

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