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美国是世界上最早对大学校园性骚扰行为进行研究和防治的国家,目前已就校园性骚扰行为的内涵、界定与类型等问题形成了共识.在秉持"限制权力"、"保护弱者"与"制度为本"等理念的基础上,美国建立了一套包括"学校内部处理"、"行政力量救助"与"特殊司法判决"等措施在内的校园性骚扰行为应对机制.  相似文献   

校园性骚扰事件的频发,已经成为立法和司法领域广泛关注的问题。我国理论界对性骚扰概念的界定尚未完全统一,具体到校园性骚扰这一领域,相关研究更处于缺位状态,这对于校园性骚扰防治措施的出台十分不利。清晰界定校园性骚扰的概念,是实现其有效治理的必要前提。因此,必须将其与"职场性骚扰"、"校园性暴力"、"校园性交易"等相似的概念区分开来。校园性骚扰的内涵应该从狭义上进行理解,其核心在于对"校园关系"这一理念的把握。在此基础上,应要求骚扰者的客观行为实质关乎"性",并对受害人造成一定影响。最后,要从当事人的主观心理层面进一步限缩,力求实现对校园性骚扰概念的准确界定。这一概念的法律界定可为相关立法提供学理支撑,为有效治理校园性骚扰奠定必要的理论基石。  相似文献   

随着性骚扰案件的数量越来越多,性骚扰也越来越受到人们的关注,在形形色色的性骚扰中,校园性骚扰成为损害学生心理健康、严重威胁校园和谐的重要因素。建设和谐校园需要消除校园性骚扰。本文对校园性骚扰的现状和不良影响作简要分析,并提出了消除校园性骚扰的几条途径。  相似文献   

美国校园暴力的治理呈现综合化趋势,积极预防和有效干预构成了校园暴力治理的两个方面.首先,学校管理者、教师、心理学家、护工、社会工作者、咨询师应该发挥其积极作用.其次,学校的所有工作人员应该能够迅速识别校园中的潜在危险行为,同学生建立积极的联系.再者,学校要成为一个让学生感到安全、有意义的社区.最后,对受害者实施有效的支持和帮助,对施暴者进行有效干预.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代中后期,美国大学校园的性骚扰问题开始受到学术界的关注,学者们对大学校园性骚扰的状况、特点和类型进行了调研。进入21世纪后,美国大学校园性骚扰与性侵害现象有增无减。在联邦政府及教育部的敦促与法院判例的影响下,美国的大学和学院建立起较完善的反性骚扰政策及程序,数十所美国大学和学院率先出台了禁止或限制师生恋的政策措施,以防止因师生恋可能造成的性骚扰。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅猛发展,校园一卡通已成为高校数字化校园建设的重要组成部分。基于校园一卡构建用户行为分析系统,能够帮助学校掌握学生校内的学习、消费及作息行为。本文就校园一卡通用户就餐消费这一特定行为展开讨论,并对学生消费、食堂运营状况及营销策略等问题开展数据挖掘与分析,最后就一卡通行为分析系统的研究意义、研究价值进行了归纳与总结。  相似文献   

校园欺凌一直是各个国家的“心病”,引发了很多学者的关注。近年来我国校园欺凌事件频发,成为危害儿童青少年身心健康的社会性问题。以往研究多注重欺凌者——受害者的二分结构,对其中的旁观者效用鲜有关注。旁观者群体作为校园欺凌的第三方,他们在欺凌事件中的反应与行为直接影响着欺凌者和被欺凌者的行为。因此,从校园微生态视角看,旁观者干预应当成为预防和阻止校园欺凌的一个重要切入口,通过建构“同心圆”式的同伴支持计划、强化课堂亲社会生态规范、营造反欺凌学校文化氛围,将旁观者转化为积极的校园欺凌干预力量,以最终消除校园欺凌,使学校真正成为风清气正的学生成长乐园。  相似文献   

校园欺凌是青春期和成年早期反社会行为、暴力犯罪的显著预测因素,学校是防治校园欺凌的关键阵地,而教师扮演着预防者与干预者的双重角色。青少年感知教师公正性能否降低欺凌行为,又是如何影响校园欺凌的?研究者尝试基于认知—情感系统理论,探究青少年感知教师公正性对校园欺凌的影响以及学校归属感、道德推脱在其中的作用,通过对1,077名中学生的调查构建了结构方程模型。研究发现,感知教师公正性越高,学生实施校园欺凌的可能性越低,感知教师公正性对校园欺凌的影响通过学校归属感(情感)与道德推脱(认知)的链式中介作用得以实现。校园欺凌实际上是一种恃强凌弱的不公正、不道德的群体过程,学校归属感使得学生愿意遵守校规班纪等指令性规范,但是当感知具有群体原型领导者特征的教师不公正时,学生会将其作为描述性规范的标准,而将不公正辩护为群体内的普遍行为,激活将责任归咎于权威或强调群体决策的道德推脱机制进而实施校园欺凌。  相似文献   

日益增长的社会关注和立法压力使得人们提高了对有效的校园欺凌预防措施的兴趣。社会情感学习可以为学校提供一种基于研究的方法来培养技能,促进积极的个人和同伴态度,有助于预防校园欺凌。本研究通过对温州市的480名小学生进行调查,分别从欺凌者与被欺凌者的角度,发现学生的社会情感能力与校园欺凌行为呈负相关。预防小学校园欺凌宜采用科学有效的预防策略:开设社会情感学习具体技能课程,并与学科以及活动相结合;利用社会情感学习,提高学生人际技能;利用社会情感学习,提高学生自我管理能力;针对性关注欺凌受害者,提供社会情感学习层面的解决办法。  相似文献   

年海鹏 《甘肃教育》2023,(23):57-61
当前,我国部分地区校园欺凌现象频繁发生,呈现出欺凌影响广泛化、欺凌感知度多元化等态势,给涉事学生及其所在家庭、学校乃至整个社会带来了严重危害。文章采用对比组后测准实验研究调查方式对中学生校园欺凌的感知度的影响,研究发现调查方式对被调查者校园欺凌感知度具有显著影响,且个别面谈对初中生校园欺凌感知度正面影响优于传统调查问卷。文章对预防校园欺凌、建设心理安全氛围良好的校园具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Using survey data from a large, public university, the authors examined the relationships of precollege sexual violence experience to revictimization and disclosure. Among victims of campus sexual violence, those with prior sexual victimization were no more or less likely to disclose to campus resources and were less likely to disclose to peers. Results suggest that institutions need to be prepared to support students with a range of victimization experiences. There is also a need for earlier and expanded sexual violence education and awareness efforts.  相似文献   


The use of cognitive flexibility theory as a theoretical framework for designing hypertext has been found to be beneficial for learning in ill-structured domains. However, little is known of what role the learning task plays in the effectiveness of this approach. The present study examined the relationship between task, navigation, and learning transfer when utilizing a cognitive flexibility hypertext about sexual harassment with 34 graduate management students. Due to the nature of the topic, the effects of the task on student attitudes were also studied. The conclusions of the study were that there were no significant differences for the navigational choices or transfer scores, but there did appear to be a relationship between task and changing students' attitudes towards the topic.  相似文献   

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advocate access to condoms as a critical sexual health prevention strategy. The purpose of this article is to discuss the implementation and evaluation of a condom availability program using dispensing machines in residence halls at a Midwestern U.S. university. Undergraduate students (N = 337) living in on-campus housing participated in a survey about their utilization of condom dispensers at the beginning and end of three academic years (2008–2009, 2009–2010, and 2010–2011). Questions also addressed students' attitudes toward the condom dispensers and related sexual behavior. Results indicated that the presence of condom machines did not increase rates of sexual activity (a concern of university administrators), but there was also no improvement in rates of unprotected sex. Overall, students reported high levels of satisfaction with the condom availability program. Implementation challenges are discussed and recommendations for universities and colleges wishing to execute similar programs are provided.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment has been studies as a mechanism reproducing inequality between sexes, as gender based discrimination, and more recently, as a public health problem. The role of family-related factors for subjection to sexual harassment in adolescent has been little studied. Our aim was to study the role of socio-demographic family factors and parental involvement in adolescent's persona life for experiences of sexual harassment among 14–18-year-old population girls and boys. An anonymous cross-sectional classroom survey was carried out in comprehensive and secondary schools in Finland. 90 953 boys and 91 746 girls aged 14–18 participated. Sexual harassment was elicited with five questions. Family structure, parental education, parental unemployment and parental involvement as perceived by the adolescent were elicited. The data were analyzed using cross-tabulations with chi-square statistics and logistic regressions. All types of sexual harassment experiences elicited were more common among girls than among boys. Parental unemployment, not living with both parents and low parental education were associated with higher likelihood of reporting experiences of sexual harassment, and parental involvement in the adolescent's personal life was associated with less reported sexual harassment. Parental involvement in an adolescent's life may be protective of perceived sexual harassment. Adolescents from socio-economically disadvantaged families are more vulnerable to sexual harassment than their more advantaged peers.  相似文献   

A university in the United States Mountain West utilized grant resources to track counseling services for students who were currently experiencing or who had historically experienced relationship violence, sexual assault and/or stalking. This report reflects on the first 2 years of this program, including an overview of prevalence and reporting rates of interpersonal violence from university students. Given the prevalence of recent and historic interpersonal violence among university students, suggestions are offered for bringing a trauma-informed and communication-focused perspective to the solution-focused brief therapy model used in many university counseling centers. A case study outlining these approaches is offered.  相似文献   


Sexual harassment of female students by their lecturers has become a serious social problem in schools and institutions of higher education in Zimbabwe. The current study is an in-depth follow-up to Zindi's study (1994) and sought to investigate and establish whether or not inappropriate relationships between male lecturers and female students exist; whether female lecturers sexually harass male students; and whether there is a relationship between sexual harassment and students' performance in their studies. There may be a relationship between sexual harassment and the performance of female students in examinations. The results of a questionnaire completed by 83 students in one higher education institution in Zimbabwe revealed the widespread sexual harassment of female students by male lecturers and the different perceptions of such harassment held by male and female students. Possible implications of these findings to education are discussed and recommendations made.  相似文献   

The present study explores concurrent relations between social support, gender, susceptibility to peer influence, and peer-based aggression and harassment in a socioeconomically and racially diverse sample of 774 seventh and eighth grade students. Results indicate that students perceiving lower support from their family or school were relatively more likely to be highly susceptible to peer influence, and to have friends who they believed were also highly susceptible to peer influence. Further, higher susceptibility to peer influence was associated with increased involvement in relational aggression and sexual harassment, both as a perpetrator and as a victim. Gender moderation effects were also found. The negative association of school support and susceptibility to peer influence was found greater in girls than boys. Girls who were highly susceptible to peer influence, or who had friends who were highly susceptible, had a relatively greater risk for involvement in relational aggression and sexual harassment, as compared with boys. Implications of these results for educators and school-based mental health professionals are discussed, and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   


The literature on campus climate has mainly focused on diversity and demographic variables within single or multiple university campuses from one country. There is a need to investigate campus climate further with regard to cultural issues and the role of teachers. This study thus proposed to examine perceived teacher support as a mediator of the relation between institutional and psychosocial variables of the campus climate of two universities from two culturally distinct countries. To achieve this goal, 980 Brazilian and Portuguese university students answered the Institutional and Psychosocial Campus Climate Inventory. Findings showed significant differences in how students from two different countries described their campus climate and how both Brazilian and Portuguese students described their institutional climate more accurately than their psychosocial climate. Moreover, results from a mediation analysis revealed that perceived teacher support mediated the relationship between students’ perceptions of the institutional readiness of their university and their sense of well-being, as well as newcomer adjustment. A moderation analysis showed that the country of origin moderated the relationship between students’ perceived teacher support and newcomer adjustment. Implications for developing a positive campus climate are discussed.  相似文献   

变性人的性骚扰案件遭遇现实尴尬,目前我国反性骚扰立法中保护主体仅仅为女性,存在着漏洞。应以"性别表情"作为变性人性别确认标准,以性骚扰具有"性本质""不受欢迎性""严重性"为性骚扰行为的判断标准,以期更全面保障变性人权益。  相似文献   

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