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驱魔是古希腊英雄神话中至关重要的母题,也是英雄形象建构的基础。这一母题并非凭空出现,而是有着一定的发生情境,特别是古希腊英雄神话中,驱魔母题发生的情境与中国英雄神话的驱魔情境有着较大区别,主要表现为冒险情境、荣誉情境和道德情境,也正是这些较为特殊的情境中才上演着独特的古希腊英雄剧。  相似文献   

汉画像中有许多以英雄神话为主题的图像,以不同的叙事模式描绘出多彩的英雄世界,隐喻着汉代人对于英雄的信仰。试从汉画像图像叙事对于空间与时间的不同处理方法入手,分析其英雄神话图像不同叙事模式中的表现手法,从而探寻汉画像英雄神话图像所创设出空间的独特文化意义,进而建构出汉代人英雄崇拜的独特精神情感。  相似文献   

支格阿龙是彝族著名英雄,其故事广为流传.而比照叶舒宪老师对中国上古英雄羿的神话原型分析模式对支格阿龙故事进行分析,则可知支格阿龙同样符合太阳英雄这一神话原型,但是在彝族文化视野中,支格阿龙故事中的神话原型又有其特殊的象征意义.  相似文献   

黄玉淑 《考试周刊》2013,(96):24-25
女权主义发展经历了四个阶段,每个阶段的女权思想发生、发展都可以从女神神话中寻找到原型基础。一部女权主义发展史其实就是女神精神和神格不断被复活的历史,是女性的精神和性别价值不断被激活的历史。女权主义探寻的是女性的存在价值及其在两性社会中如何获得平等权利话语的途径和依据。文章分析了各阶段女权主义的特点,探寻了其女权主义发展的神话依据和母神原型特征,为女权主义和女性寻找到了话语权的依据。  相似文献   

陶渊明的田园诗为历代读者及评论家所赞颂,其自然、平淡、质朴的独特风格也使他获得“田园诗人”、“隐逸诗人”的称号。然而,对于他的“金刚怒目”(鲁迅语)式诗歌,人们却忽视了,而正是这类诗,体现了他的“真意”,从这类诗中.我们可以发现,正是古代神话悲剧英雄的感召,激发他心底的抗争意识,加剧了他的理想与现实的矛盾,从而以与其田园诗不同的形式表现了真情。  相似文献   

文章通过对田纳西.威廉斯的名剧《玻璃动物园》中阿曼达这一人物形象进行分析,揭示出该人物在三个不同时期的形象分别以古希腊神话中的四种女性典型——"被赞美和被惧怕的阿佛洛狄忒""被诱惑和被抛弃的欧罗巴""神圣母亲地母"和"邪恶母亲美狄亚"为原型。  相似文献   

李萍 《小学语文》2009,(4):55-56
躺在爸爸妈妈的怀里,听“三打白骨精”“大闹天宫”的故事,一手握着自己做的或是买来的金箍棒,一手捧着《西游记》的连环画,已经成了我们许多人难以忘怀的童年印象。《西游记》是一部充满神奇色彩和虚幻意境的神魔小说,是一部深受儿童喜爱的富有童话色彩的神话,更是一部史诗,一个伟大作家书写的浪漫史诗。四百多年来,它影响了一代又一代的中国人,征服了一国又一国的读者。  相似文献   

人类始祖神话一直是神话学界关注的热点,其叙事风格、内容与结构因族群而异,甚至同一族群内部也存有差异.神话是人们对超自然的崇拜以及对遥远历史记忆的表述,其真正反映的是人们的原型思维与原初生命认知.文章对彝、汉民族始祖传说的象征意义进行对比分析,以“求”始祖叙事的神话原型思维之“同”,“存”族群性认知源流之“异”,在“求同”与“存异”中彰显人类始祖神话的族群性表述.  相似文献   

古希腊神话中所体现的强烈的主体意识与理性精神对后世文学产生了极其重要的影响.这种主体意识与理性精神不仅在希腊早期人类原始思维中初显端倪,而且在古希腊人的民族智慧、民族性格与文化精神中得到了充分的发展.这是古希腊神话永恒魅力之所在.  相似文献   

上世纪末以来,学术资本主义成为影响世界高等教育发展的最主要思潮之一。在此思潮影响下,大学的学术导向、教育理念、组织属性与管理模式都在发生着深刻的变化。本文试图从知识论的视角对学术资本主义这一概念进行解读,并以知识为基点对大学的传统核心使命进行回顾与重审。在此基础上,分别从知识创造、知识养成、知识传播三个维度指出学术资本主义与大学核心使命之间存在着难以调和的冲突,以此作为对学术资本主义的一种反思与警醒。  相似文献   

This essay explores the historiography of American and European education, considering how educational historians communicate powerful messages about the purposes and promises of schooling through their writing. I divide the historiography of American education into four interpretive traditions: traditionalism, radical revisionism, progressive revisionism, and plural revisionism. Each phase of the historiography, I argue, has supported particular myths about the relationship between public schooling and society. European historians have shared many of the interpretive assumptions contained within traditionalist, radical revisionist, and progressive revisionist scholarship, conveying similar myths to their US counterparts. Contemporary histories of European education, however, are distinct from recent histories of the US. In comparing the divergent trajectories of these two historiographies, I conclude by suggesting the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary scholarship in both fields, an assessment derived from a review of the underlying myths conveyed by each history. Recent US scholarship remains committed to narrative and draws attention to the educational experiences of marginalised groups. Scholarship on European education, in contrast, has explicitly embraced theoretical interpretive frameworks while also giving less attention to schooling on the margins. At the same time, many European histories of education have maintained a critical view of schooling, while some recent scholarship within the US has de-emphasised this connection, echoing older interpretive traditions and tacitly reinforcing faith in the ameliorative potential of public education.  相似文献   

纵观教育发展的历史,人们在教育价值的选择上,最具代表性的主要有“个人本位”和“社会本位”两种。两种教育价值观各执一说,相互矛盾和冲突。本文从两种教育价值观的冲突人手,进而分析两种教育价值观冲突的原因。  相似文献   

党中央提出构建社会主义“和谐社会”深得党心、民心。作为新闻工作者,他的职责和使命主要是跟上党中央的步伐搞好新闻宣传工作,为党中央的正确决策做好舆论宣传,这就要求新闻工作者:要坚持以正面报道为主的原则;要全面报道它的内容和基本特征;要正确报道和解决面临的矛盾和问题,调动广大群众的积极性和创造力。  相似文献   

The mythology of feedback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much of the general education and discipline-specific literature on feedback suggests that it is a central and important element of student learning. This paper examines feedback from a social process perspective and suggests that feedback is best understood through an analysis of the interactions between academics and students. The paper argues that these two groups will have their own mythology of feedback and that this will inform their beliefs, attitudes and behaviours in the feedback process. Where there are different mythologies, the outcome will be dissonance. The paper reports on a study in which a 15-item questionnaire was distributed to academics and students in a School of Law and a School of Management. Responses were received from 91 academics and 1197 students. The data suggests that academics and students have different perceptions of feedback and this creates dissonance as the two groups offer different interpretations of the same feedback events.  相似文献   

随着构建社会主义和谐社会理论的提出与落实,冲突越来越受学者关注。比较马克思与科塞的冲突思想,二人在不同的语境与视角中对冲突的价值取向、操作、归因、类型、功能及化解方式等方面有着不同的取向。我们既要坚持马克思主义冲突观的基本原理,又要吸收西方有关冲突理论的合理内容,这对构建和谐社会的实践有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,是我们党从全面建设小康社会,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的全局出发提出的一项重大任务。面向构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大目标,大学应当担负起培养“和谐”人才、推动社会创新、引领文化进步、创建和谐校园的使命。  相似文献   

作为社会成员的教师,由于历史与现实社会地位的变化、社会变迁和来自不同社会群体的期望等原因,导致其在社会角色扮演中产生冲突,难以调解。社会、学校和教师个人应共同努力,提高教师的社会地位和经济地位,重塑教师职业形象,缓解由于角色冲突给教师带来的压力。  相似文献   

In 1910 some 1200 delegates from Protestant missionary societies came together in Edinburgh, Scotland to attend a World Missionary Conference. In preparation for this event eight commissions were established to research various topics of importance to missionary societies. Commission III was dedicated to ‘Education in Relation to the Christianization of National Life’ and presented a volume of 470 pages as its report to the Conference based on over 200 responses to a list of questions under 14 broad topics. One of these topics pertained to the working relationship between missionaries and governments. This paper examines the discussion within the report regarding governmental attitudes to missionary education within colonial spaces. It provides a comparison between the aims of missionary education and the recorded experiences under various governments, particularly at times when they contrasted and conflicted. Taking a broadly comparative view, the paper shows the differences in concerns and objectives that various missionary bodies had in different colonial spaces, as well as the commonalities across colonial spaces in relation to governmental attitudes towards missionary education. This paper demonstrates the fruitfulness of a comparative approach to writing colonial histories of education, through elucidating both specificities and commonalities between different colonial education policies and practices.  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会是党中央提出的一项战略任务。一个社会是否和谐,一个国家能否实现长治久安。很大程度上取决于全体社公成员整体思想道德素质的水平。高校作为国家人才、知识和文化聚集的主要阵地,担负着培养高素质人才的历史使命,而高校的思想政治理论课在实现这一历史使命中具有特别重要的作用。  相似文献   

文章主要论述了美国早期文学家詹姆斯.费尼莫尔.库柏的成名之作《拓荒者》中的文明与野蛮的冲突,库柏主要通过文明开化与原始野蛮、环境保护与环境破坏、法律至上与藐视法律这三方面来展示这种冲突,从而把美国边疆社会所经历的日新月异的变化和文明作为社会进步的积极力量生动地展现在读者面前。  相似文献   

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